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joseph stalin

760 media by topicpage 1 of 8
Reis naar Rusland. Standbeeld van Stalin bij de Zeppelinhal

Reis naar Rusland. Standbeeld van Stalin bij de Zeppelinhal

Reis naar Rusland. Standbeeld van Stalin bij de Zeppelinhal

Untitled - Drawing. Public domain image.

Untitled - Drawing. Public domain image.

Berryman Political Cartoon Collection Public domain reproduction of political cartoon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

UNITED We Strong Are - Public domain propaganda poster

UNITED We Strong Are - Public domain propaganda poster

Original Artwork for World War II Posters Public domain photograph - United States military, propaganda free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

JvmKBEB03603, Linköping östergötland Sverige

JvmKBEB03603, Linköping östergötland Sverige

JvmKBEB03603 Public domain photograph of train station, platform, train tracks, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A group of statues sitting on top of a grass covered field. Stalin the kremlin moscow.

A group of statues sitting on top of a grass covered field. Stalin the...

The monument of the late soviet leader in the kremlin / A garden with statues of men and women in front of a wall sculpture.

"Cautious^ You Bet" - NARA - 514044

"Cautious^ You Bet" - NARA - 514044

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Enjoying a brief respite during the last day of the Potsdam Conference in Potsdam, Germany are, L to R, British Prime... - NARA - 198952

Enjoying a brief respite during the last day of the Potsdam Conference...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill and several others in Teheran, Iran - NARA - 196980

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill and several others in Teheran...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

A German civilian looks at a large poster portrait of Stalin on the Unter-den-Linden in Berlin, 3 June 1945. BU8572

A German civilian looks at a large poster portrait of Stalin on the Un...

Español: Imagen de Berlín en junio de 1945. English: A German civilian looks at a large poster portrait of Stalin on the Unter-den-Linden in Berlin, 3 June 1945. A German civilian looks at a vast painting of St... More

13th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) (3)

13th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) (3)

Joseph Stalin with delegates of the 13th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks).Русский: И.В.Сталин (1 справа, 1 ряд) в группе делегатов с группой делегатов 13 съезда РКП(б) на территории Кремля.

14th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

14th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

The 14th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks); Stalin, Molotov, Kuibyshev, Kalinin, Voroshilov, Ordzhonkidize, Kirov, Dzerzhinsky, Andreyev, Mikoyan, Shvernik, Zhdanov and Kaganovich standing a... More

Sergei Kirov and Joseph Stalin, 1934

Sergei Kirov and Joseph Stalin, 1934

Public domain photograph related to Soviet Union history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Молотов подписывает договор о дружбе и границе с СССР

Молотов подписывает договор о дружбе и границе с СССР

Русский: Нарком иностранных дел СССР В.М. Молотов подписывает договор о дружбе и границе между СССР и Германией. Среди присутствующих: И.В. Сталин, переводчик МИД В.Н. Павлов

Anders,Sikorski,Stalin w Kujbyszewie

Anders,Sikorski,Stalin w Kujbyszewie

Stalin with Polish Prime Minister gen. Władysław Sikorski during his official visit in Soviet Union ( December 1941). Gen.Władysław Anders , CIC of Polish Army formed in SU ( later CiC of Polish Army) is presen... More

Встреча И. В. Сталина с У. Уилки

Встреча И. В. Сталина с У. Уилки

Русский: Иосиф Сталин принимает личного представителя Президента США г-на Уэнделла Уилки: слева направо: министр иностранных дел СССР Вячеслав Молотов, личный фотограф представителя президента США Ральф Барнес... More

Fnекн M Cio 4 Russian Empire

Fnекн M Cio 4 Russian Empire

Иосиф Виссарионович Джугашвили (Сталин) в 1902 году. Снимок сделан Батумским областным жандармским управлением.

Fl 071 - A comic strip with a cartoon of a man on a boat

Fl 071 - A comic strip with a cartoon of a man on a boat

"The Dead Lover Returns" by Sheldon Moldoff, Worlds of Fear number 4, Fawcett Comics, May 1952.

