Photograph of Dense Growth of Aspen
Original caption: Dense growth of aspen, 40-50 years old. 3-5" dbh. The country about Bellessima Lake nearly all covered with such growth, which has followed an old burn. Lake co, Minnesota. Historic Photographs
Photograph of the Root and Part of a White Pine Tree
Original caption: Cass County, Minn. The root and part of a white pine tree of the 5% on Sec16, T145N, R30W, that was accidentally pushed over by the choppers falling a large pine tree against it. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Brush Burning on Little Vermillion Salek
Original caption: Brush burning on Little Vermillion Salek, March 12, 1917. V&RL Company. Historic Photographs
Photograph of a Natural Reproduction White Pine
Original caption: A natural reproduction white pine under a comparatively heavy stand of Norway pine. White pine seems to come in the dense shade of the older stands much more readily than any other species. Su... More
Photograph of Loading Docks at Two Harbors, Minnesota
Original caption: Loading docks at Two Harbors, Minn where iron ore is loaded onto Lake Superior boats. Boats coming in for a load of iron bring coal. Note the clam-shell bucket in the air dropping into a boat.... More
Photograph of Compassmen Arvid Tosaker and Ed Larson on an Acquisition...
Original caption: Arvid Tosaker and Ed Larson, compassmen on acquisition survey party, Lac La Croix. Note type of camp built for 4 men. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Red Pine Plantations, National Forest Service photograph...
Original caption: Red Pine plantations after release in which part of competing aspen was removed. Camera point 2, plot 24, Birch Lake Plantation. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Block One Cleared and Planted
Original caption: Block 1. CP-road opposite Subplot 7. Area cleared & planted. Historic Photographs
Photograph of 18 Year Old White and Norway Pine after Thinning Pine
Original caption: 18 yr. old white and Norway pine after thinning pine. P.2 on Sand Lake Trail. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Young Norway Pine Killed by Armillaria Mellea Root Rot
Original caption: Young Norway pine killed by Armillaria mellea root rot. Shows encrustation and infiltration or resin on surface of stump. Root collar waevil. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Armillaria Mellea Root Rot of White Pine
Original caption: Armillaria mellea root rot of white pine. Shows sycelial wefts and encrusted soil around roots, as well as resin exudations. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Armillaria Root Rot of Young Jack Pine
Original caption: Armillaria root rot of young jack pine. Shows the entrance of decay through a rotted lateral root and the infiltration of resin preceding the rot. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Area Just Logged Selectively R. B. Goodman Lumber Compan...
Original caption: Area just logged selectively R.B. Goodman Lumber Company, Forest County Wisconsin. Sec.31T39, R17E. Second growth stand; only large trees removed, comprising about 50% of volume. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Sleigh Load of Logs Coming into Rollway
Original caption: Sleigh load of logs (about 1200 bd. ft.) coming in to rollway. Historic Photographs
Photograph of a Jack Pine Attacked by an Ips Pini Bark Beetle
Original caption: Jack pine attacked by an Ips Pini Bark Beetle. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Cutfoot Experiment Forest, National Forest Service photo...
Original caption: Cutfoot Experiment Forest. Norway - jack pine stand 70 years of age to be given a light selection cutting removing the larger and less desirable trees. The cutting will be a modification of th... More
Photograph of Planting in Section Two
Original caption: Exposure taken at a camera point for planting in Sec 2, T46N, R38W, four chains south and two chains west of quarter corner of Sec. 1 and 2. T26N - R38W. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Eight Year Old Pine Plantation Near Rickmondale, Ohio
Original caption: Eight-year old pine plantation near Rickmondale, Ohio. Planted on stony muskingum soil - abandoned field - extreme erosion. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Pine Gall Rust on the Trunk of a Living Jack Pine
Original caption: Pine gall rust on the trunk of a living jack pine. Historic Photographs
Photograph of McKinley Lake from Point B Looking East
Original caption: McKinley Lake from Point B looking east, Showing the cover type on the highland adjacent to the lakeshore. Historic Photographs
Photograph of F. H. Raisen Sawmill Planing Mill and Machine Shop
Original caption: F.H. Raisen sawmill (in Center) planing mill and machine shop at right, and office to left. Norway pine forest in background. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Virgin Hardwood Stand Marked for Selective Cutting on Ni...
