Illustration of a Light Echo. NASA public domain image colelction.
Imagine yourself standing in a large open chamber like an aircraft hangar. If you clap your hands, you will be rewarded with a series of echoes reverberating through the building. These sound echoes are very mu... More
MA-6 HAND HELD - JOHN GLENN. NASA public domain image colelction.
S62-06009 (20 Feb. 1962) --- View of Earth taken by astronaut John H. Glenn Jr. during his Mercury Atlas 6 (MA-6) spaceflight. Photo credit: NASA
View of earth taken by Astronaut John Glenn during his MA-6 spacefligh...
S62-06018 (20 Feb. 1962) --- View of Earth taken by astronaut John H. Glenn Jr. during his Mercury Atlas 6 (MA-6) spaceflight. Photo credit: NASA
View of earth taken by Astronaut John Glenn during his MA-6 spacefligh...
S62-06014 (20 Feb. 1962) --- View of Earth taken by astronaut John H. Glenn Jr. during his Mercury Atlas 6 (MA-6) spaceflight. Photo credit: NASA
Astronaut Gordon Cooper, Jr. - Preflight Simulation Training - Cape
S64-14868 (1963) --- Astronaut L. Gordon Cooper Jr., pilot of the Mercury-Atlas 9 (MA-9) Earth-orbital space mission, participates in preflight simulation training inside his Mercury capsule at Cape Canaveral, ... More
X-15 contrail after launch. Experimental NASA aircraft photograph.
Description: The X-15 rocket-powered aircraft begins its climb after launch at the NASA Flight Research Center, Edwards, California (later renamed the Dryden Flight Research Center). The X-15 was a rocket power... More
S65-29730, NASA Gemini program. NASA public domain image colelction.
S65-29730 (3 June 1965) --- Astronaut Edward H. White II, pilot for the Gemini-Titan 4 (GT-4) spaceflight, floats in the zero-gravity of space during the third revolution of the GT-4 spacecraft. White wears a s... More
View of the Gemini 6 and Gemini 7 rendezvous
S65-63171 (15 Dec. 1965) --- The Gemini-7 spacecraft as seen from the Gemini-6 spacecraft during their rendezvous mission in space. Photo credit: NASA or National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Rendezvous- Gemini 7 of 6, Space Photography
S65-63898 (15 Dec. 1965) --- This picture of the Earth-orbiting Gemini-6 spacecraft against the blackness of space was taken from the Gemini-7 spacecraft during the National Aeronautics and Space Administration... More
First View of Earth from Moon. NASA public domain image colelction.
Description: The world's first view of Earth taken by a spacecraft from the vicinity of the Moon. The photo was transmitted to Earth by the United States Lunar Orbiter I and received at the NASA tracking statio... More
S66-54571 (14 Sept. 1966) --- A 100-foot tether line connects the Agena Target Docking Vehicle with the Gemini-11 spacecraft during its 32nd revolution of Earth. Photo credit: NASA
S66-54706 (14 Sept. 1966) --- Western half of Australia, including the coastline from Perth to Port Darwin, looking west, as seen from the Gemini-11 spacecraft during its 26th revolution of Earth. Photograph wa... More
Florida, Bahama Islands, Cuba as seen from Gemini 12 spacecraft
S66-63418 (13 Nov. 1966) --- Florida (south half), Bahamas Islands (Andros-Grand Bahamas-Bimini), and Cuba, looking south as seen from Gemini-12 spacecraft on its 15th revolution of Earth. Photo credit: NASA
Gemini XII Mission Image - Earth Limb
The original caption reads: Photograph of Earth limb at sunset taken during the Gemini XII mission during orbit no. 32 on November 13,1966. GET time was 51:11 / GMT time was 23:58. Original magazine number wa... More
S66-63517 (13 Nov. 1966) --- The Gulf of California area as seen from the Gemini-12 spacecraft during its 30th revolution of Earth. Baja California Sur is the peninsula on the left. At lower left is the mainlan... More
Astronauts Alan Bean and Charles Conrad on Lunar Surface
The second manned lunar landing mission, Apollo 12 launched from launch pad 39-A at Kennedy Space Center in Florida on November 14, 1969 via a Saturn Five launch vehicle. The Saturn V vehicle was developed by t... More
Earth observation. Apollo 7, NASA Moon program.
