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historic photographs, national forest service

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Photograph of Emery Lumber Company Sawmill

Photograph of Emery Lumber Company Sawmill

Original caption: Emery Lumber Co. sawmill. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of the US industrial development, work of U.S. government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of Drive on Prairie River in Itasco County, Minnesota

Photograph of Drive on Prairie River in Itasco County, Minnesota

Original caption: Itasco County, Minn. Drive on Prairie River. (R. Woolsey, Jr.). Historic Photographs

Photograph of Original Stand of White Pine

Photograph of Original Stand of White Pine

Original caption: Original stand of White pine, south of Great Northern Railroad. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Norway Red Pine and Wild Seedlings

Photograph of Norway Red Pine and Wild Seedlings

Original caption: Norway (red pine) 6x6 ft apart. Wild seedlings set in nursery rows in 1897, transplanted to present site in 1900. Injured by a ground fire in spring of 1904 but survived it owing to the compar... More

Photograph of Hardwood Logs at Mill in Grayling, Michigan

Photograph of Hardwood Logs at Mill in Grayling, Michigan

Original caption: Hardwood logs at mill. Grayling, Michigan. Lower Mich NF. ~1910. Historic Photographs

Photograph of a Bald Cypress in Knox County, Indiana

Photograph of a Bald Cypress in Knox County, Indiana

Original caption: Bald Cypress, Knox County, Indiana (Robert Ridgeway). Historic Photographs

Photograph of Black Spruce Pulp Timber Muskeg Sphagnum Cover

Photograph of Black Spruce Pulp Timber Muskeg Sphagnum Cover

Original caption: Black spruce pulp timber muskeg sphagnum cover. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Norway Tree, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Norway Tree, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Norway tree 3 years from planting. This tree while slightly damaged from snow, is making excellent growth. Part of the land cut over 12 years ago when the timber was sold and where experimenta... More

Photograph of Aerial View of Sawbill Landing

Photograph of Aerial View of Sawbill Landing

Original caption: Aerial view of Sawbill Landing -- town and railroad landing, and area to the north. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Forest Service Beaver Fire Patrol Planes

Photograph of Forest Service Beaver Fire Patrol Planes

Original caption: Forest Service Beaver Fire Patrol planes. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph - aerial photo, work of US government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of Northwest Corner of Silver Island Lake

Photograph of Northwest Corner of Silver Island Lake

Original caption: Northwest corner of Silver Island Lake where Island River starts. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Aerial View of Sawbill Landing

Photograph of Aerial View of Sawbill Landing

Original caption: Aerial view of Sawbill Landing -- town and railroad landing, and area to the north. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Crowds at the 1920 Minnesota State Fair

Photograph of Crowds at the 1920 Minnesota State Fair

Original caption: Crowds at Minn state fair on labor day 1920. View from St. Louis County bldg. Historic Photographs

Photograph of a Typical Single Fire Line with a Plantation on the Minnesota Chippewa National Forest

Photograph of a Typical Single Fire Line with a Plantation on the Minn...

Original caption: Typical single fire line with plantation on Minnesota. Placed about 8 furrows in width & later dished. These fire lines are also used for roads. Country shown in this picture is typical of tha... More

Photograph of a Skidway Along the Silverton Northern Railroad (SNRR) Tracks

Photograph of a Skidway Along the Silverton Northern Railroad (SNRR) T...

Original caption: Skidway along the SNRR tracks containing 1,000,000 ft.b.m. of jack pine and aspen logs. These will be used by a box and crating factory at Cass Lake, Minnesota. Historic Photographs

Photograph of the View along the Shoreline of Little Saganaga

Photograph of the View along the Shoreline of Little Saganaga

Original caption: Along the shoreline of Little Saganaga. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of people with a small paddle boat, or canoe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of Cliffs on Seagull Lake

Photograph of Cliffs on Seagull Lake

Original caption: Cliffs on Seagull Lake. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of a View Showing the Railroad Track of the Virginia and Rainy Lake Lumber Company

Photograph of a View Showing the Railroad Track of the Virginia and Ra...