Original caption: Virgin hardwood stand marked for selective cutting. Nicolet NF. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Clear Cut Area Cut by Goodman
Original caption: Clear cut area cut by Goodman in the fall of 1937. Goodman, Wis. Nicolet NF. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Truck Loaded Ready to Haul the Logs to the Mill
Original caption: Truck loaded, ready to haul the logs to the mill. Nicolet NF. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Nursery Stock at Cass Lake Nursery
Original caption: Nursery stock, Cass Lake Nursery. 2-0 red pine seedlings, specimen. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Logging on Private Land
Original caption: After logging on private land adjacent to the Schaarf Sale. Note high stumps, large amount of material left in woods, piles of slash, and absence of a residual stand. Historic Photographs
Photograph of a Downward and Forward Motion of the Bar
Original caption: With a downward and forward motion of the bar about 2" behind the hole, the top of the hole is closed with enough earth to hold tree in place. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Unloading Stave Bolts from a Wagon
Original caption: Unloading stave bolts from wagon. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Photograph of Near Mature Red Pine Type
Original caption: Near mature red pine type. District Ranger Brown making increment boring. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Planting Crew
Original caption: CCC planting crew planting 2-0 red pine in furrows using Michigan planting bars. (Enrollees from Mormon Creek CCC camp.). Historic Photographs
Photograph of Red Pine Management Cycle
Original caption: Red pine "Management Cycle"...except in openings caused by windthrow and natural death of the old trees. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Mixed Pine Management Cycle
Original caption: Mixed pine "Management Cycle". Young pines occupy the understory at 120 years of age. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Arboretum Stock, National Forest Service photograph.
Original caption: Arboretum stock. Pitch pine, Pinus rigid 2-1. Collection No, c-514. Historic Photographs
Photograph of 70 Year Old Jack Pine and Black Spruce Along Ely-Finland...
Original caption: Seventy-year-old jack pine and black spruce along Ely-Finland road. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Old Tower Block, National Forest Service photograph.
Original caption: Old Tower Block, plot 45. Sub-plot D-5. Prune off all lateral shots on alternate trees. Historic Photographs
Photograph of the Interior of the Extractory Building at Cass Lake Nur...
Original caption: View of the interior of the Extractory Building, Cass Lake Nursery. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Sawmill of Hines Lumber Company in Park Falls, Wisconsin
Original caption: Sawmill of Hines Lbr. Co., Park Falls, Wis. In the foreground mill workers are rolling logs from the log deck on the near shore of the flambeau River toward the "hot pond" near the mill. Histo... More
Photograph of Individual Planter, National Forest Service photograph.
Original caption: Individual planter (Roy Dillman of Branchville, Ind.) of the WPA planting crew. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Part of the Finishing Room
Original caption: Part of the finishing room showing two workers inspecting high chair trays for flaws. Cannelton, Indiana. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Virgin Hardwood Timber, National Forest Service photogra...
Original caption: Virgin hardwood timber, Glidden Ranger Dist. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picr... More
Photograph of Storm Damage, National Forest Service photograph.
Original caption: Storm damage, Cass Lake, Minn. Norway Beach Camping Grounds. Historic Photographs
Photograph of G. E. Hall's Portable Sawmill
Original caption: General view of G.E. Hall's portable sawmill near Cut Foot Sioux CCC Camp. Note the small diameter of most of the logs decked for sawing. Normally such small logs will not pay their way, but... More
Photograph of Trucks Hauling Logs from Logging Operations on the Cass ...
Original caption: Trucks hauling logs from logging operations on the Cass Lake Ranger Dist. to mills in Bemidji, Minn., pass by the Ranger Station in Cass Lake and, as a convenience both to the operators and ra... More
Photograph of Portable Sawmill Set up in the Woods
Original caption: Portable sawmill set up in the woods to saw the logs cut off the area, some of which are shown decked in openings around the mill, being logged in the Schels and Prohaska Sale near Anvil Lake ... More
Photograph of Mixed Stand of Basswood, Maple and Yellow Birch After Se...
Original caption: Mixed stand of basswood, maple and yellow birch after selective logging in which 4500 bd. ft. per acre was cut from stand which originally averaged 10,000 bd. ft. per acre. Note the lopping an... More
Photograph of Abandoned Field with Natural Reproduction of Shortleaf P...
Original caption: Abandoned field with natural reproduction of shortleaf pine coming in. Note the seed trees in the upper right. This field was pastured lightly this year by 1 cow and 2 horses, which do not fee... More
Photograph of Buck Creek Plantation, National Forest Service photograp...