Yalta Conference 1945 Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt (cropped 4-3)

Yalta Conference 1945 Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt (cropped 4-3)

Yalta Conference 1945: Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin. This Kodak Kodachrome photograph was not colorized.

Albania 1949 Mi 481 stamp (Stalin's 70th Birthday. Joseph Stalin, Soviet revolutionary and political leader)

Albania 1949 Mi 481 stamp (Stalin's 70th Birthday. Joseph Stalin, Sovi...

Русский: 70-летие со дня рождения И. В. Сталина (1879—1953), российского революционера, советского политического, государственного, военного и партийного деятеля. English: Stalin's 70th Birthday. Joseph Stali... More

Our best for the master.

Our best for the master.

Female nurses holding diplomas.

BASA-984K-1-10-125, Национална библиотека на България

BASA-984K-1-10-125, Национална библиотека на България

Български: Писмо от Асен Златаров до Стоил Стоилов English: Letter of Stoil Stoilov

Сталін Й. В. - A black and white photo of a man with a mustache

Сталін Й. В. - A black and white photo of a man with a mustache

Українська: Портрет Йосипа Сталіна, меццо-тінто Public domain photograph related to Soviet Union history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Stalin Baku - A black and white photo of a man and a woman

Stalin Baku - A black and white photo of a man and a woman

Stalin report in Baku Gendarmerie Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

חוגגים את יום העצמאות 1949, Israel

חוגגים את יום העצמאות 1949, Israel

עברית: יום העצמאות 1949 בתל-אביב

Ministers of the USSR - Stalin

Ministers of the USSR - Stalin

Composition of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union, in the Second and Third Stalin's Cabinets.

Joseph Stalin, 1893

Joseph Stalin, 1893

Young Joseph Stalin, 1893



Negative collection by photographer Håkon Prestkværn, Moelv, Ringsaker, Norway. Topics: landscapes, portraits, reports, buildings, family, war, 1930-1960. Main date 1940-1955

All His Chips in Scandinavia - Drawing. Public domain image.

All His Chips in Scandinavia - Drawing. Public domain image.

Berryman Political Cartoon Collection Public domain photograph related to World War Two, National Socialism, The Third Reich, Europe under Nazi occupation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl... More

Official pictures of meeting of Stalin, Churchill, Harriman. These are the first official pictures released in the United States of the recent meetings of Premier I.V. Stalin, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain; and W. Averrell Harriman, representing President Roosevelt. The three men met in the middle of August, 1942, at the request of the Soviet leader, and held a series of conversations concerned with the future conduct of the war. Also present was V.M. Molotov, Peoples' Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The meetings lasted four days. Left to right, seated: Churchill, Harriman, Stalin and Molotov at the Kremlin. Unidentified man standing was the interpreter

Official pictures of meeting of Stalin, Churchill, Harriman. These are...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a political campaign, politician, meeting, 1930s, mid-20th-century United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Teheran, Iran. Dec. 1943. Standing outside the Russian Embassy, left to right: unidentified British officer, General George C. Marshall, Chief of staff of USA, shaking hands with Sir Archibald Clark Keer, British Ambassador to the USSR, Harry Hopkins, Marshal Stalin's interpreter, Marshal Josef Stalin, Foreign minister Molotov, General Voroshilov. Picture was taken during the Teheran conference

Teheran, Iran. Dec. 1943. Standing outside the Russian Embassy, left t...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

[Political Posters - Paris Posters Battle Against Communism, "Jojo la Colombe" Stalin's Caricature]

[Political Posters - Paris Posters Battle Against Communism, "Jojo la ...

