Die Radiolarien (Rhizopoda radiaria) - eine Monographie (1862) (203210...
Title: Die Radiolarien (Rhizopoda radiaria) : eine Monographie Haliomma Echinaster (Haeckel) Haliomma Echinaster (Haeckel) Haliomma Echinaster (Haeckel) Haliomma Castanea (Haeckel) Actinomma inerme (Haeckel)... More
Hypertrophy of breast 13 - Public domain portrait print
Identifier: breastitsanomali00deav Title: The breast: its anomalies, its diseases, and their treatment Year: 1917 (1910s) Authors: Deaver, John B. (John Blair), 1855-1931 Subjects: Breast Breast X-rays Breast... More
Rembrandt, his life, his work and his time (1894) (14777534855)
Identifier: rembrandthislife01mich (find matches) Title: Rembrandt, his life, his work and his time Year: 1894 (1890s) Authors: Michel, Emile, 1828-1909 Simmonds, Florence Wedmore, Frederick, Sir, 1844-1921 ... More
A descriptive and illustrated catalogue of 150 paintings by old master...
Identifier: frick-31072002097360 (find matches) Title: A descriptive and illustrated catalogue of 150 paintings by old masters of the Dutch, Flemish, German, Italian, Spanish and French schools (electronic re... More
A catalogue of the pictures and drawings in the National loan exhibiti...
Identifier: catalogueofpictu00nati (find matches) Title: A catalogue of the pictures and drawings in the National loan exhibition, in aid of National gallery funds, held in the Grafton Galleries, London (1909... More
Rembrandt, his life, his work and his time (1894) (14590879370)
Identifier: rembrandthislife01mich (find matches) Title: Rembrandt, his life, his work and his time Year: 1894 (1890s) Authors: Michel, Emile, 1828-1909 Simmonds, Florence Wedmore, Frederick, Sir, 1844-1921 ... More
A catalogue of the pictures and drawings in the National loan exhibiti...
Identifier: catalogueofpictu00nati (find matches) Title: A catalogue of the pictures and drawings in the National loan exhibition, in aid of National gallery funds, held in the Grafton Galleries, London (1909... More
A catalogue raisonné of the works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, ...
Identifier: catalogueraisonn08smituoft (find matches) Title: A catalogue raisonné of the works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French painters : in which is included a short biographical notice of the... More
A catalogue raisonné of the works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, ...
Identifier: raisonneoftheworks04smit (find matches) Title: A catalogue raisonné of the works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French painters; in which is included a short biographical notice of the ar... More
A catalogue of the pictures and drawings in the National loan exhibiti...
Identifier: catalogueofpictu00nati (find matches) Title: A catalogue of the pictures and drawings in the National loan exhibition, in aid of National gallery funds, held in the Grafton Galleries, London (1909... More
Collection de cent-vingt estampes, gravée d'après les tableaux and des...
Identifier: codecent00poul (find matches) Title: Collection de cent-vingt estampes, gravée d'après les tableaux & dessins qui composoient le cabinet de m. Poullain ... précédée d'un abrégé historique de la vi... More
Collection de cent-vingt estampes, gravée d'après les tableaux and des...
Identifier: codecent00poul (find matches) Title: Collection de cent-vingt estampes, gravée d'après les tableaux & dessins qui composoient le cabinet de m. Poullain ... précédée d'un abrégé historique de la vi... More
Illustrated catalogue of 100 paintings of old masters of the Dutch, Fl...
Identifier: illustratedcatal00gale_1 (find matches) Title: Illustrated catalogue of 100 paintings of old masters of the Dutch, Flemish, Italian, French, and English schools : belonging to the Sedelmeyer Galle... More
A descriptive and illustrated catalogue of 150 paintings by old master...
Identifier: frick-31072002097360 (find matches) Title: A descriptive and illustrated catalogue of 150 paintings by old masters of the Dutch, Flemish, German, Italian, Spanish and French schools (electronic re... More
A partial bibliography of Dutch painters and their works - covering Cu...