Original caption: Showing railroad track of the Virginia & Rainy Lake Lumber Co., destroyed by a fire from slash burning by the company, 1923. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Slippery Elm, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Slippery Elm, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Slippery Elm (Ulmus fulva) 20" DBH. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of Supervisor Marshall and Ranger Farley in a Thinned Stand of Norway Pine

Photograph of Supervisor Marshall and Ranger Farley in a Thinned Stand...

Original caption: Supervisor Marshall and Ranger Farley in thinned stand of Norway Pine. Cut Foot Sioux Dist. Historic Photographs

Mechanics Street Bridge in Southbridge, Massachusetts, during the Flood of 1955

Mechanics Street Bridge in Southbridge, Massachusetts, during the Floo...

Original caption: Mechanics Street Bridge Historical Photographs of Flood Events Public domain photograph of the US industrial development, construction, work of U.S. government, free to use, no copyright rest... More

Photograph of Three Spot, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Three Spot, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Three Spot. First Duluth & Iron Range locomotive brought to Two Harbors on a scow July 1, 1883. Used in laying first rails between Two Harbors and Tower. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Birch Bark Igloo in Lac LaCroix Indian Village

Photograph of Birch Bark Igloo in Lac LaCroix Indian Village

Original caption: Birch bark igloo, Lac LaCroix Indian Village. Summer residence of the Chippewas. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Big Speeder and Trailer with Ranger Morgareidge, Patrolman McDonald, and a 10 Man Fire Outfit

Photograph of Big Speeder and Trailer with Ranger Morgareidge, Patrolm...

Original caption: Big speeder and trailer with Ranger Morgareidge & Patrolman McDonald and 10 man fire outfit (including pump and hose) starting to a fire. Photo #2. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Island on Laurel Lake

Photograph of Island on Laurel Lake

Original caption: Island on Laurel Lake. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of Various Stages in Growth of White Pine Seedlings

Photograph of Various Stages in Growth of White Pine Seedlings

Original caption: Various stages in growth of white pine seedlings. Beal Nursery. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Little Taquamenon Falls, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Little Taquamenon Falls, National Forest Service photogr...

Original caption: Little Taquamenon Falls. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of Black Walnut Seedling, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Black Walnut Seedling, National Forest Service photograp...

Original caption: Black Walnut seedling. Plantation established in April 1935. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Big Island Lake, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Big Island Lake, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Big Island Lake. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of Killpecker Springs, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Killpecker Springs, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Killpecker Springs. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of Small Waterfall, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Small Waterfall, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Small waterfall just off M. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of a New Dwelling at Silver Creek Ranger Station

Photograph of a New Dwelling at Silver Creek Ranger Station

Original caption: Silver Creek Ranger Station, new dwelling. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of a house, residential property, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of Oxen Used for Skidding at Small Water Power Mill

Photograph of Oxen Used for Skidding at Small Water Power Mill

Original caption: Oxen used for skidding at small water power mill, located about 3 miles out of Alvin, Wisconsin. Historic Photographs

Submerged Bridge and Surrounding Homes in Windsor Locks, Connecticut

Submerged Bridge and Surrounding Homes in Windsor Locks, Connecticut

Original caption: 0153-880E-8(3-22-36-2:40P)(12-300) Windsor Locks, Conn. Historical Photographs of Flood Events

Photograph of Typical Cut over Land in Northern Minnesota

Photograph of Typical Cut over Land in Northern Minnesota

Original caption: Typical cut over land in Northern Minnesota. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Yellow Birch Tip Browsed by Deer

Photograph of Yellow Birch Tip Browsed by Deer

Original caption: Yellow birch tip browsed by deer. Cheq NF. Historic Photographs

Photograph of the Palisades, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of the Palisades, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: The palisades, Lake Superior. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of Rear View of Number 15 Killefer Plow

Photograph of Rear View of Number 15 Killefer Plow

Original caption: Rear view of #15 Killefer plow showing wide furrow and widened mould boards. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Anvil Rock, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Anvil Rock, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Anvil Rock, Sec 36, T10S, R7E. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of Old Illinois Iron Furnace

Photograph of Old Illinois Iron Furnace

Original caption: Old Illinois iron furnace, Sec 5, T12S, in use in 1830. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Squirrel, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Squirrel, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Squirrel. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of Seed Trees and Natural Reproduction of White and Red Pines

Photograph of Seed Trees and Natural Reproduction of White and Red Pin...

