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Photo/lithograph of Frits V. Holm from the report of his arrival to the US with a replica of the Nestorian Stele that he had made in Xi'an. The original caption: "Fritz von Holm who obtained the replica". As ... More
Frits Vilhelm Holm, Portrait, Denmark
Frits Vilhelm Holm (1881-1930), Danish adventurer and self-styled "Duke of Colachine"
Frits Vilhelm Holm 1916, Portrait, Denmark
Frits Vilhelm Holm (1881-1930), Danish adventurer and self-styled "Duke of Colachine"
The Nestorian Stele of Xi'an as seen by Frits V. Holm in 1907, a short time before it was moved from this outdoor location to the Stele Forest (Beilin) museum. The brick pavilion that had formerly covered the ... More