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dryden flight research center

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X-1, NASA history collection. NASA public domain image colelction.

X-1, NASA history collection. NASA public domain image colelction.

E49-0004The Bell Aircraft Corporation X-1-2 Sitting on the ramp at NACA High-Speed Flight Research Station with the Boeing B-29 launch ship behind. The painting near the nose of the B-29 depicts a stork carryin... More

X-1, NASA history collection. Public domain image of NASA aircraft.

X-1, NASA history collection. Public domain image of NASA aircraft.

E49-001 The Bell Aircraft Corporation X-1-2 sits on the Rogers Dry Lakebed at Muroc Air Force Base, California in 1949. Some airplane characteristics are: Fuselage length, feet 31.0Wing span, feet 28.0Horizonta... More

X-4, NASA history collection. NASA public domain image colelction.

X-4, NASA history collection. NASA public domain image colelction.

E-359In this 1950 view of the right side of the NACA High-Speed Flight Research Station's X-4 research aircraft, the low swept wing and horizontal taillest design are seen. The X-4 Bantam, a single-place, low s... More

Lifting body pilots - Jerry Gentry, John Manke, Bill Dana, Cecil Powell with M2-F3 in background

Lifting body pilots - Jerry Gentry, John Manke, Bill Dana, Cecil Powel...

Posing for this photo in front of the M2-F3 are (Left-Right) Air Force pilot Captain Jerauld Gentry, NASA pilots John Manke and William H. Dana. Kneeling is Air Force pilot Major Cecil Powell. These four pilots... More

X-5 on Ramp - Front View. Public domain image of NASA aircraft.

X-5 on Ramp - Front View. Public domain image of NASA aircraft.

This NACA High-Speed Flight Research Station photograph of the X-5 was taken at the South Base of Edwards Air Force Base. The photograph shows a frontal view of the X-5 on the ramp in-front of the NACA hangar. ... More

X-4, NASA history collection. Public domain image of NASA aircraft.

X-4, NASA history collection. Public domain image of NASA aircraft.

E50-0401In this 1950 view of the left side of the NACA High-Speed Flight Research Station's X-4 research aircraft, the low swept wing and horizontal taillest design are seen. The X-4 Bantam, a single-place, low... More

The NACA Test Force NASA history collection

The NACA Test Force NASA history collection

The fleet of NACA test aircraft are assembled in front of the hangar at the High Speed Flight Station, (later renamed the Dryden Flight Research Center) in Edwards, California. The white aircraft in the foregro... More

NASA X-5, Dryden history gallery

NASA X-5, Dryden history gallery

E-799 This NACA High-Speed Flight Research Station photograph of the X-5 was taken at the South Base of Edwards Air Force Base. The photograph shows the X-5 on the ramp in-front of the NACA hangar. 1952 NASA Ph... More

NACA Research Aircraft-Bell X-1A, D-558-1, XF-92A, X-5, D-558-2, X-4, and X-3

NACA Research Aircraft-Bell X-1A, D-558-1, XF-92A, X-5, D-558-2, X-4, ...

Description (1953) A 1953 photo of some of the research aircraft at the NACA High-Speed Flight Research Station (now known as the the Dryden Flight Research Center). The photo shows the X-3 (center) and, clockw... More

D-558-2 being mounted to P2B-1S launch aircraft in hangar

D-558-2 being mounted to P2B-1S launch aircraft in hangar

This 1954 photograph shows a Douglas D-558-2 under the P2B-1S (Navy designation for a B-29) launch aircraft. The P2B-1S has been lifted on mechanical jacks in the hangar for a possible "fit check" or the attach... More

NASA D-558-2 Skyrocket, Dryden history gallery

NASA D-558-2 Skyrocket, Dryden history gallery

E-1441 Viewed in this 1954 photograph is the NACA High Speed Flight Research Station's D-558-2 #2 (144), an all rocket powered Skyrocket. Like the X-1, the D-558-2 had a fuselage shaped like a .50 caliber bulle... More

X-3 on Lakebed, NASA history collection

X-3 on Lakebed, NASA history collection

In this NACA High-Speed Flight Station photograph, the X-3 Stiletto is seen illuminated by sunlight off the lakebed at Edwards Air Force Base. This photograph illustrates why, of all the early NACA test aircraf... More

NASA X-1A, Dryden history gallery

NASA X-1A, Dryden history gallery

E55-01765 Bell X-1A ejection seat test setup. May 12, 1955 NASA Photo / NACA NASA Identifier: 340630main_E55-01765

