Female worshiper, bronze, Iran, ancient near east
A sculpture of a man's head, Iran, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Cura Dei Pro Suis, from Allegories of the Christian Faith, from Christ...
Public domain photo of Dutch art print, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Sketches of Figures of the Virgin Kneeling, Saint Peter Standing, Seat...
Public domain photo of Antique sculpture, Europe, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Punitio Tirannorum, from Allegories of the Christian Faith, from Chris...
Public domain photo of Dutch art print, 17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Punitio Malorum, from Allegories of the Christian Faith, from Christia...
Public domain photo of Dutch art print, 16th-17th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Photo of Faith, 15th century - Public domain dedication
Master IDC (French, active Limoges 1614–27) or Public domain photograph of French art object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of French art object, ... More
Faith (Der Glaub), from The Seven Virtues
Hans Burgkmair (German, Augsburg 1473–1531 Augsburg) Public domain photograph of 16th-century woodblock print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Triomf van Religie - Engraving, Public domain image
De gevleugelde Religie staat naast het kruis en vertrapt de Dood. De voorstelling is gevat in een ovale omlijsting bekroond met het tetragram in een cartouche. Rond de omlijsting de vrouwelijke personificaties ... More
Gy, Kind'ren, die uw oog op deeze prenten slaat, / Merk hoe 't opregt ...
Public domain scan of 16th-17th century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Hieronymus Wierix - Geloof - Engraving, Public domain image
Buste van de vrouwelijke personificatie van Geloof. Ze is gesluierd en houdt een kruis in de handen. De voorstelling is gevat in een cartouche, omringd door putti. In het kader in de marge een tweeregelig Bijbe... More
Johannes ziet het Nieuwe Jeruzalem: 'en het eeuwig leven, amen'
Het laatste geloofsartikel: het geloof in het eeuwig leven. Een engel heeft Johannes de Evangelist naar een bergtop gedragen en toont hem het Nieuwe Jeruzalem. Johannes schrijft alles op in het boek Openbaringe... More
Geloof in ovale lijst binnen rechthoekige omlijsting met ornamenten
Goddelijke deugd Geloof als vrouw staand met kruis in ovale lijst binnen rechthoekige omlijsting met krulornamenten, dieren, insecten, fantasiewezens, en vazen met bloemen.
Mozes en Aäron met de Tafelen der Wet
De Tafelen der Wet worden gepresenteerd door Mozes en Aäron. Tussen hen in een stralenkrans met de naam van God. Midden boven een cartouche met de voorstelling van Mozes bij het brandende braambos. Midden onder... More
Spotprent op de oude en de jonge pretendent, 1745
Spotprent op de oude en de jonge pretendent en de Tweede Jacobitische Opstand van 1745-1746. Op een stadsplein voor het paleis van Whitehall krabt de oude pretendent Jacobus Frans Eduard zijn hoofd en wijst naa... More
Nieuwjaarsprent van de Haarlemse rederijkerskamer De Wijngaertrancken,...
Nieuwjaarsprent van de Haarlemse rederijkerskamer De Wijngaertrancken, 1600. Centraal een ruitvormige voorstelling van de opstanding van Christus, met hierbij het devies: Liefd boven al. Boven onder een baldaki... More
Faith, probably from a set of the Virtues, Flanders
Public domain photo of a rug, fabric, Europe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Jacob Matham - De zeven deugden
De zeven gepersonifieerde deugden in een landschap. Op de voorgrond zit, op de rug gezien, Voorzichtigheid (Prudentia), met twee slangen en een handspiegel, en met een tweede gezicht op haar achterhoofd. Rechts... More
Jongeren moeten een keuze maken tussen de duivel en een engel
Enkele jongeren moeten een keuze maken tussen een zondig en een godsvruchtig leven, tussen de duivel en God. De duivel probeert hen door middel van een vislijn en een net te vangen. De personificaties van Tijd ... More
De vijf schepen voor Praia, 1598
De vijf schepen voor Praia op de Kaapverdische eilanden en de gevechten met de Portugezen op 3 september 1598. De schepen waren genaamd: Het Geloof, De Liefde, De Trouw, De Hoop en De Blijde Boodschap. Kopieën ... More
Abraham Bosse - Faith, 17th century
Abraham Bosse (French, Tours 1602/1604–1676 Paris) Public domain scan of French 17th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Willem Basse - Het laatste oordeel
Het laatste oordeel met links de zaligen, rechts de verdoemden en in het midden aartsengel. In de hemel Christus geflankeerd door personificaties van Geloof en Gerechtigheid, Mozes en andere personen uit het Ou... More
Claude Mellan - Personification of Faith
Claude Mellan (French, Abbeville 1598–1688 Paris) Public domain scan of French 17th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
De Gerechtigheid, zittend tussen Geloof en Liefde
Picryl description: Public domain image of a beautiful creature, angel, wings, mythological scene, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Sebastien Leclerc I - Triomfboog gewijd aan het Geloof
Triomfpoort met een dubbele passage en klokkentorens, bekroond met vlaggen en een banier met de Heilige Familie. Tussen de passages een afbeelding van een bisschopswijding en een wapenschild met gekroonde helm ... More
Isabelle de Bragance, Gerard Edelinck
Isabelle de Bragance (1669-1690), prinses van Portugal, zittend afgebeeld tussen drie vrouwlijke personificaties van geloof, hoop en liefde. Van boven kijkt de personificatie van religie toe en op de treden op ... More
Scene of Abduction (recto); Allegorical Figure of Christian Faith, Dra...
