The 1910 trip of the H.M.M.B.A. to California and the Pacific coast (1...
Identifier: 1910tripofhmmbat00jame (find matches) Title: The 1910 trip of the H.M.M.B.A. to California and the Pacific coast Year: 1911 (1910s) Authors: James, George Wharton, 1858-1923 Subjects: Hotel Men'... More
Exterior of the Hollenbeck Hotel on the corner of Spring Street and Se...
Exterior of the Hollenbeck Hotel on the corner of Spring Street and Second Street, Los Angeles, ca.1900-1905 Photograph of the exterior of the Hollenbeck Hotel on the corner of Spring Street and Second Street,... More
Hotel Gray, Main Street and Third Street, ca.1905 (CHS-899)
Hotel Gray, Main Street and Third Street, ca.1905 Photograph of Hotel Gray, northeast corner of Main Street and Third Street, ca.1905. The hotel stands at center three-stories tall with striped cloth awnings o... More
Hotel Florence, Main Street and Third Street, ca.1900-1905 (CHS-900)
Hotel Florence, Main Street and Third Street, ca.1900-1905 Photograph of the Hotel Florence, southeast corner of Main Street and Third Street, ca.1900-1905. Also Dean's Drug Store, Mayor C.E. Thom's property. ... More
Hotel Gotham, Los Angeles, 975 Ingraham St., between Seventh and Wilsh...
Title: Hotel Gotham, Los Angeles, 975 Ingraham St., between Seventh and Wilshire. One block west of Figueroa St. Subjects: Hotels Places: California > Los Angeles (county) > Los Angeles Notes: Title from item.... More
Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Los Angeles Downtown (July 2022)
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Los Angeles Downtown (July 2022)
Hotel Ramona c1900
Hotel Ramona, Spring and Third streets, Los Angeles c. 1900
Exterior view of the Mission Hotel in San Fernando, ca.1888 (1874?) (C...
Photograph of an exterior view of the Mission Hotel in San Fernando, eastern San Fernando Valley ca.1888 (1874?). • The three and a half-story, Victorian-style hotel is shown at center, with people posing on ... More
Bristol Hotel (8th Street, Los Angeles) July 2022
Bristol Hotel (8th Street, Los Angeles) July 2022
Advertisement, Hotel Van Nuys, Los Angeles (cover) (10056272665)
Title: Advertisement, Hotel Van Nuys, Los Angeles [cover] Repository: California Historical Society Digital object ID: CHS2013.1320.jpg Call Number: BUS EPH Collection: California business ephemera collecti... More
Ancelle Apt. Hotel, 701 Gramercy Drive, Los Angeles, California (75578...
Title: Ancelle Apt. Hotel, 701 Gramercy Drive, Los Angeles, California Subjects: Hotels Places: California > Los Angeles (county) > Los Angeles Notes: Title from item. Extent: 1 print (postcard) : linen textur... More
The Hollywood Hotel — in Hollywood, 1905.
Exterior view of the Lexington Hotel on Main Street, looking south fro...
Exterior view of the Lexington Hotel on Main Street, looking south from Winston Street, ca.1905 Photograph of the exterior view of the Lexington Hotel on Main Street, looking south from Winston Street, ca.1905... More
The 1910 trip of the H.M.M.B.A. to California and the Pacific coast (1...
Identifier: 1910tripofhmmbat00jame (find matches) Title: The 1910 trip of the H.M.M.B.A. to California and the Pacific coast Year: 1911 (1910s) Authors: James, George Wharton, 1858-1923 Subjects: Hotel Men'... More
Exterior view of the Trenton Hotel on Olive Street, north of 5th Stree...
Exterior view of the Trenton Hotel on Olive Street, north of 5th Street, Los Angeles, ca.1880-1900 Photograph of the exterior view of the Trenton Hotel on Olive Street, north of 5th Street, Los Angeles, ca.188... More
Advertisement, Baltimore Hotel, Los Angeles (cover) (10056242914)
Title: Advertisement, Baltimore Hotel, Los Angeles [cover] Repository: California Historical Society Digital object ID: CHS2013.1315.jpg Call Number: BUS EPH Collection: California business ephemera collect... More
Hotel Westwood Plaza (3797)
Title: Hotel Westwood Plaza Subjects: Hotels Places: California > Los Angeles (county) > Los Angeles Notes: Title from item. Extent: 1 print (postcard) : linen texture, color ; 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 in. Accession #: 0... More
Exterior of the Park View Hotel (Lake View Hotel?) overlooking Westlak...