NASA Directors, Dryden history gallery

NASA Directors, Dryden history gallery

E-4875 Paul F. Bikle Paul F. Bikle, was born June 5, 1916, in Wilkensburg, Penn. Formerly technical director of the Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards AFB, California. Bikle assumed his position as Director ... More

SR-71A - in Flight View from Tanker during an Airborne Refueling

SR-71A - in Flight View from Tanker during an Airborne Refueling

speed of sound) and at altitudes of over 85,000 feet. The Lockheed Skunk Works (now Lockheed Martin) built the original SR-71 aircraft. Each aircraft is 107.4 feet long, has a wingspan of 55.6 feet, and is 18.5... More

NASA Guppy, Dryden history gallery

NASA Guppy, Dryden history gallery

E62-8887 The Aero Spacelines B-377PG Pregnant Guppy was flown to Dryden for tests and evaluation by pilots Joe Vensel and Stan Butchart in October 1962. The outsized cargo aircraft incorporated the wings, engin... More

NASA R4D Skytrain, Dryden history gallery

NASA R4D Skytrain, Dryden history gallery

E-10437NASA Flight Research Center's Douglas R4D-5/C-47H ,Bu. No. 17136, in flight, with its landing gear extended, in 1963. August 30, 1963 NASA Photo / R4D Project Description NASA Identifier: 334866main_E-10437

M2-F1 in flight on tow line. Public domain image of NASA aircraft.

M2-F1 in flight on tow line. Public domain image of NASA aircraft.

The M2-F1 Lifting Body is seen here under tow at the Flight Research Center (later redesignated the Dryden Flight Research Center), Edwards, California. The wingless, lifting-body aircraft design was initially ... More

NASA T-33A, Dryden history gallery

NASA T-33A, Dryden history gallery

E64-10899T-33 #351 Cockpit control panel.February 13, 1964 NASA Photo / NASA T-33A Project Description NASA Identifier: 339452main_E64-10899

Edwin W. Lewis, Jr., NASA history collection

Edwin W. Lewis, Jr., NASA history collection

Edwin W. Lewis Jr. is a research pilot in the Airborne Science program, Flight Crew Branch, Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California. He currently flies the DC-8, F/A-18, Lear Jet 24, King Air, and T-... More

HL-10 on ramp, NASA history collection

HL-10 on ramp, NASA history collection

The HL-10, seen here parked on the ramp, was one of five lifting body designs flown at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, from July 1966 to November 1975 to study and validate the concep... More

M2-F2 Landing with F-104 Chase Plane

M2-F2 Landing with F-104 Chase Plane

(November 21, 1966) The M2-F2 lifting body returns from a research flight at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, with an F-104 flying chase. (Image # EC66-1567)

HL-10 on lakebed with pilot Bill Dana

HL-10 on lakebed with pilot Bill Dana

NASA research pilot Bill Dana stands in front of the HL-10 Lifting Body following his first glide flight on April 25, 1969. Dana later retired Chief Engineer at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, which was c... More

SR-71B - Mach 3 Trainer in Flight at Sunset

SR-71B - Mach 3 Trainer in Flight at Sunset

An SR-71B Blackbird aircraft, based at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, is seen here silhouetted against the golden colors of a sunset sky on a 1995 flight. Two SR-71 aircraft have bee... More

Dryden B-52 Launch Aircraft in Flight over Dryden

Dryden B-52 Launch Aircraft in Flight over Dryden

changes were made to the launch-panel operator's station. Built originally by the Boeing Company, the NASA B-52 is powered by eight Pratt & Whitney J57-19 turbojet engines, each of which produce 12,000 pounds o... More

X-Wing RSRA - 80 Knot Taxi Test

X-Wing RSRA - 80 Knot Taxi Test

The Rotor Systems Research Aircraft/X-Wing, a vehicle that was used to demonstrate an advanced rotor/fixed wing concept called X-Wing, is shown here during high-speed taxi tests at NASA's Ames-Dryden Flight Res... More

X-15 Mated to B-52 Captive Flight

X-15 Mated to B-52 Captive Flight

High-altitude contrails frame the B-52 mothership as it carries the X-15 aloft for a research flight on 13 April 1960 on Air Force Maj. Robert M. White's first X-15 flight. The X-15s were air-launched so that t... More

F-8 SCW in flight. Public domain image of NASA aircraft.

F-8 SCW in flight. Public domain image of NASA aircraft.

