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Public domain stock image. Neuronal differentiation nerve cell development, science technology.
Leonardo da Vinci Studies of Embryos

Leonardo da Vinci Studies of Embryos

Public domain scan of 16th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A text-book of entomology, including the anatomy, physiology, embryology and metamorphoses of insects, for use in agricultural and technical schools and colleges as well as by the working entomologist (14778105644)

A text-book of entomology, including the anatomy, physiology, embryolo...

Identifier: textbookofentomo00pack (find matches) Title: A text-book of entomology, including the anatomy, physiology, embryology and metamorphoses of insects, for use in agricultural and technical schools an... More

A text-book of dental histology and embryology, including laboratory directions (1912) (14597029067)

A text-book of dental histology and embryology, including laboratory d...

Identifier: textbookofdent00noye (find matches) Title: A text-book of dental histology and embryology, including laboratory directions Year: 1912 (1910s) Authors: Noyes, Frederick Bogue Subjects: Teeth Publ... More

Adriani Spigelii Brvxellensis Eqvitis D. Marci De formato foetv - liber singularis Æneis figvris exornatvs, epistolæ dvæ anatomicæ, tractatvs de arthritide - opera posthvma studio Liberalis Cremae (17750392900)

Adriani Spigelii Brvxellensis Eqvitis D. Marci De formato foetv - libe...

Title: Adriani Spigelii Brvxellensis Eqvitis D. Marci ... De formato foetv : liber singularis Æneis figvris exornatvs, epistolæ dvæ anatomicæ, tractatvs de arthritide : opera posthvma studio Liberalis Cremae ... More

Analysis of development (1955) (17549791173)

Analysis of development (1955) (17549791173)

Title: Analysis of development Identifier: analysisofdevelo00will (find matches) Year: 1955 (1950s) Authors: Willier, Benjamin H. (Benjamin Harrison), b. 1890 Subjects: Embryology; Embryology Publisher: Phila... More

Animal growth and development (1960) (17575567213)

Animal growth and development (1960) (17575567213)

Title: Animal growth and development Identifier: animalgrowthdeve00suss (find matches) Year: 1960 (1960s) Authors: Sussman, Maurice Subjects: Embryology; Growth; Biology; Growth; Embryology; Animals -- growth... More

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (18748485383)

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (187...

Title: Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen Identifier: anthropogenieod01haec Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919 Subjects: Evolution; Embryology, Human; Anatomy, Compar... More

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (19342922026)

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (193...

Title: Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen Identifier: anthropogenieod02haec Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919 Subjects: Evolution; Embryology, Human; Anatomy, Compar... More

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungsgeschichte des menschen. Keimes- und stammesgeschichte (1891) (18746254504)

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungsgeschichte des menschen. Keimes- und...

Title: Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungsgeschichte des menschen. Keimes- und stammesgeschichte Identifier: anthropogenieode02haec Year: 1891 (1890s) Authors: Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August, 1834-1919 ... More

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungsgeschichte des menschen. Keimes- und stammesgeschichte (1891) (19181324890)

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungsgeschichte des menschen. Keimes- und...

Title: Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungsgeschichte des menschen. Keimes- und stammesgeschichte Identifier: anthropogenieode01haec Year: 1891 (1890s) Authors: Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August, 1834-1919 ... More

Atlas d'embryologie (1889) (20155696168)

Atlas d'embryologie (1889) (20155696168)

Title: Atlas d'embryologie Identifier: atlasdembryologi1889duva (find matches) Year: 1889 (1880s) Authors: Duval, Mathias, 1844-1907 Subjects: Embryology; Embryology Publisher: Paris : G. Masson Contributing ... More

Biological lectures delivered at the Marine Biological Laboratory of Wood's Holl (sic) (1893) (20354053046)

Biological lectures delivered at the Marine Biological Laboratory of W...

