The World's Largest Public Domain Media Search Engine


12,241 media by topicpage 1 of 123
Fig. XXVI. Baromylos. Theatrum Machinarum Novum Theatrum Machinarum Novum.

Fig. XXVI. Baromylos. Theatrum Machinarum Novum Theatrum Machinarum No...

Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Fig. XXXI. Anemomylos, sive alata mola. Theatrum Machinarum Novum.

Fig. XXXI. Anemomylos, sive alata mola. Theatrum Machinarum Novum.

Public domain image of a romantic landscape with windmill, Netherlands, 16th-17th century artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Fig. XIX. Hippomylos, feu, jumentaria mola, Theatrum Machinarum Novum.

Fig. XIX. Hippomylos, feu, jumentaria mola, Theatrum Machinarum Novum.

Public domain scan of a print featuring furniture, art, or architecture design, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Iver Olsen - Bilde av vinsjemaskin

Iver Olsen - Bilde av vinsjemaskin

Bilde av vinsjemaskin Public domain photograph - Sweden in 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Berglöfs Verkstäder, interiör, krutmaskin.

Berglöfs Verkstäder, interiör, krutmaskin.

Berglöfs Verkstäder, interiör, krutmaskin. Public domain photograph, 1900s Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Berglöfs Verkstäder, interiör, krutmaskin.

Berglöfs Verkstäder, interiör, krutmaskin.

Berglöfs Verkstäder, interiör, krutmaskin. Public domain photograph, 1900s Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

"Crown" sewing machines, Florence oil stoves are manufactured by the Florence Machine Co. Crown sewing machines are the best in the world.

"Crown" sewing machines, Florence oil stoves are manufactured by the F...

Public domain photograph of American trade card, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Undervattenspejlingsapparat i kabel, möjligtvis i Malmö.

Undervattenspejlingsapparat i kabel, möjligtvis i Malmö.

Undervattenspejlingsapparat i kabel, möjligtvis i Malmö. Public domain image of Swedish railroads works, train yard, workshop, tracks, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picr... More

Borrmaskin i arbete, Kirunavaara

Borrmaskin i arbete, Kirunavaara

Borrmaskin i arbete, Kirunavaara Public domain photograph - Sweden in late 19th - early 20th centuries, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Statens Järnvägar, SJ G6 1453. Strömavtagarvagn, Tekla, används då ellok för egen maskin ska gå in- eller ut från lokstallsplats som saknar kontaktledning

Statens Järnvägar, SJ G6 1453. Strömavtagarvagn, Tekla, används då ell...

The Swedish State Railways (Swedish: Statens Järnvägar) or SJ, originally the Royal Railway Board (Swedish: Kungl. Järnvägsstyrelsen), was Swedish government agency responsible for operating the state-owned rai... More

Slagningsmaskin för sammanslagning av dukter till trossar och kablar. Maskinen är en så kallad fram-maskin och har använts för inslagning av den erfoderliga förrunden.

Slagningsmaskin för sammanslagning av dukter till trossar och kablar. ...

Slagningsmaskin för sammanslagning av dukter till trossar och kablar. Maskinen är en så kallad fram-maskin och har använts för inslagning av den erfoderliga förrunden.

Lokstallet vid Stockholm norra. SJ Ga 169 "Roland" och Statens Järnvägar SJ Ca 186 "Gunhild" och Statens Järnvägar SJ Pb 375. Text på plakatet: "5:e Distr. Maskin Afdeln".

Lokstallet vid Stockholm norra. SJ Ga 169 "Roland" och Statens Järnväg...

Lokstallet vid Stockholm norra. SJ Ga 169 "Roland" och Statens Järnvägar SJ Ca 186 "Gunhild" och Statens Järnvägar SJ Pb 375. Text på plakatet: "5:e Distr. Maskin Afdeln".

Nils Sund med 4 sønner. Bak: Nils, Johan Petter. Foran:Edvard og Marius.

Nils Sund med 4 sønner. Bak: Nils, Johan Petter. Foran:Edvard og Mariu...

Nils Sund med 4 sønner. Bak: Nils, Johan Petter. Foran:Edvard og Marius.

Köping - Hults Järnväg, KHJ verkstad i Örebro.

