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horse drawn wagons in australia

16 media by topicpage 1 of 1
German immigrant family on their farm, probably in the Bethania area, Logan district, 1872 (5013838820)

German immigrant family on their farm, probably in the Bethania area, ...

Photographer: William Boag Location: Logan District, Queensland, Australia Description: The first major German settlement occurred on the Logan River in 1864, when a group of 20 families of the Lutheran Free ... More

Walhalla 1910 Teamsters

Walhalla 1910 Teamsters

Horse Teamsters near Walhalla, Victoria ca1910 Picryl description: Public domain artwork of horse, equestrian horse riding, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Wool Carting at Martindale(GN08617)
Horse team and wagons (2376882190)

Horse team and wagons (2376882190)

Format: Glass plate negative. Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication. Repository: Tyrrell Photographic Collection, The_Tyrrell_Photographic Part Of: Powerhouse Museum Collection 31988 Acquisi... More

Rabbit skins - An old photo of a horse drawn carriage

Rabbit skins - An old photo of a horse drawn carriage

Bert Mann with a load of rabbit skins, Walcha, NSW

Carlingford-Epping NSW-Timber drawing c.1910

Carlingford-Epping NSW-Timber drawing c.1910

The thick Blue Gum High Forest of the Carlingford area was extensively cleared in the late 18th and 19th century and on into the 20th century.

Queensland State Archives 3160 T Snows draught horse team c 1910
Federal Coffee Palace, Lower Murray Street Hobart (c1890) (11229411193)

Federal Coffee Palace, Lower Murray Street Hobart (c1890) (11229411193...

Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office: Detail from NS1013-1-365 Images from the TAHO collection that are part of The Commons have ‘no known copyright restrictions’, which means TAHO is unaware of any curren... More

Horse and cart on wharf with crate containing the 100,000th Willys-Overland exported car, 1920 - 1929 (4361001187)

Horse and cart on wharf with crate containing the 100,000th Willys-Ove...

Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication. Part Of: Powerhouse Museum Collection 352723

In the Australian bush (2362673797)

In the Australian bush (2362673797)

Format: Glass plate negative. Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication. Repository: Tyrrell Photographic Collection, Powerhouse Museum /collection=The_Tyrrell_Photographic Part Of: Powerhouse Muse... More

Loading up the wheat sheaves (2362683483)

Loading up the wheat sheaves (2362683483)

Format: Glass plate negative. Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication. Repository: Tyrrell Photographic Collection, Powerhouse Museum /collection=The_Tyrrell_Photographic Part Of: Powerhouse Muse... More

Carting wool bales, Australia, 1900

Carting wool bales, Australia, 1900

Format: Glass plate negative. Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication. Repository: Tyrrell Photographic Collection, Powerhouse Museum /collection=The_Tyrrell_Photographic Part Of: Powerhouse Muse... More

Taking in the wheat sheaves (2363514590)

Taking in the wheat sheaves (2363514590)

Format: Glass plate negative. Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication. Repository: Tyrrell Photographic Collection, Powerhouse Museum /collection=The_Tyrrell_Photographic Part Of: Powerhouse Muse... More

Wool wagon - A group of men standing next to a large load of hay
Streetscenes, from Frederick Danvers Power - photonegatives, 1898 - 1926 (9036735049)

Streetscenes, from Frederick Danvers Power - photonegatives, 1898 - 19...

Streetscenes including pedestrians on King Street, George Street, Pitt Street, plus horsedrawn vehicles and activities on York and Castlereagh Streets, including the delivery of ice, bottle and gas cylinders. ... More

The (Australian) Museum from Hyde Park (2633063338)

The (Australian) Museum from Hyde Park (2633063338)

Format: Glass plate negative. Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication. Repository: Tyrrell Photographic Collection, The_Tyrrell_Photographic Part Of: Powerhouse Museum Collection 28449 Acquisi... More

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