Original caption: Buck Creek plantation in the SE of sec. 4 T23N, R7E; picture taken from truck trail with camera pointing north. P-20 planted 1920; 20 year old plantation. Used green filter. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Plantation Number 46B in the Washburn Ranger District
Original caption: Plantation #46B, Washburn RD. 2-1 white pine planted in scalps S 1938. Camera point #9 taken at counting plot post #1. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Black Walnut Plantation at Rosebud, Illinois
Original caption: Black walnut plantation at Rosebud, IL. 50 years old. Historic Photographs
Photograph of the Nepco Project Area
Original caption: The Nepco Project area logged for white pine 60 and 80 years ago. Trees axe felled and butted with saw later. Long butt on ground shows angle of axe cut out made in pre-Civil War days. Fire sc... More
Photograph of Crown of White Spruce Tree
Original caption: Crown - white spruce, tree class 3a, d.b.h. 5.3. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Bole of Black Spruce Tree
Original caption: Bole - black spruce, tree class 3c, d.b.h. 11.5. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Bole of Black Spruce Tree
Original caption: Bole - black spruce, tree class 3c, d.b.h. 6.5. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Crown of Balsam Fir Tree
Original caption: Crown - balsam fir,tree class 3a, d.b.h. 6.4. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Crown of Black Spruce Tree
Original caption: Crown - black spruce, tree class 1c, d.b.h. 12.0. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Crown of White Spruce Tree
Original caption: Crown - white spruce, tree class 3c, d.b.h. 10.5. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Crown of Black Spruce Tree
Original caption: Crown - black spruce, tree class 3b, d.b.h. 6.0. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Crown of White Spruce Tree
Original caption: Crown - white spruce, tree class 2a. D.b.h. 13.7. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Crown of Balsam Fir Tree
Original caption: Crown - balsam fir, tree class 2c. D.b.h. 7.5. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Crown of Balsam Fir Tree
Original caption: Crown - balsam fir, tree class 2c, d.b.h. 11.3. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Terminal Growth of Young White Pine Showing an Infestati...
Original caption: Terminal growth of young white pine showing infestation of the white pine weevil. Close up showing larvae and pupal cells in terminal shoot. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Bole of Black Spruce Tree
Original caption: Bole - black spruce, tree class 2c, d.b.h. 6.8. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Bole of White Spruce Tree.
Original caption: Bole - white spruce, tree class 3a, d.b.h. 5.3. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Stump Fence Around Fields on a Farm Near White Cloud, Mi...
Original caption: Stump Fence around fields on a farm near White Cloud, Mich. This area part of the "inexhaustible" stands of virgin white pine in the lake states. The trees have long since been cut down and no... More
Photograph of Laminated Wood Arches Used to Support the Roof of the Ne...
Original caption: Laminated wood arches used to support roof of new grade school gymnasium at Eagle River Wisconsin. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Log Yard Foreman Ted Williams Scaling a Load of High Gra...
Original caption: Ted Williams, log yard foreman, scaling a load of high grade veneer logs at the Birds Eye Veneer Co. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Preparing a New Charcoal Pit for Coaling
Original caption: Preparing a new charcoal pit for coaling. C.A. Masie, collier (left) and David Daniels putting wet leaves and then dirt over the lapwood so that the cordwood will burn in a deficiency of oxyge... More
Photograph of Partial Cut in Pure Jack Pine Stand
Original caption: Partial cut in pure jack pine stand 35 year old cut 3 cords per acre. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Leonard Hess Skidding Three Sugar Maple Logs While Fores...
Original caption: Leonard Hess skids 3 sugar maple logs while H.O. Nixon, Forest Ranger and Albert Sheldon Co. scaler, measure their contents. Area in background is cut-over. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Forest Ranger H. O. Nixon Inspecting a Sale Area
Original caption: H.O. Nixon inspects sale area, Connor Lbr. Co. sale of 11-8-43; 1.5MBM of hdwd. Average price $31 per M. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Good White Oak Ruined by Fence Wire
Original caption: Good white oak ruined by fence wire which was fastened on tree 50 yrs. ago. Such practice ruins many good butt cuts. Historic Photographs
Photograph of William Gardipee Inspecting Cross Ties Cut by Francis Ke...
Original caption: William Gardipee inspecting cross ties cut by Francis Kendrick, Abingdon. About 5000 ties stacked for loading. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Slabwood from Kendrick's Tie Mill
Original caption: Slabwood from Kendrick's tie mill. Will be cut for firewood. Historic Photographs
Photograph of a Load of Yellow Poplar Logs for Aircraft Stock
Original caption: Load of Yellow Poplar logs for aircraft stock. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Memorial Plan...
