A black and white photo of an empty street. Dodge Brothers Motor Car C...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a factory with old cars. Dodge Brothers Mot...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a plan of a building. Dodge Brothers Motor ...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a city street. Dodge Brothers Motor Car Com...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a factory room. Dodge Brothers Motor Car Co...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a large warehouse. Dodge Brothers Motor Car...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a machine in a factory. Dodge Brothers Moto...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of an old factory. Dodge Brothers Motor Car Co...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a factory. Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a building. Dodge Brothers Motor Car Compan...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a living room. Dodge Brothers Motor Car Com...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a factory. Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a large pipe. Dodge Brothers Motor Car Comp...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a large pipe. Dodge Brothers Motor Car Comp...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a factory. Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a lighthouse. Dodge Brothers Motor Car Comp...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of men working in a factory. Dodge Brothers Mo...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a hospital room. Dodge Brothers Motor Car C...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a kitchen. Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a bridge over a river. Dodge Brothers Motor...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
An old black and white photo of a street. Dodge Brothers Motor Car Com...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a train yard. Dodge Brothers Motor Car Comp...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a city street. Dodge Brothers Motor Car Com...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of people working in a factory. Dodge Brothers...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of a large building. Dodge Brothers Motor Car ...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
A black and white photo of women working in a factory. Dodge Brothers ...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
An old photo of a crowd of people. Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Pl...
Dodge Brothers Motor Car Company Plant, Between Joseph Campau & Conant Avenues, Hamtramck, Wayne County, MI Significance: It served as the major manufacturing and assembly plant for the Dodge automobile and is... More
Landscape with a brick factory in the middle ground, a standing man in...
Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi (Italian, Bologna 1606–1680 Rome) Public domain scan of Italian 17th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Landscape with a brick factory in the middle ground, a standing man in...
Public domain scan of 17th-18th century Italian print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Three women working in shoe factory - Lynn, Massachusetts]
Picryl description: Public domain image of a living room, salon, office, late 19th-century interior, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Tändsticksetikett från Mönsterås Tändsticksfabrik, "Three Stars Safety...
Tändsticksetikett från Mönsterås Tändsticksfabrik, "Three Stars Safety Matches"Mönsterås har haft två tändsticksfabriker. Den första var Rosendahlsfabriken som anlades 1869 av apotekare Götvid Frykman (1811-187... More
Treinwagons bij de suikerfabriek van de suikeronderneming Nieuw Tersan...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a power station, dam, electric generator, industrial building, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Västanfors bruk. Jarnets Metallurgi, Sverige
Västanfors bruk. Public domain photograph - Sweden in 20th century, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bostadshus i Sabuntschi tillhörande Bröderna Nobels aktiebolag. Vid Ba...
Bostadshus i Sabuntschi tillhörande Bröderna Nobels aktiebolag. Vid Baku 1883. (Mer text finns på baksidan av fotografiet). Fotografiet finns i röd kartong med texten - Bilder från några anläggingar inom Nafta... More
Utsikt mot borrtornen Nr 12,13,14,15,17,18,19, 20, 22 och 24 tillhöran...
Utsikt mot borrtornen Nr 12,13,14,15,17,18,19, 20, 22 och 24 tillhörande Bröderna Nobel. Bilden visar även Fontänen tillhörande aktiebolaget Druschba. (mer text finns på baksidan av fotografiet). Fotografiet fi... More
Petroleumraffinaderi tillhörande aktiebolaget Bröderna Nobel (vid tid ...
Petroleumraffinaderi tillhörande aktiebolaget Bröderna Nobel (vid tid för återuppbyggnaden). Bilden visar den 3:dje raden av destillattionskärl. Baku 1883. Bilden visar en del av fabriken. I bakgrunden staden B... More
En allé vid Ankarsrums bruk. Sverige. Public domain image.
En allé vid Ankarsrums bruk. Public domain photograph, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ankarsrums bruk. Kalmar Läns museum
Ankarsrums bruk. Public domain photograph, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Interior of a factory]. Albumen print, Getty Museum. Public domain ph...