[Political Posters - Paris Posters Battle Against Communism, "Jojo la Colombe" Stalin's Caricature] - [PAR-3450 through PAR-3458]

JvmKBEB03896, Svenska Järnvägarna

JvmKBEB03896, Svenska Järnvägarna

Railway stations in Sweden Public domain photograph of a train station in Sweden, railroad, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Right front view of a Soviet Stalin JS-3 tank on display on the grounds of the Memorial Complex of the Ukrainian State

Right front view of a Soviet Stalin JS-3 tank on display on the ground...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Kiev Country: U.S.S.R. (SUN) Scene Camera Operator: Don S. Montgomery, USN (Ret.) Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Di... More

'I can't believe my eyes' - Drawing. Public domain image.

'I can't believe my eyes' - Drawing. Public domain image.

Cartoon shows Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin, resting on a cloud labeled "Communist Paradise," looking down in dismay at Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev leading a funeral procession bearing a c... More



Stalin and Lenin at Gorki, just outside Moscow, September 1922. Photograph by Maria Ulyanova, Lenin’s sister. Stalin had images of his visit published to show Lenin’s supposed recovery—and his own proximity to... More

Сталин в сопровождении сотрудника ОГПУ crop

Сталин в сопровождении сотрудника ОГПУ crop

Русский: И. В. Сталин в сопровождении сотрудника отделения правительственной охраны ОГПУ, на площади Свердлова Москва, конец 1930 English: Stalin, accompanied by government security department of the OGPU, Sve... More

Инспекция авиационного полка под Москвой. Кадр 2

Инспекция авиационного полка под Москвой. Кадр 2

Русский: Правительственная комиссия в составе И.В. Сталина, писателя М. Горького и членов Политбюро ЦК ВКП(б) К.Е. Ворошилова, В.М. Молотова, Г.К. Орджоникидзе и др. инспектирует авиационный полк под Москвой. ... More

17th Congress AUCP-2 - A group of men standing next to each other

17th Congress AUCP-2 - A group of men standing next to each other

17th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). Molotov, Stalin, Poskrebyshev (left to right). Русский: В президиуме XVII съезда. Молотов, Сталин ,Поскрёбышев.Italiano: Presidenza del XVII Congress... More

17th Congress AUCP-4 - A large group of people sitting in a room

17th Congress AUCP-4 - A large group of people sitting in a room

17th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) Русский: Первый день работы съезда. Отчётный доклад И.В.Сталина

Черчилль, Сталин, Гарриман, World War II photo

Черчилль, Сталин, Гарриман, World War II photo

Русский: Московская конференция 12 по 17 августа 1942. Встреча Уинстона Черчилля, Иосифа Сталина и Аверелла Гарримана

Soviet censorship with Stalin2 - reversed

Soviet censorship with Stalin2 - reversed

Français : Staline et des collaborateurs. Les photos sont dans un ordre chronologique inversé.

Stalin Full Image - A black and white photo of a man with a pipe

Stalin Full Image - A black and white photo of a man with a pipe

A cropped section of a photograph of Stalin taken in 1937. The original image depicts Molotov to his left, and Voroshilov to his right

1949 caricature portrait of Stalin

1949 caricature portrait of Stalin

1949 caricature portrait of Stalin Public domain reproduction of political cartoon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description



Joseph Stalin, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

LC-USZ62-135318 (24696359655)

LC-USZ62-135318 (24696359655)

LC-USZ62-135318: Yalta Conference, February 4-11 1945 Photograph shows Joseph Stalin, center, smiling broadly as Winston Churchill selects a cigar from case; unidentified British officer is standing on the le... More

Potsdam Conference group portrait, July 1945

Potsdam Conference group portrait, July 1945

Seated in the garden of Cecilienhof Palace in Potsdam, Germany, L to R: British Prime Minister Clement Attlee, President Harry S. Truman, and Soviet Prime Minister Josef Stalin. L to R, behind them: Adm. Willi... More

میخائیل یگوروف, World War II photo

میخائیل یگوروف, World War II photo

فارسی: میخائیل یگوروف یکی از سه سربازی که در سال 1945 پرچم شوروی را بر رایشستاگ بر افراشت. English: Mikhail Yegorov was one of three soldiers who hoisted the Soviet flag over the Reichstag in 1945.