Ottaviano Dandini (Italian, Florence (?) 1681–1740 Florence (?)) Public domain scan of 18th century Italian drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Biddende man bijgestaan door het Geloof
Public domain reproduction of art print, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Geloof, Liefde en Hoop op de wolken
De drie theologische deugden Geloof, Liefde en Hoop zitten op de wolken.
Het is goed om sake te maken, Hokkei Totoya
Een vrouw maakt rijstwijn (sake) in een groot vat. Achter haar staan twee metalen offer flessen. Met twee gedichten. De prenten uit deze serie sluiten aan op het geloof dat de eerste activiteiten van het nieuwe... More
Walraad Nieuwhoff - Monument voor Johannes Noordink
Monument voor de Zutphense predikant Johannes Noordink, met daarop diens silhouetportret. Bovenop de zuil twee putti die een slang vasthouden, als symbool voor de eeuwigheid. Op de basis staat de kruisiging afg... More
Songs of Innocence and of Experience: The Little Black Boy
Public domain reproduction of illuminated manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
La foi, l'espérance et la charité
Three people, facing forward, walking. Charity, a young lady, wearing hat and shawl on her shoulders, she is accompanied by Faith, represented by a man, his hands behind him under the tails of his frock coat. S... More
Pres. Coolidge signs the Nation's Birthday Book and the Patriot's Pled...
L. to R.: Mrs. Robert E. Lee, Mrs. Mason Nicholson, Pres. Coolidge, Mrs. Rose Vouverneur Hoes, Mrs. Charles Graves Matthews, and Miss Eva Kean. Title and other information transcribed from unverified, old capti... More
Armistice Day services at Arlington. Washington, D.C., Nov. 11. Genera...
Picryl description: Public domain historical photo of Washington DC during the First World War, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Grace (Lower Stone) Church, Faith vic., Rowan County, North Carolina
Picryl description: Public domain photo of a church building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Grace (Lower Stone) Church, Faith vic., Rowan County, North Carolina
Title from photographer's inventory. Building/structure dates: 1795. Corresponding reference print in LOT 11839-80. Credit line: Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, Library of Congress, Prints and... More
S63-09676-E (15 May 1963) --- Astronaut L. Gordon Cooper Jr., pilot of...
S63-09676-E (15 May 1963) --- Astronaut L. Gordon Cooper Jr., pilot of the Mercury-Atlas 9 (MA-9) Earth-orbital space mission, is assisted into his "Faith 7" Mercury spacecraft during the prelaunch countdown. M... More
Young Woman Soliciting Funds for A Chicago Organization in A Shopping ...
DOCUMERICA: The Environmental Protection Agency's Program to Photographically Document Subjects of Environmental Concern
Leonardo da vinci the last supper the last meal, religion.
The last supper painting by / A painting of the last supper of jesus / Public domain stock illustration.
A church filled with lots of wooden pews Church zwiefalten religion, r...
Architecture stock photograph: A church with a lot of paintings on the walls / A church filled with lots of wooden pews.
A very ornate looking building with a painting on the wall Church zwie...
The carvings on the ceiling of the church / The ceiling of the cathedral / Public domain art photo.
A close up of a statue of a person's face. Buddha image meditation, re...
The face of buddha at the buddha temple in bangkok / The face of a buddha statue at night sculpture.
A painting of a woman holding a child. Image mosaic historically, reli...
And child mosaic / Mosaic of a mother and child / Public domain art photo.
Russia church religion, religion. A very tall building with some gold ...
Architecture stock photograph: A church with a lot of domes on it / A very tall building with some gold domes.
Sevastopol ukraine st vladimir cathedral, religion. A large building w...
Architecture stock photograph: The church of the holy sepulchre / A large building with a golden dome on top of it.
Basilica basilica of san francesco assisi, religion. A large white clo...
Architecture stock photograph: A large white tower with a bunch of people standing around it / A large white clock tower towering over a city.
Blue mosque mosque minaret building. A very tall building with a lot o...
Architecture stock photograph: The blue mosque in istanbul / A very tall building with a lot of spires.
