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indigenous architecture of taiwan

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Baksa Formosa Hunting Party 1871  中華民國台灣

Baksa Formosa Hunting Party 1871 中華民國台灣

Aboriginal hunting party in Ba̍k-sa) John Thomson, 1871: "A Native Hunting Party Baksa Formosa 1871" 木柵原住民的狩獵祭典. Cropped mirror image of version at source, but that version was reversed (see handwriting).

Plains indigenous peoples House, Taiwan 1900 (No.7010)

Plains indigenous peoples House, Taiwan 1900 (No.7010)

日本語: 六亀里の平埔族。〔蕃薯藔管下、下淡水渓畔〕とメモ有り。踊場。カヤぶき、竹壁、入口右の柱に、神への供物用にささら状の受け皿有り。 北の埔里などの平埔族に比べ、漢化の度合い薄く、茅葺、竹壁の住居、入り口右柱の供え物受け皿など固有の習俗を残している。

Er nd 3027 Bunun. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Er nd 3027 Bunun. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Public domain image of a rural landscape, agriculture, farm animals, livestock, pasture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Taioldhouse,  中華民國台灣 - A painting of two children standing in front of a hut

Taioldhouse, 中華民國台灣 - A painting of two children standing in front of...

Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Er nd 3001 Taiwanese Aborigines

Er nd 3001 Taiwanese Aborigines

Public domain photograph of military personnel, army, militia, infantry, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

亜細亜大観 04 108 "眉溪の蕃社 (臺灣)"

亜細亜大観 04 108 "眉溪の蕃社 (臺灣)"

日本語: 眉溪の蕃社 (臺灣) 昔ブノホンといふ所に靈樹があつた。その木精が化して男女二神となり人類の始祖となられた。その頃は食糧も豐物であつたが人口が殖江て後は生涯營々として働いても飽くことが出來なくなつたので方々に移住した―彼等にはかういふ傳說がある。今彼等の蕃社は最も模範的なもので家はすべて碁盤型に作られて清潔、この頃では水田の開墾と耕作とに精を出してゐる。|(一九二七、五撮影)(印畫の複製を禁ず)

Taiwan aborigines drinking 06. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.

Taiwan aborigines drinking 06. 19th century Japan. Public domain image...

Simple English: Photo of drinking aborigines in Taiwan. Public domain image of Taiwan under Japanese rule, Republic of China history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - P... More

Vunumu sumuya. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Vunumu sumuya. Japanese empire during World War Two.

bunun house Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

At the Kanatsui tribe of Basay people in Taihoku

At the Kanatsui tribe of Basay people in Taihoku

日本語: 台北方面の平埔。かなつゐ(Kanatsui)社。カヤブキ屋根、日干し煉瓦を使った漢式住居。〔風俗は支那化せられたりされど体質は尚ほ平埔と見るを得べ し〕のメモ有り。



Photograph by John Thomson. See detail on the Wikisource link below.

Savage Hut and People at Tsui-Sia

Savage Hut and People at Tsui-Sia

Photograph in From Afong, Photographer. Public domain photograph of wooden church building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Er nd 3002 Taiwanese Aborigines

Er nd 3002 Taiwanese Aborigines

Picryl description: Public domain image of a residential building, colonial house, 19th-20th century architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Taiwan aborigines drinking 04,  中華民國台灣

Taiwan aborigines drinking 04, 中華民國台灣

Simple English: Photo of drinking aborigines in Taiwan. Public domain image of Taiwan under Japanese rule, Republic of China history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - P... More

鳥居龍藏所攝太巴塱社阿美族人. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.
亜細亜大観 04 092 "屈尺蕃 (臺灣)"

亜細亜大観 04 092 "屈尺蕃 (臺灣)"

