Monléon-Magnoac - Notre-Dame de Garaison 74
Français : Chapelle Saint-Exupère. Le retable représente l'Immaculée Conception entourée de différents symboles évoqués dans les litanies de Lorette, il est surmontée d'un petite statue de Sainte-Catherine.
Eglise de Montaner - La Vierge - Fresco, public domain photograph
Français : Fresque représentant la Vierge et ses symboles Public domain photograph of 15th-century, early renaissance art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Isenbrant Immaculate Conception (detail) 08
Public domain image of portrait painting, 16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Print (BM 1868,0612.393) - Public domain portrait engraving
The Virgin of the Immaculate Conception; the crowned Virgin stands on a crescent moon within a mandorla, under which the dragon representing Satan lies vanquished; above, a representation of the Trinity; in th... More
Prozessionsschild der Skapulier-Bruderschaft Amtzell 10
Prozessionsschilde der Skapulier-Bruderschaft Amtzell mit Motiven der Lauretanischen Litanei, um 1730, Pfarrkirche St. Johannes Evangelist, Amtzell, Landkreis Ravensburg
Pieter claissens, allegoria dell'immacolata concezione, 1550-75 ca. 01
Flemish paintings in the Bonnefantenmuseum Public domain photograph of 16th-century Flemish painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
15th-century unknown painters - Grimani Breviary - Mystical Attributes...
Public domain photo of Flemish art painting, 15th-16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Monléon-Magnoac - Notre-Dame de Garaison 71
Français : Chapelle Saint-Exupère. Le retable représente l'Immaculée Conception entourée de différents symboles évoqués dans les litanies de Lorette
Sandreuter Himmelspforte
Picryl description: Public domain photo of religious art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Adriaen Isenbrant - Triptych of Immaculate Conception, central section...
Public domain image of a renaissance painting, masterpiece, 16th-17th century artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Constantin Jiquidi - Sf. Petru se uită prin gaura cheeĭ raiuluĭ (Vaca ...
Illustration to the folk story Vaca Babei Florea ("Granny Florea's Cow"). God asks Apostle Peter to check on Floarea "down there, in Wallachia, in that deserted village of Buda." Peter does so by peeking "thro... More
Portalwand Pfarre Liesing
Deutsch: Portalwand der Pfarrkirche Liesing gestaltet von Josef Pillhofer. Zeigt Symbole zur Lauretanischen Litanei. This media shows the protected monument with the number 19033 in Austria. (Commons, de... More
Pillhofer - Portalwand Liesing
Portalwand der Pfarrkirche Liesing gestaltet von Josef Pillhofer. Zeigt Symbole zur Lauretanischen Litanei.
Juan de Juanes - Inmaculada Concepción
Public domain reproduction of artwork, 15th-16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Conchillos-inmaculada - A painting of the immaculate surrounded by ang...
Español: La Inmaculada Concepción rodeada de ángeles y símbolos marianos, óleo sobre lienzo, 207 x 158,7 cm, colección privada
Hugo Simberg - The Peasant and Death at the Gates of Heaven and Hell
taiteilija: Simberg, Hugo..Inventaarionro A II 968:24..teosnimi: Talonpoika ja kuolema taivaan ja helvetin portilla..haltija: AT..ajoitus: 1897..tekniikkateksti: kaksi vesivärimaalausta paperille, jotka liimatt... More
Väggmålning himlen, Heliga Trefaldighets kyrka, Arboga
Mediaeval painting of the gate to heaven, Heliga trefaldighets kyrka in Arboga, Sweden. Svenska: Medeltida målning av porten till himmelen, Heliga trefaldighets kyrka i Arboga.
Mehrerau Collegiumskapelle Lauretanische Litanei 1
Kloster Mehrerau, Bregenz, Vorarlberg; Collegiumskapelle; Dekorationsmalerei von Viktor Metzger, 1887: Baldachinartige Malerei mit den Symbolen der Lauretanische Litanei This media shows the protected mo... More
Königin des Friedens Fenster 2
Deutsch: Fenster in der Pfarrkirche Königin des Friedens, Wien-Favoriten