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fictional robots

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Mastermystery-1919poster - Public domain movie poster

Mastermystery-1919poster - Public domain movie poster

Movie poster for episode 8 of the film serial The Master Mystery (1919) with Harry Houdini. Harry Houdini was a Hungarian-American magician and escapologist, born in Budapest in 1874. He was one of the most fa... More

Fantastic Comics -11 - A comic book cover with a robot on the cover

Fantastic Comics -11 - A comic book cover with a robot on the cover

Cover of Fantastic Comics issue 11. January/February, 1955.

Amazing Stories January 1939

Amazing Stories January 1939

January 1939 issue of Amazing Stories Cover art by Robert Fuqua

Planet Comics 73 page 1

Planet Comics 73 page 1

Comic page from planet Comics #73

Robots Repaired While U Wait (Galaxy September 1954)

Robots Repaired While U Wait (Galaxy September 1954)

Android woman (Galaxy, September, 1954, illustration)

Black Terror 2511 - A comic book page with an image of a man

Black Terror 2511 - A comic book page with an image of a man

The Black Terror #25, Page 11 December, 1948

Public Domain Images - Undersea Kingdom Robotsandtank

Public Domain Images - Undersea Kingdom Robotsandtank

Screen shot from the public domain serial, en:Undersea Kingdom (1936). The villain's "Volkite" robots emerging from the "Juggernaut" tank.

Amazing Stories March 1929

Amazing Stories March 1929

Cover of the pulp magazine Amazing Stories (March 1929, vol. 3, no. 12). The Internet Speculative Fiction Database:"Cover illustrates "The Airlords of Han."

Weird Tales December 1926

Weird Tales December 1926

Cover of the pulp magazine Weird Tales (December 1926, vol. 8, no. 6) featuring The Metal Giants by Edmond Hamilton.

Fantastic universe 195901

Fantastic universe 195901

Cover of Fantastic Universe, January 1959

Future Luxury Harry Grant Dart 1911

Future Luxury Harry Grant Dart 1911

"We'll All Be Happy Then". Cartoon depicting technological luxuries of the future, by Harry Grant Dart, 1911.

Gigante dell'apocalisse Giovanni Bertinetti 1930

Gigante dell'apocalisse Giovanni Bertinetti 1930

Italiano: Copertina del romanzo Il gigante dell'apocalisse di Giovanni Bertinetti, Libri per la Gioventù, S. Lattes & C., 1930. Illustrazione di Carlo Nicco (1883-1937).

Weird Tales July 1941 - A magazine cover for weird tales featuring a robot

Weird Tales July 1941 - A magazine cover for weird tales featuring a r...

Cover of the pulp magazine Weird Tales (July 1941, vol. 35, no. 10) featuring The Robot God by Ray Cummings. Cover art by Hannes Bok.

Smash Comics Number 05 - A comic book cover for smash comics
Amazing Stories 1927 08

Amazing Stories 1927 08

The August 1927 cover of Amazing Stories depicts H. G. Wells' "War of the Worlds". Hugo Gernsback was the Publisher and Editor of Amazing Stories and Frank R. Paul was the illustrator. Paul began working for Ge... More

Avon Science Fiction Reader 3

Avon Science Fiction Reader 3

Cover of the fantasy fiction magazine Avon Science Fiction Reader no. 3 (1952) featuring "The Robot Empire" by Frank Belknap Long.

Gort (The Day the Earth Stood Still)

Gort (The Day the Earth Stood Still)

en:The Day the Earth Stood Still is a 1951 science fiction film about an alien and a robot on a diplomatic mission to Earth.This image is a screenshot from a public domain trailer for the film. Trailers for mo... More



Still image from Superman: The Mechanical Monsters (1941), a Fleischer Brothers Superman cartoon.

Wonder Stories October 1931

Wonder Stories October 1931

Cover of the pulp magazine Wonder Stories (October 1931, vol. 3, no. 5) featuring "Between Dimensions" by J. E. Keith.

The steam man of the prairies (1882)

The steam man of the prairies (1882)

Cover of The Huge Hunter, or The Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. Ellis (1882 edition).Русский: Обложка романа Эдварда Эллиса "Великий охотник, или Паровой человек в прериях" (1882).

Wonder Stories March 1933

Wonder Stories March 1933

Cover of the pulp magazine Wonder Stories (March 1933, vol. 4, no. 10) featuring "The Robot Technocrat."

The steam man of the prairies (1868) big

The steam man of the prairies (1868) big

Cover of The Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. Ellis (1868).

Robotic spider

Robotic spider

A 3D render of a fictional spider-like robot.

Dewey the Robot

Dewey the Robot

A replica of robot named Dewey featured in the Douglas Trumbull's film "Silent Running" (1971) at the Robot Hall of Fame, inaugural class of 2010, in Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh, PA.

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