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free illustrations

84,371 media by topicpage 1 of 844
De Re Militari (On the Military Arts)

De Re Militari (On the Military Arts)

Public domain reproduction of a relief art print, 15th-16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Villa Rotunda, in The Architecture of A. Palladio in Four Books containing a Short Treatise on the Five Orders (L'Architecture de A. Palladio en quatre livres... / Il quattro libri dell'architettura) (Volume 1, book 2, plate 15)

Villa Rotunda, in The Architecture of A. Palladio in Four Books contai...

Public domain illustrated book or album page scan, related to architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Di Lucio Vitruvio Pollione De architectura Libri Dece traducti de latino in vulgare affigurati: commentati: & con mirando ordine insigniti

Di Lucio Vitruvio Pollione De architectura Libri Dece traducti de lati...

Public domain reproduction of illuminated book page, 16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Hendrick Hondius I - Den eersten (-vijfsten) boeck van architecturen

Hendrick Hondius I - Den eersten (-vijfsten) boeck van architecturen

Sebastiano Serlio (Italian, Bologna 1475–1554 Fontainebleau) Public domain photograph of 16th-century woodblock print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Reconstructie van de Romeinse arena in Orange, 1639

Reconstructie van de Romeinse arena in Orange, 1639

Public domain image of an arch structure, bridge, historic place ruins, classical architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Romeinse oudheden gevonden bij het Huis te Britten

Romeinse oudheden gevonden bij het Huis te Britten

Public domain scan of 17-18th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ontwerp voor een politieke spotprent

Ontwerp voor een politieke spotprent

Picryl description: Public domain image of a garden, gardening, agriculture, plants, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Romeinse soldaat Marcus Curtius in wapenrusting te paard stort zich in kloof

Romeinse soldaat Marcus Curtius in wapenrusting te paard stort zich in...

Public domain reproduction of art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Romeinse soldaat doorsteekt zichzelf met zijn zwaard

Romeinse soldaat doorsteekt zichzelf met zijn zwaard

Public domain scan of 17th-18th century genre print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Romeinse gevangen langs de vesting geleid, 69-70

Romeinse gevangen langs de vesting geleid, 69-70

Public domain scan - 17th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Uitgeputte Romeinse soldaten smeken Civilis om genade, 69-70

Uitgeputte Romeinse soldaten smeken Civilis om genade, 69-70

Public domain scan of 16th-17th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The Innkeeper's Wife and Daughter Taking Care of ye Don after Being Beaten and Bruised (Six Illustrations for Don Quixote)

The Innkeeper's Wife and Daughter Taking Care of ye Don after Being Be...

Public domain scan of 18th-century print, William Hogarth, English, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Romeinse oudheden gevonden bij het Huis te Britten

Romeinse oudheden gevonden bij het Huis te Britten

Public domain scan of 16th-17th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Franse spotprent op de kroning van Willem III, 1689

Franse spotprent op de kroning van Willem III, 1689

Public domain reproduction of art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Spotprent op Jasper Bolten, 1751

Spotprent op Jasper Bolten, 1751

Public domain image of 17th century Dutch art, Netherlands, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Overleg naar aanleiding van de komst van nieuwe Romeinse troepen, 69-70

Overleg naar aanleiding van de komst van nieuwe Romeinse troepen, 69-7...

Public domain scan of 16th-17th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Spotprent op de rebelse staat van Holland, 1606

Spotprent op de rebelse staat van Holland, 1606

Cartoon on the rebellious state of Holland, 1606 Public domain photograph of 17th century Dutch drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Romeinse gevangen langs de vesting geleid, 69-70

Romeinse gevangen langs de vesting geleid, 69-70

Public domain scan - 17th-century landscape print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Architectura Privata: Das is Gründtliche was form...ein Burgerliches Wohn-Haus...

Architectura Privata: Das is Gründtliche was form......

Public domain image of a historic building, 16th-17th century architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Spotprent op de protestanten, 1657

Spotprent op de protestanten, 1657

Public domain scan of 16th-17th century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Romeinse tempel bij Pula - Public domain monumental decor engraving

Romeinse tempel bij Pula - Public domain monumental decor engraving

Public domain scan of 16th-17th-century Dutch print, engraving, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Gewapende mannen ontvoeren een Romeinse bruid

Gewapende mannen ontvoeren een Romeinse bruid

Public domain scan of 17th-18th century genre print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

美人絵づくし|Illustrations of Beautiful Women (Bijin e-zukushi)

美人絵づくし|Illustrations of Beautiful Women (Bijin e-zukushi)

Picryl description: Public domain photo of Japanese painting, free to use art, no copyright restrictions image.

