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john boyd thacher collection library of congress

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Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English nation : made by sea or ouer land to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres : deuided into three seuerall parts ... the first conteining the personall trauels of the English vnto Iudea, Syria, Arabia ... the second comprehending the worthy discoueries of the English towards the north and northeast by sea as of Lapland ... the third and last including the English valiant attempts in searching almost all the corners of the vaste and new world of America ... : whereunto is added the last most renowmed English nauigation, round about the whole globe of the Earth /

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English na...

Some contents are translations accompanied by original texts. Mandeville's travels (p. 24-79) in Latin only. "The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South Sea ...": [12] p. inserted between p. 643 and... More

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English nation : made by sea or ouer land to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres : deuided into three seuerall parts ... the first conteining the personall trauels of the English vnto Iudea, Syria, Arabia ... the second comprehending the worthy discoueries of the English towards the north and northeast by sea as of Lapland ... the third and last including the English valiant attempts in searching almost all the corners of the vaste and new world of America ... : whereunto is added the last most renowmed English nauigation, round about the whole globe of the Earth /

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English na...

Some contents are translations accompanied by original texts. Mandeville's travels (p. 24-79) in Latin only. "The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South Sea ...": [12] p. inserted between p. 643 and... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English nation : made by sea or ouer land to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres : deuided into three seuerall parts ... the first conteining the personall trauels of the English vnto Iudea, Syria, Arabia ... the second comprehending the worthy discoueries of the English towards the north and northeast by sea as of Lapland ... the third and last including the English valiant attempts in searching almost all the corners of the vaste and new world of America ... : whereunto is added the last most renowmed English nauigation, round about the whole globe of the Earth /

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English na...

Some contents are translations accompanied by original texts. Mandeville's travels (p. 24-79) in Latin only. "The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South Sea ...": [12] p. inserted between p. 643 and... More

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English nation : made by sea or ouer land to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres : deuided into three seuerall parts ... the first conteining the personall trauels of the English vnto Iudea, Syria, Arabia ... the second comprehending the worthy discoueries of the English towards the north and northeast by sea as of Lapland ... the third and last including the English valiant attempts in searching almost all the corners of the vaste and new world of America ... : whereunto is added the last most renowmed English nauigation, round about the whole globe of the Earth /

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English na...

Some contents are translations accompanied by original texts. Mandeville's travels (p. 24-79) in Latin only. "The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South Sea ...": [12] p. inserted between p. 643 and... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English nation : made by sea or ouer land to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres : deuided into three seuerall parts ... the first conteining the personall trauels of the English vnto Iudea, Syria, Arabia ... the second comprehending the worthy discoueries of the English towards the north and northeast by sea as of Lapland ... the third and last including the English valiant attempts in searching almost all the corners of the vaste and new world of America ... : whereunto is added the last most renowmed English nauigation, round about the whole globe of the Earth /

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English na...

Some contents are translations accompanied by original texts. Mandeville's travels (p. 24-79) in Latin only. "The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South Sea ...": [12] p. inserted between p. 643 and... More

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English nation : made by sea or ouer land to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres : deuided into three seuerall parts ... the first conteining the personall trauels of the English vnto Iudea, Syria, Arabia ... the second comprehending the worthy discoueries of the English towards the north and northeast by sea as of Lapland ... the third and last including the English valiant attempts in searching almost all the corners of the vaste and new world of America ... : whereunto is added the last most renowmed English nauigation, round about the whole globe of the Earth /

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English na...

Some contents are translations accompanied by original texts. Mandeville's travels (p. 24-79) in Latin only. "The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South Sea ...": [12] p. inserted between p. 643 and... More

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English nation : made by sea or ouer land to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres : deuided into three seuerall parts ... the first conteining the personall trauels of the English vnto Iudea, Syria, Arabia ... the second comprehending the worthy discoueries of the English towards the north and northeast by sea as of Lapland ... the third and last including the English valiant attempts in searching almost all the corners of the vaste and new world of America ... : whereunto is added the last most renowmed English nauigation, round about the whole globe of the Earth /

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English na...