The F-8A Supercritical Wing (SCW) aircraft in flight. Dr. Richard T. Whitcomb began work on the supercritical wing in the early 1960s. Although the design was highly efficient in wind-tunnel testing, it was so ... More

Apollo display and keyboard unit (DSKY) used on F-8 DFBW

Apollo display and keyboard unit (DSKY) used on F-8 DFBW

The display and keyboard (DSKY) unit used on the F-8 Digital Fly-By-Wire (DFBW) aircraft during Phase I of the fly-by-wire program. Warning lights are in the upper left section, displays in the upper right, and... More

Edward (Ed) T. Schneider preparing for an F-104 flight

Edward (Ed) T. Schneider preparing for an F-104 flight

NASA research pilot Edward T. Scheider is shown standing in the cockpit of a two-seat F-104. He is wearing a full pressure suit, which is required on all flights above 50,000 feet. Ed served in the U.S. Navy fr... More

X-24B on Lakebed. Public domain image of NASA aircraft.

X-24B on Lakebed. Public domain image of NASA aircraft.

The X-24B is seen here on the lakebed at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California. The X-24B was the last aircraft to fly in Dryden's Lifting Body program. Lifting bodies were wingless vehicl... More

NASA T-37, Dryden history gallery

NASA T-37, Dryden history gallery

E-27810T his T-37 was used by the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California as a chase aircraft for many research flights. It was also used as a probe aircraft wake vortices for studies in support... More

F-15 RPRV landing on lakebed. Public domain image of NASA aircraft.

F-15 RPRV landing on lakebed. Public domain image of NASA aircraft.

This photograph shows NASA's 3/8th-scale remotely piloted research vehicle landing on Rogers Dry Lakebed at Edwards Air Force Base, California, in 1975. In April of 1971, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force fo... More

Shuttle and 747 in the Mate-Demate Device (MDD)

Shuttle and 747 in the Mate-Demate Device (MDD)

The original database describes this as: Location: Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards Air Force Base, California Photographs, Textual Material and a Video Recording Relating to the Space Shuttle Mate-Demat... More

Shuttle and 747 in the Mate-Demate Device (MDD)

Shuttle and 747 in the Mate-Demate Device (MDD)

The original database describes this as: Location: Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards Air Force Base, California Photographs, Textual Material and a Video Recording Relating to the Space Shuttle Mate-Demat... More

F-15A Remotely Piloted Research Vehicle

F-15A Remotely Piloted Research Vehicle

ECN-4891 This photograph shows NASA's 3/8th-scale remotely piloted research vehicle landing on Rogers Dry Lakebed at Edwards Air Force Base, California, in 1975. October 21, 1975 NASA Photo & F-15A RPRV Project... More

Enterprise - First Tailcone Off Free Flight

Enterprise - First Tailcone Off Free Flight

The Space Shuttle prototype Enterprise flies free after being released from NASA's 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) to begin a powerless glide flight back to NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Cal... More

NASA Enterprise First Free Flight, Dryden flight research center

NASA Enterprise First Free Flight, Dryden flight research center

(August 12, 1977) The Shuttle Orbiter 101 "Enterprise" soars above the NASA 747 carrier aircraft after separating during the first free flight of the Shuttle Apporach and Landing Tests (ALTs) conducted on Augus... More

Enterprise - First Tailcone Off Free Flight EC95-43116-26

Enterprise - First Tailcone Off Free Flight EC95-43116-26

Enterprise - First Tailcone Off Free Flight Public domain photograph of NASA experimental aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description



Astronauts Fred W. Haise, Jr., Commander, left, and C. Gordon Fullerton in the cockpit of the Space Shuttle Orbiter 101 "Enterprise" prior to the fifth and final FF in the Approach and Landing Test (ALT) series... More

NASA AFTI F-111, Dryden history gallery

NASA AFTI F-111, Dryden history gallery

EC85-33205-07 This photograph shows a modified General Dynamics AFTI/F-111A Aardvark with supercritical mission adaptive wings (MAW) installed. The four dark bands on the right wing are the locations of pressur... More

Richard A. Searfoss, NASA history collection

Richard A. Searfoss, NASA history collection

Richard A. Searfoss became a research pilot in the Flight Crew Branch of NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif., in July 2001. He brought to Dryden more than 5,000 hours of military flying time a... More

NASA Oblique Wing Research, Dryden history gallery

NASA Oblique Wing Research, Dryden history gallery

ECN-15846 This is a photo from above of the AD-1 aircraft in flight with its wing swept at 60 degrees, the maximum sweep angle. › Read Project Description July 1, 1980 NASA Photo / NASA Identifier: 299862main_E... More