Title: Biological lectures delivered at the Marine Biological Laboratory of Wood's Holl (sic) Identifier: biologicallectur1893mari (find matches) Year: 1893 (1890s) Authors: Marine Biological Laboratory (Wood... More

C. Stalpartii Stalpart vander Wiel Observationum rariorum medic. anatomic. chirurgicarum - centuriae posterioris pars prior - auctior longe, atque emendatior (1687) (20688829586)

C. Stalpartii Stalpart vander Wiel Observationum rariorum medic. anato...

Title: C. Stalpartii Stalpart vander Wiel ... Observationum rariorum medic. anatomic. chirurgicarum : centuriae posterioris pars prior : auctior longe, atque emendatior Identifier: cstalpartiistalp1687stal (f... More

Comparative embryology of the vertebrates; with 2057 drawings and photos. grouped as 380 illus (1953) (20670380425)

Comparative embryology of the vertebrates; with 2057 drawings and phot...

Title: Comparative embryology of the vertebrates; with 2057 drawings and photos. grouped as 380 illus Identifier: comparativeembry00nels (find matches) Year: 1953 (1950s) Authors: Nelsen, Olin E. (Olin Everet... More

Die Entstehungsweise der Doppelmissbildungen bei den höheren Wirbelthieren (1882) (20919977801)

Die Entstehungsweise der Doppelmissbildungen bei den höheren Wirbelthi...

Title: Die Entstehungsweise der Doppelmissbildungen bei den höheren Wirbelthieren Identifier: dieentstehungswe00gerl (find matches) Year: 1882 (1880s) Authors: Gerlach, Leo, b. 1851 Subjects: Animals; Embryol... More

Diseases of the kidneys, ureters and bladder, with special reference to the diseases of women (1922) (14765801275)

Diseases of the kidneys, ureters and bladder, with special reference t...

Identifier: diseasesofkidney01kell (find matches) Title: Diseases of the kidneys, ureters and bladder, with special reference to the diseases of women Year: 1922 (1920s) Authors: Kelly, Howard A. (Howard Atw... More

Early stages of vasculogenesis in the cat (Felis domestica) with especial reference to the mesenschymal origin of endothelium (1914) (21097205756)

Early stages of vasculogenesis in the cat (Felis domestica) with espec...

Title: Early stages of vasculogenesis in the cat (Felis domestica) with especial reference to the mesenschymal origin of endothelium Identifier: earlystagesofvas03schuuoft (find matches) Year: 1914 (1910s) Au... More

Early stages of vasculogenesis in the cat (Felis domestica) with especial reference to the mesenschymal origin of endothelium (1914) (20935281230)

Early stages of vasculogenesis in the cat (Felis domestica) with espec...

Title: Early stages of vasculogenesis in the cat (Felis domestica) with especial reference to the mesenschymal origin of endothelium Identifier: earlystagesofvas03schuuoft (find matches) Year: 1914 (1910s) Au... More

Embryogenesis in plants (1955) (21095159698)

Embryogenesis in plants (1955) (21095159698)

Title: Embryogenesis in plants Identifier: embryogenesisinp00ward (find matches) Year: 1955 (1950s) Authors: Wardlaw, C. W. (Claude Wilson), 1901- Subjects: Embryology Publisher: London, Methuen; New York, Wi... More

Image from page 199 of "Introduction to zoology; a guide to the study of animals, for the use of secondary schools;" (1900) (14785023895)

Image from page 199 of "Introduction to zoology; a guide to the study ...

Identifier: introductiontozo00dave Title: Introduction to zoology; a guide to the study of animals, for the use of secondary schools; Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Davenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944 Davenpor... More

The development of the chick; an introduction to embryology (1919) (14568795279)

The development of the chick; an introduction to embryology (1919) (14...

Identifier: developmentofchi1919lill (find matches) Title: The development of the chick; an introduction to embryology Year: 1919 (1910s) Authors: Lillie, Frank Rattray, 1870-1947 Subjects: Birds -- Embryol... More

The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura (1891) (14773203681)

The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura (1891) (14773203681)

Identifier: embryologymetamo00brook (find matches) Title: The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura Year: 1891 (1890s) Authors: Brooks, William Keith, 1848-1908 Herrick, Francis Hobart, 1858-1940 Nati... More

The evolution of man - a popular exposition of the principal points of human ontogeny and phylogeny (1879) (14592238710)

The evolution of man - a popular exposition of the principal points of...

Identifier: evolutionofmanpo021879haec (find matches) Title: The evolution of man : a popular exposition of the principal points of human ontogeny and phylogeny Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Haeckel, Ernst Hei... More

Theodori Kerckringii, Doctoris medici Opera omnia anatomica - continentia Specilegium anatomicum, Osteogeniam foetuum, nec non Anthropogeniae ichnographiam - accuratissimis figuris aeri incisis (14779314514)

Theodori Kerckringii, Doctoris medici Opera omnia anatomica - continen...