日本語: 屈尺蕃 (臺灣) タイヤル族である。昔マツヤル、ブタといふ二人の男に率ゐられてその故郷タタユフロバツラオを出、それから各地に分れ進んだと彼等の口碑には傳へられてゐる。|もと屈尺といふ部落一帶に住んでゐたが、次第に勢力を失つて次第に山奥に退きつゝあつた。領臺後三井物產が殖林をするに當つて一戶八十圓を與へて現在の烏來に引越させたので、又これをウライ蕃ともいふ。|(一九二七、五、撮影)(印畫の複製を禁ず)

Plains indigenous peoples in 1897 (No.7459)

Plains indigenous peoples in 1897 (No.7459)

日本語: 台北方面の平埔。かなつゐ(Kanatsui)社。カヤブキ屋根、日干し煉瓦を使った漢式住居。〔風俗は支那化せられたり。されど体質は尚ほ平埔と見るを得べし〕のメモ有り。 鳥居自身「この撮影真にせまりて面白し」と記しているように茅葺屋根、日干し煉瓦を使った乾式住居の前で繰り広げられている生活の一駒は、親子や見物人の表情の豊かさといい傑作の一つである。

Saprek village 1875 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Saprek village 1875 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Simple English: Scene of a Saprek village in southern Taiwan, 1875.

Paiwan - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體,  中華民國台灣

Paiwan - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體, 中華民國台灣

Slabstone House by Paiwan (One Ethnic Group among the Taiwanese Aborigines)/ by Japanese Anthropologist Mori Ushinosuke / Date Unknow/ ca. Prior to 1945Twi: 排灣族來義社頭目家的石板屋建築,其基礎結構和卑南遺址的建築有部分相似/ 森丑之助

Savage Tribes Of Formosa 1926 04 Detail

Savage Tribes Of Formosa 1926 04 Detail

A page from a 1926 govermental report on tribal life in Formosa under Japanese rulership, photo excerpt of Page 4

Savage Tribes Of Formosa 1926 04. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Savage Tribes Of Formosa 1926 04. Japanese empire during World War Two...

A page from a 1926 govermental report on tribal life in Formosa under Japanese rulership.

Aboriginal with formosan dog,  中華民國台灣

Aboriginal with formosan dog, 中華民國台灣

This is a collection from National Geographic photo, taken by Japanese Photographer Katsuyama (幽芳勝山), at Saisiyat tribe.

Soldiers of the Japanese expedition in Taiwan

Soldiers of the Japanese expedition in Taiwan

Commander-in-chief (Marquis) Saigō Tsugumichi pictured (sitting at the center) with leaders of Seqalu (Native tribe), Tokitok. Isa. S. Midzuno in Taiwan.

亜細亜大観 04 107 "眉溪の蕃人 (臺灣)"

亜細亜大観 04 107 "眉溪の蕃人 (臺灣)"

日本語: 眉溪の蕃人 (臺灣) 臺中を發して南投に入り、更に中央山地に突進すること十六里にして四顧濶達、禾穀克く穰る大盆地がある。その中心市場埔里街から更に六里、斷崖人目を驚かす途を辿つて行けば霧社に達する。霧社は海抜四千尺の高臺その雄大な高山蕃地の景趣は蓋し壯美といふことが出來る。圖は霧社に屬する眉溪の蕃人とその家とである。|(一九二七、五撮影)(印畫の複製を禁ず)

Taiwan aborigines drinking 02,  中華民國台灣

Taiwan aborigines drinking 02, 中華民國台灣

Simple English: Photo of drinking aborigines in Taiwan. Public domain image of Taiwan under Japanese rule, Republic of China history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - P... More

A Man Surnamed Mao from the Thao Tribe by the Sun Moon Lake

A Man Surnamed Mao from the Thao Tribe by the Sun Moon Lake

A Man Surnamed Mao from the Thao Tribe by the Sun Moon Lake, by Lang Jingshan

Camp of the troops of Taroko War

Camp of the troops of Taroko War

中文(台灣): 《大正參年太魯閣蕃討伐軍隊記念》寫真帖影像-追分露營地ノ全景 太魯閣討伐軍萩野守備隊於追分(今南投仁愛鄉翠峰)露營地的全景,這個宿營地約在三角峰(今梅峰)西方不遠的一處高地上,可見日軍的軍事帳篷和臨時搭設的茅草屋外,圖左下方並已出現電線桿,不知是拉電線還是通信電話線? 萩野守備隊的先遣隊正要向合歡山方向出發。 圖:感謝方晛煇先生提供

Natives of the Ban-kim-cheng

Natives of the Ban-kim-cheng

中文(臺灣):萬金庄在地族群。 Français : "Groupe de Naturels de Ban-kim-cheng (d'après une photographie)."