Romeinse veldheer spreekt zijn manschappen toe nabij een kampement

Romeinse veldheer spreekt zijn manschappen toe nabij een kampement

Public domain image of military forces, cavalry, horses, horseriding, 18th-19th century war, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Hudibras First Adventure (Seventeen Small Illustrations for Samuel Butler's Hudibras, no. 2)

Hudibras First Adventure (Seventeen Small Illustrations for Samuel But...

William Hogarth (British, London 1697–1764 London) Public domain scan of English 17th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The Adventure of Mambrino's Helmet (Six Illustrations for Don Quixote)

The Adventure of Mambrino's Helmet (Six Illustrations for Don Quixote)

William Hogarth (British, London 1697–1764 London) Public domain scan of English 17th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Les Songes Drolatiques de Pantagruel ou sont contenues plusieurs figures de l'invention de maitre François Rabelais
The Committee (Plate 10: Illustrations to Samuel Butler's Hudibras)

The Committee (Plate 10: Illustrations to Samuel Butler's Hudibras)

After William Hogarth (British, London 1697–1764 London) Public domain scan of 18th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Spotprent op de vrede tussen Nederland en de keizer, 1785

Spotprent op de vrede tussen Nederland en de keizer, 1785

Public domain image of military forces, cavalry, horses, horseriding, 18th-19th century war, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Spotprent op de Jacobijnen, 1790

Spotprent op de Jacobijnen, 1790

Public domain image of a military uniform, officer portrait, armed forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

portrait from "France militaire. Histoire des armées françaises de terre et de mer de 1792 à 1833. Ouvrage rédigé par une société de militaires et de gens de lettres, d'après les bulletins des armées, le Moniteur, les documents officiels, ... revu et publié par A. H. [With illustrations.]"

portrait from "France militaire. Histoire des armées françaises de t...

This image has been taken from scan 000338 from volume 03 of "France militaire. Histoire des armées françaises de terre et de mer de 1792 à 1833. Ouvrage rédigé par une société de militaires et de gens d... More

people from "France militaire. Histoire des armées françaises de terre et de mer de 1792 à 1833. Ouvrage rédigé par une société de militaires et de gens de lettres, d'après les bulletins des armées, le Moniteur, les documents officiels, ... revu et publié par A. H. [With illustrations.]"

people from "France militaire. Histoire des armées françaises de ter...

This image has been taken from scan 000293 from volume 01 of "France militaire. Histoire des armées françaises de terre et de mer de 1792 à 1833. Ouvrage rédigé par une société de militaires et de gens d... More

people from "France militaire. Histoire des armées françaises de terre et de mer de 1792 à 1833. Ouvrage rédigé par une société de militaires et de gens de lettres, d'après les bulletins des armées, le Moniteur, les documents officiels, ... revu et publié par A. H. [With illustrations.]"

people from "France militaire. Histoire des armées françaises de ter...

This image has been taken from scan 000484 from volume 01 of "France militaire. Histoire des armées françaises de terre et de mer de 1792 à 1833. Ouvrage rédigé par une société de militaires et de gens d... More

people from "France militaire. Histoire des armées françaises de terre et de mer de 1792 à 1833. Ouvrage rédigé par une société de militaires et de gens de lettres, d'après les bulletins des armées, le Moniteur, les documents officiels, ... revu et publié par A. H. [With illustrations.]"

people from "France militaire. Histoire des armées françaises de ter...

This image has been taken from scan 000371 from volume 01 of "France militaire. Histoire des armées françaises de terre et de mer de 1792 à 1833. Ouvrage rédigé par une société de militaires et de gens d... More

Cabinetmakers' London Book of Prices and Designs for Cabinet Work...The Second Edition

Cabinetmakers' London Book of Prices and Designs for Cabinet Work...Th...

Picryl description: Public domain image of an architectural drawing from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Charles Percier - Fables, 19th century

Charles Percier - Fables, 19th century

Public domain reproduction of illuminated book page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Job's Evil Dreams, from Illustrations of the Book of Job

Job's Evil Dreams, from Illustrations of the Book of Job

William Blake (British, London 1757–1827 London)

architecture from "Chronicles of London Bridge: by an Antiquary [i.e. Richard Thomson]. [With illustrations.]"

architecture from "Chronicles of London Bridge: by an Antiquary [i.e. ...