Stalin 1893-1.1.2 detail - Public domain portrait print

Stalin 1893-1.1.2 detail - Public domain portrait print

Detail from Gori Religious School 1893 class table.

Stalin 1917-1.2

Stalin 1917-1.2

Photograph of Joseph Stalin taken in 1917. Public domain photograph related to Soviet Union history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Stalin 1921-1

Stalin 1921-1

Photograph of Stalin which Stalin wearing a Krasnoye Znamya (Order of the Red Banner). According to info published in Pravda (Pravda. December 24, 1939. No: 354 (8039)), this photograph taken in Ordzhonikidze'... More

Stalin Kutais

Stalin Kutais

Stalin with a group of prisoners at the Kutais jail, 1903

Hungary 1949 Mi 1067B stamp (Stalin's 70th Birthday. Joseph Stalin, born Ioseb Jughashvili, Georgian revolutionary and Soviet political leader)

Hungary 1949 Mi 1067B stamp (Stalin's 70th Birthday. Joseph Stalin, bo...

Русский: 70-летие со дня рождения И. В. Сталина (1879—1953). Иосиф Сталин, настоящая фамилия Джугашвили, российский революционер, советский политический, государственный, военный и партийный деятель грузинског... More



Русский: Надежда Аллилуева, 17 августа 1922

Official pictures of meeting of Stalin, Churchill, Harriman. These are the first official pictures released in the United States of the recent meetings of Premier I.V. Stalin, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain; and W. Averrell Harriman, representing President Roosevelt. The three men met in the middle of August, 1942, at the request of the Soviet leader, and held a series of conversations concerned with the future conduct of the war. Also present was V.M. Molotov, Peoples' Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The meetings lasted four days. Left to right, foreground: Molotov, Harriman, Churchill, reviewing troops at Moscow civil airport while Russian officials look on. Immediately behind Churchill is Admiral Miles, Chief of the British military mission to the Soviet Union

Official pictures of meeting of Stalin, Churchill, Harriman. These are...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Official pictures of meeting of Stalin, Churchill, Harriman. These are the first official pictures released in the United States of the recent meetings of Premier I.V. Stalin, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain; and W. Averrell Harriman, representing President Roosevelt. The three men met in the middle of August, 1942, at the request of the Soviet leader, and held a series of conversations concerned with the future conduct of the war. Also present was V.M. Molotov, Peoples' Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The meetings lasted four days. Molotov, Churchill, and Harriman review Russian troops at Moscow civil airport. Note new type of jackets Russian soldiers are wearing

Official pictures of meeting of Stalin, Churchill, Harriman. These are...

Actual size of negative is B (approximately 5 x 7 inches). Title and other information from caption card. Transfer; United States. Office of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington Division; 1944... More

President Harry S. Truman and Joseph Stalin at Potsdam

President Harry S. Truman and Joseph Stalin at Potsdam

Caption: Harry S. Truman and Joseph Stalin meeting at Potsdam. From left to right, row 1 : Joseph Stalin, Harry S. Truman, Soviet Ambassador Andrei Gromyko, Secretary of State James Byrnes, and Soviet Foreign M... More

Diffida, Italy - A red star with a man's face on it

Diffida, Italy - A red star with a man's face on it

Diffida / Democrazia Cristiana. - 1948. - 1 volantino (2 p.) : ill. ; 23x15 cm.Committente attribuito: Democrazia CristianaIl volantino è stampato su entrambi i latiSoggetti: Anticomunismo - Italia - 1946-1955;... More

Stockholm C Järna - JvmKDAA07750 - Södermanland Sverige

Stockholm C Järna - JvmKDAA07750 - Södermanland Sverige

JvmKDAA07750 Public domain photograph of a train station in Sweden, railroad, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Battle of Iwo Jima, WW2 - 127-GW-304-114958 (24979778292)

Battle of Iwo Jima, WW2 - 127-GW-304-114958 (24979778292)