Exposition coloniale au Parc Tennoji (Osaka)

Exposition coloniale au Parc Tennoji (Osaka)

Français : 3 indigènes de Taiwan exhibés pendant une exposition coloniale au Japon 日本語: 明治記念拓殖博覧会 (台湾土人ノ住宅及其風俗)

Taiwan aborigines headhunting 03

Taiwan aborigines headhunting 03

Simple English: The headhunting ritual of aborigines in Taiwan. Public domain image of Taiwan under Japanese rule, Republic of China history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions i... More

Yoshiko Yamaguchi Taiwan 1941,  中華民國台灣

Yoshiko Yamaguchi Taiwan 1941, 中華民國台灣

中文:李香蘭與排灣族兒童合影。パイワン族の少女と李香蘭(山口淑子) Simple English: Japanese actress, Yoshiko Yamaguchi with a Paiwan girl

Memorial Photo of the Visit at an Aborigine Tribe in Takao 1933

Memorial Photo of the Visit at an Aborigine Tribe in Takao 1933


Plain Aborigines Taipei. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Plain Aborigines Taipei. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Residence of the Tao People. 1930s Taiwan, public domain image.

Residence of the Tao People. 1930s Taiwan, public domain image.

中文(台灣): 達悟族聚落English: residence of the Tao(Yami) people Imorodo group

Dapper - 1670 - Gedenkwaerdig bedryf - UB Radboud Uni Nijmegen - 180148540 042

Dapper - 1670 - Gedenkwaerdig bedryf - UB Radboud Uni Nijmegen - 18014...

Illustration from Olfert Dapper (1670): Gedenkwaerdig bedryf der Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Maetschappye

Formosa hunter's hut

Formosa hunter's hut

Français : "Hutte d'un montagnard de Formose." 中文(臺灣):獵人的屋子,臺灣。

Taiwanese aborigine leader臺灣排灣族頭目卓杞篤(Tokitok or Tauketok, 左) - 西鄉從道(中) - 一色(Isa, 右)於1874

Taiwanese aborigine leader臺灣排灣族頭目卓杞篤(Tokitok or Tauketok, 左) - 西鄉從道(中)...

Commander-in-chief Saigo pictured with leaders of Seqalu (Native tribe). Tokitok. Isa. S. Midzuno. (Marquis) Saigo. Illustration on p. 127 of Davidson, James W. (1903) The Island of Formosa, Past and Pre... More

View of a tribe of Yami on Ponso No Tao

View of a tribe of Yami on Ponso No Tao

中文(台灣)‎: 紅頭社村落與警官駐在所及其宿舍。

The Kusukusu tribe in Kōshun, Formosa ca. 1920s

The Kusukusu tribe in Kōshun, Formosa ca. 1920s

中文(台灣): 恒春高仕佛社(kusukusu社)。

Taiwan scene 1934 07. 1930s Taiwan, public domain image.

Taiwan scene 1934 07. 1930s Taiwan, public domain image.