Original caption: Seed trees and natural reproduction of white and red pines near Forest Highway #16 in the Paint Lake Sector. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Modern Equipment for Maple Sap Production

Photograph of Modern Equipment for Maple Sap Production

Original caption: Modern equipment for maple sap production. Michigan State College. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Deer, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Deer, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Deer. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of a deer, wild animal, wilderness, nature, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of Hicks Sale, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Hicks Sale, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Hicks Sale - Cutfoot Sioux. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of Halfway Ranger Dwelling, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Halfway Ranger Dwelling, National Forest Service photogr...

Original caption: Halfway Ranger Dwelling. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of Ranger Jacobs Scaling Timber

Photograph of Ranger Jacobs Scaling Timber

Original caption: Ranger Jacobs scaling timber, Jacob Isaacson sale of 2/03/37. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Pine Gall Rust on the Trunk of a Dead Jack Pine

Photograph of Pine Gall Rust on the Trunk of a Dead Jack Pine

Original caption: Pine gall rust (Cronartium ocrobrum) on the trunk of a dead jack pine. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Spraying Trees, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Spraying Trees, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Spraying trees. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of Redhead Duck Nest, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Redhead Duck Nest, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Redhead duck nest - Leech Lake; nest amongst the cat-tails on a floating island of cat-tails. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Guard Rail and Warehouse in the Wayne National Forest in Ohio

Photograph of Guard Rail and Warehouse in the Wayne National Forest in...

Original caption: Guard rail and warehouse, Ranger Station, Athens, Ohio, Wayne Nat'l Forest. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Alfred Moats of International Falls Peeling a Jack Pine Stick for Pulp

Photograph of Alfred Moats of International Falls Peeling a Jack Pine ...

Original caption: Alfred Moats of International Falls peeling a jack pine stick for pulp. This peeling is being done by agreement between the Forest Products Lab and the Minnesota & Ontario Paper Co., prior to ... More

Photograph of a Group of Four Deer Feeding

Photograph of a Group of Four Deer Feeding

Original caption: A group of four deer feeding on cedar browse scattered at the edge of an open area in the Union Bay deer yard. Historic Photographs

Photograph of an Efficient Ozark Sawmill in Operation

Photograph of an Efficient Ozark Sawmill in Operation

Original caption: An efficient Ozark Sawmill in operation. Griffin Stave C. near Bradley CCC camp, Missouri. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Mallard Duck Nest in Alder Thicket

Photograph of Mallard Duck Nest in Alder Thicket

Original caption: Mallard duck nest in Alder thicket near Middle Twin Lake --11 eggs. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Rough Sawn Timber Shelter

Photograph of Rough Sawn Timber Shelter

Original caption: Rough sawn timber shelter constructed by State of IL at the Cave-in-Rock State Park. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Broom Sedge Grass, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Broom Sedge Grass, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Broom sedge grass (Andropogan) cover type, highly inflammable. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Pole Stand of Tupelo Gum

Photograph of Pole Stand of Tupelo Gum

Original caption: Pole stand of Tupelo gum cover type showing the density of the stand and typical site on which this cover type occurs. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Black Walnut Plantation, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Black Walnut Plantation, National Forest Service photogr...

Original caption: Black Walnut plantation, Union Co. State Forest. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Office at Baldwin Ranger Station

Photograph of Office at Baldwin Ranger Station

Original caption: View of Office Baldwin Ranger Station (building plan #658) Lower Mi NF. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Seed Beds of Aspen Cuttings

Photograph of Seed Beds of Aspen Cuttings

Original caption: Seed beds 1-0 aspen cuttings (populus sp) Chittenden Nursery. Lower Mi NF. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Jack Pine Plantation Planted in Fall 1934

