The World's Largest Public Domain Media Search Engine

death reaper

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Albert Pinkham Ryder - Albert Pinkham Ryder 002

Albert Pinkham Ryder - Albert Pinkham Ryder 002

Picryl description: Public domain photo of American art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

WW003 - A comic book page with a man in a boat

WW003 - A comic book page with a man in a boat

"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.

Hans Thoma Schnitter Tod

Hans Thoma Schnitter Tod

"Schnitter Tod", Radierung , monogrammiert und datiert "HTh (19)19", Plattenmaße 18,5 x 16,5 cm

WW002 - A comic strip with a comic strip in the middle of it

WW002 - A comic strip with a comic strip in the middle of it

"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.

Cholera - Public domain weapon drawing

Cholera - Public domain weapon drawing

Drawing about the Cholera in Le Petit Journal.

Matthias Claudius Werke erster band

Matthias Claudius Werke erster band

The title pages of the first volume of the collected works of Matthias Claudius. The 1819 edition.

Georg Pencz - El triunfo de la Muerte (ca. 1539)

Georg Pencz - El triunfo de la Muerte (ca. 1539)

Español: Georg Pencz: El triunfo de la Muerte. De la serie «Los triunfos de Petrarca» (ca. 1539). Buril. 208 x 147 mm.

On the Road to Moscow- Rollin Kirby, 1921

On the Road to Moscow- Rollin Kirby, 1921

"On the Road to Moscow", by Rollin Kirby. Cartoon depicts the Grim Reaper leading a line of Soviets, suffering under the 1921 famine and bound to one-another, to Moscow. For this cartoon Kirby received the ina... More

Sodoma 001b - coin, public domain photograph

Sodoma 001b - coin, public domain photograph

Public domain reproduction of artwork, 16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Straubing norden 1630 - A drawing of a man with a scythe in a field

Straubing norden 1630 - A drawing of a man with a scythe in a field

Public domain image of painting, 17th-18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Horb Liebfrauenkapelle Fresken 1

Horb Liebfrauenkapelle Fresken 1

Liebfrauenkapelle, Horb am Neckar Fresko an der südlichen Chorwand, um 1400-1410 Obere Zone: Kreuzigung Untere Zone: Der Tod als Schnitter, der Vertreter aller Stände zu sich holt

Weird Tales July 1944 - A cover of weird tales magazine

Weird Tales July 1944 - A cover of weird tales magazine

Cover of the pulp magazine Weird Tales (July 1944, vol. 37, no. 6) featuring Death's Bookkeeper by Seabury Quinn. Cover art by A. R. Tilburne.

Venceslav cerny dobre tak ze je smrt na svete

Venceslav cerny dobre tak ze je smrt na svete

Čeština: Ilustrace Věnceslava Černého (1865-1936) k pohádce Dobře tak, že je smrť na světě z knihy K. J. Erbena (1811-1870) Báje a pověsti slovanské. Kniha bez vročení, ale předslov napsán v roce 1901 (jediné ... More

The Reaper, by Walter Crane - Public domain book illustration

The Reaper, by Walter Crane - Public domain book illustration

Identifier: germanclassicsof05fran (find matches) Title: The German classics of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; masterpieces of German literature Year: 1913 (1910s) Authors: Francke, Kuno, 1855-1930 ... More

Hołodomor - obraz

Hołodomor - obraz

Polski: Polski obraz antybolszewicki, obrazujący symbolicznie Wielki Głód na Ukrainie z lat 1932-1933 jako śmierć z sierpem i młotem, anonimowego autorstwa

Дорога в Москву

Дорога в Москву

Українська: 1922 році вперше була вручена Пулітцерівська премія в номінації «Карикатура». Першим її удостоївся американець Роллін Кірбі за карикатуру під назвою «Дорога на Москву».

Death of Theodora - Public domain dedication image

Death of Theodora - Public domain dedication image

Russian hand-made lubok Public domain photograph of medieval miniature painting, illuminated manuscript, 14th-15th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Giorgio-vasari-battle-of-lepanto - Public domain old map

Giorgio-vasari-battle-of-lepanto - Public domain old map

The Battle of Lepanto. The combined Christian navel forces (Holy League) of Spain, Venice, and the Papacy defeated the Turkish fleet at Lepanto, October 7, 1571. Vasari was commissioned by Pope Pius to commemor... More

Beham, Barthel — Veritas — 1540. Painting, 16th century.

Beham, Barthel — Veritas — 1540. Painting, 16th century.

Public domain photo of landscape art painting, 16th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Hacia el equilibrio. El pacificador, de Tito

Hacia el equilibrio. El pacificador, de Tito

Español: Hacia el equilibrio. El pacificador.

Hubert von Herkomer - 1900 - Beauty's Altar
Godfather Death - A drawing of a man laying in a bed

Godfather Death - A drawing of a man laying in a bed

Image of scene from Grimm Brothers story Godfather Death.