Public domain photograph - 19th-century albumen print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Kumla skofabrik Örebro, Sverive
Kumla skofabrik Public domain photograph, 1900s Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Fabriksbyggnader och arbetare. Hallsberg, Örebro, Sverige
Fabriksbyggnader och arbetare. Public domain photograph, 1900s Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Karlskoga, Bofors AB från flygfoto
Karlskoga, Bofors AB från flygfoto Public domain photograph, 1900s Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Svartå bruk. Bilden möjligen från 1870-talets mitt. Denna bild har til...
Svartå bruk. Bilden möjligen från 1870-talets mitt. Denna bild har tillhört ingenjör JA Dahl (Finspong, Östergötland), som tidigare var smidesmästare vid Svartå och därifrån som disponent kom till >> Nyby Bruk ... More
Industrial Machine (loader?) - Early photography, Public domain image
Foto van een machine (tram?). Public domain photograph of a tram car, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Tändsticksetikett från Mönsterås Tändsticksfabrik, "Annebergs paraffin...
Mönsterås har haft två tändsticksfabriker. Den första var Rosendahlsfabriken som anlades 1869 av apotekare Götvid Frykman (1811-1876). Frykman bodde i Kalmar och innehade apoteket i Borgholm 1842-1864. Fabriken... More
Gamla Ölandshamnen i Kalmar. Fartyget närmast kameran är troligen post...
Gamla Ölandshamnen i Kalmar. Fartyget närmast kameran är troligen postångaren Öland som gick mellan Kalmar och Färjestaden.
Sockerbruket i Hasslarp., Skåne, Sverige
Sockerbruket i Hasslarp. Public domain image of Swedish railroads works, train yard, workshop, tracks, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[The Imperial Fez Factory which has been recently built]
The Imperial Fez and Military Uniform Factory. Title translated from album caption. Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and French. No. 5. In album: Police stations, Ministry of War buildings, and other structures, Is... More
Brännö fabriker., Svenska Järnvägarna
Brännö fabriker. Public domain photograph - Sweden in late 19th - early 20th centuries, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Upperuds bruk., Västra Götaland, Sverige
Upperuds bruk. Public domain image of railroad, railway, 19th-century Sweden, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Fagersta bruk. Västmanland Sverige
Fagersta bruk. Public domain photograph - Sweden in late 19th - early 20th centuries, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Högsjö fabrik. - Södermanland Sverige
Högsjö fabrik. Public domain photograph - Sweden in late 19th - early 20th centuries, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Falkenbergs Valskvarn., Svenska Järnvägarna
Falkenbergs Valskvarn. Public domain image of train car, railroad, railways, Sweden, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
"Grenna-Alboga Tändsticksfabriks Paraffinerade Säkerhets-Tändstickor."
Gustaf Johansson Wessman född 1826 var den person som 1875 anlade en liten tändsticksfabrik I Alboga. Han kallades för "Farao" i bygden.Tidigare hade han två kvarnar på sin egendom och nu också en tändsticksfab... More
[The electric generator factory at the Imperial Naval Arsenal] / Abdul...
Title translated from album caption. Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and English. No. 16. In album: The Imperial Naval Academy, Imperial Naval Arsenal, Navy Department, and bridges, Istanbul, Ottoman Empire. Forms... More
[The wheel production workshop in the Tophane Factory] / Constantinopl...
English Caption: Imperial Ottoman Gun and Small Arms Factories, Small Arms Factory, Carpenter's Shop, Eastside. Title translated from album caption. Captioned in Ottoman Turkish and English. No. 10. No. 91. In ... More
[Exterior view of the Imperial Military Uniforms Factory] / Abdullah F...
Also known as the Imperial Fez and Military Uniforms Factory. Title translated from album caption. Captioned in French. No. 41. No. 410. In album: Fire Brigade personnel and equipment, barracks, hospitals, and ... More
Stationsområdet vid Munkedals Bruk.
Stationsområdet vid Munkedals Bruk. Public domain image of railroad, railway, 19th-century Sweden, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Örebro Castle Mill after the rebuilding in 1886. At the low end buildi...
Örebro Slottskvarn efter ombyggnaden 1886. I den låga gavelbyggnaden (den gamla kvarnen) utförde Jonas Wenström åren 1880-1881 sina experiment med den av honom patenterade dynamomaskinen. Den första maskinen ti... More
Page from The Growth of industrial art, compiled by Benjamin Butterwor...
