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illustrations by gustave dore

83 media by topicpage 1 of 1
Engraving by Gustave Dore from Alfred Lord Tennyson's Elaine

Engraving by Gustave Dore from Alfred Lord Tennyson's Elaine

Alfred Lord Tennyson, Elaine, illustrated by Gustave Doré. London: Edward Moxon, 1867.

Fébus qui tente d'assassiner son fils

Fébus qui tente d'assassiner son fils

Français : Vignette pour le Voyage aux Pyrénées d'Hippolyte Taine. Gaston Fébus, qui tente d'assassiner son fils, est arrêté par ses chevaliers et ses écuyers, Pau, musée national du Château.

Ridpath's Universal history - an account of the origin, primitive condition and ethnic development of the great races of mankind, and of the principal events in the evolution and progress of the (14747336176)

Ridpath's Universal history - an account of the origin, primitive cond...

Identifier: ridpathsuniversa08ridp (find matches) Title: Ridpath's Universal history : an account of the origin, primitive condition and ethnic development of the great races of mankind, and of the principal ... More

Gustave Doré - Escalier de l'Opéra à la Mi-Carême

Gustave Doré - Escalier de l'Opéra à la Mi-Carême

Français : L'escalier de l'Opéra de Paris au moment de la fête de la Mi-Carême. Estampe extraite de la suite de 2à planches pour le Musée Anglais-Français, format 320 x 257 mm.



Deutsch: Verkündigung (Luk. 1, 28.)

Gustave Doré - River Legends 4

Gustave Doré - River Legends 4

Illustration by Gustave Doré for the book River Legends; or, Father Thames and Father Rhine by Hugessen

The founding of a new world (1898) (14740311366)

The founding of a new world (1898) (14740311366)

CHRISTIAN MARTYRS (with lions) Identifier: foundingofnewwor00drye (find matches) Title: The founding of a new world Year: 1898 (1890s) Authors: Dryer, George H Subjects: Church history -- Primitive and early... More

Doré - Genoveva Pa I - A black and white drawing of a man on a horse
Doré Contes de Perrault 1867 Petit poucet bdms MG1 LB.F-0069 mb a

Doré Contes de Perrault 1867 Petit poucet bdms MG1 LB.F-0069 mb a

Gustave Doré, gravure sur bois pour Les contes de Perrault, Paris, Hetzel, 1867

A black and white drawing of a bear in a costume Gustave Doré Puss in Boots - Drawing. Public domain image.

A black and white drawing of a bear in a costume Gustave Doré Puss in ...

Untitled illustration from "Puss in Boots" from the book Les Contes de Perrault, an edition of Charles Perrault's fairy tales illustrated by Gustave Doré, originally published in 1862 (source). Link to the ... More

Paul Gustave Louis Christophe Doré I

Paul Gustave Louis Christophe Doré I

Paul Gustave Louis Christophe Doré's illustration entitled 'Abraham Entertains Three Strangers.'

Les arrivages de blé à Odessa - Gustave Doré, Auguste Trichon

Les arrivages de blé à Odessa - Gustave Doré, Auguste Trichon

Français : Les arrivages de blé à Odessa - Gustave Doré, Auguste Trichon

Serranía de Ronda - A black and white drawing of a man sitting on a hill
Miranda de Ebro 1862 - A drawing of a bridge over a river

Miranda de Ebro 1862 - A drawing of a bridge over a river

Grabado de Miranda de Ebro Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait, Spain, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Le passage de l'Opéra à quatre heures du matin le mercredi des Cendres - Gustave Doré - Le Journal illustré - n°53 - 12 février 1865

Le passage de l'Opéra à quatre heures du matin le mercredi des Cendres...

Français : Gravure d'après Gustave Doré illustrant le bal de l'Opéra au Carnaval de Paris.

