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m 1 abrams in united states service

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M1 Abrams loaded on a C-5 Galaxy

M1 Abrams loaded on a C-5 Galaxy

U.S. Air Force Airmen load an M1A1 Abrams into an Air Force C-5M Super Galaxy cargo aircraft on Dover Air Force Base, Del., Nov. 15, 2011.

Mine Clearing Land Charge Operation Bright Star 2001 DF-SD-03-04342

Mine Clearing Land Charge Operation Bright Star 2001 DF-SD-03-04342

Operation Bright Star 01-02: A United States Marine Corps armored vehicle launches a Mine Clearing Land Charge (MCLC) to demonstrate how to clear the ground of land mines on an Egyptian firing range just outsi... More

Black Jack Abrams creates fireball during gunnery training (15416919928)

Black Jack Abrams creates fireball during gunnery training (1541691992...

A burst of fire erupts from the muzzle of a 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division M1 Abrams tank during gunnery training at Fort Hood, Texas. (U.S. Army photo by Maj. Adam Weece)

M1A1 abrams front

M1A1 abrams front

A U.S. Army M1A1 Abrams tank from A Company, Task Force 1st Battalion, 35th Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, commanded by Capt. William T. Cundy, patrols through Baghdad, Iraq, No... More

USAWDTX 068-01329 – Abrams tank next to the burning Branch Davidian compound (retouched)

USAWDTX 068-01329 – Abrams tank next to the burning Branch Davidian co...

FBI Agent Dick Rogers, Leader of HRT, observes burn down of the Branch Davidian compound from his M1 Abrams tank at Waco, Texas. News Photo 951219-O-9805M-005 News Photo 951219-O-9805M-005

A U.S. Army M-1A1 Abrams main battle tank is equipped with a mine plow which is designed to push mines out of the tank's path, clearing a lane for other vehicles to follow. The Army's 1st Armored Division will... More

M1's at ANAD

M1's at ANAD

M1 tanks arriving for overhaul at Anniston Army Depot (AL) railhead. These will probably leave the depot as M1A1 tanks. US ARMY PHOTO Courtesy of ANAD News Photo 990610-F-6217S-032 News Photo 990610-F-6217S-032

Soldiers and airmen lay down a track of plywood as they load a U.S. Army M-1A1 Abrams tank into a U.S. Air Force C-17A Globemaster III at the Rinas, Albania, airport on June 10, 1999. The tank will be transpor... More

M1A1 Abrams with mine clearing attachment

M1A1 Abrams with mine clearing attachment

An M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank (MBT) with mine clearing attachment from the 3 Squadron, 3rd Armored Calvary Regiment, arrives to escort The World Endeavor Humanitarian Group into a mythical nation's hostile t... More

Flickr - The U.S. Army - Annual Tank Service saves money, lives

Flickr - The U.S. Army - Annual Tank Service saves money, lives

Spc. Damon White from Bronx, N.Y., tank maintainer and Hercules 88 Recovery Vehicle operator, 1st Platoon, Company C, 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment, uses the recovery vehicle boom to lift a power pack, w... More

105mm cannon on an M1 Abrams tank, 1986

105mm cannon on an M1 Abrams tank, 1986

M1 Abrams tank with 105mm cannon at Grafenwöhr, 1986. Public domain photograph of a tank, military armed vehicle, construction vehicle, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Firing M1A1 Abrams tank

Firing M1A1 Abrams tank

A M1A1 Abrams tank fires a round from its 120-mm-gun during a training exercise where the Marines used a degraded mode of gunnery at Fort Pickett.

M1A1, US Air Force Photo

M1A1, US Air Force Photo

040906-F-2034C-005.A U.S. Army M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank from Bravo Company of the 185th Armor conducts an area reconnaissance around Balad, Iraq, on Sept. 6, 2004. The 81st Armor Brigade is operating in th... More

Defendable Position - Flickr - The U.S. Army

Defendable Position - Flickr - The U.S. Army

U.S. Soldiers with the 1st Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment, move their M1 Abrams tank into a defensible position during a simulated battle at Network Integration Exercise 13.2 near Dona Ana, N.M., May 7, 2013.... More

Shelby Auxiliary Field 1 2007-07-09 with tank and C-17

Shelby Auxiliary Field 1 2007-07-09 with tank and C-17

Shelby Auxiliary Field 1 at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, United States Air Guard opens new combat training runway: A C-17 Globemaster III from the Mississippi Air National Guard's 172nd Airlift Wing lands at the ... More



A scuttled M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank (MBT) rests in front of a Fedayeen camp just outside of Jaman Al Juburi, Iraq during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. (Released to Public)

US Army 51675 Bridge4

US Army 51675 Bridge4

An M1A1 Abrams tank is driven over a thermoplastic composite bridge to demonstrate the strength of the first, 95 percent recycled, low maintenance bridge during the dedication ceremony Friday, at Camp Mackall.... More

Abrams tank next to burning Branch Davidian compound

Abrams tank next to burning Branch Davidian compound

Caption from The Dallas Morning News: "A government photograph shows the conflagration that quickly erupted during the Waco siege on April 19, 1993."