Part of a series of photographic copies of lithographs showing earlier methods and modern patents for a variety of agricultural and industrial implements or activities. Title and other information from caption ... More
Car works, Pullman Palace Car Co., Pullman, Ill
21818 U.S. Copyright Office. General information about the Popular and Applied Graphic Art print materials is available at: loc.gov Title information compiled by Junior Fellows, 2005-2017. Johnson, T. S., copyr... More
Railroad tracks and buildings - 19th century Holyoke, Massachusetts
Buildings next to railroad tracks. Nearby is a street with an imposing brick building with bars on the windows and surrounded by a wrought iron fence. Courtesy of Holyoke Public Library
Studioportrett av Caroline Jebsen, f. Hammer.
Motiv frå arkivet etter Trengereid Fabrikker (1895-1999), frå 1974 Cebelle-Trengereid grunna fusjon med Oslo Baand & Lidsefabrik. Trengereid Fabrikker produserte mange ulike typar mindre tekstilar, hovudsakleg ... More
Långö Bruk i Dalarna. Nedre bruket, slipverkstaden.
Långö Bruk i Dalarna. Nedre bruket, slipverkstaden. Public domain photograph of a workshop, industrial building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ole Hansen Løken - MOELVEN BRUG, BRUK.
Glass plate collection by amateur photographer Ole Løken, Veldre, Ringsaker, Hedmark. Ringsaker motif, landscape, hunting, fishing, agriculture, forestry, buildings, public life, 1890-1924. Main date 1890-1920.
Hvetlanda Stol och Möbelfabrik i Pukaregården, Vetlanda.
Hvetlanda Stol och Möbelfabrik i Pukaregården, Vetlanda. Public domain image of Swedish railroads works, train yard, workshop, tracks, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picr... More
Vy från Kalmar med slottet i bakgrunden.
Herman Sandberg befann sig möjligen på taket till Villa Skansen när han tog bilden. Slottet syns i bildens fond. Förutom något av den dåvarande bebyggelsen i Gamla stan syns på bilden främst delar av Södra kyrk... More
[Woman distributing work in a shoe factory, Lynn, Massachusetts.]
Title and other information transcribed from unverified, old caption card data and item. Frances Benjamin Johnston Collection. Caption card tracings: Massachusetts; Industry & manu.; Women Employment; Shelf.
Vy över Brevens bruk. Sverige. Public domain image.
Vy över Brevens bruk. Public domain photograph - Sweden in late 19th - early 20th centuries, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Påskrift album: L. M. MattonPåskrift baksida foto: L M Matton Fabrik..
Fotograf Eduard Möller Public domain historical portrait photograph, Scandinavian, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Rylander & Rudolphs Fabriks AB, Henriksdal, Stockholm. Interiör från t...
Rylander & Rudolphs Fabriks AB, Henriksdal, Stockholm. Interiör från tillverkning av batterier.Etiketteringsrummen.
Lomma Tegel- och Cementfabrikerna.
Lomma Tegel- och Cementfabrikerna. Public domain image of the industrial revolution, 19th-century, historical photograph, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Richon [le Zion]. Wine box factory. / American Colony, Jerusalem
Public domain photograph of 1920s Israel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Interior of a Factory, Fred Brockett
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Jewish factories - Public domain image. Dry plate negative.
Picryl description: Public domain image of an arch stone structure, bridge, or tunnel, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Ortala bruk samt Wäddö bryggeri.
Ortala bruk samt Wäddö bryggeri. Public domain image of 19th-century Stockholm, Sweden, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Strömsholms kanal: Forsbron och valsverket vid Ramnäs bruk. Bild från...
Strömsholms kanal: Forsbron och valsverket vid Ramnäs bruk. Bild från tidskriften Hemmets bildmaterial.
Jössefors fabrik. Värmland, Sverige
Jössefors fabrik. Public domain photograph - Sweden in late 19th - early 20th centuries, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Munkfors Bruk i Värmland.Martinutslag.
Munkfors Bruk i Värmland.Martinutslag. Public domain photograph of a train car, locomotive, engine, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Stator för Trollhättans kraftstation.
Stator för Trollhättans kraftstation. Public domain photograph - Sweden in 20th century, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Standard Radios fabrik i Ulvsunda, Stockholm. Operationsrum för radard...
Standard Radios fabrik i Ulvsunda, Stockholm. Operationsrum för radardatabehandlingscentral "någonstans i Sverige".