This image has been taken from scan 000023 from "Chronicles of London Bridge: by an Antiquary [i.e. Richard Thomson]. [With illustrations.]". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from t... More

Hampden County from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]"

Hampden County from "Historical Collections ... relating to the histor...

This image has been taken from scan 000324 from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]". The ti... More

Worcester County from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]"

Worcester County from "Historical Collections ... relating to the hist...

This image has been taken from scan 000609 from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]". The ti... More

Dedham from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]"

Dedham from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and an...

This image has been taken from scan 000496 from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]". The ti... More

Taunton from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]"

Taunton from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and a...

This image has been taken from scan 000163 from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]". The ti... More

Danvers from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]"

Danvers from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and a...

This image has been taken from scan 000192 from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]". The ti... More

Provincetown from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]"

Provincetown from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history ...

This image has been taken from scan 000063 from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]". The ti... More

Newburyport from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]"

Newburyport from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history a...

This image has been taken from scan 000236 from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]". The ti... More

Boston from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]"

Boston from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and an...

This image has been taken from scan 000584 from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]". The ti... More

Massachusetts from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]"

Massachusetts from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history...

This image has been taken from scan 000071 from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]". The ti... More

Mendon from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]"

Mendon from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and an...

This image has been taken from scan 000625 from "Historical Collections ... relating to the history and antiquities of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. [With illustrations.]". The ti... More

artist:name=Henry Matthew Brock from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]"

artist:name=Henry Matthew Brock from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melvill...

This image has been taken from scan 000191 from volume 18 of "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]". The title and subj... More

artist:name=Henry Matthew Brock from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]"

artist:name=Henry Matthew Brock from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melvill...

This image has been taken from scan 000453 from volume 18 of "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]". The title and subj... More

artist:name=G. H. Jalland from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]"

artist:name=G. H. Jalland from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edi...

This image has been taken from scan 000151 from volume 02 of "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]". The title and subj... More

artist:name=Henry Matthew Brock from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]"

artist:name=Henry Matthew Brock from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melvill...

This image has been taken from scan 000091 from volume 17 of "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]". The title and subj... More

artist:name=Henry Matthew Brock from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]"

artist:name=Henry Matthew Brock from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melvill...

This image has been taken from scan 000169 from volume 23 of "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]". The title and subj... More

artist:name=Edmund Caldwell from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]"

artist:name=Edmund Caldwell from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. E...

This image has been taken from scan 000301 from volume 07 of "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]". The title and subj... More

artist:name=G. H. Jalland from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]"

artist:name=G. H. Jalland from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edi...

This image has been taken from scan 000012 from volume 02 of "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]". The title and subj... More

artist:name=Henry Matthew Brock from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]"

artist:name=Henry Matthew Brock from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melvill...

This image has been taken from scan 000043 from volume 17 of "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]". The title and subj... More

artist:name=G. H. Jalland from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]"

artist:name=G. H. Jalland from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edi...

This image has been taken from scan 000351 from volume 13 of "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]". The title and subj... More

artist:name=Henry Matthew Brock from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]"

artist:name=Henry Matthew Brock from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melvill...

This image has been taken from scan 000157 from volume 08 of "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]". The title and subj... More

artist:name=John Alexander Harrington Bird from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]"

artist:name=John Alexander Harrington Bird from "The Works of G. J. Wh...

This image has been taken from scan 000371 from volume 11 of "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]". The title and subj... More

artist:name=Henry Matthew Brock from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]"

artist:name=Henry Matthew Brock from "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melvill...

This image has been taken from scan 000211 from volume 21 of "The Works of G. J. Whyte-Melville. Edited by Sir H. Maxwell. [With illustrations by J. B. Partridge, Hugh Thomson, and others.]". The title and subj... More

Sculptured stone jamb. - Public domain portrait engraving

Sculptured stone jamb. - Public domain portrait engraving

Public domain reproduction of portrait print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Book illustration - Gateway at Mucuyché. Book by John Lloyd Stephens 1805-1852

Book illustration - Gateway at Mucuyché. Book by John Lloyd Stephens 1...

Public domain scan of architectural print, architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Book illustration - Triumphal arch. Book by John Lloyd Stephens 1805-1852

Book illustration - Triumphal arch. Book by John Lloyd Stephens 1805-1...

Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Entwined serpents over a doorway.