Photograph of Jack Pine Plantation Planted in Fall 1934

Original caption: 1-jack pine plantation planted in fall 1934. Replanted fall 1935, 2-0 jack pine. Trees 5 and 6 ft common. Tallest 7'3". Maximum current growth 42." Sec 30, T21N, R11W. Lower Mi NF. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Top of a Spur of Bell Mountain

Photograph of Top of a Spur of Bell Mountain

Original caption: From top of a spur of Bell Mt. Looking east. Shows scrubby forest and character of forage typical of granite perphyry country. Leon Hornkohl at left. About Sec 35, T34N. R1E/. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Virgin Pine Stand Behind Norway Beach Recreational Area

Photograph of Virgin Pine Stand Behind Norway Beach Recreational Area

Original caption: View in virgin pine stand behind Norway Beach Recreational Area. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Jack Pine, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Jack Pine, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Jack Pine. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of forest, trees, US government forestry agency, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Photograph of Bench in Recreation Exhibit from the Michigan State Fair in Detroit

Photograph of Bench in Recreation Exhibit from the Michigan State Fair...

Original caption: Bench in Recreation Exhibit, Mich State Fair, Detroit 1938. Lower Mi NF. Historic Photographs

Photograph of a Duck Hunter, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of a Duck Hunter, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Duck hunter. Decoys may be seen around his canoe. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Winter Scene Along Pike Bay Loop Road

Photograph of Winter Scene Along Pike Bay Loop Road

Original caption: Winter scene along Pike Bay Loop Road. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Nursery Stock, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Nursery Stock, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Nursery stock, Cass Lake Nursery. 1-3 white pine transplants, specimen. Historic Photographs

Photograph of the Toboggan Slide, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of the Toboggan Slide, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: General view of the toboggan slide from the bottom. Historic Photographs

Photograph of the Dispatcher After Just Releasing the Toboggan

Photograph of the Dispatcher After Just Releasing the Toboggan

Original caption: The dispatcher has just released the toboggan which is now starting the 800 foot run. Historic Photographs

Photograph of a Skier Framed by the Red Pine at the Top of a Hill

Photograph of a Skier Framed by the Red Pine at the Top of a Hill

Original caption: The red pine at the top of this hill frames this skier as he starts his trip down the slope. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Virgin Hardwood and Hemlock

Photograph of Virgin Hardwood and Hemlock

Original caption: To the Horizon, virgin hardwood and hemlock in the Sturgeon River Valley on the east end of the Ottawa N.F. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Chimney to Recreation Building at Nesbit Lake Organization Camp

Photograph of Chimney to Recreation Building at Nesbit Lake Organizati...

Original caption: Chimney to Recreation Building -- Nesbit Lake Organization Camp. Historic Photographs

Photograph of 45 Year Old Uncut Aspen at Pike Bay

Photograph of 45 Year Old Uncut Aspen at Pike Bay

Original caption: 45- year old uncut aspen at Pike Bay. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Canoe Rest on Smoke Lake Portage

Photograph of Canoe Rest on Smoke Lake Portage

Original caption: Canoe rest on Smoke Lake Portage (out of Sawbill Lake). Historic Photographs

Photograph of Caberfae Block, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Caberfae Block, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Caberfae Block. Plot #1. Panoramic from point 6' south of SW corner post IK. Plot 1. View northeast on plot. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Minford School Plantation, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Minford School Plantation, National Forest Service photo...

Original caption: Minford School Plantation, Minford, Ohio. Established by students in April, 1932. General view of the plantation. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Virgin Red and White Pine Stand

Photograph of Virgin Red and White Pine Stand

Original caption: Virgin red and white pine stand located on US #8 about four miles west of Laona, Wis. Peshtigo Ranger Dist. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Plantation of Scotch Pine

Photograph of Plantation of Scotch Pine

Original caption: Plantation of Scotch pine planted in 1931 along the Ely-Finland Road near the junction with State Highway 15. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Wiss Pruning Shears Used for Pruning Young Jack Pine

Photograph of Wiss Pruning Shears Used for Pruning Young Jack Pine

Original caption: Wiss pruning shears, #908, used for pruning young jack pine. Manistee NF. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Handy Eagle Oiler Used to Mark Trees for Experimental Purposes on Manistee National Forest

Photograph of Handy Eagle Oiler Used to Mark Trees for Experimental Pu...

