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groups and mixed stamps of the united states

51 media by topicpage 1 of 1
Prexies - postal stamp - public domain postal stamp scan
1869 Stamp Essays Continental Banknote Co.

1869 Stamp Essays Continental Banknote Co.

1869 Stamp Essays, Continental Banknote Co.

Reg coil 3 Hz - postal stamp - public domain postal stamp scan

Reg coil 3 Hz - postal stamp - public domain postal stamp scan

US Postage stamps, regular issues of 1923-25, 3 coil stamp pairs

Regular Issues 3coils - postal stamp

Regular Issues 3coils - postal stamp

US Postage stamps, 3 coil pairs

US postage stamps on album pages-2

US postage stamps on album pages-2

Modern Postage Stamp Album © 1946 With over 2,400 Stamps! For Sale on eBay Seller Name: LiveShopDie

Civil War centennial issues

Civil War centennial issues

Composite photo of five commemorative stamps, commemorating different battles of the American Civil War -- issued on the 100th anniversary of each battle respectively.

SoSL US Stamps - postal stamp - public domain postal stamp scan

SoSL US Stamps - postal stamp - public domain postal stamp scan

"Lindbergh Air Mail" 10-Cent (Scott C-10) and Spirit of St. Louis 50th Anniversary 13-Cent (Scott #1710) cancelled with Roosevelt Field Sta. CDS & "First Day of Issue" killer bars dated May 20, 1977. (The Coop... More

Prominent Americans - postal stamp

Prominent Americans - postal stamp

Prominent Americans stamps

Presidential issue-1938 - postal stamp

Presidential issue-1938 - postal stamp

Photo image of Presidential stamp issues of 1932

WF1917-12c-set3-3 - postal stamp

WF1917-12c-set3-3 - postal stamp

US Postage Stamp, Washington Franklin issue of 1917, 12c,set of three, color variations.

Virginia history on US stamps

Virginia history on US stamps

Composite image of US Postage stamps

WF4 Block4 set3-3

WF4 Block4 set3-3

US Postage stamps, Washington Franklin Issues, 3 imperforate blocks of 4: Franklin ONE CENT, green, issue of 1908Washington, 1-CENT, green, issue of 1912Washington, 2-CENTS, red, issue of 1912

US postage stamps on album pages-5

US postage stamps on album pages-5

Modern Postage Stamp Album © 1946 With over 2,400 Stamps! For Sale on eBay Seller Name: LiveShopDie

Jefferson Official Postage8 1915 - postal stamp

Jefferson Official Postage8 1915 - postal stamp

Group of eight official postage stamps depicting Thomas Jefferson

Parcel Post 1912 9-12

Parcel Post 1912 9-12

Image of four Parcel Post stamps, last 4 in set of 12

Kansas-Nebraska Overprints 1929 issue-1929

Kansas-Nebraska Overprints 1929 issue-1929

US Postage stamps, Regular issues of 1926-27 with 1929 Kansas and Nebraska overprinting.

Kans Overprints - postal stamp - public domain postal stamp scan

Kans Overprints - postal stamp - public domain postal stamp scan

US Postage stamps, regular issues, 1929, Kans. and Nebr. overprints.

Presidential Issue - postal stamp
Parcel Post Postage Due 1912 issues

Parcel Post Postage Due 1912 issues

Composite photo of Parcel Post - Postage due stamps

WF 7-issues 1914-15

WF 7-issues 1914-15

US Postage stamps (7), Washington Franklin issue. Stamps first appeared in WF issue of 1914-15.

WF Offset compare

WF Offset compare

US Postage stamps, Washington Franklin offset printing, compared to engraved stamps.

Oliver H Perry stripr of five2

Oliver H Perry stripr of five2

Image of five US Postage stamps depicting Oliver Hazard Perry

Americanaseries - postal stamp - public domain postal stamp scan

Americanaseries - postal stamp - public domain postal stamp scan

First four Americana stamps issued in 1977

US Flags green - public domain postal stamp scan
Washington & Franklin Pair

Washington & Franklin Pair

US Postage stamps: Washington and Franklin pair, Issue of 1914



U. S. Stamps: Series of 1902

WF 1914 12c to 50c

WF 1914 12c to 50c

US Postage stamps, Washington-Franklin Issues, set of five.