127-GW-304-114958: Battle for Iwo Jima, February-March 1945. Screech Bomb. Shown is what ordnance men described as a pusher motor or booster for a Japanese projectile known to those on the receiving end as ... More

Poster of Azerbaijan 1938. Stalin

Poster of Azerbaijan 1938. Stalin

Poster of Azerbaijan 1938. Stalin Public domain reproduction of art deco poster, cover, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Сталин в сопровождении сотрудника ОГПУ

Сталин в сопровождении сотрудника ОГПУ

Русский: И. В. Сталин в сопровождении сотрудника отделения правительственной охраны ОГПУ, на площади Свердлова Москва, 1930 English: Stalin, accompanied by government security department of the OGPU, Sverdlov s... More

Lavrenti Beria Stalins family

Lavrenti Beria Stalins family

Public domain photograph of picnic, leisure time, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Georgi Dimitrov - 1934 - A black and white photo of a group of people

Georgi Dimitrov - 1934 - A black and white photo of a group of people

Georgi Dimitrov, Blagoi Popov and Vassil Tanev at a meeting with Soviet party and state leaders. From left to right: Vyacheslav Molotov, Valerian Kuybishev, Blagoy Popov, Sergo Orghanikidze, Vasil Tanev, Georgi... More

На заключении советско-германского договора о ненападении

На заключении советско-германского договора о ненападении

Русский: На фото слева направо заведующий юридическим отделом МИД Германии Фридрих Гаусс, министр иностранных дел Германии Иоахим фон Риббентроп, секретарь ВКП(б) Иосиф Сталин, министр иностранных дел СССР Вяч... More

Stalin in 1939 - A black and white photo of two men

Stalin in 1939 - A black and white photo of two men

Verdragen. Stalin geeft de Russische Chef van Staf instructies t.g.v. de sluiting van het Russisch-Duitse Grens- en Vriendschapsverdrag, dat werd gesloten in het Kremlin op 7 oktober 1939. 1939. Rusland.

Stalin Sikorski December 1941

Stalin Sikorski December 1941

Josif Stalin signing Soviet-Polish common declaration in presence of Polish Prime Minister Gen. Władysław Sikorski, Gen. Władysław Anders, Stanisław Kot and others

Churchill stalin 1942, World War II photo

Churchill stalin 1942, World War II photo

Русский: Черчилль, Гарриман, Сталин, Молотов в Москве, август 1942 Public domain photograph related to World War Two, Navy ships, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Cyrankiewicz Stalin - A black and white photo of two men sitting on a bench

Cyrankiewicz Stalin - A black and white photo of two men sitting on a ...

Józef Cyrankiewicz and Joseph Stalin. Public domain photograph related to Soviet Union history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Stalin (cropped) - A picture of a man with a mustache

Stalin (cropped) - A picture of a man with a mustache


Staline-1902, Russian Empire

Staline-1902, Russian Empire

Police record, 1902, Stalin is 23 years old. Public domain image of a criminal, arrest mugshot, conviction, prisoner, crime, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Иосиф Сталин читает (1920-1930-е)

Иосиф Сталин читает (1920-1930-е)

Русский: Иосиф Сталин читает (1920-1930-е)

Fl 070 - A comic strip with a comic strip in the background

Fl 070 - A comic strip with a comic strip in the background

"The Dead Lover Returns" by Sheldon Moldoff, Worlds of Fear number 4, Fawcett Comics, May 1952.