Original caption: D.A.R. memorial plantation 8 years old. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Photograph of Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Memorial Plan...
Original caption: D.A.R. memorial plantation Black Locust 7 years old. Historic Photographs
Photograph of 100 Pound Fire Bomb
Original caption: 100 pound fire bomb - destination Tokyo, safely embraced in pine shipping box. The timber and Missouri product as is the workmanship in fabricating the container.104,000 of these boxes have le... More
Photograph of Looking East into 100 Acre Forest
Original caption: Looking east into 100 acre forest of the midwest Walnut co. in Loess hills along Missouri River. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Red Pine Plantation Along the Jones Dam Road
Original caption: Red pine plantation along the Jones Dam Road. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Piling Balsam Pulpwood on a Dray
Original caption: Piling balsam pulpwood on dray. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of timber industry, lumber, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Photograph of Hard Maple, National Forest Service photograph.
Original caption: Hard Maple - Open grown. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Photograph of Air Drying of Pine Lumber
Original caption: Air drying of pine lumber in the yard of the Johnson Bros. Sawmill at pine river, Minn. Cass Co. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Crown Spacing in Unthinned Plot of Jack Pine
Original caption: Crown spacing in unthinned plot in 50-55 year age class jack pine. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Difference in Growth Rate of Jack Pine
Original caption: Difference in growth rate in 50-55 year age class jack pine. Showing butt log end. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Forester Helping Henry Mahr Mark the Trees in His Woods ...
Original caption: Forester helping Henry Mahr mark the trees in his woods that are ready for cutting. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Roy Koepp Helping Mark Trees in His Woods That Are Ready...
Original caption: Roy Koepp helps mark the trees in his woods that are ready for cutting. He sold several thousand dollars worth of trees from his woods in 1949. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Weeping Willow, National Forest Service photograph.
Original caption: Weeping Willow, Menomonee Parkway. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Photograph of Sugar Maple, National Forest Service photograph.
Original caption: Sugar Maple, Washington Park. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph - park, sign, monument, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Photograph of Mortality in 85 Year Aged Jack Pine
Original caption: Mortality in 85 year aged jack pine exposed by clear cutting. Historic Photographs
Photograph of George Galer Marking Jack Pine
Original caption: George Galer marking jack pine to be cut on tree measurement sale. Mio Dist. Overaged and defective jack pine marked for sale on a "salvage" basis. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Red Pine Plantation, National Forest Service photograph.
Original caption: CP1. Red pine plantation P-3a, S-38. St. Ignace Ranger Dist. Upper Mi NF. Person is 5'4" tall. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Felling on Wood Development Corporation Sale
Original caption: Felling on Wood Development Corp. sale - Kenton District. Sec 24, T46N, R36E. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Large Tulip Poplars, National Forest Service photograph.
Original caption: Large tulip poplars taken in Indiana Pioneer Mother's Memorial Forest formerly owned by the Cox Family. Tell City RD. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Selective Cutting, National Forest Service photograph.
Original caption: CP3. Selective cutting. Future photos should show change in size classes and composition. Tell City RD. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Collins Tipple on Ironton Ranger District
Original caption: Collins Tipple. Ironton RD. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Photograph of High Release in Red Pine and White Pine in Furrows
Original caption: CP24. Walker RD. High release in red pine and white pine, P-5d, S-38 in furrows, hand planted with WPA labor. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Virgin Lake, National Forest Service photograph.
Original caption: CP17. Virgin Lake Pl-40a, established Spring 1948 w/ red pine 2-1. Ranger R.W. Smith and perspective stick. Argonne RD. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Spittlebug Damaged Red Pine
Original caption: CP9. Spittlebug damaged red pine in mountain Pl.17b. Planted Spring 1938. Medium to severe damage. View taken from CP Ranger F.K. Green in picture. Lakewood Ranger District. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Planet Junior Seed Drill
Original caption: Planet Jr. 156 seed drill closeup showing master drive chain, throwout clutch, lifting lever for shoes and discs and operator's seat. Vallonia Nursery. Historic Photographs
Photograph of Vallonia Seedbed Tractor, National Forest Service photog...
Original caption: Vallonia seedbed tractor developed at Vallonia Nursery, seed drill is planet Jr. Model 156, modified at Vallonia Nursery. Historic Photographs