WW004 - A page from a comic book with an image of a skeleton

WW004 - A page from a comic book with an image of a skeleton

"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.

WW006 - A page from a comic book with an image of a man and woman

WW006 - A page from a comic book with an image of a man and woman

"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.



Public domain photograph of 19th-century French painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Sensenmann (Freund Hain) Wandsbecker Bothe 1775

Sensenmann (Freund Hain) Wandsbecker Bothe 1775

Death reaper as "Freund Hain" ("friend Henry"). Copper engraving. Deutsch: Sensenmann als "Freund Hain", Kupferstich.

1911-07-26, El Liberal, De viaje, Tovar

1911-07-26, El Liberal, De viaje, Tovar

Español: De viaje. Public domain reproduction of political cartoon, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Triumph-of-death-antoine-caron - Public domain scan / engraving

Triumph-of-death-antoine-caron - Public domain scan / engraving

A Petrarchian Triumph of Death, the design is a very close copy of an engraving by Maarten van Heemskerck. It shows Death's triumph over emperor and pope, and all lesser ranks of mankind, along with the two al... More

Death as the Grim Reaper, Southern Germany, 1750-1800, wood - Museum Schnütgen - Cologne, Germany - DSC09935

Death as the Grim Reaper, Southern Germany, 1750-1800, wood - Museum S...

Exhibit in the Museum Schnütgen - Cologne, Germany. Public domain photograph of sculpture in Germany, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Chto neset narodu boshevism during World War I

Chto neset narodu boshevism during World War I

What bolshevism brings to the people. White Russian anti-communist poster.

Aleksicreaper, 19th century painting

Aleksicreaper, 19th century painting

The Reaper, painting by Stevan Aleksić (1876-1923). It can be seen in the Matica Srpska Gallery in Novi Sad.

Paul Gustave Dore Raven1

Paul Gustave Dore Raven1

Gustave Doré illustration to the 1884 edition of Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven: Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

Leonardo da Vinci - illustraion for virtue and envy

Leonardo da Vinci - illustraion for virtue and envy

Deutsch: Leonardo da Vincis Illustration zu seinen Gedanken über die Tugend und Neid

Master of the Chronique scandaleuse, Denise Poncher before a Vision of Death, about 1500. J. Paul Getty Museum

Master of the Chronique scandaleuse, Denise Poncher before a Vision of...

Master of the Chronique scandaleuse (about 1493 - 1510), Denise Poncher before a Vision of Death, about 1500. Tempera colors, ink and gold on parchment. Dimensions Leaf 13.3 x 8.7 cm . The J. Paul Getty Museum

Orlando Furioso frontispiece of canto XVII

Orlando Furioso frontispiece of canto XVII

Gustave Doré's frontispiece of canto XVII of Ludovico Ariosto's Orlando Furioso

Fantastic 195408 - A cover of fantastic magazine with a skeleton sitting on a rug
WW001 - A comic page with an image of a man being attacked by a woman

WW001 - A comic page with an image of a man being attacked by a woman

"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.

Lebaudy délivré par la mort

Lebaudy délivré par la mort

"Délivré par la mort ! Les hommes de proie" (à propos de l'affaire Max Lebaudy).

The medicine of Akbar 06 - Public domain  drawing

The medicine of Akbar 06 - Public domain drawing

Title: Ṭibb-i Akbar / Muḥammad Akbar ʻurf Muḥammad Arzānī ibn Mīr Ḥājī Muḥammad Muqīm. ‏طب اکبر /‏ ‏محمد اکبر عرف محمد ارزانى بن مير حاجى محمد مقيم. Translated Title: The medicine of Akbar. Variant Title: S... More

13th Bomb Squadron, US Army Photo

13th Bomb Squadron, US Army Photo

13th Bomb Squadron Patch Public domain photograph - military emblem, badge, insignia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Drick ur ditt glas - A drawing of a man with a scythe in a kitchen

Drick ur ditt glas - A drawing of a man with a scythe in a kitchen

Svenska: Samtida illustration till episteln Drick ur ditt glas.

Erich Schilling – Hunger und Tod (Hunger and Death) Simplicissimus No. 34 Nov. 19 1923 Satirical cartoon No known copyright (low-res)

Erich Schilling – Hunger und Tod (Hunger and Death) Simplicissimus No....

Erich Schilling - Hunger und Tod ('Hunger and Death') Simplicissimus No. 34 Nov. 19 1923. Satirical cartoon with text in German. No known copyright restrictions. The German satirical cartoonist and caricaturi... More

Plagas de que pronto, á España - quiere ver libre La Araña, número 5

Plagas de que pronto, á España - quiere ver libre La Araña, número 5

Español: Plagas de que pronto, á España - quiere ver libre La ARAÑA, caricatura publicada en la revista satírica La Araña.