Identifier: theodorikerckrin00kerc (find matches) Title: Theodori Kerckringii, Doctoris medici Opera omnia anatomica : continentia Specilegium anatomicum, Osteogeniam foetuum, nec non Anthropogeniae ichnograp... More

Fertilisation 2

Fertilisation 2

Čeština: Obrázek oplodnění lidského vajéíčka, popis. Vytvořeno v inkscape

Marie Agnes Hinrichs - Public domain portrait print

Marie Agnes Hinrichs - Public domain portrait print

90-105, 9B, Portraits Hin-Hjo-Hl; "Marie Agnes Hinrichs (b. 1892) received her Ph.D. in zoology from the University of Chicago in 1923. After teaching at the university from 1926 to 1934, Hinrichs received an ... More

SL-J Space Shuttle Frog Embryology Experiment (FEU) flight hardware ARC-1989-AC89-0057-1

SL-J Space Shuttle Frog Embryology Experiment (FEU) flight hardware AR...

SL-J Space Shuttle Frog Embryology Experiment (FEU) flight hardware

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (18748518743)

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (187...

Title: Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen Identifier: anthropogenieod02haec Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919 Subjects: Evolution; Embryology, Human; Anatomy, Compar... More

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (19181712970)

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (191...

Title: Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen Identifier: anthropogenieod01haec Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919 Subjects: Evolution; Embryology, Human; Anatomy, Compar... More

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (19181389100)

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (191...

Title: Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen Identifier: anthropogenieod01haec Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919 Subjects: Evolution; Embryology, Human; Anatomy, Compar... More

C. Stalpartii Stalpart vander Wiel Observationum rariorum medic. anatomic. chirurgicarum - centuriae posterioris pars prior - auctior longe, atque emendatior (1687) (20688824086)

C. Stalpartii Stalpart vander Wiel Observationum rariorum medic. anato...

Title: C. Stalpartii Stalpart vander Wiel ... Observationum rariorum medic. anatomic. chirurgicarum : centuriae posterioris pars prior : auctior longe, atque emendatior Identifier: cstalpartiistalp1687stal (f... More

Cercetari de embriologie experimentala (1958) (19968140993)

Cercetari de embriologie experimentala (1958) (19968140993)

Title: Cercetari de embriologie experimentala Identifier: cercetarideembri01menk (find matches) Year: 1958 (1950s) Authors: Menkes, B Subjects: Embryology Publisher: (Bucuresti) Editura Academiei Republicii P... More

Comparative embryology of the vertebrates; with 2057 drawings and photos. grouped as 380 illus (1953) (20047439644)

Comparative embryology of the vertebrates; with 2057 drawings and phot...

Title: Comparative embryology of the vertebrates; with 2057 drawings and photos. grouped as 380 illus Identifier: comparativeembry00nels (find matches) Year: 1953 (1950s) Authors: Nelsen, Olin E. (Olin Everet... More

Comparative embryology of the vertebrates; with 2057 drawings and photos. grouped as 380 illus (1953) (20644190826)

Comparative embryology of the vertebrates; with 2057 drawings and phot...

Title: Comparative embryology of the vertebrates; with 2057 drawings and photos. grouped as 380 illus Identifier: comparativeembry00nels (find matches) Year: 1953 (1950s) Authors: Nelsen, Olin E. (Olin Everet... More

Die Entwickelung des menschlichen Gehirns - während der ersten Monate - Untersuchungsergebnisse (1904) (20725953929)

Die Entwickelung des menschlichen Gehirns - während der ersten Monate ...

Title: Die Entwickelung des menschlichen Gehirns : während der ersten Monate : Untersuchungsergebnisse Identifier: dieentwickelungd00hisw (find matches) Year: 1904 (1900s) Authors: His, Wilhelm, 1831-1904 Sub... More

Die geschlechtliche Entwickelung von Plumatella fungosa (1897) (20738056288)

Die geschlechtliche Entwickelung von Plumatella fungosa (1897) (207380...