M1A1 Abrams Tank preparing to destroy insurgent vehicle that was used as a mortar and munitions transport during fighting in Baghdad, Iraq. News Photo 981023-A-6207H-027 News Photo 981023-A-6207H-027

A U.S. Army soldier directs the driver of an M-1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank onto a flat bed railroad car at the port of Pusan, Republic of Korea, on Oct. 23, 1998, for Exercise Foal Eagle '98. Foal Eagle '98 is... More News Photo 980326-A-1200M-004 News Photo 980326-A-1200M-004

U.S. Army 1st Armored Division M-1A1 Abrams main battle tanks convoy to the Glamoc Ranges in Bosnia and Herzegovina on March 26, 1998. The tankers are going to the ranges to zero in their M1 Abrams at a distan... More

140821-A-SF231-268 (14885345147)

140821-A-SF231-268 (14885345147)

A U.S. Army M1A2 Abrams main battle tank assigned to the Minnesota National Guard races through a breach in a barbed wire obstacle during the 116th eXportable Combat Training Exercise at the Orchard Combat Trai... More

Abrams Tank at the Dona Anna Range

Abrams Tank at the Dona Anna Range

An Abrams tank crew, 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, makes its way off Fort Bliss’ Doña Ana Range after completing their qualification table. The unit is the first to have the Common Remotely Operated Wea... More

Irak Krieg M 1 A 1 USA

Irak Krieg M 1 A 1 USA

On the road to Baghdad, a US Marine Corps (USMC) M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank (MBT) lay destroyed after a firefight with Iraqi troops, during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.

Bidding farewell (14517291761)

Bidding farewell (14517291761)

A contractor supporting U.S. Soldiers with the unit training equipment site, McCrady Training Center, S.C. Army National Guard in Eastover, S.C. assist in rail load of 29 M1A1 Abrams tanks in Columbia, S.C., Ju... More



US Army (USA) Abrams M1A1 Main Battle Tank (MBT) from the 1st Armored Division (1AD), drives through the Tuanus Mountains near Bad Camberg, Germany (DEU), during Exercise READY CRUCIBLE. A convoy training exerc... More

M1A1 in Frankfurt

M1A1 in Frankfurt

U.S. Army soldiers with the 1st Armored Division drive a M-1A1 Abrams tank through a German town north of Frankfurt, Germany, during Exercise Ready Crucible on Feb. 11, 2005. Soldiers from the 1st Armored Divis... More

Host Nation Support NL 2019-5, Netherlands military photograph

Host Nation Support NL 2019-5, Netherlands military photograph

Nederlands: Vlissingen 14 t/m 18 oktober 2019,Deployment van 2nd brigade combat tea, 1st cavalry division US via NLD naae DEU als onderdeel van ATLANTIC RESOLVE (US bijdrage aan NAVO afschrikking richting RUSL... More News Photo 050225-M-5882G-080 News Photo 050225-M-5882G-080

Marines with 1st Platoon, Alpha Company, 2nd Tank Battalion, provide security while other Marines use bulldozers to build a barrier berm along the Iraqi-Syrian border south of Husaybuh, Iraq, on Feb. 25, 2005.... More

Abrams crossing Euphrates

Abrams crossing Euphrates

US Army Abrams crossing Euphrates River

US Navy 030403-N-5362A-001 U.S. Army soldiers from the 4th Infantry division unload an M-1 A-1 Abrams tank from the military transport ship 'Cape Victory' at the port of Shuaiba

US Navy 030403-N-5362A-001 U.S. Army soldiers from the 4th Infantry di...

Port Shuaiba, Kuwait (Apr. 3, 2003) -- U.S. Army soldiers from the 4th Infantry division unload an M-1 A-1 Abrams tank from the military transport ship ‘Cape Victory’ at the port of Shuaiba. The 4th Infantry ... More News Photo 041027-F-2034C-010 (2) News Photo 041027-F-2034C-010 (2)

An M1A1 Abrams tank heads out on a mission from Forward Operating Base MacKenzie in Iraq on Oct. 27, 2004. The Abrams and its crew are assigned to Bravo Troop, 1st Battalion, 4th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division.

Abrams in formation

Abrams in formation

M1A1 Abrams main battle tanks of the 3rd Armored Division move out on a mission during Operation Desert Storm. An M2/M3 Bradley can be seen in background.