The Plague, 1898 - A painting of a man riding a dragon

The Plague, 1898 - A painting of a man riding a dragon

Picryl description: Public domain image of a scary creature, evil, devil, horns, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Wilhelm Steinhausen - Christus siegt über den Tod

Wilhelm Steinhausen - Christus siegt über den Tod

Wanderer mit Laterne, dahiner Engel und links dahinter der Tod / Christus als Arzt

El miedo a estrellarse, de Tovar, La Voz, 19 de julio de 1921

El miedo a estrellarse, de Tovar, La Voz, 19 de julio de 1921

Español: El miedo a estrellarse. Public domain photograph related to the history of Spain, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Mort - A skeleton sitting in a chair next to a man

Mort - A skeleton sitting in a chair next to a man

Death as a skeleton carrying a scythe

Солдат и смерть 1844

Солдат и смерть 1844

Русский: Рисунок Тараса Шевченко к украинской сказке «Солдат и смерть». 1844. Офорт. Из альбома "Живописная Украина".

WW007 - A page from a comic book with a comic strip

WW007 - A page from a comic book with a comic strip

"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.

El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de La Mancha (1905, vol 1) (page 184 crop)

El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de La Mancha (1905, vol 1) (page 184 ...

Español: xix ; 568 p. Edición adornada con más de 350 acuarelas de Salvador Tusell, sacadas de las célebres composiciones de Gustavo Doré. Barcelona.

Victims of bolshevik terror - postcard

Victims of bolshevik terror - postcard

"8 million Ukrainians who died of starvation in 1933 were victims of Bolshevik terror". A postcard published by Ukrainian Youth Association for the 15th anniversary of Holodomor "8 million Ukrainians who died... More

A grim teacher (re, Iroquois, Slocum, and Titanic disasters), April 20, 1912 (NBY 5757)

A grim teacher (re, Iroquois, Slocum, and Titanic disasters), April 20...

A grim teacher (re, Iroquois, Slocum, and Titanic disasters), April 20, 1912

Death of Saint Theodora - Drawing. Public domain image.

Death of Saint Theodora - Drawing. Public domain image.

Death of Saint Theodora and visions of spiritual trials. Russian hand-made lubok, late 1800's.

Leonardo da Vinci Zeichnung - Böses Denken ist Neid oder Undankbarkeit

Leonardo da Vinci Zeichnung - Böses Denken ist Neid oder Undankbarkeit

Deutsch: Leonardo da Vincis Illustration zu seinem Ausspruch “Böses Denken ist Neid oder Undankbarkeit”

Der Tod am Hause Nr. 2b an der Neustädtischen Brückenseite

Der Tod am Hause Nr. 2b an der Neustädtischen Brückenseite

Der Tod am Hause Nr. 2b an der Neustädtischen Brückenseite. In: Deutsche Städtewahrzeichen: ihre Entstehung, Geschichte und Deutung. Leipzig: Weber, 1858

Revista Illustrada 429

Revista Illustrada 429

Português: Revista Illustrada, ano 11, número 429, Rio de Janeiro - A capa registra Quintino Bocaiúva pintando um quadro, alusivo à febre amarela, enquanto os poderes públicos assistem impassíveis à cena, repre... More

Danse Macabre - Guyot Marchand17 (Parson and Plowman)

Danse Macabre - Guyot Marchand17 (Parson and Plowman)

La Danse macabre. Paris, Guy Marchant, 1486 : Un curé et un laboureur. Illustration numérisée d'après le microfilm R 1760, Paris, BnF (Réserve des Livres rares et précieux), cote : Res Ye 189/Microfilm R 1760

Hayman grignion moore's fables 1744 fable 4
WW005 - A comic book page with a comic story

WW005 - A comic book page with a comic story

"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.

Pierre-Cécile Puvis de Chavannes 002

Pierre-Cécile Puvis de Chavannes 002

Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Weird Talesv 36 N 02 Pg 029 reaper ornament

Weird Talesv 36 N 02 Pg 029 reaper ornament

Death as the Reaper. Typographic ornament from the pulp magazine Weird Tales (November 1941, vol. 36, no. 2, page 29).

Wanderer, Tod und Engel

Wanderer, Tod und Engel

Wanderer, death and angel. English: Wanderer, Tod und Engel.

The Trailing Skirt, Death Loves a Shining Mark

The Trailing Skirt, Death Loves a Shining Mark

"The Trailing Skirt - Death Loves a Shining Mark." American satirical cartoon featuring the Grim Reaper following a maid brushing off a fashionable trailing skirt. The skirt, hung on a rack, is shown as a carr... More

Taras Shevchenko painting 0096 - Public domain  drawing

Taras Shevchenko painting 0096 - Public domain drawing

"Fairy tale", drawing by Taras Shevchenko. Death is depicted as a female skeleton with a scythe. Subscript (death speaks in Ukrainian, the soldier speaks in Russian): – А відкіля і куди Бог несе, господа моска... More

Arabic cartoon Meeting between Mussolini and Hitler

Arabic cartoon Meeting between Mussolini and Hitler

"Meeting between Mussolini and Hitler" "Your Excellency, the leader has come to head the meeting!"

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