Resat Bey in Mus - An old photo of a man in a military uniform
Reşat Bey after his returning from the Muş Front
Ceremony to decolate the flag of 27th Regiment with Imtiyaz Medals
Ceremony to decolate the flag of 27th Regiment with silver and gold Imtiyaz medals
Kitchen crew distributing the food to soldiers
An Ottoman kitchen crew distributing the food to soldiers
Kocatepe, Afyonkarahisar, 26 Ağustos 1922
Türkçe: Kocatepe, Afyonkarahisar, 26 Ağustos 1922
Mustafa Kemal during the Gallipoli Campaign
Türkçe: Anafartalar komutanı Albay Mustafa Kemal Gelibolu'da, 1915 English: Mustafa Kemal in Gallipoli, Chanakkale, 1915
Mehmed Chavush - An old photo of a man in a military uniform
Mehmed Chavush during the Gallipoli Campaign Public domain photograph of army uniform, military, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ottoman soldiers around a gun mount
Ottoman soldiers around a gun mount Public domain photograph of a truck, military vehicle, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Machine gun corps Gaza line WWI
Machine Gun Corps Tell el Sheria Gaza Line
Turkish columns marching out to drill, 1914
Turkish columns marching out to drill, 1914. LC-DIG-ppmsca-13709-00011 (digital file from original on page 5, no.10)
Ottomans preparing to fire
Ottomans preparing to fire
Headquarters of the 7th Division Abdurrahman Bayiri
Ottoman officers observing trench and beach from headquarters of the 7th Division at Abdurrahman Bayiri
Commanders of the Ottoman III Corps at the Gallipoli Front
A group of Ottoman commanders: the front row (from right): Hulusi Bey, Nazmi Bey; standing (from right): III Corps Commander Esad Pasha, Suvla Group Commander Col. Mustafa Kemal Bey, Rushdi Bey; the rear row (... More
Esad Pasha and his staff officers
Esad Pasha and his staff officers
Turkish heliograph at Huj2 - Egypt
Ottoman military heliograph crew at Huj. Türkçe: I. Dünya Savaşı Filistin Cephesinde Osmanlı Ordusu'na bağlı helyograf ekibi (Huj, 1917).
Ottoman artillery firing on the Dardanelles
Ottoman artillery firing on the Dardanelles
Ottoman artillery in the battle field of Gallipoli
Ottoman artillery in the battle field of Gallipoli
Ottoman soldiers recreating themselves
Ottoman soldiers recreating themselves Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ataturk 13 during World War I
Türkçe: Anafartalar Komutanı Mustafa Kemal Bey ve silah arkadaşları, Çanakkale Savaşı 1915.
Turkish heliograph at Huj2 - Egypt
Ottoman military heliograph crew at Huj. Public domain photograph - United States during World War One, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ottoman 15 cm howitzer - A group of men standing around a cannon
Ottoman 15 cm Krupp howitzerDeutsch: 15cm Krupp versuchsHaubitze L/12
1st Battalion of the 57th Regiment
1st Battalion of the 57th Regiment, Commander Major Zeki Bey
Ottoman 18 pounder - A group of soldiers standing around a man laying ...
Ottoman 18 pounder
Ottoman artillery officers mounted
Ottoman artillery officers mounted Public domain photograph related to Jerusalem, Palestine, Israel, Jewish history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Arif Bey Fountain, Israel during World War I
Arif Bey Fountain Public domain photograph related to Jerusalem, Palestine, Israel, Jewish history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Interrogation of Turkish prisoners Cape Helles 1915
Public domain photograph related to Great Britain in World War One, military conflict, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ottoman officers sitting in front of debris of destroyed house in Mayd...