Identifier: partialbibliogra00fost (find matches) Title: A partial bibliography of Dutch painters and their works : covering Cuyp, Dou, Hals, Hobbema, Rembrandt, Ruisdael and Wouwermann Year: 1904 (1900s) Aut... More
Book of the Royal blue (1897) (14574414600)
Identifier: bookofroyalblue01balt (find matches) Title: Book of the Royal blue Year: 1897 (1890s) Authors: Baltimore and Ohio railroad company. (from old catalog) Subjects: Middle Atlantic States -- Descrip... More
The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition, and Seattle the beautiful exposit...
Identifier: alaskayukonpacif00reid (find matches) Title: The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition, and Seattle the beautiful exposition city Year: 1909 (1900s) Authors: Reid, Robert A., Seattle, pub. (from old ca... More
Extinct birds - an attempt to unite in one volume a short account of t...
Identifier: Extinctbirds00Roth (find matches) Title: Extinct birds : an attempt to unite in one volume a short account of those birds which have become extinct in historical times : that is, within the last s... More
"Abe" Lincoln's yarns and stories - a complete collection of the funny...
Identifier: abelincolnsyar3369mccl (find matches) Title: "Abe" Lincoln's yarns and stories : a complete collection of the funny and witty anecdotes that made Lincoln famous as America's greatest story teller ... More
"As we see 'em," a volume of cartoons and caricatures of Los Angeles c...
Identifier: asweseeemvolumeo00ande (find matches) Title: "As we see 'em," a volume of cartoons and caricatures of Los Angeles citizens Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Anderson, Antony E Subjects: Publisher: (L... More
"As we see 'em," a volume of cartoons and caricatures of Los Angeles c...
Identifier: asweseeemvolumeo00ande (find matches) Title: "As we see 'em," a volume of cartoons and caricatures of Los Angeles citizens Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Anderson, Antony E Subjects: Publisher: (L... More
"As we see 'em," a volume of cartoons and caricatures of Los Angeles c...
Identifier: asweseeemvolumeo00ande (find matches) Title: "As we see 'em," a volume of cartoons and caricatures of Los Angeles citizens Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Anderson, Antony E Subjects: Publisher: (L... More
"As you were," (1919) (14778976041)
Identifier: asyouwere00bang (find matches) Title: "As you were," Year: 1919 (1910s) Authors: (Bangs, John Kendrick) 1888- ed (Bangs, John Kendrick), 1862-1922, ed Subjects: United States. War dept. Purchase... More
"As you were," (1919) (14595657367)
Identifier: asyouwere00bang (find matches) Title: "As you were," Year: 1919 (1910s) Authors: (Bangs, John Kendrick) 1888- ed (Bangs, John Kendrick), 1862-1922, ed Subjects: United States. War dept. Purchase... More
"As you were," (1919) (14595429890)
Identifier: asyouwere00bang (find matches) Title: "As you were," Year: 1919 (1910s) Authors: (Bangs, John Kendrick) 1888- ed (Bangs, John Kendrick), 1862-1922, ed Subjects: United States. War dept. Purchase... More
"As you were," (1919) (14779759154)
Identifier: asyouwere00bang (find matches) Title: "As you were," Year: 1919 (1910s) Authors: (Bangs, John Kendrick) 1888- ed (Bangs, John Kendrick), 1862-1922, ed Subjects: United States. War dept. Purchase... More
"Blasts" from The Ram's Horn (1902) (14598195268)
Identifier: blastsfromramsho00unse (find matches) Title: "Blasts" from The Ram's Horn Year: 1902 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Poetry Publisher: Chicago, The Ram's Horn Co. Contributing Library: University o... More
"Blasts" from The Ram's Horn (1902) (14598166777)
Identifier: blastsfromramsho00unse (find matches) Title: "Blasts" from The Ram's Horn Year: 1902 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Poetry Publisher: Chicago, The Ram's Horn Co. Contributing Library: University o... More
"Blasts" from The Ram's Horn (1902) (14597878770)
Identifier: blastsfromramsho00unse (find matches) Title: "Blasts" from The Ram's Horn Year: 1902 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Poetry Publisher: Chicago, The Ram's Horn Co. Contributing Library: University o... More
"Blasts" from The Ram's Horn (1902) (14598369097)
Identifier: blastsfromramsho00unse (find matches) Title: "Blasts" from The Ram's Horn Year: 1902 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Poetry Publisher: Chicago, The Ram's Horn Co. Contributing Library: University o... More
"From Dan to Beersheba"; or, The Land of promise as it now appears - i...