Factory workers assembling engines at Leland & Faulconer Manufacturing...
Photo shows men at the foundry and machine shop that produced automobile engines in 1903 and merged with Cadillac Motor Co. in 1905. Title and date based on negative LC-D4-43038. "Cadillac Motor Car Co." on lab... More
Produktionsbild.Det gamla tillverkningssättet, d.v.s. de förstålade yx...
Produktionsbild.Det gamla tillverkningssättet, d.v.s. de förstålade yxorna med inlagt eggstål. Public domain photograph of a train car, locomotive, engine, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl... More
Produktbild från A. W Nilssons Fabriker, Malmö.Barnvagn No 63.
Produktbild från A. W Nilssons Fabriker, Malmö.Barnvagn No 63.
A F Wahlbecks repslageri, Bindsnörefabriken.
A F Wahlbecks repslageri, Bindsnörefabriken. Public domain photograph - Sweden in 20th century, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Målare från John Ågrens fabrik, huset bakom FT.
Målare från John Ågrens fabrik, huset bakom FT.
Ringspinnmaskin. Dalsjöfors fabriker
Ringspinnmaskin. Public domain image of Industrial development in Sweden, 1900s, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Fagersta Bruks AB. Flygfotografi över nya Seco i Fagersta. I förgrunde...
Fagersta Bruks AB. Flygfotografi över nya Seco i Fagersta. I förgrunden fabriks- och lagerbyggnaden, t.h. kontoret och forskningsbyggnaden. Total golvyta på 22 000 kvm.
Vallonsmedjan vid Leufsta Bruk. Hopsagning av smältan under en vattent...
Vallonsmedjan vid Leufsta Bruk. Hopsagning av smältan under en vattenturbindriven mumblinshammare.
Sandvikens Järnverk (Sandvikens Jernverk). Flygfotografi över Coromant...
Sandvikens Järnverk (Sandvikens Jernverk). Flygfotografi över Coromantfabriken i Stockholm- vid tiden världens största hårdmetallfabrik, med forskningsanläggning.
Salpeterverken klara för provkörning. Möjligen i Köping. Ur album för ...
Salpeterverken klara för provkörning. Möjligen i Köping. Ur album för AB Svenska Salpeterverken.
Ramnäs Bruk, Västmanland, omkring 1900.
Ramnäs Bruk, Västmanland, omkring 1900. Public domain photograph - Sweden in 20th century, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Skioptikonbild med motiv från yrkesinspektionens undersökningar på oli...
Skioptikonbild med motiv från yrkesinspektionens undersökningar på olika arbetsplatser. Okänd sockerfabrik. Beredning av sockerbeta.
Herrgården vid Nianfors Bruk i Hälsingland. Jarnets Metallurgi, Sverig...
Herrgården vid Nianfors Bruk i Hälsingland.
Alfr Michaelson - Masugnen vid Strömsdals Bruk, Dalarna. Jarnets Metal...
Masugnen vid Strömsdals Bruk, Dalarna. Public domain photograph of 19th-century Sweden, building, landmark, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Byggherre: Byggnadsaktiebolaget Contractor, Stockholm. Blekeribyggnad....
Byggherre: Byggnadsaktiebolaget Contractor, Stockholm. Blekeribyggnad. Hör till Bergviks sulfitfabrik, Sveriges första fabrik för framställning av sulfitmassa, byggd 1872 och tillhörande Bergvik och Ala AB.
Byggherre: Byggnadsaktiebolaget Contractor, Stockholm. Sulfitfabrik.
Byggherre: Byggnadsaktiebolaget Contractor, Stockholm. Sulfitfabrik. Public domain photograph - Sweden in 20th century, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Byggherre: Byggnadsaktiebolaget Contractor, Stockholm. Kontrefarer å n...
Byggherre: Byggnadsaktiebolaget Contractor, Stockholm. Kontrefarer å nedströmssidan. Public domain photograph of electric power generation, power lines, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Karlsborg i början av 1900-talet. Forsviks bruk.
Karlsborg i början av 1900-talet. Forsviks bruk. Public domain image of Industrial development in Sweden, 1900s, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Erik Eriksson - Fabrikerna från Järlasjön., AB de Lavals ångturbin
Fabrikerna från Järlasjön. Public domain photograph of water reservoir, lake, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description