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hisaichi terauchi

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Hisaichi Terauchi 2. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Hisaichi Terauchi 2. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Portrait of Count Hisaichi Terauchi as Lieutenant General (2 stars on his epaulettes). The photo was taken most likely before October 1935. Promoted to full General in October 1935 then Field Marshal on 6 June... More

The Hirota Cabinet. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

The Hirota Cabinet. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Japanese Prime Minister Kōki Hirota (廣田弘毅, 1878–1948, in office 1936–37) and the members of his cabinet

Hisaichi Terauchi. Public domain, Post-war Japan.

Hisaichi Terauchi. Public domain, Post-war Japan.

日本語: 寺內壽一 English: Hisaichi Terauchi (1879–1946)

Terauchi H Japanese empire during World War Two.

Terauchi H Japanese empire during World War Two.

Official portrait of Field Marshall Terauchi Hisaichi Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

1938 terauchi hisaichi. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

1938 terauchi hisaichi. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

日本語: 1938 年畑俊六(左)与寺内寿一(右)在徐州合影 English: Hata Shunroku (left) with Field Marshal Terauchi Hisaichi in Xuzhou Deutsch: Links: Hata Shunroku (畑俊六, General; 1879-1962) Rechts: Terauchi Hisaichi (寺内寿一, Generalfeld... More

Terauchi Hisaichi and Shunroku Hata in Xuzhou, 1938
Hirota and Terauchi during the Kappuku-mondou

Hirota and Terauchi during the Kappuku-mondou

日本語: 第70回議会で濱田國松議員の軍部による政治干渉を批判した演説に対し、険しい表情で「或は軍人に対しましていささか侮蔑されるような如き感じを致す所のお言葉を承りますが」と反駁する寺内壽一陸相 (手前)。この両者の間の問答(割腹問答)が廣田内閣瓦解につながった(奥が廣田弘毅総理)。English: Japanese War Minister Hisaichi Terauchi (1879–1946, right... More

Terauchi Hisaichi. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Terauchi Hisaichi. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kōki Hirota Cabinet 19360309

Kōki Hirota Cabinet 19360309

Japanese Prime Minister Kōki Hirota (廣田弘毅, 1878–1948, in office 1936–37) and the members of his cabinet.

Generals Terauchi and Yamashita with officers and staff of the Southern Expeditionary Army Group, 1941-1942

Generals Terauchi and Yamashita with officers and staff of the Souther...

Commemorative photo of generals Terauchi and Yamashita with generals, officers and staff of the Southern Expeditionary Army Group 1941-1942 Image possible taken at Malaya or Singapore. 日本語: 日本陸軍 司令官 寺内寿一 山下奉文 ... More

Terauchi Hisaichi in Singapore 1942

Terauchi Hisaichi in Singapore 1942

Japanese General Count Terauchi Hisaichi commanding officer of the Southern Expeditionary Army Group. Singapore 1942

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