Köping - Hults Järnväg, KHJ verkstad i Örebro.

Köping - Hults Järnväg, KHJ verkstad i Örebro. Public domain image of Swedish railroads works, train yard, workshop, tracks, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Maskin tillverkad vid Lyckeby Gjuteri och Mekaniska verkstad.

Maskin tillverkad vid Lyckeby Gjuteri och Mekaniska verkstad.

Maskin tillverkad vid Lyckeby Gjuteri och Mekaniska verkstad.

[U.S. Census Bureau machines and operators]

[U.S. Census Bureau machines and operators]

Photo copyrighted by Waldon Fawcett. This record contains unverified, old data from caption card. Caption card tracings: Shelf.

normalisatie van beken, graven en dempen van sloten,

normalisatie van beken, graven en dempen van sloten,

normalisatie van beken, graven en dempen van sloten, leggen riolering, duikers en betuining, sloten, reinigen, machines, ritscher

grondwerkzaamheden, graven, machines

grondwerkzaamheden, graven, machines

grondwerkzaamheden, graven, machines Public domain photograph of excavation, bulldozer, land management, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

drainage, machines, arbeiders, plastic, drains

drainage, machines, arbeiders, plastic, drains

drainage, machines, arbeiders, plastic, drains Public domain photograph related to Dutch photo, Netherlands history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

drainage, arbeiders, machines, bos en kalis nv, IJpolder

drainage, arbeiders, machines, bos en kalis nv, IJpolder

drainage, arbeiders, machines, bos en kalis nv, IJpolder

gebouwen, machines, fotocollectie nederlandse heidemaatschappij

gebouwen, machines, fotocollectie nederlandse heidemaatschappij

gebouwen, machines Public domain photograph related to Dutch photo, Netherlands history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Elektriska maskiner. Interiör av verkstaden 1910.

Elektriska maskiner. Interiör av verkstaden 1910.

Elektriska maskiner. Interiör av verkstaden 1910. Public domain image of Industry in 20th-century Sweden, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Portrett, S.H. Lundh (Sverrer Hakon), gift 1867 med Sophie f. Warmuth. Han var forretningsmann, maskin- og konsulentforretning. Mann i dress med medaljer og ordener.

Portrett, S.H. Lundh (Sverrer Hakon), gift 1867 med Sophie f. Warmuth....

Portrett, S.H. Lundh (Sverrer Hakon), gift 1867 med Sophie f. Warmuth. Han var forretningsmann, maskin- og konsulentforretning. Mann i dress med medaljer og ordener.

Bild från Oscar Asks verksamhet i Landskrona med flera platser, åren 1910-1915.Ett amatörfoto, taget efter strötningen den 11 srptember i Landskrona. Uppstigningen skedde helt privat, som morgonövninig. Maskinen skadades betydligt och Oscar Ask hade en månads lasarettvistelse.

Bild från Oscar Asks verksamhet i Landskrona med flera platser, åren 1...

Bild från Oscar Asks verksamhet i Landskrona med flera platser, åren 1910-1915.Ett amatörfoto, taget efter strötningen den 11 srptember i Landskrona. Uppstigningen skedde helt privat, som morgonövninig. Maskine... More

Flying Machines Aero Squadron, Mobilization Camp, Texas City, 1913

Flying Machines Aero Squadron, Mobilization Camp, Texas City, 1913

J180810 U.S. Copyright Office Copyright deposit; Joseph M. Maurer; April 28, 1913.

With the British navy in war time (Clyde and Newcastle)

With the British navy in war time (Clyde and Newcastle)

Working a machine to extract the metal from the rubbish Public domain photograph of a car, automobile, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Dubbelspårsbyggnaden mellan Alingsås - Olskroken. Bron över Säveån södra brohalvan. Kistorna för den gamla bron.

Dubbelspårsbyggnaden mellan Alingsås - Olskroken. Bron över Säveån söd...

Dubbelspårsbyggnaden mellan Alingsås - Olskroken. Bron över Säveån södra brohalvan. Kistorna för den gamla bron.