Identifier: fromdantobeershe00newmuoft (find matches) Title: "From Dan to Beersheba"; or, The Land of promise as it now appears : including a description of the boundaries, topography, agriculture, antiquitie... More
"From Dan to Beersheba"; or, The Land of promise as it now appears - i...
Identifier: fromdantobeershe00newmuoft (find matches) Title: "From Dan to Beersheba"; or, The Land of promise as it now appears : including a description of the boundaries, topography, agriculture, antiquitie... More
"From Dan to Beersheba"; or, The Land of promise as it now appears - i...
Identifier: fromdantobeershe00newmuoft (find matches) Title: "From Dan to Beersheba"; or, The Land of promise as it now appears : including a description of the boundaries, topography, agriculture, antiquitie... More
"Blasts" from The Ram's Horn (1902) (14782497094)
Identifier: blastsfromramsho00unse (find matches) Title: "Blasts" from The Ram's Horn Year: 1902 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Poetry Publisher: Chicago, The Ram's Horn Co. Contributing Library: University o... More
"L'oncle de l'Europe" devant l'objectif caricatural - images anglaises...
Identifier: gri_33125009789161 (find matches) Title: "L'oncle de l'Europe" devant l'objectif caricatural : images anglaises, françaises, italiennes, allemandes, autrichiennes, hollandaises, belges, suisses, e... More
"My merry Rockhurst"; being some episodes inn the life of Viscount Roc...
Identifier: mymerryrockhurst00cast (find matches) Title: "My merry Rockhurst"; being some episodes inn the life of Viscount Rockhurst, a friend of King Charles the Second,and at one time constable of His Maje... More
"Roentgen" induction coils and other X-ray apparatus (1904) (145710476...
Identifier: roentgeninductio1904jame (find matches) Title: "Roentgen" induction coils and other X-ray apparatus Year: 1904 (1900s) Authors: James G. Biddle Company Subjects: X-rays Induction coils Radiograp... More
"Roentgen" induction coils and other X-ray apparatus (1904) (145710422...
Identifier: roentgeninductio1904jame (find matches) Title: "Roentgen" induction coils and other X-ray apparatus Year: 1904 (1900s) Authors: James G. Biddle Company Subjects: X-rays Induction coils Radiograp... More
"Roses and Sapphire" - Portland Rose Festival parade, Portland Railway...
Identifier: electricrailway421913newy (find matches) Title: Electric railway journal Year: 1908 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Electric railroads Publisher: (New York) McGraw Hill Pub. Co Contributing Library:... More
"Roentgen" induction coils and other X-ray apparatus (1904) (147545274...
Identifier: roentgeninductio1904jame (find matches) Title: "Roentgen" induction coils and other X-ray apparatus Year: 1904 (1900s) Authors: James G. Biddle Company Subjects: X-rays Induction coils Radiograp... More
"Seeing Salt Lake City" being an illustrated description of a tour thr...
Identifier: seeingsaltlakeci01amer (find matches) Title: "Seeing Salt Lake City" being an illustrated description of a tour through Salt Lake City on the observation cars of the American Sight-Seeing Car and ... More
't Vergulde licht der zee-vaard, - of te konst der stuurlieden. Zynde ...
Identifier: verguldelichtde00giet (find matches) Title: 't Vergulde licht der zee-vaard, : of te konst der stuurlieden. Zynde een volkomen en klare onderwyzinge der navigatie, bestaande in 't geen een Stuurma... More
'Ventures among the Arabs in desert, tent and town; thirteen years of ...