NASA RSRA, Dryden history gallery

NASA RSRA, Dryden history gallery

ECN-30043 A Rotor Systems Research Aircraft RSRA is seen here on a flight test at the Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, in spring of 1984. The tests at Dryden were to familiarize pilots and re... More

XV-15 tilt rotor takeoff - first NASA Dryden flight

XV-15 tilt rotor takeoff - first NASA Dryden flight

This photo shows the 1st XV-15 tilt rotor flight for NASA/Dryden at the Army contingent at Edwards Air Force Base, Edwards, California, October 1980. The former XB-70 hangar can be seen to the lower right. The ... More

DRYDEN FLIGHT RESEARCH CENTER, CALIF.  -   Orbiter Columbia "flares out" for a landing at Rogers dry lake Runway 23, successfully completing the historic first flight for the Space Shuttle.  Astronauts John Young, Commander, and Robert Crippen, Pilot, crewed the spacecraft for the first full test of the Space Transportation System. STS-1, known as a shuttle systems test flight, seeks to demonstrate safe launch into orbit and safe return of the orbiter and crew and verify the combined performance of the entire shuttle vehicle -- orbiter, solid rocket boosters and external tank. KSC-81PC0425

DRYDEN FLIGHT RESEARCH CENTER, CALIF. - Orbiter Columbia "flares ou...

DRYDEN FLIGHT RESEARCH CENTER, CALIF. - Orbiter Columbia "flares out" for a landing at Rogers dry lake Runway 23, successfully completing the historic first flight for the Space Shuttle. Astronauts John You... More



S81-30985 (14 April 1981) --- Astronaut Robert L. Crippen (center), STS-1 pilot, addresses a large turnout of greeters at Ellington Air Force Base following the return of the Columbia's crew from the Dryden Fli... More

X-29 on Lakebed, NASA history collection

X-29 on Lakebed, NASA history collection

This front view of the X-29 research aircraft shows the plane lit by a full moon at the edge of day on Rogers Dry Lake, adjacent to NASA's Ames-Dryden Flight Research Facility (later redesignated the Dryden Fli... More

X-29 on Lakebed, NASA history collection

X-29 on Lakebed, NASA history collection

This front-view photo of the X-29 technology demonstrator aircraft shows the X-29 lit by early morning light on Rogers Dry Lake, adjacent to NASA's Ames-Dryden Flight Research Facility (later redesignated the D... More

X-29 Cockpit, NASA history collection

X-29 Cockpit, NASA history collection

This 1989 photo shows the cockpit and instrument panel of the X-29 technology demonstrator aircraft. The X-29 was built by the Grumman Corporation and incorporated a unique forward-swept wing design. Two X-29 a... More

STS-40 Landing at Edwards. Public domain image of NASA aircraft.

STS-40 Landing at Edwards. Public domain image of NASA aircraft.

Space Shuttle Columbia nears its touchdown on Runway 22 at Edwards, California, at 8:39 a.m., 14 June 1991, as the STS-40 life sciences mission comes to an end at NASA's Ames-Dryden Flight Research Facility (la... More

Shuttle Atlantis Landing at Edwards

Shuttle Atlantis Landing at Edwards

The Space Shuttle Atlantis touches down at 3:35 p.m. PST on 6 December 1988 at NASA's then Ames-Dryden Flight Research Facility at the conclusion of the STS-27 Department of Defense mission. Landing took place ... More

Shuttle Endeavour Mated to 747 SCA Taxi to Runway for Delivery to Kennedy Space Center, Florida

Shuttle Endeavour Mated to 747 SCA Taxi to Runway for Delivery to Kenn...

Transportation Systems Division, Downey, California. Rockwell's Rocketdyne Division (now part of Boeing) builds the three main engines, and Thiokol, Brigham City, Utah, makes the solid rocket booster motors. Ma... More

B-52 Testing Developmental Space Shuttle Drag Chute

B-52 Testing Developmental Space Shuttle Drag Chute

originally by the Boeing Company, the NASA B-52 is powered by eight Pratt & Whitney J57-19 turbojet engines, each of which produce 12,000 pounds of thrust. The aircraft's normal launch speed has been Mach 0.8 (... More

B-52 Testing Developmental Space Shuttle Drag Chute

B-52 Testing Developmental Space Shuttle Drag Chute

A rear view of NASA's B-52 research aircraft deploying an experimental drag chute just after landing on Rogers Dry Lake, adjacent to the Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California, on a 1990 research fl... More

Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment (LASRE)

Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment (LASRE)

(October 31, 1997) A NASA SR-71 successfully completed its first flight October 31, 1997 as part of the NASA/Rocketdyne/Lockheed Martin Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment (LASRE) at NASA's Dryden Flight Research... More

X-15 #3 pedestal-mounted full-scale replica covered in snow

X-15 #3 pedestal-mounted full-scale replica covered in snow

The full scale mock-up of X-15 #3 was installed September 1995 at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California. The original X-15 #3, serial number 56-6672, was destroyed on 15 November 1967, in ... More

1997 Dryden Research Aircraft Fleet on Ramp

1997 Dryden Research Aircraft Fleet on Ramp

(July 1, 1997) A collection of NASA's research aircraft on the ramp at the Dryden Flight Research Center in July 1997: X-31, F-15 ACTIVE, SR-71, F-106, F-16XL Ship #2, X-38, and X-36. ..Image # EC97-44165-149

Portrait of DoD Ms. Sheila G. Dryden, Principal Director, Emergency Preparedness Policy Office of the Secretary of Defense, (U.S. Army photo by Mr. Scott Davis) (Released) (PC-192840)

Portrait of DoD Ms. Sheila G. Dryden, Principal Director, Emergency Pr...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Pentagon State: District Of Columbia (DC) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Scott Davis Release Status: Released to... More

Eclipse project QF-106 and C-141A takeoff on first tethered flight December 20, 1997 EC97-44357-8

Eclipse project QF-106 and C-141A takeoff on first tethered flight Dec...

Eclipse project QF-106 and C-141A takeoff on first tethered flight December 20, 1997

NASA pilots Dick Ewens and Gordon Fullerton sit at the controls in the cockpit of the Dryden Flight Research Center DC-8 that was on view at Patrick Air Force Base. The DC-8 is one of two aircraft being flown in a hurricane study through September to learn about the storms from top to bottom. Flying at 35,000 to 40,000 feet, the DC-8 is equipped with instruments to measure a hurricane’s structure, environment and changes in intensity and tracking. The other plane, a modified U2, and the DC-8 will fly in conjunction with scheduled storm flights of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) out of MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa and the U.S. Air Force 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron from Keesler Air Force Base, Miss. The study is part of NASA’s Earth Science enterprise to better understand the total Earth system and the effects of natural and human-induced changes on the global environment KSC-98pc911

NASA pilots Dick Ewens and Gordon Fullerton sit at the controls in the...

NASA pilots Dick Ewens and Gordon Fullerton sit at the controls in the cockpit of the Dryden Flight Research Center DC-8 that was on view at Patrick Air Force Base. The DC-8 is one of two aircraft being flown i... More

Perseus B Parked on Ramp - Close-up of Controllable-Pitch Pusher Propeller

Perseus B Parked on Ramp - Close-up of Controllable-Pitch Pusher Prope...

other aircraft completed its test program and remains on display at Aurora's facility in Manassas. Perseus B first flew Oct. 7, 1994, and made two flights in 1996 before being damaged in a hard landing on the d... More

Centurion in Flight, NASA history collection

Centurion in Flight, NASA history collection

improved its lifting capability. This allows the Helios Prototype to carry a regenerative fuel-cell-based energy storage system that will enable flight at night, while still meeting the performance goals origin... More

X-34 Technology Testbed Demonstrator

X-34 Technology Testbed Demonstrator

EC99-45061 June 29, 1999 NASA Photo / Tom Tschida NASA Identifier: 353647main_EC99-45061-2

Tu-144LL SST Flying Laboratory in Flight

Tu-144LL SST Flying Laboratory in Flight

measure nose boom pressures, angle of attack, and sideslip angles with increased accuracy. Two NASA pilots, Robert Rivers of Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, and Gordon Fullerton from Dryden Flight R... More

X-38 Arrival at NASA Dryden on June 4, 1997

X-38 Arrival at NASA Dryden on June 4, 1997

The actual CRV to be flown in space was expected to be 30 feet long. The X-38 project is a joint effort between the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas (JSC), Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia (LaRC) ... More

X-38 on Lakebed after Landing on Second Free Flight

X-38 on Lakebed after Landing on Second Free Flight

NASA's X-38, a prototype of a Crew Return Vehicle (CRV) resting on the lakebed near the Dryden Flight Research Center after the completion of its second free flight. The X-38 was launched from NASA Dryden's B-5... More

NASA Advanced Concept. NASA public domain image colelction.

NASA Advanced Concept. NASA public domain image colelction.