Entwined serpents over a doorway.

Public domain scan of 19th-century etching print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A Senote. - Engraving, Public domain image

A Senote. - Engraving, Public domain image

Public domain scan of an art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ornament called the elephant's trunk.

Ornament called the elephant's trunk.

Picryl description: Public domain image related to Central America History, Aztec, Mesoamerica, Mexico, Pre-Columbus America free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Portion of a richly-sculptured façade.

Portion of a richly-sculptured façade.

Public domain scan of 17th-18th century landscape print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Delaware Water Gap from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State. [With illustrations.]"

Delaware Water Gap from "Historical Collections of the State of New Je...

This image has been taken from scan 000534 from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State. [Wi... More

New Jersey from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State. [With illustrations.]"

New Jersey from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ......

This image has been taken from scan 000185 from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State. [Wi... More

Trenton from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State. [With illustrations.]"

Trenton from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... re...

This image has been taken from scan 000007 from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State. [Wi... More

New Jersey from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State. [With illustrations.]"

New Jersey from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ......

This image has been taken from scan 000424 from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State. [Wi... More

New Jersey from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State. [With illustrations.]"

New Jersey from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ......

This image has been taken from scan 000158 from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State. [Wi... More

New Jersey from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State. [With illustrations.]"

New Jersey from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ......

This image has been taken from scan 000256 from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State. [Wi... More

New Jersey from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State. [With illustrations.]"

New Jersey from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ......

This image has been taken from scan 000478 from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State. [Wi... More

Palisades from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State. [With illustrations.]"

Palisades from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... ...

This image has been taken from scan 000082 from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State. [Wi... More

New Jersey from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State. [With illustrations.]"

New Jersey from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ......

This image has been taken from scan 000459 from "Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey ... relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State. [Wi... More

St Augustine's Abbey from "Ward's Canterbury Guide. ... Tenth edition. [With illustrations.]"

St Augustine's Abbey from "Ward's Canterbury Guide. ... Tenth edition....

This image has been taken from scan 000101 from "Ward's Canterbury Guide. ... Tenth edition. [With illustrations.]". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by users of ... More

music from "Az 1848-49-iki magyar szabadságharcz története. [With illustrations.]"

music from "Az 1848-49-iki magyar szabadságharcz története. [With i...

This image has been taken from scan 000201 from volume 02 of "Az 1848-49-iki magyar szabadságharcz története. [With illustrations.]". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, ... More

Eger from "Hungary. [A guide book. By several authors.] With ... illustrations, etc"

Eger from "Hungary. [A guide book. By several authors.] With ... illus...

This image has been taken from scan 000216 from "Hungary. [A guide book. By several authors.] With ... illustrations, etc". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by us... More

tattoo from "Songs for Little People. [With illustrations by H. Stratton.]"

tattoo from "Songs for Little People. [With illustrations by H. Stratt...

This image has been taken from scan 000061 from "Songs for Little People. [With illustrations by H. Stratton.]". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by users of the ... More

Windsor Castle from "La Terra, trattato popolare di geografia universale per G. Marinelli ed altri scienziati italiani, etc. [With illustrations and maps.]"

Windsor Castle from "La Terra, trattato popolare di geografia universa...

This image has been taken from scan 000163 from volume 03 of "La Terra, trattato popolare di geografia universale per G. Marinelli ed altri scienziati italiani, etc. [With illustrations and maps.]". The title a... More

play from "Songs for Little People. [With illustrations by H. Stratton.]"

play from "Songs for Little People. [With illustrations by H. Stratton...

This image has been taken from scan 000084 from "Songs for Little People. [With illustrations by H. Stratton.]". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by users of the ... More

nature from "Album géographique. [With illustrations.]"

nature from "Album géographique. [With illustrations.]"

This image has been taken from scan 000073 from "Album géographique. [With illustrations.]". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by users of the British Library's f... More

rotate90 from "La Terra, trattato popolare di geografia universale per G. Marinelli ed altri scienziati italiani, etc. [With illustrations and maps.]"

rotate90 from "La Terra, trattato popolare di geografia universale per...

This image has been taken from scan 000653 from volume 08 of "La Terra, trattato popolare di geografia universale per G. Marinelli ed altri scienziati italiani, etc. [With illustrations and maps.]". The title a... More

Bridge of Sighs from "La Terra, trattato popolare di geografia universale per G. Marinelli ed altri scienziati italiani, etc. [With illustrations and maps.]"