Doré Florine - Public domain portrait engraving

Doré Florine - Public domain portrait engraving

detail Public domain photograph related to the history of France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph related to the history of Germany, free to use, no ... More

Paul Gustave Louis Christophe Doré V

Paul Gustave Louis Christophe Doré V

Illustration by Paul Gustave Louis Christophe Doré.

The Christian Martyrs by G.Dore (1871)

The Christian Martyrs by G.Dore (1871)

The Christian Martyrs Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Un bal masqué à l'Opéra - Par Gustave Doré - Carnaval de Paris

Un bal masqué à l'Opéra - Par Gustave Doré - Carnaval de Paris

Français : Le bal de l'Opéra vu par Gustave Doré

Lechatbotte 4

Lechatbotte 4

Untitled illustration from "Puss in Boots" from the book Les Contes de Perrault, an edition of Charles Perrault's fairy tales illustrated by Gustave Doré, originally published in 1862 (source). Link to the p... More

The Bible panorama, or The Holy Scriptures in picture and story (1891) (14598456337)

The Bible panorama, or The Holy Scriptures in picture and story (1891)...

Identifier: biblepanoramaorh00fost (find matches) Title: The Bible panorama, or The Holy Scriptures in picture and story Year: 1891 (1890s) Authors: Foster, William A. (from old catalog) Subjects: Publisher... More

De deux choses l'une - A black and white drawing of a man on a horse

De deux choses l'une - A black and white drawing of a man on a horse

"De deux choses l'une : ou le lion était tué instantanément, ou ..."

Bal masqué de l'Opéra 1856 - Carnaval de Paris

Bal masqué de l'Opéra 1856 - Carnaval de Paris

Français : Le bal masqué de l'Opéra en 1856.

Paul Gustave Louis Christophe Doré

Paul Gustave Louis Christophe Doré

Doré's illustration entitled 'The Creation of Eve.'

The Fairy Festival - A painting of a group of people in a forest

The Fairy Festival - A painting of a group of people in a forest

The Fairy Festival Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

In the Lucerne Valley (6815915415)

In the Lucerne Valley (6815915415)

Gustave Dore, Le Magasin Pittoresque, 1861 Le Magasin Pittoresque Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered wi... More

Florineof Burgundycrop - Public domain weapon engraving

Florineof Burgundycrop - Public domain weapon engraving

Florine of Burgundy Public domain photograph related to the history of France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gustave Doré - La Rue de la Vieille Lanterne

Gustave Doré - La Rue de la Vieille Lanterne

Français : La Rue de la Vieille Lanterne (1855). Lithographie de Gustave Doré consacrée au suicide de Gérard de Nerval. En bas à droite figure un extrait d'un poème de Nerval, Les Cydalises : L'éternité profon... More



Leviathan (Jesaias 27,1.)

Doré, Gustave - Three London pedlars - tall man

Doré, Gustave - Three London pedlars - tall man

Public domain photograph related to the history of England, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gustave Dore illustration

Gustave Dore illustration

Gustave Dore illustration. Public domain photograph related to middle ages, medieval art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Cavalieri tav rot Rabelais Doré - Gustav Dore

Cavalieri tav rot Rabelais Doré - Gustav Dore

Italiano: Cavalieri della Tavola Rotonda

Ridpath's history of the world; being an account of the ethnic origin, primitive estate, early migrations, social conditions and present promise of the principal families of men (1897) (14783399605)

Ridpath's history of the world; being an account of the ethnic origin,...