The photograph depicts the X-37 neutral buoyancy simulator mockup at Dryden Flight Research Center. The X-37 experimental launch vehicle is roughly 27.5 feet (8.3 meters) long and 15 feet (4.5 meters) in wingsp... More

Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment (LASRE) dumps water after first in-flight cold flow test

Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment (LASRE) dumps water after first in-f...

The NASA SR-71A successfully completed its first cold flow flight as part of the NASA/Rocketdyne/Lockheed Martin Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment (LASRE) at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif... More

Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment (LASRE) during first in-flight cold flow test

Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment (LASRE) during first in-flight cold ...

This photograph shows the LASRE pod on the upper rear fuselage of an SR-71 aircraft during take-off of the first flight to experience an in-flight cold flow test. The flight occurred on 4 March 1998. The LASRE ... More

Photographic documentation of the return of the STS-98 crew to Ellington Field

Photographic documentation of the return of the STS-98 crew to Ellingt...

JSC2001-E-04805 (21 February 2001) --- JSC director George W.S. Abbey talks with the STS-98 crew members following the arrival of the Gulfstream Aircraft which transported the astronauts from their landing at... More

EDWARDS AFB, CALIF. -- After traveling 5.8 million miles in space during 217 orbits, and with drag chute deployed, Endeavour lands on concrete runway 22 at Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., completing mission STS-111.  Three days of unfavorable weather conditions at KSC prompted the decision to land at Edwards, which enjoyed pristine, dry conditions..  Main gear touchdown occurred at 1:57:41 p.m EDT, nose gear touchdown at 1:57:53 p.m. EDT and wheel stop at 1:58:45 p.m. EDT.  [Photo by Jim Ross KSC-02pd1029

EDWARDS AFB, CALIF. -- After traveling 5.8 million miles in space duri...

EDWARDS AFB, CALIF. -- After traveling 5.8 million miles in space during 217 orbits, and with drag chute deployed, Endeavour lands on concrete runway 22 at Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards Air Force Base,... More

A NASA F/A-18 flies over the Dryden Flight Research Center and Rogers Dry Lake on December 11, 2002. The aircraft participated in the Automated Aerial Refueling (AAR) project. The 300-gallon aerial refueling store seen on the belly of the aircraft carries fuel and a refueling drogue. This aircraft acted as a tanker in the study to develop an aerodynamic model for future automated aerial refueling, especially of unmanned vehicles. EC02-0282-3

A NASA F/A-18 flies over the Dryden Flight Research Center and Rogers ...

A NASA F/A-18 flies over the Dryden Flight Research Center and Rogers Dry Lake on December 11, 2002. The aircraft participated in the Automated Aerial Refueling (AAR) project. The 300-gallon aerial refueling st... More

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA.  -  NASA’s Ed Weiler, associate administrator for Space Science, speaks to employees and guests during the rollout at KSC of the Agency initiative One NASA .   The event was held at the IMAX Theater®.  Explaining how their respective centers contribute to One NASA, along with Weiler, were KSC Director Jim Kennedy; James Jennings,  NASA’s associate deputy administrator for institutions and asset management; Kevin Peterson, Dryden Flight Research Center director;  incoming KSC Deputy Director Woodrow Whitlow; and implementation team lead Johnny Stevenson.   Glenn Research Center Director Dr. Julian Earls gave a motivational speech during the luncheon held at the Visitor Complex Debus Conference Center.

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. - NASA’s Ed Weiler, associate administrat...

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. - NASA’s Ed Weiler, associate administrator for Space Science, speaks to employees and guests during the rollout at KSC of the Agency initiative One NASA . The event was held at t... More

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA.  -   At the rollout of the One NASA initiative at KSC, Glenn Research Center Director Dr. Julian Earls embraces implementation team lead Johnny Stevenson while KSC Director Jim Kennedy (left) applauds.  Earls gave a motivational speech during the luncheon held at the Visitor Complex Debus Conference Center.  The event was held at the IMAX Theater® where NASA leaders discussed One NASA with selected employees.  Explaining how their respective centers contribute to One NASA, along with Kennedy and Earls, were James Jennings,  NASA’s associate deputy administrator for institutions and asset management; Ed Weiler, associate administrator for Space Science; Kevin Peterson, Dryden Flight Research Center director; incoming KSC Deputy Director Woodrow Whitlow; and implementation team lead Johnny Stevenson.

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. - At the rollout of the One NASA initiat...