Exterior of the Park View Hotel (Lake View Hotel?) overlooking Westlake Park (later MacArthur Park), as seen from the lake, Los Angeles, ca.1908 Photograph of the exterior of the Park View Hotel (Lake View Hot... More
LA,Spring & 1st, 1920 - Victorian era public domain image
Picryl description: Public domain image of a department store, commercial building, downtown, shopping center, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Advertisement, Hotel Alexandria, Los Angeles (cover) (10056240364)
Title: Advertisement, Hotel Alexandria, Los Angeles [cover] Repository: California Historical Society Digital object ID: CHS2013.1321.jpg Call Number: BUS EPH Collection: California business ephemera collec... More
Advertisement, Westminister Hotel, Los Angeles (cover) (10056240914)
Title: Advertisement, Westminister Hotel, Los Angeles [cover] Repository: California Historical Society Digital object ID: CHS2013.1319.jpg Call Number: BUS EPH Collection: California business ephemera coll... More
The Architect and engineer of California and the Pacific Coast (1910) ...
Interior, Angelus Hotel, Los Angeles Identifier: architectenginee2210sanf (find matches) Title: The Architect & engineer of California and the Pacific Coast Year: 1905 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Architecture... More
Los Angeles CA - The Angelus (NBY 432015)
Los Angeles CA - The Angelus Public domain scan of the vintage Los Angeles postcard, California, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Saint Mark's Hotel on Windward Avenue in Venice Beach, ca.1906 (CHS-20...
Saint Mark's Hotel on Windward Avenue in Venice Beach, ca.1906 Photograph of the Saint Mark's Hotel on Windward Avenue in Venice Beach, ca.1906. An outdoor corridor houses a street arcade. A man with a beard s... More
Hollywood Apartment Hotels (80379)
Title: Hollywood Apartment Hotels Subjects: Hotels Places: California > Los Angeles (county) > Los Angeles > Hollywood Notes: Title from item. Extent: 1 print (postcard) : linen texture, color ; 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 ... More
The Patio at Vine Lodge Hotel (79501)
Title: The Patio at Vine Lodge Hotel Subjects: Hotels Places: California > Los Angeles (county) > Los Angeles > Hollywood Notes: Title from item. Extent: 1 print (postcard) : linen texture, color ; 3 1/2 x 5 ... More
Exterior of the Westmore Hotel, Seventh Street and Francisco Street, L...
Exterior of the Westmore Hotel, Seventh Street and Francisco Street, Los Angeles, 1910 Photograph of the exterior of the Westmore Hotel, Seventh Street and Francisco Street, Los Angeles, 1910. Tall palm trees ... More
Exterior view of the Broadway Hotel in the Wilson Block, 1910 (CHS-514...
Exterior view of the Broadway Hotel in the Wilson Block, 1910 Photograph of the exterior view of the Broadway Hotel in the Wilson Block, 1910. Adjacent stores include millinery, piano and a window advertiseme... More
Exterior view of the Hollywood Hotel, ca.1910 (CHS-5432)
Exterior view of the Hollywood Hotel, ca.1910 Photograph of the exterior view of the Hollywood Hotel, ca.1910. The four-story building features multicurved parapets, cant windows, balconies, and two square tow... More
Palihotel Sunset Bld (Los Angeles) July 2023
palihotel Sunset Bld (Los Angeles) July 2023.
Motel 6 Los Angeles LAX
A queen-sized bed at Motel 6 Los Angeles LAX.
Hotel Leighton (NBY 23449) postcard
Hotel Leighton Public domain scan of the vintage Los Angeles postcard, California, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Exterior of the Westminster Hotel on the corner of Fourth Street and M...
Exterior of the Westminster Hotel on the corner of Fourth Street and Main Street, Los Angeles, ca.1900 Photograph of the exterior of the Westminster Hotel on the corner of Fourth Street and Main Street, Los An... More
Hotel Leighton (NBY 23450)
Hotel Leighton
Advertisement, Auditorium Hotel, Los Angeles (cover) (10056273645)
Title: Advertisement, Auditorium Hotel, Los Angeles [cover] Repository: California Historical Society Digital object ID: CHS2013.1318.jpg Call Number: BUS EPH Collection: California business ephemera collec... More
Exterior view of the Nadeau Hotel on Spring Street and First Street, L...
Exterior view of the Nadeau Hotel on Spring Street and First Street, Los Angeles, ca.1905 Photograph of the exterior view of the Nadeau Hotel on Spring Street and First Street, Los Angeles, ca.1905. The four-s... More
Exterior view of the Rosslyn Hotel on Main Street, looking south from ...
Exterior view of the Rosslyn Hotel on Main Street, looking south from Winston Street, 1905 Photograph of the exterior view of the Rosslyn Hotel on Main Street, looking south from Winston Street, 1905. The faAS... More
Asbury Apt. Hotel, 2505 W. 6th St., Los Angeles 5, Calif (81544)
Title: Asbury Apt. Hotel, 2505 W. 6th St., Los Angeles 5, Calif. Subjects: Hotels Places: California > Los Angeles (county) > Los Angeles Notes: Title from item. Extent: 1 print (postcard) : linen texture, col... More
Park-Wilshire Hotel -- Los Angeles (80464)
Title: Park-Wilshire Hotel -- Los Angeles Subjects: Hotels Places: California > Los Angeles (county) > Los Angeles Notes: Title from item. Extent: 1 print (postcard) : linen texture, color ; 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 in. ... More
Playa del Rey lagoon showing Del Rey Hotel, Playa Del Rey Pavilion and...
