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images from kitlv database

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KITLV 88000 - Unknown - Inscribed stone on Kanishka at Yusufzai in British India - 1897

KITLV 88000 - Unknown - Inscribed stone on Kanishka at Yusufzai in Bri...

Nederlands: Steen met inscriptie over Kanishka te Yusufzai in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Inscribed stone on Kanishka at Yusufzai in British India

KITLV 88001 - Unknown - Sculptures coming from Jamalgarhi and Takht-i-Bahi in British India - 1897

KITLV 88001 - Unknown - Sculptures coming from Jamalgarhi and Takht-i-...

Nederlands: Beelden afkomstig uit Jamalgarhi en Takht-i-Bahi in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Sculptures coming from Jamalgarhi and Takht-i-Bahi in British India

KITLV 91938 - Samuel Bourne - Relief on a stupa at Sarnath in India - Around 1860-1870

KITLV 91938 - Samuel Bourne - Relief on a stupa at Sarnath in India - ...

Nederlands: Reliëf op een stupa te Sarnath in IndiaEnglish: Relief on a stupa at Sarnath in India

KITLV 88012 - Unknown - Relief in British India - 1897

KITLV 88012 - Unknown - Relief in British India - 1897

Nederlands: Reliëf in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Relief in British India Public domain photograph of a sculpture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

KITLV 88007 - Unknown - Relief in British India - 1897

KITLV 88007 - Unknown - Relief in British India - 1897

Nederlands: Reliëf in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Relief in British India Public domain photograph of a sculpture, monument, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

KITLV 88036 - Unknown - Relief in British India - 1897

KITLV 88036 - Unknown - Relief in British India - 1897

Nederlands: Reliëf in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Relief in British India Public domain photograph of a sculpture, monument, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

KITLV 87992 - Unknown - Sculpture of Buddha comes from the Takht-i-Bahi monastery Yusufzai in British India, moved to the Royal Museum in Berlin - 1897

KITLV 87992 - Unknown - Sculpture of Buddha comes from the Takht-i-Bah...

Nederlands: Beeld van Boeddha afkomstig uit het Takht-i-Bahi klooster te Yusufzai in Brits-India, overgebracht naar het Koninklijk Museum te BerlijnEnglish: Sculpture of Buddha comes from the Takht-i-Bahi monas... More

KITLV 87999 - Unknown - Reliefs coming from Jamalgarhi in British India - 1897

KITLV 87999 - Unknown - Reliefs coming from Jamalgarhi in British Indi...

Nederlands: Reliëfs afkomstig uit Jamalgarhi in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Reliefs coming from Jamalgarhi in British India

KITLV 88002 - Unknown - Sculpture of a king in a museum Lahor in British India - 1897

KITLV 88002 - Unknown - Sculpture of a king in a museum Lahor in Briti...

Nederlands: Beeld van een koning in een museum te Lahor in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Sculpture of a king in a museum Lahor in British India

KITLV 88003 - Unknown - Sculpture in a museum Lahor in British India - 1897

KITLV 88003 - Unknown - Sculpture in a museum Lahor in British India -...

Nederlands: Beeld in een museum te Lahor in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Sculpture in a museum Lahor in British India

KITLV 87998 - Unknown - Reliefs coming from Jamalgarhi in British India - 1897

KITLV 87998 - Unknown - Reliefs coming from Jamalgarhi in British Indi...

Nederlands: Reliëfs afkomstig uit Jamalgarhi in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Reliefs coming from Jamalgarhi in British India

KITLV 88004 - Unknown - Sculpture in a museum Lahor in British India - 1897

KITLV 88004 - Unknown - Sculpture in a museum Lahor in British India -...

Nederlands: Beeld in een museum te Lahor in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Sculpture in a museum Lahor in British India

KITLV 88040 - Unknown - Relief in British India - 1897

KITLV 88040 - Unknown - Relief in British India - 1897

Nederlands: Reliëf in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Relief in British India Public domain photograph of sculpture relief, decorative panel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

KITLV 88044 - Unknown - Relief in British India - 1897

KITLV 88044 - Unknown - Relief in British India - 1897

Nederlands: Reliëf in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Relief in British India Public domain photograph of sculpture relief, decorative panel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

KITLV 88050 - Unknown - Components of a staircase of a stupa in British India - 1897

KITLV 88050 - Unknown - Components of a staircase of a stupa in Britis...

Nederlands: Onderdelen van een trap van een stupa in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Components of a staircase of a stupa in British India

KITLV 87991 - Unknown - Sculpture of Buddha comes from the Takht-i-Bahi monastery Yusufzai in British India, moved to the Royal Museum in Berlin - 1897

KITLV 87991 - Unknown - Sculpture of Buddha comes from the Takht-i-Bah...

Nederlands: Beeld van Boeddha afkomstig uit het Takht-i-Bahi klooster te Yusufzai in Brits-India, overgebracht naar het Koninklijk Museum te BerlijnEnglish: Sculpture of Buddha comes from the Takht-i-Bahi monas... More

KITLV 88013 - Unknown - Reliefs in British India - 1897

KITLV 88013 - Unknown - Reliefs in British India - 1897

Nederlands: Reliëfs in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Reliefs in British India Public domain photograph of sculpture relief, decorative panel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

KITLV 88035 - Unknown - A relief of Buddha with a snake in British India - 1897

KITLV 88035 - Unknown - A relief of Buddha with a snake in British Ind...