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. - At the rollout of the One NASA initiative at KSC, Glenn Research Center Director Dr. Julian Earls embraces implementation team lead Johnny Stevenson while KSC Director Jim Kenned... More

NASA's Crew Transport Vehicle Pulls Up to the Shuttle Discovery.

NASA's Crew Transport Vehicle Pulls Up to the Shuttle Discovery.

NASA's Crew Transport Vehicle, or CTV, pulls up to the Space Shuttle Discovery to offload the crew after a successful landing August 9, 2005 at Edwards Air Force Base, California. The landing marked the end of ... More

US Navy (USN) Ships Serviceman Third Class (SH3) Vincent Ibiam (left), poses for a photo opportunity with visiting Tuskegee AIRMAN, Retired US Air Force (USAF) Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Charles Dryden, Sr., during Recognition Day Fleet Week USA events, held aboard the USN Amphibious Transport Dock, USS SAN ANTONIO (LPD 17), at Port Everglades, Florida (FL). Nearly 3,000 Sailors are participating in this year's Fleet Week taking in the local sites while sampling South Florida's local culture

US Navy (USN) Ships Serviceman Third Class (SH3) Vincent Ibiam (left),...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Port Everglades State: Florida (FL) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: PH2 Donna Liggins, USN Release Status: Releas... More

The U.S. Air Force's F-16D Automatic Collision Avoidance Technology (ACAT) aircraft eclipsed the sun during a flight in March 2009. NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center worked with the Air Force Research Laboratory in the ACAT Fighter Risk Reduction Project to develop collision avoidance technologies for fighter/attack aircraft that would reduce the risk of ground and mid-air collisions. ED09-0070-02

The U.S. Air Force's F-16D Automatic Collision Avoidance Technology (A...

The U.S. Air Force's F-16D Automatic Collision Avoidance Technology (ACAT) aircraft eclipsed the sun during a flight in March 2009. NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center worked with the Air Force Research Labora... More

NASA Sheet Metal Shop, Dryden history gallery

NASA Sheet Metal Shop, Dryden history gallery

Sheet Metal Shop NASA Identifier: 290138main_fabshop002_full

NASA 10/8/62, Dryden history gallery

NASA 10/8/62, Dryden history gallery

William "Gus" Briegleb, of Sailplane Corporation of America, signs a contract to build the M2-F1 plywood fuselage. This became the first full-scale lifting body, part of an extensive program to explore atmosphe... More

NASA 11/14/02, Dryden history gallery

NASA 11/14/02, Dryden history gallery

A modified F-18 underwent a checkout and envelope-expansion flight for the Active Aeroelastic Wing program. In a return to the Wright brothers control system, the AAW used aerodynamically induced wing twist for... More

NASA Ikhana, Dryden history gallery

NASA Ikhana, Dryden history gallery

Project Description A Predator B unmanned aircraft system is being used by NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif., for a variety of environmental science and aeronautical research roles. Built by... More

Northrop T-38 Talon During Mission Support Flight

Northrop T-38 Talon During Mission Support Flight

NASA Dryden's T-38 trainer aircraft in flight over Cuddeback Dry Lake in Southern California. Formerly at NASA's Langley Research Center, this Northrop T-38 Talon is now used for mission support and pilot profi... More

F-15B #837 Final Flight. NASA public domain image colelction.

F-15B #837 Final Flight. NASA public domain image colelction.

Read News Release 09-04 With afterburners blazing, NASA's unique NF-15B research aircraft accelerates rapidly after taking off on its final flight from Edwards Air Force Base. The highly modified jet in its bri... More

Dryden's two T-38A Aircraft Fly in Tight Formation

Dryden's two T-38A Aircraft Fly in Tight Formation

NASA Dryden Flight Research Center's two T-38A Talon mission support aircraft flew together for the first time on Sept. 26, 2007 while conducting pitot-static airspeed calibration checks during routine pilot pr... More

Orion AFT project manager Gary Martin is Interviewed in Front of the Crew Module.

Orion AFT project manager Gary Martin is Interviewed in Front of the C...

