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edward hobart seymour

10 media by topicpage 1 of 1
Boxer Rebellion. Germans to the front, China

Boxer Rebellion. Germans to the front, China

Deutsch: Zeitgen. Postkarte zum Boxeraufstand. Mehrfarbiger Lichtdruck nach einem Gemälde von C. Röchling. Bildgröße: 24 x 50 cm. Blattgröße: ca. 45 x 67 cm. Admiral Seymour gibt bei dem Rückzuge auf Tientsin ... More

Admiral Sir Edward Hobart Seymour

Admiral Sir Edward Hobart Seymour

Admiral Sir Edward Hobart Seymour

Boxer Rebellion. SeymourTianjin, China

Boxer Rebellion. SeymourTianjin, China

Picryl description: Public domain image of an 18th-19th century military conflict, armed forces, infantry, militia, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Li Hung-Chang & officers

Li Hung-Chang & officers

Li Hung-Chang with officers, including Admiral Sir Edward Seymour, Sir Pelham Warren, and Captain (later Admiral) John Jellicoe (at far right).

Sir Edward H. Seymour - A black and white photo of a man in uniform
Edward Hobart Seymour, Vanity Fair, 1901-10-31

Edward Hobart Seymour, Vanity Fair, 1901-10-31

Men of the Day No.0828: Caricature of Sir EH Seymour GCB KCB. Caption reads: "China"

Sir Edward H. Seymour 2

Sir Edward H. Seymour 2

Sir Edward H. Seymour Public domain photograph - military portrait, armed forces officer, leader, commander, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Edward Seymour in 1855 - Daguerreotype, Public domain

Edward Seymour in 1855 - Daguerreotype, Public domain

Edward Hobart Seymour in 1855. Public domain photograph - 19th-century studio portrait photo, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bruno Bürger & Ottilie AK 06324 Der Krieg in China Deutscher Matrose zum engl. Admiral Seymour, Zeichnung von Fritz Kleinhempel

Bruno Bürger & Ottilie AK 06324 Der Krieg in China Deutscher Matrose z...

Deutsch: Vielfarb-Lithografie als Ansichtskarte Nummer 6324 aus der im Verlag Bruno Bürger & Ottilie erschienenen Serie Der Krieg in China mit der Künstlersignatur von Fritz Kleinhempel. Im Hintergrund links i... More

Edward Hobart Seymour - A black and white photo of a man in a military uniform
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