中文(台灣): 臺灣之風景 Public domain image of Taiwan under Japanese rule, Republic of China history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Mokka and their house (uncropped)

Mokka and their house (uncropped)

"Savages of Mokka and Thier (sic) House in Formosa"

Formosa, The Tsui-Whans (Water Savages) at Tsui-Sia

Formosa, The Tsui-Whans (Water Savages) at Tsui-Sia

Photograph in From Afong, Photographer. Public domain image of Taiwan, Republic of China history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Er nd 3014 Thao. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Er nd 3014 Thao. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

View of paran tribe in Taichu Prefecture, Formosa 1930s

View of paran tribe in Taichu Prefecture, Formosa 1930s

日本語: 臺中州パーラン社。 中文(台灣): 臺中州巴蘭社(巴蘭部落)。

Er nd 3008 PlainAborigine Taiwan

Er nd 3008 PlainAborigine Taiwan

Picryl description: Public domain image of ethnic group, people gathering, anthropology, colonies, exotic, indigenous people, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Er nd 3032 Paiwan. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Er nd 3032 Paiwan. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Occupation of the Boaalon by Japanese Army

Occupation of the Boaalon by Japanese Army

中文(繁體): 日本軍隊佔領波阿倫社後之景。

Taiwan aborigines drinking 05,  中華民國台灣

Taiwan aborigines drinking 05, 中華民國台灣

Simple English: Photo of drinking aborigines in Taiwan. Public domain image of Taiwan under Japanese rule, Republic of China history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - P... More

亜細亜大観 04 094 "蕃家の穀倉 (臺灣)"

亜細亜大観 04 094 "蕃家の穀倉 (臺灣)"

日本語: 蕃家の穀倉 (臺灣) 何處の蕃家でも穀倉を持つてゐる。野蕃そのものゝ如く考へられる生蕃にも食糧を貯蓄するだけの智慧を惠まれてゐるのだ。|ブヌレ、ツオウ、パイワンの諸族は之を屋内に其他の諸族は多く屋外に作る。茲に掲げたのはタイヤル族に屬するウライ蕃社のそれ。材料、形狀、構造、すべては心ある人の見逃すべからざるもの。圖中床と柱との間に曲れるは石の鼠返しである。|(一九二七、五、撮影)(印畫の複製を禁ず)

Memorial Photo of the Officials and the Aborigine in Takao 1930

Memorial Photo of the Officials and the Aborigine in Takao 1930


Mokka and their house. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Mokka and their house. Japanese empire during World War Two.

"Savages of Mokka and Thier (sic) House in Formosa" Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public ... More

Aborigines sitting in front of house, Formosa by Lai Afong, 1875

Aborigines sitting in front of house, Formosa by Lai Afong, 1875

From Getty Research Institute: No. 63. - Savage Hut and People at Tsui-sia Tsui-sia is a village on the shore of the Dragon Foot Lake. The people are called the Chinese Tsui-whans (water savages.) This tr... More

A house and its surroundings in a Yami tribe

A house and its surroundings in a Yami tribe

中文(台灣)‎: 雅美族家屋與其周遭。

Savage Tribes Of Formosa 1926 16. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Savage Tribes Of Formosa 1926 16. Japanese empire during World War Two...

A page from a 1926 govermental report on tribal life in Formosa under Japanese rulership.

Savage Tribes Of Formosa 1926 Detail Photo

Savage Tribes Of Formosa 1926 Detail Photo

A page from a 1926 govermental report on tribal life in Formosa under Japanese rulership.

Paiwan 2,  中華民國台灣 - A couple of people standing in front of a building

Paiwan 2, 中華民國台灣 - A couple of people standing in front of a building


Dapper - 1670 - Gedenkwaerdig bedryf - UB Radboud Uni Nijmegen - 180148540 039

Dapper - 1670 - Gedenkwaerdig bedryf - UB Radboud Uni Nijmegen - 18014...

Illustration from Olfert Dapper (1670): Gedenkwaerdig bedryf der Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Maetschappye

In a temple of the Pepo people 1877

In a temple of the Pepo people 1877

中文(臺灣):平埔族祭祀場所,臺灣。 Deutsch: "Ein Pepo Tempel."

Woodhouse in Essaigai

Woodhouse in Essaigai

中文(臺灣):木屋,臺灣。 Deutsch: "Waldhaus in Essaigai." 1899. "Eine Reise zu den Tschin-huan in Formosa."