Title: Die geschlechtliche Entwickelung von Plumatella fungosa Identifier: diegeschlechtlic00brae (find matches) Year: 1897 (1890s) Authors: Braem, Fritz Subjects: Bryozoa; Embryology -- Bryozoa Publisher: St... More

Embryogenesis in plants (1955) (21283131295)

Embryogenesis in plants (1955) (21283131295)

Title: Embryogenesis in plants Identifier: embryogenesisinp00ward (find matches) Year: 1955 (1950s) Authors: Wardlaw, C. W. (Claude Wilson), 1901- Subjects: Embryology Publisher: London, Methuen; New York, Wi... More

L'homme, et la formation du foetus (1677) (14803109923)

L'homme, et la formation du foetus (1677) (14803109923)

Identifier: lhommeetlaformat00desc (find matches) Title: L'homme, et la formation du foetus Year: 1677 (1670s) Authors: Descartes, René, 1596-1650 Schuyl, Florentius, 1619-1684 La Forge, Louis de, 1632-1665 ... More

Outlines of comparative physiology touching the structure and development of the races of animals, living and extinct - for the use of schools and colleges (1870) (14596169239)

Outlines of comparative physiology touching the structure and developm...

Identifier: outlinesofcompar00agas (find matches) Title: Outlines of comparative physiology touching the structure and development of the races of animals, living and extinct : for the use of schools and coll... More

The development of the chick; an introduction to embryology (1919) (14568832089)

The development of the chick; an introduction to embryology (1919) (14...

Identifier: developmentofchi1919lill (find matches) Title: The development of the chick; an introduction to embryology Year: 1919 (1910s) Authors: Lillie, Frank Rattray, 1870-1947 Subjects: Birds -- Embryol... More

The development of the human body - a manual of human embryology (1914) (20898803691)

The development of the human body - a manual of human embryology (1914...

Title: The development of the human body : a manual of human embryology Identifier: developmentofhum00mcmu (find matches) Year: 1914 (1910s) Authors: McMurrich, J. Playfair (James Playfair), 1859-1939 Subject... More

The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura (1891) (14589584988)

The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura (1891) (14589584988)

Identifier: embryologymetamo00brook (find matches) Title: The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura Year: 1891 (1890s) Authors: Brooks, William Keith, 1848-1908 Herrick, Francis Hobart, 1858-1940 Nati... More

The embryology of Larix (1943) (21287428105)

The embryology of Larix (1943) (21287428105)

Title: The embryology of Larix Identifier: embryologyoflari194scho (find matches) Year: 1943 (1940s) Authors: Schopf, James Morton, 1911- Subjects: Botany; Larch Publisher: Urbana, The University of Illinois ... More

The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura (1891) (14796070463)

The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura (1891) (14796070463)

Identifier: embryologymetamo00brook (find matches) Title: The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura Year: 1891 (1890s) Authors: Brooks, William Keith, 1848-1908 Herrick, Francis Hobart, 1858-1940 Nati... More

The evolution of man- a popular exposition of the principal points of human ontogeny and phylogeny. From the German of Ernst Haeckel (1897) (14758744426)

The evolution of man- a popular exposition of the principal points of ...

Identifier: evolutionofmanpo021897haec (find matches) Title: The evolution of man: a popular exposition of the principal points of human ontogeny and phylogeny. From the German of Ernst Haeckel Year: 1897 (18... More

The fauna of the deep sea (1894) (14576801340)

The fauna of the deep sea (1894) (14576801340)

Collosendeis arcuatus Identifier: faunaofdeepsea01hick (find matches) Title: The fauna of the deep sea Year: 1894 (1890s) Authors: Hickson, Sydney John, 1859-1940 Subjects: Marine animals Publisher: New Yor... More

FEE (Frog Embryology Experiment) Spacelab-J flight frogs from ground control tadpoles ARC-1992-AC92-0552-282

FEE (Frog Embryology Experiment) Spacelab-J flight frogs from ground c...

FEE (Frog Embryology Experiment) Spacelab-J flight frogs from ground control tadpoles

Gray 1106 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Gray 1106 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Gray's Anatomy is a classic human anatomy textbook first published in 1858 by Henry Gray. The book, which is widely considered to be one of the most important and influential works in the field of anatomy, prov... More

Brockhaus-Efron Experimental Embryology 4

Brockhaus-Efron Experimental Embryology 4

Русский: Иллюстрация к статье Экспериментальная эмбриология из энциклопедии Брокгауза и Ефрона

A monograph on the development of elasmobranch fishes (1878) (14578686809)

A monograph on the development of elasmobranch fishes (1878) (14578686...