Bridge of Sighs from "La Terra, trattato popolare di geografia univers...

This image has been taken from scan 000619 from volume 04 of "La Terra, trattato popolare di geografia universale per G. Marinelli ed altri scienziati italiani, etc. [With illustrations and maps.]". The title a... More

ship from "Pen and Pencil Pictures from the Poets. [With illustrations.]"

ship from "Pen and Pencil Pictures from the Poets. [With illustrations...

This image has been taken from scan 000056 from "Pen and Pencil Pictures from the Poets. [With illustrations.]". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by users of the ... More

Nature from "Album géographique. [With illustrations.]"

Nature from "Album géographique. [With illustrations.]"

This image has been taken from scan 000141 from volume 02 of "Album géographique. [With illustrations.]". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by users of the Britis... More

The American Museum (Humbug's American Museum)

The American Museum (Humbug's American Museum)

Adam Weingartner (American, active 1851–60) Public domain scan of American 19th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York for 1856

Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York for 1856

David Thomas Valentine (American, 1801–1869) Public domain scan of American 19th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

cover from "New nd original Poems, with notes, on Creation and Redemption, ... comprising the history of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, and the Footsteps of Jesus. [With illustrations.] vol. 1"

cover from "New nd original Poems, with notes, on Creation and Redempt...

This image has been taken from scan 000045 from "New nd original Poems, with notes, on Creation and Redemption, ... comprising the history of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, and the Footsteps of Jesus. [With ... More

Architecture from "The Book of South Wales, the Wye, and the Coast. [With illustrations. Reprinted from the “Art Journal.”]"

Architecture from "The Book of South Wales, the Wye, and the Coast. [W...

This image has been taken from scan 000162 from "The Book of South Wales, the Wye, and the Coast. [With illustrations. Reprinted from the “Art Journal.”]". The title and subject terms of this image have been ge... More

Architecture from "The Book of South Wales, the Wye, and the Coast. [With illustrations. Reprinted from the “Art Journal.”]"

Architecture from "The Book of South Wales, the Wye, and the Coast. [W...

This image has been taken from scan 000166 from "The Book of South Wales, the Wye, and the Coast. [With illustrations. Reprinted from the “Art Journal.”]". The title and subject terms of this image have been ge... More

Architecture from "The Book of South Wales, the Wye, and the Coast. [With illustrations. Reprinted from the “Art Journal.”]"

Architecture from "The Book of South Wales, the Wye, and the Coast. [W...

This image has been taken from scan 000176 from "The Book of South Wales, the Wye, and the Coast. [With illustrations. Reprinted from the “Art Journal.”]". The title and subject terms of this image have been ge... More

coat of arms from "Les Ecossais en France. Les français en Écosse. [With illustrations.]"

coat of arms from "Les Ecossais en France. Les français en Écosse. [...

This image has been taken from scan 000503 from volume 02 of "Les Ecossais en France. Les français en Écosse. [With illustrations.]". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, c... More

hydraulic mining from "Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Their history, resources, and prospects. [With maps and illustrations.]"

hydraulic mining from "Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Their hi...

This image has been taken from scan 000303 from "Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Their history, resources, and prospects. [With maps and illustrations.]". The title and subject terms of this image have b... More

Edward Lear - A Book of Nonsense

Edward Lear - A Book of Nonsense

Public domain reproduction of artwork in Metropolitan Museum of Art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

ship from "Wreck of the “London.” [With illustrations.]"

ship from "Wreck of the “London.” [With illustrations.]"

This image has been taken from scan 000016 from "Wreck of the “London.” [With illustrations.]". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by users of the British Library's... More

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - The Prince's Progress, and Other Poems

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - The Prince's Progress, and Other Poems

Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Photo of Nast's Illustrated Almanac - Public domain dedication

Photo of Nast's Illustrated Almanac - Public domain dedication

Thomas Nast (American (born Germany), Landau 1840–1902 Guayaquil)

13th century from "Logs for the Christmas Fire. A selection of tales ... in prose and verse, riddles, charades, ... jokes, etc. By ... J. H. ... H. J. Hatch, ... and J. F. T. Wiseman. [With illustrations.]"

13th century from "Logs for the Christmas Fire. A selection of tales ....

This image has been taken from scan 000107 from "Logs for the Christmas Fire. A selection of tales ... in prose and verse, riddles, charades, ... jokes, etc. By ... J. H. ... H. J. Hatch, ... and J. F. T. Wisem... More


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