TEKA0007674, Tekniska museet, Sweden

TEKA0007674, Tekniska museet, Sweden

TEKA0007674 Public domain photograph - Sweden in 20th century, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Borrhuvud i maskin. >>, Tekniska museet, Sweden

Borrhuvud i maskin. >>, Tekniska museet, Sweden

AB Swedish Precision Tools photographs Public domain photograph - Sweden in 20th century, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

TEKA0007332, Tekniska museet, Sweden

TEKA0007332, Tekniska museet, Sweden

TEKA0007332 Public domain photograph - Sweden in 20th century, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

TEKA0007410, Tekniska museet, Sweden

TEKA0007410, Tekniska museet, Sweden

TEKA0007410 Public domain photograph - Sweden in 20th century, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

TEKA0006710, Tekniska museet, Sweden

TEKA0006710, Tekniska museet, Sweden

TEKA0006710 Public domain photograph - Sweden in 20th century, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Demontering av maskin?, AB de Lavals ångturbin

Demontering av maskin?, AB de Lavals ångturbin

Demontering av maskin? Public domain photograph - Sweden in 20th century, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

"Storängen" ?, Tekniska museet, Sweden

"Storängen" ?, Tekniska museet, Sweden

"Storängen" ? Public domain photograph related to electric power generation, electric motors, in Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

TEKA0007053, Tekniska museet, Sweden

TEKA0007053, Tekniska museet, Sweden

TEKA0007053 Public domain photograph - Sweden in 20th century, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

TEKA0006198, Tekniska museet, Sweden

TEKA0006198, Tekniska museet, Sweden

TEKA0006198 Public domain photograph - Sweden in 20th century, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

TEKA0006197, Tekniska museet, Sweden

TEKA0006197, Tekniska museet, Sweden

TEKA0006197 Public domain photograph - Sweden in 20th century, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Rönnqvist & Söner, verkstadsinteriör, tillverkning av bestick, plåt- och metallartiklar, ca år 1916.Fastigheten Västra Gatan 5 inköptes i april 1916 och byggdes därefter om till fabrik. Detta arbete var klart i augusti 1916 och fabriken togs i bruk i slutet av september.(För mer info om företaget se Anmärkningsfältet. Se även årsboken BoB 1965).

Rönnqvist & Söner, verkstadsinteriör, tillverkning av bestick, plåt- o...

Rönnqvist & Söner, verkstadsinteriör, tillverkning av bestick, plåt- och metallartiklar, ca år 1916.Fastigheten Västra Gatan 5 inköptes i april 1916 och byggdes därefter om till fabrik. Detta arbete var klart i... More

Airplanes - Historical - Aviators trained at San Diego in flight. 212 aeroplanes rose over the city and maneuvering for two hours landed without mishap. All the aviators in the machines in this photograph were trained at Rockwell Field

Airplanes - Historical - Aviators trained at San Diego in flight. 212 ...

Photographer: Western Newspaper Union. Airplanes - Historical Public domain photograph related to the United States in World War One, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Portrett, S.H. Lundh (Sverrer Hakon), gift 1867 med Sophie f. Warmuth. Han var forretningsmann, maskin- og konsulentforretning. Mann i dress med medaljer og ordener poserer ved høyrygget stol.

Portrett, S.H. Lundh (Sverrer Hakon), gift 1867 med Sophie f. Warmuth....

Male studio photograph portrait. Gustav Borgen (10 June 1865 – 16 August 1926) was a Norwegian photographer. He is well known for his portraits of prominent Norwegians from the period 1891–1922. His collection ... More

Neuilly, (Seine) France. The workroom at Benavole Hospital. The British Permanent Blind War Relief Fund. The picture shows a battery of hand knitting machines for larger garments. This school is for the blind and amputated blind soldiers. They use these machines for instruction and for commercial production. The student at the front machine has neither his sight nor his arms, and he is being taught to knit. Mons. Brieux, the famous writer, is one of the patrons of this worthy work, which is situated at 23 bis. & 25 Boulevard Victor Hugo, Neuilly (Seine) France

Neuilly, (Seine) France. The workroom at Benavole Hospital. The Britis...