Identifier: venturesamongara00ford (find matches) Title: 'Ventures among the Arabs in desert, tent and town; thirteen years of pioneer missionary life with the Ishma-elites of Moab, Edom and Arabia Year: 1905... More
(Publications (1895) (14584915130)
Identifier: publications16brit (find matches) Title: (Publications Year: 1895 (1890s) Authors: British School of Egyptian Archaeology Petrie, W. M. Flinders (William Matthew Flinders), Sir, 1853-1942. Naqada... More
(Publications (1895) (14584903810)
Identifier: publications16brit (find matches) Title: (Publications Year: 1895 (1890s) Authors: British School of Egyptian Archaeology Petrie, W. M. Flinders (William Matthew Flinders), Sir, 1853-1942. Naqada... More
"The apostles doctrine and fellowship." Five sermons preached in the p...
Identifier: theapostlesdoctr00ives (find matches) Title: "The apostles doctrine and fellowship." Five sermons preached in the principal churches of his diocese, during his spring visitation, 1844 Year: 1844 (... More
(Publications (1895) (14768465891)
Identifier: publications16brit (find matches) Title: (Publications Year: 1895 (1890s) Authors: British School of Egyptian Archaeology Petrie, W. M. Flinders (William Matthew Flinders), Sir, 1853-1942. Naqada... More
... Annual catalogue of the officers and students of John B. Stetson U...
Identifier: annualcatalogue0003john (find matches) Title: ... Annual catalogue of the officers and students of John B. Stetson University .. Year: 1884 (1880s) Authors: John B. Stetson University John B. Ste... More
... Annual announcement and catalogue of the Rush Medical College, Chi...
Gray's Anatomy is a classic human anatomy textbook first published in 1858 by Henry Gray. The book, which is widely considered to be one of the most important and influential works in the field of anatomy, prov... More
... Annual catalogue of the officers and students of John B. Stetson U...
Identifier: annualcatalogue0003john (find matches) Title: ... Annual catalogue of the officers and students of John B. Stetson University .. Year: 1884 (1880s) Authors: John B. Stetson University John B. Ste... More
... History of Oswego County, New York (1877) (14578088829)
Identifier: historyofoswegoc01john (find matches) Title: ... History of Oswego County, New York Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Johnson, Crisfield Subjects: Publisher: Philadelphia, L.H. Everts & co. Contribut... More
... History of Oswego County, New York (1877) (14741619676)
Residence and Portrait of hon W. Baker II Identifier: historyofoswegoc01john (find matches) Title: ... History of Oswego County, New York Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Johnson, Crisfield Subjects: Publisher: ... More
... History of Oswego County, New York (1877) (14741731166)
Mr and Mrs Calvin French and their residence Identifier: historyofoswegoc01john (find matches) Title: ... History of Oswego County, New York Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Johnson, Crisfield Subjects: Publisher... More
... History of Oswego County, New York (1877) (14761487341)
Identifier: historyofoswegoc01john (find matches) Title: ... History of Oswego County, New York Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Johnson, Crisfield Subjects: Publisher: Philadelphia, L.H. Everts & co. Contribut... More
... History of Oswego County, New York (1877) (14764511625)
Identifier: historyofoswegoc01john (find matches) Title: ... History of Oswego County, New York Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Johnson, Crisfield Subjects: Publisher: Philadelphia, L.H. Everts & co. Contribut... More
... The artesian waters of northeastern Illinois (1919) (14596909780)
Identifier: artesianwater34ande (find matches) Title: ... The artesian waters of northeastern Illinois Year: 1919 (1910s) Authors: Anderson, Carl Bernard, 1889- Subjects: Groundwater Publisher: Urbana, Ill... More
... Under the crown, American history; (1909) (14773320501)
Identifier: undercrownameric00yout (find matches) Title: ... Under the crown, American history; Year: 1909 (1900s) Authors: Youth companion Subjects: Publisher: Boston, Mass., P. Mason company Contributing... More
... Woman in girlhood, wifehood, motherhood; her responsibilities and ...
Identifier: womaningirlhoodw00soli (find matches) Title: ... Woman in girlhood, wifehood, motherhood; her responsibilities and her duties at all periods of life; a guide in the maintenance of her health and t... More
... Annual report of the Presbyterian Hospital in the city of Chicago,...
