5 media by topic ∙ page 1 of 1
Albert Edelfelt-Självporträtt - Public domain portrait painting
Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
2287-ottilie w. roederstein-bildnis prof. herxheimer-1911
Deutsch: Ottilie W. Roederstein; Bildnis von Prof. Herxheimer, 1911
Arnold Hermann Lossow - 1826 - Public domain portrait painting
Portrait of the german sculptor Arnold Hermann Lossow (1805–1874) Deutsch: Porträt in Öl des deutschen Bildhauers Arnold Hermann Lossow (1805–1874) von einem unbekannten Maler in Rom 1826.
Anonymous - Bildnis Joseph Nigg - 3595 - Kunsthistorisches Museum
Public domain photograph of 19th-century male portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description