Caption from negative sleeve: School for blind soldiers founded by Mr. Brieux, Neuilly & Seine. Title from related, adjacent negative. Photographer name or source of original from caption card or negative sleev... More

Lokomotivhjulsvarv, Västra Götaland, Sverige

Lokomotivhjulsvarv, Västra Götaland, Sverige

Lokomotivhjulsvarv Public domain image of Industry in 20th-century Sweden, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Fläkt till bil.  Aug. Huzells AB Värmlands Sverige
Os sentrum med brua - Norway. Public domain image

Os sentrum med brua - Norway. Public domain image

Os sentrum med brua Public domain image of 19th-century Norway, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Rallare bygger ostkustbanan vid Rån.

Rallare bygger ostkustbanan vid Rån.

Rallare bygger ostkustbanan vid Rån. Public domain historical photograph, Galvenborg, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Elmotor på Årstabron. - Södermanland Sverige

Elmotor på Årstabron. - Södermanland Sverige

Elmotor på Årstabron. Public domain image of Swedish railroads works, train yard, workshop, tracks, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Reportage Noord-Holland, Willem van de Poll

Reportage Noord-Holland, Willem van de Poll

Dorsmachine met een stoommachine als aandrijving in de Anna Paulownapolder Willem van de Poll worked as a photojournalist for Dutch and European news magazines.

Batt and Bates addressing machines. Man and woman working in office

Batt and Bates addressing machines. Man and woman working in office

Public domain photograph of midcentury American architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Interiør, verksted. Ukjent maskin. Norge. Foto av Håkon Prestkværn

Interiør, verksted. Ukjent maskin. Norge. Foto av Håkon Prestkværn

Negatives collection by photographer Håkon Prestkværn, Moelv, Ringsaker, Norway. Rings and Rings motifs, landscapes, portraits, reports, buildings, family, war, 1930-1960. Main date 1940-1955.

Reportage Noord-Holland, Willem van de Poll

Reportage Noord-Holland, Willem van de Poll

Boeren met tractor en maaimachine in de Anna Paulownapolder Willem van de Poll worked as a photojournalist for Dutch and European news magazines.

Diamanthandel, slijperijen, -beurs

Diamanthandel, slijperijen, -beurs

Controle van de zaagmachines bij Van Moppes in Amsterdam Willem van de Poll worked as a photojournalist for Dutch and European news magazines.

AB Gävle vagnverkstad AGV. Nitning av detalj på golvbalkarna.

AB Gävle vagnverkstad AGV. Nitning av detalj på golvbalkarna.

AB Gävle vagnverkstad AGV. Nitning av detalj på golvbalkarna. Public domain image of Industry in 20th-century Sweden, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Statens Järnvägar, SJ. Laftmaskin- användes för att slipa och forma slipers. Uppfanns av Arbetschef, C. Wästfelt.

Statens Järnvägar, SJ. Laftmaskin- användes för att slipa och forma sl...

The Swedish State Railways (Swedish: Statens Järnvägar) or SJ, originally the Royal Railway Board (Swedish: Kungl. Järnvägsstyrelsen), was Swedish government agency responsible for operating the state-owned rai... More

Bildserie från Karlstadsortens mejeriförening tagen 1937. Interiör från den nybyggda glassfabriken.

Bildserie från Karlstadsortens mejeriförening tagen 1937. Interiör frå...

Bildserie från Karlstadsortens mejeriförening tagen 1937. Interiör från den nybyggda glassfabriken.

Hamnen i Otterbäcken - Västergötlands museum

Hamnen i Otterbäcken - Västergötlands museum

Hamnen i Otterbäcken Public domain photograph of ship dock, harbor, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Tur med motorsykkel. DKW- motorsykkel kjøpt 1938. Inga Utheim og Sigurd Østgård,

Tur med motorsykkel. DKW- motorsykkel kjøpt 1938. Inga Utheim og Sigur...

Tur med motorsykkel. DKW- motorsykkel kjøpt 1938. Inga Utheim og Sigurd Østgård,

Maskin å artilleriverkstaden Acme Gridley, 6 cylindrig automatmaskin.

Maskin å artilleriverkstaden Acme Gridley, 6 cylindrig automatmaskin.