Playa del Rey lagoon showing Del Rey Hotel, Playa Del Rey Pavilion and pier, Los Angeles, ca.1908 Photograph of the Playa del Rey Lagoon, at the mouth of Ballona Creek, showing the Del Rey Hotel, Playa Del Rey ... More
The exterior view of the Hayward Hotel, on the corner of Spring Street...
The exterior view of the Hayward Hotel, on the corner of Spring Street and Sixth Street, ca.1910 Photograph of the exterior view of the Hayward Hotel, on the corner of Spring Street and Sixth Street, Los Angel... More
The Los Altos Fashionable Apartment Hotel, 4121 Wilshire Boulevard, Lo...
Title: The Los Altos Fashionable Apartment Hotel, 4121 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles 5, California Subjects: Hotels Places: California > Los Angeles (county) > Los Angeles Notes: Title from item. Extent: 1 ... More
Main St St Elmo Hotel ca 1890
Main St., Los Angeles, the St. Elmo Hotel, originally the Lafayette Hotel, around 1890
Occidental Hotel on the east side of Hill Street between Fourth Street...
Occidental Hotel on the east side of Hill Street between Fourth Street and Fifth Street, ca.1910 Photograph of the exterior of the Occidental Hotel on the east side of Hill Street between Fourth Street and Fif... More
Saint Mark's Hotel on Windward Avenue at Ocean Front, Venice, ca.1905 ...
Saint Mark's Hotel on Windward Avenue at Ocean Front, Venice, ca.1905 Photograph of Saint Mark's Hotel on Windward Avenue at Ocean Front, Venice, ca.1905. The 3-story building has a two colonnades topped with ... More
Advertisement, Gates Hotel, Los Angeles (cover) (10056274585)
Title: Advertisement, Gates Hotel, Los Angeles [cover] Repository: California Historical Society Digital object ID: CHS2013.1316.jpg Call Number: BUS EPH Collection: California business ephemera collection ... More
Wilcrest Apartment Hotel (81875)
Title: Wilcrest Apartment Hotel Subjects: Hotels Places: California > Los Angeles (county) > Los Angeles Notes: Title from item. Extent: 1 print (postcard) : linen texture, color ; 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 in. Accession ... More
William Penn Hotel (87499)
Title: William Penn Hotel Subjects: Hotels Places: California > Los Angeles (county) > Los Angeles Notes: Title from item. Extent: 1 print (postcard) : linen texture, color ; 5 1/2 x 3 1/2 in. Accession #: 06_10_009799
Exterior view of the Angelus Hotel, Fourth Street and Spring Street, L...
Title: Exterior view of the Angelus Hotel, Fourth Street and Spring Street, Los Angeles, 1905 Filename: CHS-2105 Coverage date: 1905 Part of collection: California Historical Society Collection, 1860-1960 Form... More
Hollywood- Casablanca Hotel (80612)
Title: Hollywood- Casablanca Hotel Subjects: Hotels Places: California > Los Angeles (county) > Los Angeles > Hollywood Notes: Title from item. Extent: 1 print (postcard) : linen texture, color ; 3 1/2 x 5 1/2... More
Peterbilt dans Hollywood . Photo Patrice Raunet 2006
1st and Main St SW corner Hotel Natick 1900 Los Angeles
1st and Main St SW corner Hotel Natick 1900 Los Angeles
Exterior view of the Nadeau Hotel on Spring Street and First Street, L...
Exterior view of the Nadeau Hotel on Spring Street and First Street, Los Angeles, ca.1905 Photograph of the exterior view of the Nadeau Hotel on Spring Street and First Street, Los Angeles, ca.1905. The four-s... More
The Garvanza Hotel in Highland Park, Los Angeles, 1887 (CHS-6667)
Photograph of the Garvanza Hotel in Highland Park, Los Angeles, 1887. A huge, three-story Victorian manor with a multi-leveled roof, spires, shaded porch and third-level balcony is pictured at center, dominatin... More
Country Club Hotel, 445 North Rossmore Avenue (Vine Street), Hollywood...
Title: Country Club Hotel, 445 North Rossmore Avenue (Vine Street), Hollywood, California Subjects: Hotels Places: California > Los Angeles (county) > Los Angeles > Hollywood Notes: Title from item. Extent: 1 ... More
The 1910 trip of the H.M.M.B.A. to California and the Pacific coast (1...
Identifier: 1910tripofhmmbat00jame (find matches) Title: The 1910 trip of the H.M.M.B.A. to California and the Pacific coast Year: 1911 (1910s) Authors: James, George Wharton, 1858-1923 Subjects: Hotel Men'... More
The Architect and engineer of California and the Pacific Coast (1910) ...
Identifier: architectenginee2210sanf (find matches) Title: The Architect & engineer of California and the Pacific Coast Year: 1905 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Architecture Architecture Architecture Building ... More