Apollo 7 Hasselblad image from film magazine 7/S - Earth Orbit
Earth observation. Apollo 7, NASA Moon program.
Apollo 7 Hasselblad image from film magazine 7/S - Earth Orbit
Earthrise - Apollo 8, NASA Moon program
(December 24, 1968) This view of the rising Earth greeted the Apollo 8 astronauts on December 24, 1968 as they came from behind the Moon after the fourth nearside orbit. The photo is displayed here in its origi... More
Earth observation. Apollo 7, NASA Moon program.
Apollo 7 Hasselblad image from film magazine 7/S - Earth Orbit
Earth observation. Apollo 7, NASA Moon program.
Apollo 7 Hasselblad image from film magazine 7/S - Earth Orbit
Earth observation. Apollo 7, NASA Moon program.
Apollo 7 Hasselblad image from film magazine 7/S - Earth Orbit
Earth observation. Apollo 7, NASA Moon program.
Apollo 7 Hasselblad image from film magazine 7/S - Earth Orbit
Apollo Moon Landing Images, project Apollo archive
Apollo 7 Hasselblad image from film magazine 7/S - Earth Orbit
Earth observation. Apollo 7, NASA Moon program.
Apollo 7 Hasselblad image from film magazine 7/S - Earth Orbit
Earth observation. Apollo 7, NASA Moon program.
Apollo 7 Hasselblad image from film magazine 7/S - Earth Orbit
Earth observation. Apollo 7, NASA Moon program.
Apollo 7 Hasselblad image from film magazine 7/S - Earth Orbit
Earth observation. Apollo 7, NASA Moon program.
Apollo 7 Hasselblad image from film magazine 7/S - Earth Orbit
Earth observation. Apollo 7, NASA Moon program.
Apollo 7 Hasselblad image from film magazine 7/S - Earth Orbit
AS07-03-1537 - Apollo 7 - Apollo 7 Mission, Saturn IVB booster during ...
The original database describes this as: Description: Apollo 7, Saturn IVB stage panel photographed from the Apollo 7 spacecraft during transposition and docking maneuvers. This photograph was taken during Apo... More
AS07-07-1839 - Apollo 7 - Apollo 7 Mission, Malaysia
The original database describes this as: Description: Apollo 7,Malaysia,Malaya,west coast from Chukai to Paleng River. Very high oblique. Cloud Cover 74%. Altitude: 89 miles. Latitude:3 degrees 14' North,Longi... More
Morning sun on Gulf of Mexico as seen from the Apollo 7 spacecraft
AS07-08-1933 (20 Oct. 1968) --- The morning sun reflects on the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean as seen from the Apollo 7 spacecraft at an altitude of 120 nautical miles above Earth. Most of Florida penin... More
High altitude view of lunar surface taken from Apollo 8 spacecraft
AS08-12-2193 (21-27 Dec. 1968) --- View of the lunar surface taken from the Apollo 8 spacecraft looking southward from high altitude across the Southern Sea. (Hold picture with AS8 number in upper right corner)... More
Lunar Module Ascent Stage, NASA Apollo program
(March 7, 1969) The Lunar Module "Spider" ascent stage is photographed from the Command/Service Module on the fifth day of the Apollo 9 earth-orbital mission. The Lunar Module's descent stage had already been j... More
Aldrin and U.S. Flag on Lunar Surface
Astronaut Edwin Aldrin poses beside the deployed U.S. flag on the moon?s surface. The first manned lunar mission, the Apollo 11 launched via a Saturn V launch vehicle from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida on J... More
Apollo 12 three-man crew - Saturn Apollo Program
The Apollo 12 three-man crew pictured left to right are: Astronauts Charles Conrad, Spacecraft Commander; Richard F. Gordon, pilot of the Command Module `Yankee Clipper'; and Alan L. Bean, pilot of the Lunar Mo... More
Apollo 11 Launched Via Saturn V Rocket
Full Description: The Apollo 11 mission, the first manned lunar mission, launched from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida via the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) developed Saturn V launch vehicle on July 16,... More
S69-19797 (February 1969) --- Composite of two artist's concepts illustrating key events, tasks and activities from the sixth through the ninth day of the Apollo 9 mission, including service propulsion system b... More
AS09-19-3050 - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - Earth Observation -...