Maskin å artilleriverkstaden Acme Gridley, 6 cylindrig automatmaskin. Public domain image of the shipyard in Sweden, industry, 20th-century historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image -... More

Arab factories & gen[eral] improvements in Nablus. Match factory. Labeling match boxes by machines

Arab factories & gen[eral] improvements in Nablus. Match factory. Labe...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a factory, plant, manufacture, assembly line, industrial facility, early 20th-century industrial architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Slogan for a production army. 3. And Here's How We'll Win! This rough sketch of a sticker, designed at a suggestion by the War Production Board (WPB) in connection with the war production drive, condenses the whole spirit of the drive. Production will beat Axis and the men who have the above slogan pasted on the side of their machines know just how we're going to get that production

Slogan for a production army. 3. And Here's How We'll Win! This rough ...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Washington DC during the First World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Krantendrukkerijen voorbereiding en rotatiepersen

Krantendrukkerijen voorbereiding en rotatiepersen

De stypeplaten die uit de stypepers komen worden gecontroleerd Willem van de Poll worked as a photojournalist for Dutch and European news magazines.

Nya snickeriverkstaden, Västra Götaland, Sverige

Nya snickeriverkstaden, Västra Götaland, Sverige

Nya snickeriverkstaden Public domain image of Swedish railroads works, train yard, workshop, tracks, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A black and white photo of a group of people sitting at a table. Great Depression FFSA / OWI Negatives

A black and white photo of a group of people sitting at a table. Great...

Public domain photograph related to Great Depression, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The Ford Motor Company has constructed and equipped, in eight months an airplane engine building. It covers 17.8 acres, will employ over 14,000 men, will turn out Pratt and Whitney engines at the rate of one an hour for sixteen hours a day. Building and machinery cost twenty-three million dollars. Photo shows three machines on truck, on their way to be installed in the new aircraft building

The Ford Motor Company has constructed and equipped, in eight months a...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a locomotive, train tracks, rail transportation, railroad, railway, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Clifton National Bank, 802 Main St., Clifton, New Jersey. Combination machines

Clifton National Bank, 802 Main St., Clifton, New Jersey. Combination ...

Public domain photograph of midcentury American office, workers, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Shenandoah Valley. Exterior of the Wilbarger Shop. Machines are in the basement while there is room for all of the repair work upstairs

Shenandoah Valley. Exterior of the Wilbarger Shop. Machines are in the...

Public domain image of an industrial building, factory, structure, works, 19th-20th century industrial revolution, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

National Bank of New Jersey, 390 George St., New Brunswick, New Jersey. Two proof machines

National Bank of New Jersey, 390 George St., New Brunswick, New Jersey...

Public domain photograph of bank building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Butte, Montana. Anaconda Copper Mining Company. Tempering bits to be used for pneumatic drilling machines in a copper mine

Butte, Montana. Anaconda Copper Mining Company. Tempering bits to be u...

Picryl description: Public domain image of an industrial building, factory, workshop, workers, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Production. Electric power. Huge transformers feed power to thousands of machines and hand power tools at Vega Aircraft Plant. By reducing electrical current to the voltages proper for plant use, these transformers play an important part in the production of planes for our armed forces. Vega Aircraft Corporation

Production. Electric power. Huge transformers feed power to thousands ...

Public domain photograph of California in 1930s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Production. Milling machines and machine castings. From one end of a machine tool plant to another one finds parts of all kinds arranged for assembly into finished products. These are bevel gears

Production. Milling machines and machine castings. From one end of a m...

Public domain photograph of indoor, interior activity, America in the 1930s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Haldens Skotøifabrik, hælpåslagningsmaskiner, 1942

Haldens Skotøifabrik, hælpåslagningsmaskiner, 1942

Haldens Skotøifabrik, hælpåslagningsmaskiner, 1942 Public domain photograph of industrial workers, factory building, work, assembly line, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Conversion. Safety razor plant. In a New England plant manufacturing safety razors, honed head blade clips for razors. Normally her full-time job, Estelle now spends much of her time grinding V-blocks on these same machines, which are rapidly being converted to war production work under a subcontract

Conversion. Safety razor plant. In a New England plant manufacturing s...