Identifier: annualreportofpr39pres (find matches) Title: ... Annual report of the Presbyterian Hospital in the city of Chicago, with the constitution, by-laws and charter. Year: 1921 (1920s) Authors: Presbyt... More
... Woman in girlhood, wifehood, motherhood; her responsibilities and ...
"A STUDY IN PENSIVENESS. These exquisite heads, with their soft contours and delicate coloring, are a marvel of beauty. The faces by the magic of theartists brush bespeak rare kindliness, sanctity and loveline... More
... Woman in girlhood, wifehood, motherhood; her responsibilities and ...
Identifier: womaningirlhoodw00soli (find matches) Title: ... Woman in girlhood, wifehood, motherhood; her responsibilities and her duties at all periods of life; a guide in the maintenance of her health and t... More
... The Pecks in camp (1911) (14566694390)
Identifier: pecksincamp00dudl (find matches) Title: ... The Pecks in camp Year: 1911 (1910s) Authors: Dudley, Albertus T. (Albertus True), b. 1866 Subjects: Publisher: Boston, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co Con... More
15th annual catalogue of the Germain Seed and Plant Co (1900) (1604542...
Title: 15th annual catalogue of the Germain Seed and Plant Co Identifier: 15thannualcatalo1900germ (find matches) Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Germain Seed and Plant Company; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed ... More
1517-1917. Jubilee volume (1917) (14784272935)
Identifier: 15171917jubileev00evan (find matches) Title: 1517-1917. Jubilee volume Year: 1917 (1910s) Authors: Evangelical Lutheran ministerium of Pennsylvania and adjacent states. Conferences. Norristown Su... More
1812 Red River 1912 - Lord Selkirk's centennial (1912) (14597594708)
Identifier: 1812redriver191200winn (find matches) Title: 1812 Red River 1912 : Lord Selkirk's centennial Year: 1912 (1910s) Authors: Subjects: Selkirk, Thomas Douglas, Earl of, 1771-1820 Publisher: Winnipe... More
1896 premium catalogue Bee soap - over 300 different articles for Bee ...
Identifier: 1896premiumcatal00colg (find matches) Title: 1896 premium catalogue Bee soap : over 300 different articles for Bee soap wrappers, The Year: 1896 (1890s) Authors: Colgate & Company. Subjects: Pre... More
1895 retail seed catalogue (1895) (16044241984)
Title: 1895 retail seed catalogue Identifier: 1895retailseedca1895siou (find matches) Year: 1895 (1890s) Authors: Sioux City Nursery and Seed Company; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collectio... More
1902 year book - everything for the farm and garden (1902) (2056695853...
Title: 1902 year book : everything for the farm and garden Identifier: CAT31285736 (find matches) Year: 1902 (1900s) Authors: Ross Brothers; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects... More
1905-'06 descriptive catalogue of rare flowers - seeds, plants, bulbs,...
Identifier: 190506descriptiv1906theo (find matches) Title: 1905-'06 descriptive catalogue of rare flowers : seeds, plants, bulbs, cacti, etc Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Theodosia B. Shepherd Company Henry G.... More
The Forfar Directory and Yearbook 1911 (1911) (14753413146)
Identifier: forfardirectoryy1911unse (find matches) Title: The Forfar Directory and Yearbook 1911 Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Subjects: Publisher: W. Shepherd, Castle St, Forfar Contributing Library: Angu... More
1912 Griffith and Turner Co. - farm and garden supplies (1912) (164802...
Title: 1912 Griffith and Turner Co. : farm and garden supplies Identifier: 1912griffithturn1912grif (find matches) Year: 1912 (1910s) Authors: Griffith and Turner Co; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade C... More
1914 illustrated and descriptive catalog of Whitin cotton waste machin...
Identifier: 1914illustratedd00whit (find matches) Title: 1914 illustrated and descriptive catalog of Whitin cotton waste machinery and of various systems of working cotton waste Year: 1914 (1910s) Authors: W... More
1914 illustrated and descriptive catalog of Whitin cotton waste machin...
Identifier: 1914illustratedd00whit (find matches) Title: 1914 illustrated and descriptive catalog of Whitin cotton waste machinery and of various systems of working cotton waste Year: 1914 (1910s) Authors: W... More
1919 illustrated and descriptive catalog of Whitin cotton waste machin...