The original database describes this as: Description: Oblique Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of Mauritania including Guelb Er Richart Dome and Sebkha Chemchan. Film magazine was A,film ... More
AS09-26C-3772C - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of the Caribbean Sea. Latitude was 09.57 N by Longitude 82.08 W, Overlap was 41%, Altitude miles were... More
AS09-26A-3774A - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of clouds over Texas. Latitude was 30.15 N by Longitude 97.10 W, Overlap was 60%, Altitude miles were... More
AS09-26C-3764C - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of area northwest of Mexico City in Mexico. Latitude was 20.46 N by Longitude 100.15 W, Overlap was ... More
AS09-26A-3828A - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View of the Atlantic Ocean and Bomex area. Latitude was 20.05 N by Longitude 51.00 W, Overlap was 0%, Altitu... More
AS09-23-3507 - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - Earth Observation -...
The original database describes this as: Description: Oblique Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of the Hawaiian Islands - Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, Oahu, Kahoolawe and Lanai. Most are cloud co... More
AS09-20-3064 - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - Scott during EVA
The original database describes this as: Description: Excellent view of the docked Apollo 9 Command and Service Modules (CSM) and Lunar Module (LM), with Earth in the background, during astronaut David R. Scot... More
AS09-26B-3697B - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of an Earth limb and clouds taken by the Apollo 9 crew. Altitude was 105 miles. . This imagery taken as part of the NASA S0-65 Experiment "Multispectr... More
AS09-23-3515 - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - Earth Observation -...
The original database describes this as: Description: Oblique Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of North Africa, Mediterranean Sea and Spain. Film magazine was D,film type was SO-368 Ektach... More
AS09-26A-3826A - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View of the Atlantic Ocean and Bomex area. Latitude was 21.15 N by Longitude 53.15 W, Overlap was 0%, Altitu... More
Astronaut Russell Schweickart photographed during EVA
AS09-19-2983 (6 March 1969) --- Astronaut Russell L. Schweickart, lunar module pilot, operates a 70mm Hasselblad camera during his extravehicular activity (EVA) on the fourth day of the Apollo 9 Earth-orbital m... More
AS09-26B-3771B - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of Limon and the Caribbean Sea in Costa Rica. Latitude was 10.15 N by Longitude 82.52 W, Overlap was ... More
AS09-26B-3830B - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View of the Atlantic Ocean and Bomex area. Latitude was 19.00 N by Longitude 48.40 W, Overlap was 0%, Altitu... More
AS09-23-3595 - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - Schweickart in CM c...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Astronaut Russell Schweickart, Apollo 9 Lunar Module pilot, inside the Command Module "Gumdrop" during the Apollo 9 earth-orbital mission. . Film ... More
AS09-26B-3770B - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of Limon and the Caribbean Sea in Costa Rica. Latitude was 10.31 N by Longitude 82.52 W, Overlap was ... More
AS09-19-3047 - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - Earth Observation -...
The original database describes this as: Description: Oblique Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of Florida including Tampa, Jacksonville, Orlando, Cape Kennedy, Lake Okeechobee and St. Joh... More
AS09-23-3518 - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - Earth Observation -...