Parcel Post 1912 1-4

Parcel Post 1912 1-4

Image of four Parcel Post stamps, first 4 in set of 12

Special Delivery cover 1897

Special Delivery cover 1897

Image of Special Delivery cover, with 1897 postmark. Русский: Пример обязательного одновременного франкирования конверта обычной и спешной марками США.

Souvenir sheet US 1936 TIPEX - public domain postal stamp scan

Souvenir sheet US 1936 TIPEX - public domain postal stamp scan

United States Souvenir sheet for 1936 TIPEX show

Presidential issue of 1932 - postal stamp

Presidential issue of 1932 - postal stamp

Set of stamps with presidents, 1938 Presidential issue.

US postage stamps on album pages-3

US postage stamps on album pages-3

Modern Postage Stamp Album © 1946 With over 2,400 Stamps! For Sale on eBay Seller Name: LiveShopDie

Parcel Post 1912 5-8

Parcel Post 1912 5-8

Image of four Parcel Post stamps, 4 in set of 12

NASA Sun Science Forever Stamps - 2021

NASA Sun Science Forever Stamps - 2021

The United States Post office announced on 15 January 2021, that they would be releasing a series of stamps highlighting images of the Sun captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.

Washington Bicentennial 1932 Issue2 - postal stamp

Washington Bicentennial 1932 Issue2 - postal stamp

US Postage stamps: George Washington Bicentennial issue of 1932, 12 postage issues in the series.

Curtis Jenny trio - postal stamp

Curtis Jenny trio - postal stamp

Image of three airmail stamps, Curtis Jenny, 6c, 16c, 24c

Benjamin Franklin 2-Big-Bens 1918 Issue

Benjamin Franklin 2-Big-Bens 1918 Issue


Washington Franklin - postal stamp

Washington Franklin - postal stamp

US Postage Stamps, Washington 10c, Franklin 5c

Tascoapprovalbookletpage 1935

Tascoapprovalbookletpage 1935

Postage stamp paper approval booklet page of TASCO with mixture of postage stamps of the USA, 1935 Русский: Страница из буклета согласования компании TASCO с почтовыми марками США, 1935 год

US postage stamps on album pages-6

US postage stamps on album pages-6

Modern Postage Stamp Album © 1946 With over 2,400 Stamps! For Sale on eBay Seller Name: LiveShopDie

Natlpark - postal stamp - public domain postal stamp scan
Army Navy 1937 issue10 - postal stamp

Army Navy 1937 issue10 - postal stamp

Set of 10 US Postage stamps, Army Navy issue of 1937

Parcel Post 1912-13 issues

Parcel Post 1912-13 issues

Composite photo of 12  U.S. Parcel Post stamps

Special Delivery stamps 2 - postal stamp

Special Delivery stamps 2 - postal stamp

Composite image of Special Delivery stamps

WF 1908 set6

WF 1908 set6

US Postage stamps, Washington Franklins (6), issue of 1908

Lincoln 2 Grant2 - public domain postal stamp scan
US postage stamps on album pages-4

US postage stamps on album pages-4

Modern Postage Stamp Album © 1946 With over 2,400 Stamps! For Sale on eBay Seller Name: LiveShopDie

Woodrow Wilson postage stamp issues

Woodrow Wilson postage stamp issues

Composite image of three postage stamps each depicting Woodrow Wilson

US postage stamps on album pages

US postage stamps on album pages

Modern Postage Stamp Album © 1946 With over 2,400 Stamps! For Sale on eBay Seller Name: LiveShopDie

George Washington 1902 issues, private perf

George Washington 1902 issues, private perf

Private perforations on 2c Series 1902 stamp

US Flags green (cropped) - public domain postal stamp scan