Identifier: ridpathshistoryo01ridp (find matches) Title: Ridpath's history of the world; being an account of the ethnic origin, primitive estate, early migrations, social conditions and present promise of the... More

"Les Compagnons de Jéhu" - 4 chap1 img04 jehu

"Les Compagnons de Jéhu" - 4 chap1 img04 jehu

The Companions of Jehu, illustration by Gustave Doré to accompany the novel by Alexandre Dumas Les Compagnons de Jéhu Paris: Dufour, Mulat et Boulangers éditeurs, 1859. • Imprimé • Bibliothèque de Bourg-en-Bresse

Г. Доре Жена, обчаченная в солнце

Г. Доре Жена, обчаченная в солнце

Українська: Г._Доре_Жена,_обчаченная_в_солнце.jpg: Г._Доре_Жена,_обчаченная_в_солнце

Death of Eleazer - Gustav Dore - Public domain scan / engraving

Death of Eleazer - Gustav Dore - Public domain scan / engraving

Gustave Doré engraving for the Bible - "Death of Eleazer" 1866

Matterhorn disaster Dore

Matterhorn disaster Dore

Disaster strikes just after the first ascent of the Matterhorn, drawn by Gustave Doré

Gustave Doré - The Holy Bible - Plate CXLI, The Judas Kiss (unadjusted)

Gustave Doré - The Holy Bible - Plate CXLI, The Judas Kiss (unadjusted...

"The Judas Kiss", (Mark 14:45) by Gustave Doré. Judas kisses Jesus in order to betray him to the guards.

Contrabandistas - A black and white drawing of three men on a mountain

Contrabandistas - A black and white drawing of three men on a mountain

Español: Contrabandistas de la serranía de Ronda. Public domain photograph of quarry workers, mining, miners, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Doré gypsy caves granada

Doré gypsy caves granada

Español: ilustración de Gustav Doré del barrio del Sacromonte en Granada

Gustave Doré - River Legends 2

Gustave Doré - River Legends 2

Illustration by Gustave Doré for the book River Legends; or, Father Thames and Father Rhine by Hugessen

Cristo de la Conversión del Buen Ladrón

Cristo de la Conversión del Buen Ladrón

Español: Cristo de la Conversión del Buen Ladrón. Hermandad de Montserrat. Sevilla, Andalucía, España.

Ancien couvent de Bujedo, entre Burgos et Miranda de Ebro (1862?)

Ancien couvent de Bujedo, entre Burgos et Miranda de Ebro (1862?)

Monasterio de Santa María de Bujedo, por Gustave Doré

Dore-I watched the Water-Snakes-Detail

Dore-I watched the Water-Snakes-Detail

Detail of engraving by Gustave Doré for an 1876 edition of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Captioned "I Watched the Water-Snakes," it depicts sailor with dead albatross around his neck.

Géant Gayant - A drawing of a group of people dressed in medieval clothing

Géant Gayant - A drawing of a group of people dressed in medieval clot...

Français : Planche gravée extraite de : "Le géant Gayant et sa famille" dans "Journal pour tous" (1856).

Donation Ballabio Doré - Drawing. Public domain image.

Donation Ballabio Doré - Drawing. Public domain image.

Français : Géraint et Enide sortant de la forêt Pierre noire, lavis brun, rehauts de blanc - 42,2 x 32,2 cm

Balzac entomologist

Balzac entomologist

"Balzac the entomologist" cartoon by Gustave Dore - Balzac, dressed in a 16th-century costume, writes at a desk looking through a big magnifying glass of men and women pinned like insects. He is surrounded by a... More

Photoshop. 'The Expulsion From Paradise'

Photoshop. 'The Expulsion From Paradise'

Using the eraser tool in photoshop, one can blend images together as done here with a Don Quijote illustration and Albrecht Dürer's 'The Expulsion From Paradise'.

Dore-7 - A drawing of a man on a horse and a woman on a horse
Orange court Doré - A drawing of a group of people sitting around a table

Orange court Doré - A drawing of a group of people sitting around a ta...

Orange Court, from «London: A Pilgrimage» (1872)

Le Journal illustré N°8

Le Journal illustré N°8

Français : Le Journal illustré - hebdomadaire, N°8 du 3 avril 1864 - 27x37,5 cm, 8 pages. Article d'Alexandre Dumas. Gravures de Gustave Doré. Content: Article d'Alexandre Dumas décrivant sur 6 pages, après qu... More

La pêche miraculeuse de Gustave Doré

La pêche miraculeuse de Gustave Doré

Français : La pêche miraculeuse citée dans la Bible, d'après l'œuvre de Gustave Doré.