Some contents are translations accompanied by original texts. Mandeville's travels (p. 24-79) in Latin only. "The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South Sea ...": [12] p. inserted between p. 643 and... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Calendarium - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Calendarium - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Printed in red and black. Goff R-92 Hain-Copinger 13775 BM 15th cent., II, p. 456 (IA.7877) Schramm, XVIII, p. 5, 16, and illus. Rosenwald 25 ... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English nation : made by sea or ouer land to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres : deuided into three seuerall parts ... the first conteining the personall trauels of the English vnto Iudea, Syria, Arabia ... the second comprehending the worthy discoueries of the English towards the north and northeast by sea as of Lapland ... the third and last including the English valiant attempts in searching almost all the corners of the vaste and new world of America ... : whereunto is added the last most renowmed English nauigation, round about the whole globe of the Earth /

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English na...

Some contents are translations accompanied by original texts. Mandeville's travels (p. 24-79) in Latin only. "The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South Sea ...": [12] p. inserted between p. 643 and... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

In laudem serenissimi Ferdinandi

In laudem serenissimi Ferdinandi

Woodcut portrait on t.p.: Fernandus Rex Hispania[rum]. Imprint from colophon of Verardi title (p. [57]): 1494 Nihil sine causa, I.B. Includes an "uncorrected" edition of the Columbus letter, omitting Isabella i... More

In laudem serenissimi Ferdinandi

In laudem serenissimi Ferdinandi

Woodcut portrait on t.p.: Fernandus Rex Hispania[rum]. Imprint from colophon of Verardi title (p. [57]): 1494 Nihil sine causa, I.B. Includes an "uncorrected" edition of the Columbus letter, omitting Isabella i... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Opera, Venice, Italy - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Opera, Venice, Italy - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress s...

In Greek. Aldus' epistles are in Latin. Lists of contents are in Latin (v. 1), Greek (v. 3), or Greek and Latin (v. 2, 4-5) Vol. 1 (1 Nov. 1495): [234] leaves; v. 2 (Feb. 1497): [32], 268 leaves (leaf 88 blank)... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Cosmographiae introductio : cum quibusdam geometriae ac astronomiae principiis ad eam rem necessariis

Cosmographiae introductio : cum quibusdam geometriae ac astronomiae pr...

Designed to accompany Waldseemüller's globe and wall map of the world, on which the New World is called America. "America" is suggested as name for the New World on sig. C1 recto and C3 verso. Originally publi... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English nation : made by sea or ouer land to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres : deuided into three seuerall parts ... the first conteining the personall trauels of the English vnto Iudea, Syria, Arabia ... the second comprehending the worthy discoueries of the English towards the north and northeast by sea as of Lapland ... the third and last including the English valiant attempts in searching almost all the corners of the vaste and new world of America ... : whereunto is added the last most renowmed English nauigation, round about the whole globe of the Earth /

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English na...

Some contents are translations accompanied by original texts. Mandeville's travels (p. 24-79) in Latin only. "The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South Sea ...": [12] p. inserted between p. 643 and... More

Calendarium - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Calendarium - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Printed in red and black. Goff R-92 Hain-Copinger 13775 BM 15th cent., II, p. 456 (IA.7877) Schramm, XVIII, p. 5, 16, and illus. Rosenwald 25 ... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English nation : made by sea or ouer land to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres : deuided into three seuerall parts ... the first conteining the personall trauels of the English vnto Iudea, Syria, Arabia ... the second comprehending the worthy discoueries of the English towards the north and northeast by sea as of Lapland ... the third and last including the English valiant attempts in searching almost all the corners of the vaste and new world of America ... : whereunto is added the last most renowmed English nauigation, round about the whole globe of the Earth /

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English na...

Some contents are translations accompanied by original texts. Mandeville's travels (p. 24-79) in Latin only. "The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South Sea ...": [12] p. inserted between p. 643 and... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Calendarium - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Calendarium - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Printed in red and black. Goff R-92 Hain-Copinger 13775 BM 15th cent., II, p. 456 (IA.7877) Schramm, XVIII, p. 5, 16, and illus. Rosenwald 25 ... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris ...

Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502 : photographic ...

"The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf, and is here reproduced in same same form, but is interleaved with corresponding pages of transliteration and translation"--P. [9]. Also availa... More

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English nation : made by sea or ouer land to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres : deuided into three seuerall parts ... the first conteining the personall trauels of the English vnto Iudea, Syria, Arabia ... the second comprehending the worthy discoueries of the English towards the north and northeast by sea as of Lapland ... the third and last including the English valiant attempts in searching almost all the corners of the vaste and new world of America ... : whereunto is added the last most renowmed English nauigation, round about the whole globe of the Earth /

The principall nauigations, voiages, and discoueries of the English na...

Some contents are translations accompanied by original texts. Mandeville's travels (p. 24-79) in Latin only. "The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South Sea ...": [12] p. inserted between p. 643 and... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Calendarium - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Calendarium - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Printed in red and black. Goff R-92 Hain-Copinger 13775 BM 15th cent., II, p. 456 (IA.7877) Schramm, XVIII, p. 5, 16, and illus. Rosenwald 25 ... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Cosmographiae introductio : cum quibusdam geometriae ac astronomiae principiis ad eam rem necessariis

Cosmographiae introductio : cum quibusdam geometriae ac astronomiae pr...

Designed to accompany Waldseemüller's globe and wall map of the world, on which the New World is called America. "America" is suggested as name for the New World on sig. C1 recto and C3 verso. Originally publi... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptae, sectio tertia, res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae : in hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba, dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella : additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus : item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes : accessit Peruäni regni chorographica tabula /

Americae pars sexta, sive, Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[...

The t.p., with a new engr. title on a slip mounted over the original text, is repeated preceding the plates. First ed. Cf. Church. Cat. of books relating to ... America, 158. Novae Novi Orbis historiae, liber 3... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Calendarium - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Calendarium - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Printed in red and black. Goff R-92 Hain-Copinger 13775 BM 15th cent., II, p. 456 (IA.7877) Schramm, XVIII, p. 5, 16, and illus. Rosenwald 25 ... More

Calendarium - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Calendarium - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Printed in red and black. Goff R-92 Hain-Copinger 13775 BM 15th cent., II, p. 456 (IA.7877) Schramm, XVIII, p. 5, 16, and illus. Rosenwald 25 ... More

Opera, Venice, Italy - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Opera, Venice, Italy - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress s...

In Greek. Aldus' epistles are in Latin. Lists of contents are in Latin (v. 1), Greek (v. 3), or Greek and Latin (v. 2, 4-5) Vol. 1 (1 Nov. 1495): [234] leaves; v. 2 (Feb. 1497): [32], 268 leaves (leaf 88 blank)... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Opera, Venice, Italy - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Opera, Venice, Italy - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress s...

In Greek. Aldus' epistles are in Latin. Lists of contents are in Latin (v. 1), Greek (v. 3), or Greek and Latin (v. 2, 4-5) Vol. 1 (1 Nov. 1495): [234] leaves; v. 2 (Feb. 1497): [32], 268 leaves (leaf 88 blank)... More

Calendarium - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Calendarium - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Printed in red and black. Goff R-92 Hain-Copinger 13775 BM 15th cent., II, p. 456 (IA.7877) Schramm, XVIII, p. 5, 16, and illus. Rosenwald 25 ... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Calendarium - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Calendarium - Rare book, public domain, Library of Congress scan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Printed in red and black. Goff R-92 Hain-Copinger 13775 BM 15th cent., II, p. 456 (IA.7877) Schramm, XVIII, p. 5, 16, and illus. Rosenwald 25 ... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Liber cronicarum, cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi

Title extracted from woodcut title of register (leaf [1a]), which begins: Registrum huius operis Libri cronicarum ... Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Rosenwald 163 Goff S-307 Hain-Copinger ... More


of 37