Nederlands: Relëf van Boeddha met een slang in Brits-IndiaEnglish: A relief of Buddha with a snake in British India

KITLV 87910 - Unknown - Asoka pillar at Lauriya-Nandagarh in British India - 1897

KITLV 87910 - Unknown - Asoka pillar at Lauriya-Nandagarh in British I...

Nederlands: Asoka pilaar te Lauriya-Nandagarh in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Asoka pillar at Lauriya-Nandagarh in British India

KITLV 87988 - Unknown - Remains of the Takht-i-Bahi monastery Yusufzai in British India - 1897

KITLV 87988 - Unknown - Remains of the Takht-i-Bahi monastery Yusufzai...

Nederlands: Overblijfselen van het Takht-i-Bahi klooster te Yusufzai in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Remains of the Takht-i-Bahi monastery Yusufzai in British India

KITLV 87989 - Unknown - Inscribed stone on Gondophares in Takht-i-Bahi monastery Yusufzai in British India - 1897

KITLV 87989 - Unknown - Inscribed stone on Gondophares in Takht-i-Bahi...

Nederlands: Steen met inscriptie over Gondophares in het Takht-i-Bahi klooster te Yusufzai in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Inscribed stone on Gondophares in Takht-i-Bahi monastery Yusufzai in British India

KITLV 100537 - Unknown - Sculpture in British India - Around 1870

KITLV 100537 - Unknown - Sculpture in British India - Around 1870

Nederlands: Beeld in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Sculpture in British India Public domain photograph of a sculpture, monument, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

KITLV 88010 - Unknown - Relief in British India - 1897

KITLV 88010 - Unknown - Relief in British India - 1897

Nederlands: Reliëf in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Relief in British India Public domain photograph of sculpture relief, decorative panel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

KITLV 88011 - Unknown - Reliefs in British India - 1897

KITLV 88011 - Unknown - Reliefs in British India - 1897

Nederlands: Reliëfs in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Reliefs in British India Public domain photograph of sculpture relief, decorative panel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

KITLV 87990 - Unknown - Relief comes from the Takht-i-Bahi monastery Yusufzai in British India, moved to the Royal Museum in Berlin - 1897

KITLV 87990 - Unknown - Relief comes from the Takht-i-Bahi monastery Y...

Nederlands: Reliëf afkomstig uit het Takht-i-Bahi klooster te Yusufzai in Brits-India, overgebracht naar het Koninklijk Museum te BerlijnEnglish: Relief comes from the Takht-i-Bahi monastery Yusufzai in British... More

KITLV 88039 - Unknown - Relief in British India - 1897

KITLV 88039 - Unknown - Relief in British India - 1897

Nederlands: Reliëf in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Relief in British India Public domain photograph of sculpture relief, decorative panel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

KITLV 87997 - Unknown - Sculpture taken from Jamalgarhi in British India - 1897

KITLV 87997 - Unknown - Sculpture taken from Jamalgarhi in British Ind...

Nederlands: Beeld afkomstig uit Jamalgarhi in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Sculpture taken from Jamalgarhi in British India

KITLV 88037 - Unknown - Relief in British India - 1897

KITLV 88037 - Unknown - Relief in British India - 1897

Nederlands: Reliëf in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Relief in British India Public domain photograph of sculpture relief, decorative panel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

KITLV 88005 - Unknown - Sculptures coming from Jamalgarhi and Takht-i-Bahi in British India - 1897

KITLV 88005 - Unknown - Sculptures coming from Jamalgarhi and Takht-i-...

Nederlands: Beelden afkomstig uit Jamalgarhi en Takht-i-Bahi in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Sculptures coming from Jamalgarhi and Takht-i-Bahi in British India

KITLV 87912 - Unknown - Stone feature Asoka inscriptions at Girnar in British India - 1897

KITLV 87912 - Unknown - Stone feature Asoka inscriptions at Girnar in ...

Nederlands: Stenen voorzien van Asoka inscripties te Girnar in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Stone feature Asoka inscriptions at Girnar in British India

KITLV 87993 - Unknown - Sculpture of Buddha comes from the Takht-i-Bahi monastery Yusufzai in British India, moved to the Royal Museum in Berlin - 1897

KITLV 87993 - Unknown - Sculpture of Buddha comes from the Takht-i-Bah...

Nederlands: Beeld van Boeddha afkomstig uit het Takht-i-Bahi klooster te Yusufzai in Brits-India, overgebracht naar het Koninklijk Museum te BerlijnEnglish: Sculpture of Buddha comes from the Takht-i-Bahi monas... More

KITLV 87994 - Unknown - Sculptures of Buddha from the Takht-i-Bahi monastery at Yusufzai in British India, moved to the Royal Museum in Berlin - 1897

KITLV 87994 - Unknown - Sculptures of Buddha from the Takht-i-Bahi mon...

Nederlands: Beelden van Boeddha afkomstig uit het Takht-i-Bahi klooster te Yusufzai in Brits-India, overgebracht naar het Koninklijk Museum te BerlijnEnglish: Sculptures of Buddha from the Takht-i-Bahi monaster... More

KITLV 88041 - Unknown - Relief in British India - 1897

KITLV 88041 - Unknown - Relief in British India - 1897

Nederlands: Reliëf in Brits-IndiaEnglish: Relief in British India Public domain photograph of a sculpture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

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