Picryl description: Public domain image of an industrial building, factory, workshop, workers, 20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Women in industry. Tool  production. A job which was formerly done by hand (and by men) is done in this large Midwest drill and tool plant by women at machines. These young workers are putting precision-ground points on drills which will be used in production of America's ships, tanks and guns. It takes at least four months to train these young women in the operation of these machines, but at the end of that period their work is speedy and efficient, and this company has found that both production and the quality of the drill points have improved. Republic Drill and Tool Company, Chicago, Illinois

Women in industry. Tool production. A job which was formerly done by ...

Picryl description: Public domain image of an industrial building, factory, workshop, workers, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Production. Milling machines and machine castings. With the most modern equipment and surroundings, the company dentist of a large Midwest machine tool plant gives free dental services and advice to all employees. A dental hygienist assists him in check-up of the employees' teeth

Production. Milling machines and machine castings. With the most moder...

Public domain photograph - working class people, the 1930s United States, work, labor, worker, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Production. Milling machines and machine castings. At mealtimes clear around the clock, four company restaurants provide food for the employees. Location: a large Midwest machine tool plant

Production. Milling machines and machine castings. At mealtimes clear ...

Picryl description: Public domain image of food, dinner, grocery store, eating, 1930s, mid-20th-century United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Production. Milling machines and machine castings. After losing their cores and being sand-blasted, castings go to the cleaning floor. This workman was using a pneumatic chipping hammer which with rapid-fire, chisel-like strokes trims rough edges and cuts off the uneven, jagged strips where the two halves of the mold join. Location: a large Midwest machine tool plant

Production. Milling machines and machine castings. After losing their ...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a worker, labor, factory, plant, manufacture, industrial facility, 1930s, mid-20th-century industrial photo, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Lititz, Pennsylvania. Harvey Duke, an able machinist who hadn't work for several years until he came to the Animal Trap Company last year, is almost seventy, and an example of the hiring of older men since the war began. He helped a great deal in converting the factory and built many of the end-grinding machines himself

Lititz, Pennsylvania. Harvey Duke, an able machinist who hadn't work f...

Picryl description: Public domain image of workers, labor, 1940s, economic conditions, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Oljerenare i nya lokstallet Sverige. Public domain image.

Oljerenare i nya lokstallet Sverige. Public domain image.

Oljerenare i nya lokstallet Public domain photograph - Sweden in late 19th - early 20th centuries, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Conversion. Automobile industry. This special-purpose drilling machinery formerly used in automobile manufacture and not readily adaptable to war work, will first be stored in the back of the plant and later outdoors as the plant becomes filled with war work. Such machines are listed, however, and if any manufacturer needs them for war work, they can be found and shipped. The Plymouth Company, Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, Michigan

Conversion. Automobile industry. This special-purpose drilling machine...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a factory, plant, manufacture, assembly line, industrial facility, early 20th-century industrial architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

A woman working on a machine in a factory. Office of War Information Photograph

A woman working on a machine in a factory. Office of War Information P...

Actual size of negative is C (approximately 4 x 5 inches). Title and other information from caption card. Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington Division; 1944... More

United States "Lend-lease" program in eastern India. American-made sewing machines, supplied under lend-lease, enable Indian workmen to turn out parachutes for their own army

United States "Lend-lease" program in eastern India. American-made sew...

Public domain photograph of America during the Great Depression, 1930s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Parca panna i laboratoriet Sverige. Public domain image.

Parca panna i laboratoriet Sverige. Public domain image.

Parca panna i laboratoriet Public domain photograph - Sweden in late 19th - early 20th centuries, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Aut. gasskärning av plåtar Sverige. Public domain image.

Aut. gasskärning av plåtar Sverige. Public domain image.

Aut. gasskärning av plåtar Public domain image of Swedish railroads works, train yard, workshop, tracks, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Washington, D.C. A class in the use of business machines at the Woodrow Wilson High School

Washington, D.C. A class in the use of business machines at the Woodro...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a bureau, office furniture, desk, chair, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Cynthia stiches basic seams before fitting, a principle of simplified sewing. While no new sewing machines are being made and the factories are turning out war goods (WPB (War Production Board) assures an adequate supply of machine repair parts for home dressmakers. To fully utilize existing machines, many women form communiuty pools, make machines available to those who would like to buy them and can't

Cynthia stiches basic seams before fitting, a principle of simplified ...