Identifier: monographondevel00balf (find matches) Title: A monograph on the development of elasmobranch fishes Year: 1878 (1870s) Authors: Balfour, Francis M. (Francis Maitland), 1851-1882 Subjects: Fishes ... More

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (19343296726)

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (193...

Title: Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen Identifier: anthropogenieod01haec (find matches) Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919 Subjects: Evolution; Embryology, Human;... More

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (19363183622)

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (193...

Title: Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen Identifier: anthropogenieod02haec Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919 Subjects: Evolution; Embryology, Human; Anatomy, Compar... More

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (19342968416)

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (193...

Title: Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen Identifier: anthropogenieod02haec Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919 Subjects: Evolution; Embryology, Human; Anatomy, Compar... More

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (19369317755)

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (193...

Title: Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen Identifier: anthropogenieod02haec Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919 Subjects: Evolution; Embryology, Human; Anatomy, Compar... More

Atlas d'embryologie (1889) (20155589760)

Atlas d'embryologie (1889) (20155589760)

Title: Atlas d'embryologie Identifier: atlasdembryologi1889duva (find matches) Year: 1889 (1880s) Authors: Duval, Mathias, 1844-1907 Subjects: Embryology; Embryology Publisher: Paris : G. Masson Contributing ... More

Contributions to embryology (20680611872)

Contributions to embryology (20680611872)

Title: Contributions to embryology Identifier: contributionstoe07carn (find matches) Year: [1] (s) Authors: Carnegie Institution of Washington Subjects: Embryology Publisher: Washington, D. C Contributing Lib... More

Contributions to embryology (20689887595)

Contributions to embryology (20689887595)

Title: Contributions to embryology Identifier: contributionstoe04carn (find matches) Year: [1] (s) Authors: Carnegie Institution of Washington Subjects: Embryology Publisher: Washington, D. C Contributing Lib... More

Embriologia dell'occhio dei vertebrati (1901) (21095906499)

Embriologia dell'occhio dei vertebrati (1901) (21095906499)

Title: Embriologia dell'occhio dei vertebrati Identifier: embriologiadello00ciri (find matches) Year: 1901 (1900s) Authors: Cirincione, Giuseppe, d. 1929 Subjects: Embryology; Eye Publisher: Palermo : "Era No... More

Surgery, its principles and practice (1906) (14750428416)

Surgery, its principles and practice (1906) (14750428416)

Identifier: surgeryitsprinci04keen (find matches) Title: Surgery, its principles and practice Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Keen, William W. (William Williams), b. 1837 Da Costa, J. Chalmers (John Chalmers), 1... More

The development of the chick; an introduction to embryology (1919) (14732460076)

The development of the chick; an introduction to embryology (1919) (14...

Identifier: developmentofchi1919lill (find matches) Title: The development of the chick; an introduction to embryology Year: 1919 (1910s) Authors: Lillie, Frank Rattray, 1870-1947 Subjects: Birds -- Embryol... More

The development of the chick; an introduction to embryology (1919) (14568828308)

The development of the chick; an introduction to embryology (1919) (14...

Identifier: developmentofchi1919lill (find matches) Title: The development of the chick; an introduction to embryology Year: 1919 (1910s) Authors: Lillie, Frank Rattray, 1870-1947 Subjects: Birds -- Embryol... More

The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura (1891) (14589512850)

The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura (1891) (14589512850)

Identifier: embryologymetamo00brook (find matches) Title: The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura Year: 1891 (1890s) Authors: Brooks, William Keith, 1848-1908 Herrick, Francis Hobart, 1858-1940 Nati... More

The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura (1891) (14589579728)

The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura (1891) (14589579728)

Identifier: embryologymetamo00brook (find matches) Title: The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura Year: 1891 (1890s) Authors: Brooks, William Keith, 1848-1908 Herrick, Francis Hobart, 1858-1940 Nati... More

Theodori Kerckringii, Doctoris medici Opera omnia anatomica - continentia Specilegium anatomicum, Osteogeniam foetuum, nec non Anthropogeniae ichnographiam - accuratissimis figuris aeri incisis (14594972089)

Theodori Kerckringii, Doctoris medici Opera omnia anatomica - continen...