Reclus - France, Algérie et colonies (1886)-p267

Reclus - France, Algérie et colonies (1886)-p267

Français : Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges. English: Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges.

Zoraida by Gustave Dore - Public domain scan / engraving

Zoraida by Gustave Dore - Public domain scan / engraving

Zoraida falls in the Captive's arms by Gustave Doré (January 6, 1832 – January 23, 1883) a French artist, printmaker, illustrator and sculptor. Doré worked primarily with wood engraving.

The Bible panorama, or The Holy Scriptures in picture and story (1891) (14804881223)

The Bible panorama, or The Holy Scriptures in picture and story (1891)...

Identifier: biblepanoramaorh00fost (find matches) Title: The Bible panorama, or The Holy Scriptures in picture and story Year: 1891 (1890s) Authors: Foster, William A. (from old catalog) Subjects: Publisher... More

A voyage to the moon, Doré

A voyage to the moon, Doré

Engraving by Gustave Doré

A Rider and a Dead Horse in a Landscape MET DP805944

A Rider and a Dead Horse in a Landscape MET DP805944

Drawing; Drawings Public domain reproduction of artwork in Metropolitan Museum of Art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Doré - Vivien Pa II - A drawing of a man sitting under a tree
Rambles in sunny Spain (1889) (14756813936)

Rambles in sunny Spain (1889) (14756813936)

Identifier: ramblesinsunnysp00ober (find matches) Title: Rambles in sunny Spain Year: 1889 (1880s) Authors: Ober, Frederick A(lbion), 1849- (from old catalog) Subjects: Publisher: Boston, Estes and Lauriat... More

Gustave doré crusades the childrens crusade

Gustave doré crusades the childrens crusade

Depiction of the Children's Crusade by Gustave Doré

Le coup ne partit pas - A man riding a horse next to a bear

Le coup ne partit pas - A man riding a horse next to a bear

"Je visai à la tempe et je pressai la détente ... le coup ne partit pas."

Andromeda by Gustave Dore (1832-1883) (cropped)

Andromeda by Gustave Dore (1832-1883) (cropped)

Deutsch: Andromeda von Gustave Dore (1832-1883) English: Andromeda by Gustave Dore (1832-1883) Andromeda von Gustave Dore (1832-1883) Andromeda by Gustave Dore (1832-1883)

Vogue de Bourg-en-Bresse

Vogue de Bourg-en-Bresse

Français : La vogue de Bourg-en-Bresse (Ain, France), vue par Gustave Doré

ROUQUETTE(1871) p037 Les uns par

ROUQUETTE(1871) p037 Les uns par

Public domain image of 19th-century Paris - architecture, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ezdráš v modlitbě - A black and white drawing of a person laying on a ledge

Ezdráš v modlitbě - A black and white drawing of a person laying on a ...

Čeština: Ilustrace z Anglické Bible /1867/ z knihy Ezdráš ze Starého zákona.

Gustave Dore X - A book with a picture of a man floating in a body of water

Gustave Dore X - A book with a picture of a man floating in a body of ...

Illustration for Gargantua and Pantagruel by French artist, Gustave Dore. Public domain photograph related to middle ages, medieval art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Rambles in sunny Spain (1889) (14593009980)

Rambles in sunny Spain (1889) (14593009980)

Identifier: ramblesinsunnysp00ober (find matches) Title: Rambles in sunny Spain Year: 1889 (1880s) Authors: Ober, Frederick A(lbion), 1849- (from old catalog) Subjects: Publisher: Boston, Estes and Lauriat... More

Gustave Doré - River Legends 3

Gustave Doré - River Legends 3

Illustration by Gustave Doré for the book River Legends; or, Father Thames and Father Rhine by Hugessen

Gustave Doré, La Rue de la Vieille Lanterne The Suicide of Gérard de Nerval, 1855

Gustave Doré, La Rue de la Vieille Lanterne The Suicide of Gérard de N...