Title and other information from materials accompanying lot. Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington Division; 1944. More information about the FSA/OWI Collecti... More

Statens Järnvägars tvättinrättning i Hagalund.

Statens Järnvägars tvättinrättning i Hagalund.

Statens Järnvägars tvättinrättning i Hagalund. Public domain photograph - Sweden in late 19th - early 20th centuries, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Fartyg vid utrustningskaj, Kasen.

Fartyg vid utrustningskaj, Kasen.

Fotograf Arne Andersson (1916–1993) Public domain photograph, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

To menn ved lastebil. Magnar Berge og Magnar Nymoen.

To menn ved lastebil. Magnar Berge og Magnar Nymoen.

To menn ved lastebil. Magnar Berge og Magnar Nymoen. Public domain photograph of car, historic place, automobile, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Götverket under ombyggnaden år 1948. Utfart till hissen, där göten kördes in i götverket. Foto i juli 1948.

Götverket under ombyggnaden år 1948. Utfart till hissen, där göten kör...

Götverket under ombyggnaden år 1948. Utfart till hissen, där göten kördes in i götverket. Foto i juli 1948.

Mjølkekjøring - lastebil, menn. Utheimsetra, Kløftåsen

Mjølkekjøring - lastebil, menn. Utheimsetra, Kløftåsen

Mjølkekjøring - lastebil, menn. Utheimsetra, Kløftåsen Public domain photograph of a truck, military vehicle, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bilar med förare uppställda vid Källhagen.

Bilar med förare uppställda vid Källhagen.

Bilar med förare uppställda vid Källhagen. Public domain photograph of a car, automobile, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ytongfabrik, UddagårdenInteriör av fabrik med maskiner

Ytongfabrik, UddagårdenInteriör av fabrik med maskiner

Ytongfabrik, UddagårdenInteriör av fabrik med maskiner Public domain image of Industry in 20th-century Sweden, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Reparationsrum. Stockholms Läns Omnibuss AB, SLO (Stockholm-Roslagens Järnväg, SRJ).

Reparationsrum. Stockholms Läns Omnibuss AB, SLO (Stockholm-Roslagens ...

Reparationsrum. Stockholms Läns Omnibuss AB, SLO (Stockholm-Roslagens Järnväg, SRJ).

Bulldozers en scrapers duwen het oerwoud weg en maken

Bulldozers en scrapers duwen het oerwoud weg en maken

Bulldozers en scrapers duwen het oerwoud weg en maken wegen. Hollandia Haven breidt zich steeds meer uit. In Dok VIII komen volkswoningen te staan

Verkstadsarbete., Svenska Järnvägarna

Verkstadsarbete., Svenska Järnvägarna

Verkstadsarbete. Public domain image of Swedish railroads works, train yard, workshop, tracks, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Verkstadsarbete., Svenska Järnvägarna

Verkstadsarbete., Svenska Järnvägarna

Verkstadsarbete. Public domain photograph - Sweden in late 19th - early 20th centuries, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Outer naval port shipyard, Karlskrona V6085

Outer naval port shipyard, Karlskrona V6085

V6085 Public domain photograph, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Het gebrek aan autochtone arbeidskrachten dwingt tot

Het gebrek aan autochtone arbeidskrachten dwingt tot

Het gebrek aan autochtone arbeidskrachten dwingt tot inzet van modern materiaal. Dit is een zware steenbrekermachine, in de gapende muil waarvan Papoea-arbeiders telkens grote keien doen verdwijnen

F & R Machine Works, 44-14 Astoria Blvd., Long Island City, New York. New building machines

F & R Machine Works, 44-14 Astoria Blvd., Long Island City, New York. ...

Public domain image of an industrial building, factory, structure, works, 19th-20th century industrial revolution, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

riolering, werkzaamheden, machines, arbeiders

riolering, werkzaamheden, machines, arbeiders

riolering, werkzaamheden, machines, arbeiders Public domain photograph related to Dutch photo, Netherlands history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Man bij turbine in machinehal

Man bij turbine in machinehal

[Man bij turbine in machinehal]


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