Italo-Byzantinischer Meister 002, fresco
Public domain reproduction of artwork, 14th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Last Supper by Theophanes the Cretan
The Last Supper Public domain photograph of 16th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Fresco from St. George Church in Radišani 04
Public domain image related to 13th-14th-century architecture, medieval castle, cathedral, historic building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Casa mia 04 - Fresco, public domain photograph
holy picture Italiano: santino Public domain photograph related to the history of Italy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Тайная вячэра. Фрэска ў замкавай капліцы ў Любліне
Беларуская: Тайная вячэра. Фрэска ў замкавай капліцы ў Любліне Public domain photograph related to middle ages, medieval art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The Last Supper. Ubisa monastery (Damiane 14th century)
Damiane. The Last Supper. A fresco from Ubisi, Georgia
Lastsupper 1 - Fresco, public domain photograph
Public domain photograph of dinner table, food, furniture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
«Апошняя Вячэра». Сярэдзіна ХІХ ст., Фрэска ў касцёле вёскі Індура Гро...
Беларуская: «Апошняя Вячэра». Сярэдзіна ХІХ ст., Фрэска ў касцёле вёскі Індура Гродзенскага р-на
Jesus (Ubisi fresco) - Fresco, public domain photograph
Jesus Christ, from the Last Supper fresco (a detail). Ubisi Monastery, Georgia
Deutsch: Detail des Bildes Letztes Abendmahl im Deckengewölbe der Kirche Saint-Gonery in Plougrescant in der Bretagne, Frankreich
Andrea del Castagno 001, fresco
Last Supper Public domain photograph of 17th-century Italian painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ignoto del XV secolo Ultima Cena Boccioleto Alpe Seccio
Unknown painter of XV century, The Last Supper detail, fresco, 1450 ca, Oratorio di San Lorenzo all’Alpe Seccio, Boccioleto, Vercelli, Italy
Português: Imagem da última ceia em uma Igreja de Anápolis
Last supper capp - Fresco, public domain photograph
Last Supper. Fresco in Dark Church, Cappadocia, Goreme Русский: Тайная вечеря, фреска в Темной церкви (Каппадокия, национальный парк Гёреме)
Kirche Auw Fresko Letztes Abendmahl
Pfarrkirche St.Nikolaus in Auw, Kanton Aargau, Schweiz. Deckenfresko mit dem Letzten Abendmahl Jesu über dem Chor der Kirche.
Assumption of Mary Church Fresco 23
Assumption of Mary Church Fresco Public domain photograph of medieval object / medieval style artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Casa mia 06 - Fresco, public domain photograph
holy picture Italiano: santino Public domain photograph related to the history of Italy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
St Hubertus Und Christophorus K
Deutsch: St. Hubertus und Christophorus (Wien), Tabernakel, dahinter Nische, im Altarraum
Dambach Ville StEtienne 15 - Fresco, public domain photograph
Français : Alsace, Bas-Rhin, Église Saint-Étienne de Dambach-la-Ville (IA00115185). Peinture murale "Cène" (Atelier DENEKEN, fresque, 350x320, vers 1864): This object is indexed in the base Palissy, data... More
Weißenau Festsaal Deckenbild - Fresco, public domain photograph
Weißenau, Konventsbau der ehemaligen Reichsabtei Weißenau, Festsaal, Gemälde an der Decke: Letztes Abendmahl Öl auf Leinwand; Gemälde eines unbekannten Malers, 1716, ursprünglich im Refektorium im Erdgeschoss
Linares - Santuario V Linarejos16
Fresco de la Última Cena, en el Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Linarejos, en Linares (Jaén, Andalucía, España)
Pfullendorf StJakob Fresko Abendmahl
Deutsch: Pfullendorf, Stadtkirche St. Jakob; Fresko von Andreas Meinrad von Ow: Abendmahl, 1751 Français : Andreas Meinrad von Ow (1712-1792), Transsubstantiation, 1751. Église Saint Jakob, Pfullendorf, Allemagne.
Castagno, Andrea del - Last Supper - 1447
Public domain photo of an Italian art painting, medieval or early renaissance, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Hohenems St Karl Fresko Chor Abendmahl
Deutsch: Hohenems, Vorarlberg: Pfarrkirche St. Karl Borromäus Fresko Letztes Abendmahl
Dambach Ville StEtienne 12 - Public domain dedication image
Français : Alsace, Bas-Rhin, Église Saint-Étienne de Dambach-la-Ville (IA00115185). Peinture murale "Cène" (Atelier DENEKEN, fresque, 350x320, vers 1864): This object is indexed in the base Palissy, data... More
Deutsch: Bild Letztes Abendmahl im Deckengewölbe der Kirche Saint-Gonery in Plougrescant in der Bretagne, Frankreich
Paternion - Pfarrkirche Hl Paternianus - Letzes Abendmahl
Parish church Saint Paternianus - Ceiling painting - Last supper Locality: Paternion Community:Paternion Deutsch: Pfarrkirche Hl Paternianus - Deckengemälde - Letztes Abendmahl Ort: Paternion Gemeinde:Paternion
Kalishta Rock Church Fresco 3
The rock church in the monastery of Kalishta in Republic of Macedonia. Frescos from 14. and 15. century. The last Supper.
Gelence freskó 2 - Fresco, public domain photograph
Freskó a gelencei Szent Imre-templomban. – photo taken by uploader User:Csanády in 2006.
Mackenheim StEtienne22 - Fresco, public domain photograph
Français : Alsace, Bas-Rhin, Église Saint-Étienne de Mackenheim (IA67010704). Peinture monumentale "La Cène" (Jean Weyh, 1886): This object is indexed in the base Palissy, database of the French furnitur... More
Ravensburg Stadtkirche Fresko 5
Evangelische Stadtkirche Ravensburg (ehem. Karmeliterkirche) Fresko an der Südwand des Chors: Abendmahl, wohl ca. Mitte 15. Jahrhundert
James Thornhill - Sketch for 'The Last Supper,' St. Mary's, Weymouth -...
Public domain reproduction of artwork, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Mnac-santacatalina3 - Fresco, public domain photograph
Español: Pintura mural procedente de la catedral de la Seu d'Urgell en Cataluña. Spain. Título: Santa Cena. En la actualidad conservada en el Museo Episcopal de Vic.
Fronhofen Pfarrkirche Wandgemälde Abendmahl
Pfarrkirche St. Konrad und Vinzenz, Fronhofen, Gemeinde Fronreute, Landkreis Ravensburg Wandgemälde (nach 1918): Abendmahl
Pfarrkirche Scheidegg Deckengemälde Chor
Pfarrkirche St. Gallus, Scheidegg: Deckengemälde im Chor, "Das letzte Abendmahl"