La Rue de la Vieille Lanterne: The Suicide of Gérard de Nerval. Lithograph in black on light gray China paper laid down on white wove paper 502 x 343 mm (image/chine); 576 x 400 mm (sheet)

Girafe attaquée par des lions

Girafe attaquée par des lions

Français : Dessin de Gustave Doré, d'après Charles-Jean Anderson, gravure François Pannemaker et Adolphe Ligny. Publié dans le tome 2 de "Le tour du monde, nouveau journal des voyages" Sous la direction de Éd... More

Battle of the Tchernaya ILN0-1855-0929-0023

Battle of the Tchernaya ILN0-1855-0929-0023

Battle of the Tchernaya. Illustration for The Illustrated London News, 29 September 1855. Volume: 27, page 392, Issue: 763, page 23 Read the ILN Illustrated by our artist, Gustave Doré. reference

Prise de Jérusalem- estampe (Défet). Gustave Doré; Auguste Trichon. 1858

Prise de Jérusalem- estampe (Défet). Gustave Doré; Auguste Trichon. 18...

Français : [Prise de Jérusalem] : [estampe] ([Défet]) / G. Doré ; Trichon

Gustave Dore XII - Public domain dedication image

Gustave Dore XII - Public domain dedication image

Illustration for Gargantua and Pantagruel by French artist, Gustave Dore.

The poetic and dramatic works of Alfred lord Tennyson (1899) (14597990778)

The poetic and dramatic works of Alfred lord Tennyson (1899) (14597990...

Identifier: poeticdramaticwo01tenn (find matches) Title: The poetic and dramatic works of Alfred lord Tennyson Year: 1899 (1890s) Authors: Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, Baron, 1809-1892 Subjects: Publisher: B... More

Gustave Doré - Paisagem dos Pirineus, França

Gustave Doré - Paisagem dos Pirineus, França

Picryl description: Public domain photo of landscape art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Paulus Bücherverbrennung

Paulus Bücherverbrennung

Deutsch: Paulus in Ephesus (Magier verbrennen nach ihrer Bekehrung durch den Apostel Paulus in Ephesus ihre heidnischen Bücher) Русский: «Из занимавшихся чародейством довольно многие (Ефесяне), собравши книги... More

The Legend of the Wandering Jew, 11 - Trees intertwined with snakes
474px-Manfred dore - A couple of men standing on top of a mountain

474px-Manfred dore - A couple of men standing on top of a mountain

Illustration pour le "Manfred" de Lord Byron par Gustav Doré (1853)

The story of the greatest nations; a comprehensive history, extending from the earliest times to the present, founded on the most modern authorities, and including chronological summaries and (14782872142)

The story of the greatest nations; a comprehensive history, extending ...

The Fall of Darius Identifier: storyofgreatestn01elli (find matches) Title: The story of the greatest nations; a comprehensive history, extending from the earliest times to the present, founded on the most mod... More

Corsaire -Shipwreck by Gustav Dore -circa 1860

Corsaire -Shipwreck by Gustav Dore -circa 1860

Sketch by Gustave Doré from the last scene of the ballet Le Corsaire at the Paris Opera house. The ship sinks during the storm.

Gustave Doré - River Legends 1

Gustave Doré - River Legends 1

Illustration by Gustave Doré for the book River Legends; or, Father Thames and Father Rhine by Hugessen

Semiramide Pantagruele Doré

Semiramide Pantagruele Doré

Semiramide, spidocchiatrice di straccioni

Paysage de Gustave Doré

Paysage de Gustave Doré

Français : Illustration de Gustave Doré. Texte de celle-ci : Et combien d'êtres pauvres et sans amis ont parcouru ces allées soliLaires. (Page 460, col. 2.)

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