Flatau atlas plate1 - A diagram of a human brain and its functions
Plate from Edward Flatau brain atlas 1899 (2nd edition, Springer)
Flatau migrena1 - A book with a picture of a man on it
Migrena Edwarda Flatau, pierwsza nowoczesna monografia na temat migreny w XX wieku. Wydana przez Towarzystwo Naukowe Warszawskie w 1912. W tym samym roku ukazala sie wersja niemiecka (Springer)
Julian flatau33 - A black and white photo of a man in a suit and tie
Julian Flatau Public domain photograph related to Polish history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Flatau migrane de - An old book with a picture of a man on it
First page of Edward Flatau "Die Migrane" published in Berlin in 1912 by Springer
Flatau 1928a - Public domain portrait print
Edward Flatau. This was formal picture which was mailed to his friends. Made in 1928 in A. Gurtler studio. Received from Ulrike Eisenberg in about 2005; from Lask family archive.
Flatau ksiega1929 - A brown book with red writing on it
Księga Jubileuszowa Edwarda Flatau, 1929 wydana przez Gebethnera i Wolfa w Warszawie. First page of commemorative book published on occasion of Edward Flatau's 35th year of scientific work.
Flatau pracownia1919 - A piece of paper with a picture of a horse on i...
First page of publications from Nueurobiological laboratory based in Warsaw, part of Towarzystwo Naukowe Warszawskie. Edited by Edward Flatau.
Flatau prawo 1897 - An old book with a drawing of a man in a hammock
First page of "Flatau's Law" related that greater the length of the fibres in the spinal cord the closer they are situated to the periphery. german publication (Flatau E. Das Gesetz der excentrischen Lagerung d... More
Flatau atlas1984 en - A book with a title on it that reads atlas of th...
First page of English version of the Atlas of the Human Brain and the Course of the Nerve-Fibres, 1894, Glasgow, F. Bauermeister