Identifier: theodorikerckrin00kerc (find matches) Title: Theodori Kerckringii, Doctoris medici Opera omnia anatomica : continentia Specilegium anatomicum, Osteogeniam foetuum, nec non Anthropogeniae ichnograp... More

Scanning electron micrograph of an 11.5 day old mouse foetus showing the limb buds, somites and branchial arches. The crown-rump length is approximately 9.5mm

Scanning electron micrograph of an 11.5 day old mouse foetus showing t...

Scanning electron micrograph of an 11.5 day old mouse foetus showing the limb buds, somites and branchial arches. The crown-rump length is approximately 9.5mm.

SL-J Space Shuttle Frog Embryology Experiment (FEU) flight hardware ARC-1989-AC89-0057-9

SL-J Space Shuttle Frog Embryology Experiment (FEU) flight hardware AR...

SL-J Space Shuttle Frog Embryology Experiment (FEU) flight hardware

SL-J Space Shuttle Frog Embryology Experiment (FEU) flight hardware ARC-1989-AC89-0057-6

SL-J Space Shuttle Frog Embryology Experiment (FEU) flight hardware AR...

SL-J Space Shuttle Frog Embryology Experiment (FEU) flight hardware

SL-J Space Shuttle Frog Embryology Experiment (FEU) flight hardware ARC-1989-AC89-0057-13

SL-J Space Shuttle Frog Embryology Experiment (FEU) flight hardware AR...

SL-J Space Shuttle Frog Embryology Experiment (FEU) flight hardware

Space Shuttle Endeavour STS-47 Spacelab J mission: Frog Embryology Experiment, Astronaut works with adult frog in 0 gravity using the glovebox to contain and protect the frog during procedures ARC-1992-STS-47-231-30

Space Shuttle Endeavour STS-47 Spacelab J mission: Frog Embryology Exp...

Space Shuttle Endeavour STS-47 Spacelab J mission: Frog Embryology Experiment, Astronaut works with adult frog in 0 gravity using the glovebox to contain and protect the frog during procedures

Gray 39 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Gray 39 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Gray's Anatomy is a classic human anatomy textbook first published in 1858 by Henry Gray. The book, which is widely considered to be one of the most important and influential works in the field of anatomy, prov... More

A text-book of dental histology and embryology, including laboratory directions (1912) (14596905878)

A text-book of dental histology and embryology, including laboratory d...

Identifier: textbookofdent00noye (find matches) Title: A text-book of dental histology and embryology, including laboratory directions Year: 1912 (1910s) Authors: Noyes, Frederick Bogue Subjects: Teeth Publ... More

A text-book of entomology, including the anatomy, physiology, embryology and metamorphoses of insects, for use in agricultural and technical schools and colleges as well as by the working entomologist (14800304333)

A text-book of entomology, including the anatomy, physiology, embryolo...

Pauropus huxleyi Identifier: textbookofentomo00pack (find matches) Title: A text-book of entomology, including the anatomy, physiology, embryology and metamorphoses of insects, for use in agricultural and tech... More

Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botaniques (1850) (17787900123)

Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botaniques (1850) (17787900123)

Title: Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botaniques Identifier: annalesdesscienc3141850pa (find matches) Year: 1850 (1850s) Authors: Subjects: Publisher: Paris Contributing Library: Natural History Museum Lib... More

Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botaniques (1850) (18220743868)

Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botaniques (1850) (18220743868)

Title: Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botaniques Identifier: annalesdesscienc3141850pa (find matches) Year: 1850 (1850s) Authors: Subjects: Publisher: Paris Contributing Library: Natural History Museum Lib... More

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (18748653103)

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (187...

Title: Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen Identifier: anthropogenieod01haec Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919 Subjects: Evolution; Embryology, Human; Anatomy, Compar... More

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (19181452208)

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (191...

Title: Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen Identifier: anthropogenieod02haec Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919 Subjects: Evolution; Embryology, Human; Anatomy, Compar... More

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (19343112056)

Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen (1910) (193...