Ottoman officers sitting in front of debris of destroyed house in Maydos
Ottoman commanders mounted
A group of Ottoman commanders mounted
Turkish troops en route to the Suez Canal, 1914
En route to the Suez Canal, 1914. LC-DIG-ppmsca-13709-00012 (digital file from original on page 5, no.11)
Ottoman regimental flag at Kanlisirt
Ottoman regimental flag at Kanlisirt
Ottoman officers observing Anafartalar
Ottoman officers observing Anafartalar
Ottoman soldiers waiting in trench
Ottoman soldiers waiting in trench
Aleppo Ottomantroops Topicalpressagency
Photograph by Tropical Press Agency "WELL EQUIPPED AND TRAINED TURKISH INFANTRY MARCHING THROUGH ALEPPO". The photo was taken at the break of WW1, and titled: "THE KAISER RESERVE OF MAN POWER". The Ottoman Empi... More
Turkish heliograph at Huj1 - Egypt, Israel
Ottoman military heliograph crew at Huj. Public domain photograph - United States during World War One, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Military manuevers south of Jerusalem 1914
Military maneuvers south of Jerusalem, before the Turkish Declaration of War. March past Zeki Bey, the Military Commander of Jerusalem., 1914. Cropped image downloaded from the source listed below.
Distribution of captured enemy ammunition
Distribution of captured enemy ammunition at Gallipoli
Turkish trenches at Gallipoli during World War I
Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk) at the trenches of Gallipoli during the First World War.
Ottoman soldiers observing
Ottoman soldiers observing
Machine gun corps Gaza line WWIb edit
Machine Gun Corps Tell el Sheria Gaza Line Public domain photograph - United States during World War One, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Turkish Machine Gunners 2nd Gaza 1917
Public domain image of Egyptian art, free to use, no copyright restrictions photo - Picryl description
Ottoman soldiers in a trench of the Right-wing of the Sourthern Group
Ottoman soldiers in a trench of the Right-wing of the Sourthern Group
Turkish heliograph at Huj - Egypt, Israel
Ottoman military heliograph crew at Huj. Public domain photograph - United States during World War One, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
German military in WWI LC-USZ62-36552 (30954297052)
LC-USZ62-36552: German Activities, WWI. Turkish soldiers under German command near the Dardanelles. Underwood and Underwood Collection. Courtesy of the Library of Congress. (2016/11/18).
TurkishArtillery - Egypt during World War I
Turkish heavy howitzer and crew at Harcira, 1917 Public domain photograph - World War One artillery, armed forces, military activity, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Mehmed Esad Pasha - A black and white photo of a man in uniform
Commander of the Northern Group of Defence of Gallipoli Mirliva Mehmed Esad Pasha
Ismail Enver Bey in Cyrenaica
Français : Ismail Enver Bey in Cyrenaica, 1911. Enver bey tel qu'il était en Cyrénaïque. Phot. Kiamıl effendi, prise au camp d'Aïn de Mansour, devant Derna.
Machine gun corps Gaza line WWIb edit2
Ottoman Machine Gun Corps Tell el Sheria Gaza Line العربية: جُنُودٌ عُثمانيُّون بعضهم مُسلَّح بِرشَّاشات إم جي 08، خلال معركة غزَّة الثانية. لاحظ أنَّ الرشَّاشات المذكورة منصوبة على مُرجِّلات ثُلاثيَّة القوائ... More
Ottoman soldiers taking a rest
Ottoman soldiers taking a rest Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Caucasian 6th Cavalry Regiment
Caucasian 6th Cavalry Regiment Public domain photograph of military parade, army ceremony, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Turkish howitzer 10.5cm leFH 98 09 LOC 00121
Public domain image of Egyptian art, free to use, no copyright restrictions photo - Picryl description
Group of Ottoman officers at the front of Gallipoli
Türkçe: Çanakkale Savaşı'na katılan, Gelibolu önündeki bir grup genç Osmanlı subayı, 1915English: A group of Ottoman officers at the front of Gallipoli
Ottoman cavalryman leading hourses to the water fountain
An Ottoman cavalryman leading hourses to the water fountain