Original caption: Handy Eagle Oiler used to mark trees for Experimental Purposes. Manistee NF. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Deer Browse Study Plot

Photograph of Deer Browse Study Plot

Original caption: Camera point #5- deer browse study plot - fenced and thinned. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Ranger Strate in a Jack Pine Plantation

Photograph of Ranger Strate in a Jack Pine Plantation

Original caption: Ranger Strate in jack pine plantation in P3 Sec.19, 21-14. Historic Photographs

Photograph of the First Milling Operation in the Manufacture of Barrel and Keg Staves

Photograph of the First Milling Operation in the Manufacture of Barrel...

Original caption: The first milling operation in the manufacture of barrel and keg staves is cutting the stave bolts to even lengths on a double circle saw called an "evener saw.". Historic Photographs

Photograph of Road Construction on Sheep Ranch Road

Photograph of Road Construction on Sheep Ranch Road

Original caption: Road construction. Sheep Ranch Road. Historic Photographs Public domain photograph of the US industrial development, construction, work of U.S. government, free to use, no copyright restrict... More

Photograph of Tie Cutting Operations, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Tie Cutting Operations, National Forest Service photogra...

Original caption: Tie cutting operations. Looking oak over to see which direction to fell it. T21N, R15W, Sec. 1. Historic Photographs

Photograph of an S-Sweep Tie Cut

Photograph of an S-Sweep Tie Cut

Original caption: When the tie cut has a simple sweep or an S-sweep, such as this one, which is all in one plane, it is still a usable tie out. If the sweep or crook is spiral the cut will not be acceptable for... More

Photograph of Close Up of Red Pine Cones

Photograph of Close Up of Red Pine Cones

Original caption: Close-up of red pine cones in a tier of cone trays after treatment. Note the loose see which has fallen from the cones. Historic Photographs

Photograph of White Pine Stump Fence

Photograph of White Pine Stump Fence

Original caption: White pine : stump Fence used to protect fields from wandering livestock on one of the farms near Green Bay, Wis. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Stock of Pulpwood, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Stock of Pulpwood, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Stock of pulpwood (aspen, jack pine, hemlock and balsam) stacked along railroad runways leading to the Flambeau Paper Company, Park, Falls, Wisconsin. One of the speed cranes is shown at the l... More

Photograph of Bob Halvorsen at Eagle River

Photograph of Bob Halvorsen at Eagle River

Original caption: A skier (Bob Halvorsen, Eagle River) practicing down hill turns on the practice slope. Anvil Lake Ski Trail. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Individual Planter, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Individual Planter, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Individual planter (Roy Dillman of Branchville, Ind.) of the WPA planting crew. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Boring Holes for Dowels in Chair Legs

Photograph of Boring Holes for Dowels in Chair Legs

Original caption: Boring holes for dowels in chair legs. Tell City Chair Factory. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Shaping Chair Rails, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Shaping Chair Rails, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Shaping chair rails, Tell City Chair Factory. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Forest Supervisor Clare Hendee with Mrs. L. R. Upham

Photograph of Forest Supervisor Clare Hendee with Mrs. L. R. Upham

Original caption: Forest Supervisor Clare Hendee demonstrates planting to Mrs. L.R. Upham, Conservation Chairman, Minnesota Federation of Women's Clubs. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Spraying Windbreaks, National Forest Service photograph.

Photograph of Spraying Windbreaks, National Forest Service photograph.

Original caption: Spraying windbreaks with arsenate of lead to control Junebug beetles. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Lake Winona in Northern Indiana

Photograph of Lake Winona in Northern Indiana

Original caption: Scenic view of lake Winona, one of the many important recreation areas in northern Indiana. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Clear Cut Black Spruce Type

Photograph of Clear Cut Black Spruce Type

Original caption: Clear cut Black spruce type. Chippewa Timber Co. Sale. Race District. Historic Photographs

Photograph of Visitors at Council Ring

Photograph of Visitors at Council Ring

Original caption: Visitors at council ring, Loon Lake picnic area. Historic Photographs


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