Flickr - The U.S. Army - Tank maintenance

Flickr - The U.S. Army - Tank maintenance

U.S. Soldiers from 2nd Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment perform maintenance on their tank on Fort Irwin, Calif., Feb. 20. Photo by U.S. Army Sgt. Zachary A. Gardner, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment Public ... More

U.S. Army M1A1 Abrams

U.S. Army M1A1 Abrams

A U.S. Army Abrams M1A1 tank takes a defensive position at a staging area during Ready Crucible in Germany. Over 50 tanks from the 1st Armor Division, Humvees, and support vehicles drove through more than 60 k... More

M1A1 Twin Bridges training area 2C Republic of Korea 1-23 Infantry

M1A1 Twin Bridges training area 2C Republic of Korea 1-23 Infantry

A group of M1A1s enter the Twin Bridges training area prepared for a mock battle in the Republic of Korea. The M1A1s come from the Task Force, 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry Division out of Ft. Lewis, Wash. TF 12... More News Photo 040906-F-2034C-005 News Photo 040906-F-2034C-005

A U.S. Army M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank from Bravo Company of the 185th Armor conducts an area reconnaissance around Balad, Iraq, on Sept. 6, 2004. The 81st Armor Brigade is operating in the area to deny anti... More

M1070A1 HET

M1070A1 HET

M1070A1 Tractor Truck with M1000 Semi-trailer is transporting Abrams tank. News Photo 050319-F-9629D-084 News Photo 050319-F-9629D-084

The crews of U.S. Army M1A1 Abrams tanks mount up as they prepare for a live fire exercise at the Rodriguez Live Fire Complex, Republic of Korea, on March 19, 2005. Soldiers from the 1st Squadron, 1st Calvary ... More



A US Army (USA) M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank (MBT) is marshaled away from the aircraft, after being offloaded from a US Air Force (USAF) C-17 Globemaster aircraft at Balad Air Base (AB), Iraq, during Operation... More

Abrams 1

Abrams 1

Public domain photograph of a tank, military armed vehicle, construction vehicle, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description News Photo 050211-A-9866B-044 News Photo 050211-A-9866B-044

U.S. Army soldiers with the 1st Armored Division drive a M-1A1 Abrams tank through a German town north of Frankfurt, Germany, during Exercise Ready Crucible on Feb. 11, 2005. Soldiers from the 1st Armored Divi... More News Photo 981025-A-5697G-504 News Photo 981025-A-5697G-504

Dust flies as an M-1A1 Abrams main battle tank fires a round during live fire gunnery training at the Korea Training Center, Republic of Korea on Oct. 25, 1998. Armored units use the range to meet yearly, live... More

USAWDTX 068-01329 – Abrams tank next to the burning Branch Davidian compound

USAWDTX 068-01329 – Abrams tank next to the burning Branch Davidian co...

FBI Agent Dick Rogers, Leader of HRT, observes burn down of the Branch Davidian compound from his M1 Abrams tank at Waco, Texas.

U.S. Army M1A2 Abrams Iraq 2005

U.S. Army M1A2 Abrams Iraq 2005

U.S. Army M1A2 Abrams tanks maneuver in the streets as they conduct a combat patrol in the city of Tall Afar, Iraq, on Feb. 3, 2005. The tanks and their crews are attached to the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment. ... More News Photo 041027-F-2034C-010 News Photo 041027-F-2034C-010

An M1A1 Abrams tank heads out on a mission from Forward Operating Base MacKenzie in Iraq on Oct. 27, 2004. The Abrams and its crew are assigned to Bravo Troop, 1st Battalion, 4th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division.

Flickr - The U.S. Army - Task Force 'Thunder' cleans up grove in Panda Garden

Flickr - The U.S. Army - Task Force 'Thunder' cleans up grove in Panda...

An Abrams tank from Company B, 1st Battalion, 35th Armor Regiment, Task Force 4-27 “Thunder”, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, Multi-National Division – Baghdad, clears fallow fields surrounded by... More

Sol Oline 2005 04 27 095150 edit
Abrams tank with mine plow

Abrams tank with mine plow

A U.S. Army M-1A1 Abrams main battle tank is equipped with a mine plow which is designed to push mines out of the tank's path, clearing a lane for other vehicles to follow. The Army's 1st Armored Division will... More News Photo 951231-F-8381L-003 News Photo 951231-F-8381L-003

U.S. Army soldiers watch as a M-1 Abrams Main Battle Tank from the 1st Armored Division crosses the U.S. Army pontoon bridge over the Sava River from Zupania, Croatia, into Bosnia and Herzegovina on Dec. 31, 1... More News Photo 980120-A-0000K-002 News Photo 980120-A-0000K-002

A M-1A1 Abrams main battle tank advances across the Kuwaiti desert on Jan. 20, 1998, rehearsing techniques and coordination drills in preparation for Exercise Intrinsic Action 98-1. Nearly 1,500 U.S. soldiers ... More

An Iraqi T-54, T-55, Type 59 or Type 69 tank between two M1A1 Abrams tanks on the Highway of Death

An Iraqi T-54, T-55, Type 59 or Type 69 tank between two M1A1 Abrams t...

Two M1A1 Abrams tanks remove an Iraqi T-54, T-55, Type 59 or Type 69 tank from the road during Operation Desert Storm. Two M1A1 Abrams tanks remove an Iraqi T-54, T-55, Type 59 or Type 69 tank from the road d... More

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