Architect Yngve Steen and engineer Nils Nessen in 1950Svenska: Arkitekt Yngve Steen (t.v) och ingenjör Nils Nessen (t.h) studerar en modell av en önskebostad som ska visas upp på Nordiska Byggnadsdagen i Stockholm

Churchill and Stalin caricature Ľudové noviny

Churchill and Stalin caricature Ľudové noviny

"Churchill bol 14. augusta na návšteve v Moskve u Stalina. Svet vedel, že je to nie zdvorilostná návšteva, ale že Churchill bol pre rozkrazy, ktoré mu dal krvavý vladár Moskvy. Tento rozkaz bol: zriadenie druh... More

USSR 1956-04-10 cover postcard

USSR 1956-04-10 cover postcard

USSR 1956-04-10 cover sent from Moscow to Zurich. Philatelic overfranking of 60kop with 1946 Mi. 1004 twice 30k, international normal letter rate was 40kop. catalogue: Mi. 1004 (2)

80-G-426883 (25900027101)

80-G-426883 (25900027101)

80-G-426883: Yalta Conference (Crimea), February 4 to 11, 1945. Marshall Joseph Stalin and Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov discuss problem (probably USS Quincy (CA 71) at Yalta, Russia. Photograph released Fe... More

80-G-426874 (25874204322)

80-G-426874 (25874204322)

80-G-426874: Yalta Conference (Crimea), February 4 to 11, 1945. Onboard warship during the Crimean Conferences at Yalta, Russia. Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill with Marshall Joseph Stalin. U.S. Nav... More

Doctored Stalin-Lenin (cropped)(b)

Doctored Stalin-Lenin (cropped)(b)

English: Cropped photograph of Lenin and Stalin in Gorky. Contrast increased and highlighting & shadows decreased using Photo Editor on

Stalin's Sectretarial Staff in 1924

Stalin's Sectretarial Staff in 1924

The staff of Stalin's Secretariat in 1924. Public domain photograph of Russian people, group portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Hungary 1949 Mi 1066B-1068B stamps (Stalin's 70th Birthday. Joseph Stalin, born Ioseb Jughashvili, Georgian revolutionary and Soviet political leader) small resolution

Hungary 1949 Mi 1066B-1068B stamps (Stalin's 70th Birthday. Joseph Sta...

Русский: 70-летие со дня рождения И. В. Сталина (1879—1953). Иосиф Сталин, настоящая фамилия Джугашвили, российский революционер, советский политический, государственный, военный и партийный деятель грузинског... More

Official pictures of meeting of Stalin, Churchill, Harriman. These are the first official pictures released in the United States of the recent meetings of Premier I.V. Stalin, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain; and W. Averrell Harriman, representing President Roosevelt. The three men met in the middle of August, 1942, at the request of the Soviet leader, and held a series of conversations concerned with the future conduct of the war. Also present was V.M. Molotov, Peoples' Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The meetings lasted four days. Left to right: Churchill and Stalin at the Kremlin

Official pictures of meeting of Stalin, Churchill, Harriman. These are...

Actual size of negative is B (approximately 5 x 7 inches). Caption card lists some of the printing history for image. Title and other information from caption card. Transfer; United States. Office of War Inform... More

Joseph Stalin, Secretary-general of the Communist party of Soviet Russia

Joseph Stalin, Secretary-general of the Communist party of Soviet Russ...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Second World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Untitled - Political cartoon, public domain image

Untitled - Political cartoon, public domain image

Berryman Political Cartoon Collection Public domain reproduction of political cartoon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

JvmKBEB03385 - Uppsala, Sverige, Svenska Järnvägarna

JvmKBEB03385 - Uppsala, Sverige, Svenska Järnvägarna

JvmKBEB03385 Public domain photograph of a train station in Sweden, railroad, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

JvmKBEB03851, Svenska Järnvägarna

JvmKBEB03851, Svenska Järnvägarna

JvmKBEB03851 Public domain photograph of a train station in Sweden, railroad, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

JvmKDAA08678, Svenska Järnvägarna

JvmKDAA08678, Svenska Järnvägarna

JvmKDAA08678 Public domain image of railroad, railway, 19th-century Sweden, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

JvmKBEB01758:01, Västra Götaland, Sverige

JvmKBEB01758:01, Västra Götaland, Sverige

JvmKBEB01758:01 Public domain photograph of train station, platform, train tracks, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

JvmKDAA08798 Västmanland Sverige, Svenska Järnvägarna

JvmKDAA08798 Västmanland Sverige, Svenska Järnvägarna

JvmKDAA08798 Public domain photograph of a draisine, Swedish railroads, train track, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kremlin's Words and Deeds, Cold War American Propaganda poster

Kremlin's Words and Deeds, Cold War American Propaganda poster

Propaganda Posters Distributed in Asia Public domain photograph of a poster, United States government propaganda, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

President Gerald R. Ford and First Lady Betty Ford at the Fifth Annual Our Country Celebration at Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Maryland

President Gerald R. Ford and First Lady Betty Ford at the Fifth Annual...