The original database describes this as: Description: Oblique Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of the coast of Libya from Tripoli to Misurata. Film magazine was D,film type was SO-368 Ekta... More
AS09-26C-3739C - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of Ruidoso and Roswell in New Mexico. Latitude was 33.39 N by Longitude 105.07 W, Overlap was 60%, Al... More
AS09-26B-3709B - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of Tucson in Arizona. Latitude was 32.33 N by Longitude 110.32 W, Overlap was 80%, Altitude miles wer... More
AS09-26C-3785C - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of area west of Tucson, Arizona. Latitude was 32.06 N by Longitude 111.59 W, Overlap was 50%, Altitud... More
AS09-26D-3752D - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of Willcox Lake and Fort Huachuca in Arizona. Latitude was 32.05 N by Longitude 109.52 W, Overlap was... More
AS09-26C-3717C - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of the Rio Grande Valley and Quitman Mountains in Texas and Sierra Madre and San Martin del Borracho ... More
AS09-26B-3823B - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. Partial frame of the Atlantic Ocean and Bomex area. Latitude was 23.00 N by Longitude 57.00 W, Overlap was 0... More
AS09-26C-3821C - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of the Atlantic Ocean and Bomex area. Latitude was 24.05 N by Longitude 59.20 W, Overlap was 0%, Alt... More
AS09-26C-3720C - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of Rio Grande Valley and Van Horn in Texas. Latitude was 31.05 N by Longitude 105.09 W,Overlap was 80... More
AS09-26B-3744B - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of Santa Catalina and San Clemente Islands, San Bedro, Bay area and Oceanside in California. Latitude... More
AS09-26C-3706C - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of Casa Grande and Williams in Arizona. Latitude was 32.41 N by Longitude 111.50 W, Overlap was 80%, ... More
AS09-26D-3851D - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View of the Atlantic Ocean and Bomex area. Latitude was 5.10 N by Longitude 27.25 W, Overlap was 0%, Altitud... More
AS09-26B-3710B - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of Willcox Lake in Arizona. Latitude was 32.22 N by Longitude 110.04 W, Overlap was 80%, Altitude mi... More
AS09-26C-3738C - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of Carrizozo and lava beds in New Mexico. Latitude was 33.37 N by Longitude 105.40 W, Overlap was 60%... More
AS09-26B-3826B - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View of the Atlantic Ocean and Bomex area. Latitude was 21.15 N by Longitude 53.15 W, Overlap was 0%, Altitu... More
AS09-26B-3822B - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of the Atlantic Ocean and Bomex area. Latitude was 23.35 N by Longitude 58.05 W, Overlap was 0%, Alt... More
AS09-23-3548 - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - Earth Observation -...
The original database describes this as: Description: Dark and Oblique Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of clouds. Film magazine was D,film type was SO-368 Ektachrome with 0.460 - 0.710 m... More
AS09-26C-3747C - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of Salton Sea and Imperial Valley in California. Latitude was 33.09 N by Longitude 116.14 W, Overlap ... More
AS09-26D-3775D - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - S0-65 Multispectr...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth Observation taken by the Apollo 9 crew. View is of clouds over College Station in Texas. Latitude was 30.30 N by Longitude 96.30 W, Overlap was 50%, ... More
AS09-20-3069 - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - Scott during EVA
The original database describes this as: Description: Excellent view of the docked Apollo 9 Command and Service Modules (CSM) and Lunar Module (LM), with Earth in the background, during astronaut David R. Scot... More
AS09-19-2993 - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - Astronaut Russell L...
The original database describes this as: Description: Blurred view of Astronaut Russell L. Schweickart, lunar module pilot, photographed from the Command Module "Gumdrop" during his extravehicular activity on... More
AS09-21-3245 - Apollo 9 - Apollo 9 Mission image - Lunar Module
The original database describes this as: Description: Dark view of the Apollo 9 Lunar Module,“Spider,” in a lunar landing configuration,as photographed from the command and Services Modules on the fifth day of... More
S69-33995 (18 May 1969) --- A cloud-covered Earth from about 12,800 nautical miles away is seen in this color reproduction taken from the second TV transmission made by the color television camera on board the ... More
AS11-41-6045 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon, Cra...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon,Craters Dubyago and Dubyago B. Earth is visible in the distance above the moon. This image is part of a west looking high oblique sequence of ... More
AS11-41-6047 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon, Cra...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon,Crater MacLaurin. Earth is visible in the distance above the moon. This image is part of a west looking high oblique sequence of images taken ... More
AS11-41-6022 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon, Smy...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon,Smyth's Sea/Crater 189. Crater 189 is officially named Babcock. Earth is visible in the distance as it appears from behind the moon. This imag... More
AS11-41-6046 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon, Cra...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon,Crater MacLaurin. Earth is visible in the distance above the moon. This image is part of a west looking high oblique sequence of images taken ... More
AS11-41-6019 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon, Cra...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon,Crater 189. Crater 189 is officially named Babcock. Earth is visible in the distance as it appears from behind the moon.This image is part of ... More
AS11-41-6026 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon, Smy...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon,Smyth's Sea. Earth is visible in the distance as it appears from behind the moon. This image is part of a west looking high oblique sequence o... More
AS11-36-5293 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - Earth limb with c...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth limb with clouds. Glare of Sun visible above the Earth's horizon. Image taken during transluner phase of the Apollo 11 Mission. Original film magaz... More
AS11-36-5377 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - Earth view over A...