Title: Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungs-geschichte des Menschen Identifier: anthropogenieod01haec Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919 Subjects: Evolution; Embryology, Human; Anatomy, Compar... More

Biological lectures delivered at the Marine Biological Laboratory of Wood's Holl (sic) (1899) (20380332505)

Biological lectures delivered at the Marine Biological Laboratory of W...

Title: Biological lectures delivered at the Marine Biological Laboratory of Wood's Holl (sic) Identifier: biologicallectur1899mari (find matches) Year: 1899 (1890s) Authors: Marine Biological Laboratory (Wood... More

Bulletin - United States National Museum (1966) (20482127196)

Bulletin - United States National Museum (1966) (20482127196)

Title: Bulletin - United States National Museum Identifier: bulletinunitedst2401966unit (find matches) Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: United States National Museum; Smithsonian Institution; United States. Dept. ... More

Bulletin of the University of Rhode Island - catalog number (1906) (14591663179)

Bulletin of the University of Rhode Island - catalog number (1906) (14...

Gray's Anatomy is a classic human anatomy textbook first published in 1858 by Henry Gray. The book, which is widely considered to be one of the most important and influential works in the field of anatomy, prov... More

Comparative embryology of the vertebrates; with 2057 drawings and photos. grouped as 380 illus (1953) (20049742763)

Comparative embryology of the vertebrates; with 2057 drawings and phot...

Title: Comparative embryology of the vertebrates; with 2057 drawings and photos. grouped as 380 illus Identifier: comparativeembry00nels (find matches) Year: 1953 (1950s) Authors: Nelsen, Olin E. (Olin Everet... More

Comparative embryology of the vertebrates; with 2057 drawings and photos. grouped as 380 illus (1953) (20677309401)

Comparative embryology of the vertebrates; with 2057 drawings and phot...

Title: Comparative embryology of the vertebrates; with 2057 drawings and photos. grouped as 380 illus Identifier: comparativeembry00nels (find matches) Year: 1953 (1950s) Authors: Nelsen, Olin E. (Olin Everet... More

Die Entwickelung des menschlichen Gehirns - während der ersten Monate - Untersuchungsergebnisse (1904) (20726013299)

Die Entwickelung des menschlichen Gehirns - während der ersten Monate ...

Title: Die Entwickelung des menschlichen Gehirns : während der ersten Monate : Untersuchungsergebnisse Identifier: dieentwickelungd00hisw (find matches) Year: 1904 (1900s) Authors: His, Wilhelm, 1831-1904 Sub... More

Die Entstehungsweise der Doppelmissbildungen bei den höheren Wirbelthieren (1882) (20724582830)

Die Entstehungsweise der Doppelmissbildungen bei den höheren Wirbelthi...

Title: Die Entstehungsweise der Doppelmissbildungen bei den höheren Wirbelthieren Identifier: dieentstehungswe00gerl (find matches) Year: 1882 (1880s) Authors: Gerlach, Leo, b. 1851 Subjects: Animals; Embryol... More

Die Entstehungsweise der Doppelmissbildungen bei den höheren Wirbelthieren (1882) (20919952491)

Die Entstehungsweise der Doppelmissbildungen bei den höheren Wirbelthi...

Title: Die Entstehungsweise der Doppelmissbildungen bei den höheren Wirbelthieren Identifier: dieentstehungswe00gerl (find matches) Year: 1882 (1880s) Authors: Gerlach, Leo, b. 1851 Subjects: Animals; Embryol... More

Die Entwickelung des menschlichen Gehirns - während der ersten Monate - Untersuchungsergebnisse (1904) (20912744635)

Die Entwickelung des menschlichen Gehirns - während der ersten Monate ...

Title: Die Entwickelung des menschlichen Gehirns : während der ersten Monate : Untersuchungsergebnisse Identifier: dieentwickelungd00hisw (find matches) Year: 1904 (1900s) Authors: His, Wilhelm, 1831-1904 Sub... More

Early stages of vasculogenesis in the cat (Felis domestica) with especial reference to the mesenschymal origin of endothelium (1914) (20935319410)

Early stages of vasculogenesis in the cat (Felis domestica) with espec...

Title: Early stages of vasculogenesis in the cat (Felis domestica) with especial reference to the mesenschymal origin of endothelium Identifier: earlystagesofvas03schuuoft (find matches) Year: 1914 (1910s) Au... More

Early stages of vasculogenesis in the cat (Felis domestica) with especial reference to the mesenschymal origin of endothelium (1914) (20936623299)

Early stages of vasculogenesis in the cat (Felis domestica) with espec...