[Severe Storms, Tornadoes, and Flooding] Cedar Rapids, IA, June 19, 20...
Photographs Relating to Disasters and Emergency Management Programs, Activities, and Officials
Flooding ^ Hurricane/Tropical Storm - Manville, N. J. , September 17, ...
The original database describes this as: Title: Faith Lutheran Church volunteers work with FEMA to assist disaster survivors in New Jersey Production Date: 09/17/2011 Caption: Manville, N. J. , September 17,... More
Flooding ^ Hurricane/Tropical Storm - Manville, N. J. , September 17, ...
The original database describes this as: Title: Faith Lutheran Church volunteers work with FEMA in New Jersey Production Date: 09/17/2011 Caption: Manville, N. J. , September 17, 2011 -- Disaster survivor Da... More
Flooding ^ Hurricane/Tropical Storm - Manville, N. J. , September 17, ...
The original database describes this as: Title: Faith Lutheran Church volunteers work with FEMA in New Jersey Production Date: 09/17/2011 Caption: Manville, N. J. , September 17, 2011 -- Cindy Zimmermann, a ... More
Flooding ^ Hurricane/Tropical Storm - Manville, N. J. , September 17, ...
The original database describes this as: Title: Faith Lutheran Church volunteers work with FEMA in New Jersey Production Date: 09/17/2011 Caption: Manville, N. J. , September 17, 2011 -- Disaster survivor Da... More
Asbury Park, N.J., May 28, 2013 -- A rain-drenched member of the audie...
The original finding aid described this as: Date Taken: 2013-05-28 00:00:00 UTC Photographer Name: Rosanna Arias City/State: Asbury Park, NJ Keywords: Recovery ^ New Jersey ^ hurricane sandy ^ rebuilding ^ ... More
Maj. Gen. Michael S. Linnington, Joint Force Headquarters
Maj. Gen. Michael S. Linnington, Joint Force Headquarters and National Capital Region - Military District of Washington hands the flag to Barbara Broyles, the daughter of U.S. Army Lt. Col. Don C. Faith Jr., du... More
A black and white photo of a man with a beard. One face bart, religion...
Digital art selected for the / A black and white photo of a man with a beard / Public domain stock illustration.
A black and white photo of a person holding a rosary. Prayer pray rosa...
A man's hands holding a rosary. A man holding a rosary and a rosary. Public domain stock photos related to religion and faith.
A group of lit candles sitting on top of a pool of water. Candle wax l...
Water: Free images of reflections in the water, available for commercial use and free download. Copyright-free, no attribution required.
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Candles in the dark, religion, religion, religion, religion, religion, hd wallpaper / Many candles in a church / Public domain stock photo of a candle light.
A cross on top of a grave in a cemetery. Cross cemetery stone, religio...
The Cross: Free images of the cross and christianity available for commercial use and free download. Copyright-free, no attribution required.
A red fish symbol on a white background. Jesus christ fischer, religio...
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A cross hanging from the ceiling of a church. Cross light
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An open book sitting on top of a wooden table. Faith bible old, religi...
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A book sitting on top of a white doily. The rosary prayer booklet, rel...
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Two young monks are sitting on a ledge. Monks myanmar
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A painting of a woman laying on a man's chest. Window jesus maria, rel...
The Cross: Free images of the cross and christianity available for commercial use and free download. Copyright-free, no attribution required.
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A statue of holding a staff / A statue of a saint holding a candle sculpture.
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Lord's Pray Pictures: Free images of The Lord's Prayer, available for commercial use and free download. Copyright-free, no attribution required.
A stained glass window with a picture of a woman holding a child. Mado...
Stained glass window of the virgin and child / Stained glass window in the church public domain stock photo.
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A statue of a man and a woman in front of a building. Crib stall josep...
Our Lady of Fatima. Free images of Our Lady of Fatima. Use free Christian religious pictures without any copyright restrictions.
A man in a priest's robes standing at a podium. Bishop prayer
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Book cover: Free images of book covers, available for commercial use, no attribution required.
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A statue of a man standing in front of a bunch of flowers. Procession ...
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The Cross: Free images of the cross and christianity available for commercial use and free download. Copyright-free, no attribution required.
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An old man in a red robe is smiling. Monk myanmar
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The golden buddha statue in the temple of wat pho / Wat pho, temple of the reclining buddha sculpture.
A heart with a cross on it and the words let christ live in your heart...
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Lord's Pray Pictures: Free images of The Lord's Prayer, available for commercial use and free download. Copyright-free, no attribution required.
A stone cross on a hill with a river in the background. Cross danube v...
The Cross: Free images of the cross and christianity available for commercial use and free download. Copyright-free, no attribution required.
A monk with a red suitcase walking down the street. Monk travel suitca...
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