Caption: 1975, July 4 – Fort McHenry – Baltimore, Maryland – Gerald R. Ford, Betty Ford, War of 1812 Soldiers, Others – walking; cannon in background – Trip to Maryland; Fifth Annual "Our Country" Celebration a... More

Celebrations To Mark Prime Minister Churchill's 69th Birthday A20731

Celebrations To Mark Prime Minister Churchill's 69th Birthday A20731

Celebrations To Mark Prime Minister Churchill's 69th Birthday At a drinks reception prior to a dinner party Marshal Joseph Stalin raises his glass for a toast to Mr Churchill. Also present are senior military a... More

楊克冰 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體,  中華民國台灣

楊克冰 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體, 中華民國台灣

中文(台灣)‎: 中國人民政治協商會議第一屆全體會議代表

Н.К. Антипов, Н.М. Шверник

Н.К. Антипов, Н.М. Шверник

Русский: Второй секретарь Ленинградского губкома ВКП(б) Н.К. Антипов, И. В. Сталин, первый секретарь Ленинградского губкома ВКП(б) С.М. Киров, cекретарь Ленинградского губкома ВКП(б) Н.М. Шверник; Смольный Engl... More

19290700-И.В. Сталин с моряками крейсера Червона Украина. 1929 г.

19290700-И.В. Сталин с моряками крейсера Червона Украина. 1929 г.

Русский: И.В. Сталин, К.Е. Ворошилов с моряками крейсера Червона Украина. Перед крымском побережье у села Мухалатка. Deutsch: J. W. Stalin, K. J. Woroschilow mit Matrosen des Kreuzers "Rote Ukraine". Vor der ... More

Stalin buries Dovgalevsky

Stalin buries Dovgalevsky

Русский: Похороны Валериана Довгалевского в 1934 году Public domain photograph related to Soviet Union history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

39 Zis Stalin - A black and white photo of a man standing next to a car

39 Zis Stalin - A black and white photo of a man standing next to a ca...

Dansk: Stalin der plejer sin bil. Deutsch: Josef Stalin mit seinem ZIS-101. Русский: Сталин у автомобиля ЗиС-101, 29 апреля 1936. Кремль. Предположительно, ТАСС (Телеграфное Агентство Советского Союза). Укра... More

Ribbentrop-Molotov paktum

Ribbentrop-Molotov paktum

Hitler's emissary. German ambassador von Ribbentrop (left) and Soviet dictator Stalin laugh as Molotov signs the German–Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty on September 28, 1939.

Stalin presenting coat of arms of Poland, 15 th november 1944

Stalin presenting coat of arms of Poland, 15 th november 1944

Picture published in the Soviet Union by TASS agency, 15th november 1944 and simultanously by communist paper in Poland "Głos Ludu".Shows: Vyacheslav Molotov, Joseph Stalin and Coat of arms of Poland Polski: ... More

Stalin and Kirov - A group of men standing next to each other

Stalin and Kirov - A group of men standing next to each other

Русский: Второй секретарь Ленинградского губкома ВКП(б) Н.К. Антипов, И. В. Сталин, первый секретарь Ленинградского губкома ВКП(б) С.М. Киров, cекретарь Ленинградского губкома ВКП(б) Н.М. Шверник; Смольный Engl... More

Stalin face - A black and white photo of a man with a mustache

Stalin face - A black and white photo of a man with a mustache

Joseph Stalin. Public domain photograph related to Soviet Union history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description


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