The original database describes this as: Description: Earth view over Africa. Image taken during the transluner phase of the Apollo 11 Mission. Original film magazine was labeled N; Film type: S0-368 Color; 25... More
AS11-36-5403 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - Lunar Module (LM)...
The original database describes this as: Description: A close-up view of the docking target on the Apollo 11 Lunar Module (LM) photographed from the Command and Service Module (CSM). The Earth can be seen in t... More
Oblique view of lunar farside photographed from orbit looking southwes...
AS11-44-6609 (16-24 July 1969) --- An oblique of the Crater Daedalus on the lunar farside as seen from the Apollo 11 spacecraft in lunar orbit. The view looks southwest. Daedalus (formerly referred to as I.A.U.... More
Apollo 11 - Saturn Apollo Program
The first manned lunar landing mission, Apollo 11, launched from the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida via the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) developed Saturn V launch vehicle on July 16, 1969 and safe... More
Apollo 11 Lunar Module ascent stage photographed from Command Module
AS11-44-6642 (21 July 1969) --- The Apollo 11 Lunar Module ascent stage, with astronauts Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. aboard, is photographed from the Command and Service Modules (CSM) during rende... More
Apollo 12 Mission image - Lunar surface near lunar module
AS12-47-6949 (19-20 Nov. 1969) --- A photograph of the Apollo 12 lunar landing site taken during the extravehicular activity (EVA) of astronauts Charles Conrad Jr., commander; and Alan L. Bean, lunar module pil... More
AS12-50-7359 - Apollo 12 - Public domain NASA photograph
Apollo 12 - AS12-46-6715 through AS12-57-8455b Public domain photograph of Earth, made by astronauts on the Apollo spacecraft on its way to Moon, NASA Moon program, free to use, no copyright restrictions image... More
AS13-61-8865 - Apollo 13 - Apollo 13 Mission image - View of the lun...
The original database describes this as: Description: This very distant view of the lunar disc (with bright disc covering lunar surface) seen as the spacecraft recedes from the Moon back towards the Earth was ... More
AS10-34-5072 - Apollo 10 - Apollo 10 Mission image - Africa/U.S.
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Africa and United States. Image was taken of translunar coast during the Apollo 10 mission. Film magazine was M,film type was SO-368 with 250mm l... More
AS13-61-8791 - Apollo 13 - Apollo 13 Mission image - View of the lun...
The original database describes this as: Description: This view of the lunar surface seen as the spacecraft recedes from the Moon back towards the Earth was photographed by the Apollo 13 crewmen during their m... More
Apollo 13 Images, project Apollo archive
Apollo 13 Hasselblad image from film magazine 61/II - Trans-Earth Coast
Apollo 13 Images, project Apollo archive
Apollo 13 Hasselblad image from film magazine 61/II - Trans-Earth Coast
Apollo 13 Images, project Apollo archive
Apollo 13 Hasselblad image from film magazine 61/II - Trans-Earth Coast
AS10-34-5039 - Apollo 10 - Public domain NASA photograph
Apollo 10 - AS10-27-3855 through AS10-35-5290 Public domain photograph of the Moon, made by astronauts on the Apollo spacecraft on it's way from Earth, NASA Moon program, free to use, no copyright restrictions... More
AS10-35-5214 - Apollo 10 - Public domain NASA photograph
Apollo 10 - AS10-27-3855 through AS10-35-5290 Public domain photograph of the Moon, made by astronauts on the Apollo spacecraft on it's way from Earth, NASA Moon program, free to use, no copyright restrictions... More
AS08-15-2551 - Apollo 8 - Public domain NASA photograph
The original database describes this as: Apollo 8 - AS08-12-2044 through AS08-18-2908