Reporter Julie Flannery of KERO-TV, Bakersfield, interviews NASA Dryden's Orion AFT project manager Gary Martin in front of the Orion PA-1 crew module. October 29, 2008 NASA / Photo Tom Tschida ED08-0281-09 NAS... More

NASA X-48B, Dryden history gallery

NASA X-48B, Dryden history gallery

The X-48B Blended Wing Body research aircraft banks smartly in this Block 2 flight phase image. April 4, 2008 NASA / Carla Thomas ED07-0192-03 NASA Identifier: 254100main_ED08-0092-03_full

NASA X-43A, Dryden history gallery

NASA X-43A, Dryden history gallery

NASA made aviation history with the first and second successful flights of an X-43A scramjet-powered airplane at hypersonic speeds - speeds greater than Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound. Compared to a r... More

NASA ER-2, Dryden history gallery

NASA ER-2, Dryden history gallery

ER-2 #809 receives preflight fueling outside Arena Arctica hangar in Kiruna, Sweden prior to the SAGE III Ozone Loss and Validation Experiment (SOLVE). January 24, 2000 NASA Photo / Jim Ross EC00-0037-3 NASA Id... More

Workers Install NASA Logo at DAOF

Workers Install NASA Logo at DAOF

August 4, 2008 Workers in a 100-foot-high cherry picker basket recently installed a 20-foot-diameter NASA logo on Hangar 703 at the Dryden Aircraft Operations Facility in Palmdale, Calif., identifying the large... More

EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. – (ED09-0253-73) The nose of Space Shuttle Discovery peers out from work platforms while undergoing servicing in the Mate-DeMate Device at NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center in preparation for its ferry flight to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Discovery returned to Earth Sept. 11 on the STS-128 mission, landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California.  The shuttle delivered more than 7 tons of supplies, science racks and equipment, as well as additional environmental hardware to sustain six crew members on the International Space Station.  Photo credit: NASA/Tony Landis KSC-2009-5141

EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. – (ED09-0253-73) The nose of Space Shut...

EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. – (ED09-0253-73) The nose of Space Shuttle Discovery peers out from work platforms while undergoing servicing in the Mate-DeMate Device at NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center in ... More

Closeup of QF-106 release hook for Eclipse program

Closeup of QF-106 release hook for Eclipse program

View of the release hook on the QF-106 that allowed the pilot to release the tow rope extending from the C-141A tow plane in the Eclipse project. In 1997 and 1998, the Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards, ... More

The I2000, a deployable, inflatable wing technology demonstrator experiment aircraft, leaves the gro

The I2000, a deployable, inflatable wing technology demonstrator exper...

The deployable, inflatable wing technology demonstrator experiment aircraft leaves the ground during a flight conducted by the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California. The inflatable wing projec... More

F-15 RPRV Spin Research Vehicle (SRV) attached to B-52 pylon

F-15 RPRV Spin Research Vehicle (SRV) attached to B-52 pylon

In this ground photo, one of the F-15 RPRV/SRVs is shown on the same pylon used for the X-15 and lifting body flights. The vehicle was a 3/8 scale model of the F-15 aircraft, and was designed for stall and spin... More

STS-92 - Discovery Fly-away - return to Florida

STS-92 - Discovery Fly-away - return to Florida

One of NASA's two modified Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft with the Space Shuttle orbiter Discovery on its back climbs out after takeoff from Edwards Air Force Base, California. The Discovery was ferried fr... More

Wing Deployment Sequence #2: The deployable, inflatable wing technology demonstrator experiment airc

Wing Deployment Sequence #2: The deployable, inflatable wing technolog...

Wing Deployment Sequence #2: The deployable, inflatable wing technology demonstrator experiment aircraft's wings continue deploying following separation from its carrier aircraft during a flight conducted by th... More

Spacewedge #3 in Flight over California City Drop Zone

Spacewedge #3 in Flight over California City Drop Zone

One of the Spacewedge remotely-piloted research vehicles in flight under a steerable parafoil during 1995 research flights conducted by NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center. From October 1991 to December 1996, ... More

First Shuttle/747 Captive Flight

First Shuttle/747 Captive Flight

The Space Shuttle prototype Enterprise rides smoothly atop NASA's first Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA), NASA 905, during the first of the shuttle program's Approach and Landing Tests (ALT) at the Dryden Flight ... More

DC-8 Airborne Laboratory in flight over Mt. Whitney

DC-8 Airborne Laboratory in flight over Mt. Whitney

The DC-8 banking over the jagged peak of Mount Whitney on a February 25, 1998 flight. The DC-8 and a pair of ER-2 aircraft are operated by the Airborne Science program at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center.... More

Airborne Synthetic Aperature Radar (AIRSAR) on left rear fuselage of DC-8 Airborne Laboratory

Airborne Synthetic Aperature Radar (AIRSAR) on left rear fuselage of D...

A view of the Airborne Synthetic Aperature Radar (AIRSAR) antenna on the left rear fuselage of the DC-8. The AIRSAR captures images of the ground from the side of the aircraft and can provide precision digital ... More