Identifier: illustratedd1919whit (find matches) Title: 1919 illustrated and descriptive catalog of Whitin cotton waste machinery Year: 1919 (1910s) Authors: Whitin Machine Works (Whitinsville, Mass.) Subject... More
1919 illustrated and descriptive catalog of Whitin cotton waste machin...
Identifier: illustratedd1919whit (find matches) Title: 1919 illustrated and descriptive catalog of Whitin cotton waste machinery Year: 1919 (1910s) Authors: Whitin Machine Works (Whitinsville, Mass.) Subject... More
1926 seeds (1926) (16046740644)
Title: 1926 seeds Identifier: 1926seeds1926wwba (find matches) Year: 1926 (1920s) Authors: W. W. Barnard & Co; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables S... More
1924 Griffith and Turner Co. - farm and garden supplies (1924) (164827...
Title: 1924 Griffith and Turner Co. : farm and garden supplies Identifier: 1924griffithturn1924grif (find matches) Year: 1924 (1920s) Authors: Griffith and Turner Co; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade C... More
1927 garden manual for southern gardeners (1927) (16481778480)
Title: 1927 garden manual for southern gardeners Identifier: 1927gardenmanual19jste (find matches) Year: 1927 (1920s) Authors: J. Steckler Seed Co; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection S... More
1940 Planter's guide (1940) (16482952288)
Title: 1940 Planter's guide Identifier: 1940plantersguid1940harr (find matches) Year: 1940 (1940s) Authors: Harrison's Nurseries (Berlin, Md. ); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subj... More
1957 quality seeds - Steckler Seed Company, Inc (1957) (16644804696)
Title: 1957 quality seeds : Steckler Seed Company, Inc Identifier: 1957qualityseeds19jste (find matches) Year: 1957 (1950s) Authors: J. Steckler Seed Co; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collec... More
1942 Cooley's Gardens (1942) (16050573693)
Title: 1942 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1942cooleysgarde1942cool (find matches) Year: 1942 (1940s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1959 Cooley's Gardens (1959) (16463537547)
Title: 1959 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1959cooleysgarde1959cool (find matches) Year: 1959 (1950s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1960 Cooley's Gardens (1960) (16645018196)
Title: 1960 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1960cooleysgarde1960cool (find matches) Year: 1960 (1960s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1964 Cooley's Gardens (1964) (16048721294)
Title: 1964 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1964cooleysgarde1964cool (find matches) Year: 1964 (1960s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1961 Cooley's Gardens (1961) (16669662351)
Title: 1961 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1961cooleysgarde1961cool (find matches) Year: 1961 (1960s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1959 nian bei jing di qu dong xiao mai zai pei yan jiu bao gao xuan ji...
Title: 1959 nian bei jing di qu dong xiao mai zai pei yan jiu bao gao xuan ji Identifier: 1959nianbeijingd00beij (find matches) Year: 1959.9 (1950s) Authors: bei jing shi ke xue ji shu xie hui chou bei wei y... More
1965 Cooley's Gardens (1965) (16483546698)
Title: 1965 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1965cooleysgarde1965cool (find matches) Year: 1965 (1960s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1965 Cooley's Gardens (1965) (16483607088)
Title: 1965 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1965cooleysgarde1965cool (find matches) Year: 1965 (1960s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1965 Cooley's Gardens (1965) (16645200576)
Title: 1965 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1965cooleysgarde1965cool (find matches) Year: 1965 (1960s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1965 Cooley's Gardens (1965) (16051198293)
Title: 1965 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1965cooleysgarde1965cool (find matches) Year: 1965 (1960s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1968 Cooley's Gardens (1968) (16485004099)
Title: 1968 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1968cooleysgarde1968cool (find matches) Year: 1968 (1960s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More
1964 Cooley's Gardens (1964) (16669988862)
Title: 1964 Cooley's Gardens Identifier: 1964cooleysgarde1964cool (find matches) Year: 1964 (1960s) Authors: Cooley's Gardens; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Subjects: Nurseries (H... More