Title: Early stages of vasculogenesis in the cat (Felis domestica) with especial reference to the mesenschymal origin of endothelium Identifier: earlystagesofvas03schuuoft (find matches) Year: 1914 (1910s) Au... More

Early stages of vasculogenesis in the cat (Felis domestica) with especial reference to the mesenschymal origin of endothelium (1914) (20936644559)

Early stages of vasculogenesis in the cat (Felis domestica) with espec...

Title: Early stages of vasculogenesis in the cat (Felis domestica) with especial reference to the mesenschymal origin of endothelium Identifier: earlystagesofvas03schuuoft (find matches) Year: 1914 (1910s) Au... More

Embryogenesis in plants (1955) (20660304194)

Embryogenesis in plants (1955) (20660304194)

Title: Embryogenesis in plants Identifier: embryogenesisinp00ward (find matches) Year: 1955 (1950s) Authors: Wardlaw, C. W. (Claude Wilson), 1901- Subjects: Embryology Publisher: London, Methuen; New York, Wi... More

Jobi Basteri med. doct., Acad. Caes. Opuscula subseciva - observationes miscellaneas de animalculis et plantis, quibusdam marinis, eorumque ovariis et seminibus continentia (1760) (14769223772)

Jobi Basteri med. doct., Acad. Caes. Opuscula subseciva - observatione...

Identifier: jobibasterimeddo12bast (find matches) Title: Jobi Basteri med. doct., Acad. Caes. ... Opuscula subseciva : observationes miscellaneas de animalculis et plantis, quibusdam marinis, eorumque ovariis... More

Journal of morphology (1909) (14773371362)

Journal of morphology (1909) (14773371362)

Identifier: journalofmorphol20wist (find matches) Title: Journal of morphology Year: 1909 (1900s) Authors: Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology Subjects: Morphology Physiology Publisher: Boston : Ginn &... More

The Bashford Dean memorial volume - (1937) (20346221012)

The Bashford Dean memorial volume - (1937) (20346221012)

Embryology of Heterodontus japonicus Title: The Bashford Dean memorial volume : Identifier: bashforddeanmemo02dean (find matches) Year: 1930 (1930s) Authors: Dean, Bashford, 1867-1928; Gudger, E. W. (Eugene Wi... More

The Dental cosmos (1890) (14799496573)

The Dental cosmos (1890) (14799496573)

Identifier: dentalcosmos3218whit (find matches) Title: The Dental cosmos Year: 1890 (1890s) Authors: White, J. D McQuillen, J. H. (John Hugh), 1826-1879 Ziegler, George Jacob, 1821-1895 White, James William,... More

The development of the chick; an introduction to embryology (1908) (20881533272)

The development of the chick; an introduction to embryology (1908) (20...

Title: The development of the chick; an introduction to embryology Identifier: developmentofchi00lill (find matches) Year: 1908 (1900s) Authors: Lillie, Frank Rattray, 1870-1947 Subjects: Birds -- Embryology ... More

The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura (1891)) (21098168278)

The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura (1891)) (21098168278)

Title: The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura Identifier: embryologymetamo00broo (find matches) Year: 1891) (1890s) Authors: Brooks, William Keith, 1848-1908; National Academy of Sciences (U. S. ); ... More

The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura (1891) (14796162283)

The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura (1891) (14796162283)

Identifier: embryologymetamo00brook (find matches) Title: The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura Year: 1891 (1890s) Authors: Brooks, William Keith, 1848-1908 Herrick, Francis Hobart, 1858-1940 Nati... More

The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura (1891) (14753293336)

The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura (1891) (14753293336)

Identifier: embryologymetamo00brook (find matches) Title: The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura Year: 1891 (1890s) Authors: Brooks, William Keith, 1848-1908 Herrick, Francis Hobart, 1858-1940 Nati... More

The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura (1891) (14589595298)

The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura (1891) (14589595298)

Identifier: embryologymetamo00brook (find matches) Title: The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura Year: 1891 (1890s) Authors: Brooks, William Keith, 1848-1908 Herrick, Francis Hobart, 1858-1940 Nati... More


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