Michael Pacher 004 - The Yorck Project Masterpieces of Painting
Public domain photo of German painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
WW002 - A comic strip with a comic strip in the middle of it
"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.
Haitzmann pakt
Abschrift des Teufelspakts (angeblich 1669) des Malers Christoph Haitzmann, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Hs. 14086, aufgeklebt auf Bl. 7r
WW003 - A comic book page with a man in a boat
"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.
WW001 - A comic page with an image of a man being attacked by a woman
"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.
Compendium Maleficarum Engraving 5 - Public domain portrait engraving
Wood Engraving 5 from the Compendium Maleficarum
WW004 - A page from a comic book with an image of a skeleton
"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.
WW006 - A page from a comic book with an image of a man and woman
"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.
A devolução da Cédula a Frei Gil pela Virgem Maria (in Flos Sanctorum,...
The Virgin Mary returns Blessed Giles of Santarém the deal with the devil he had signed before his conversion; published in Flos Sanctorum, 1741.
WW005 - A comic book page with a comic story
"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.
Haizmann-triptych - A painting of a man standing in front of a fire
Deutsch: Votivgemälde (Triptychon) von Christoph Haizmann (1651–1700). Zwei Erscheinungen des Teufels und die Teufelsaustreibung in Mariazell.
Urbain Pact 2 - A piece of paper with writing on it
Second part of the pact allegedly signed between Urbain Grandier and the Devil. This half is also signed by Satan, Leviathan, Astaroth, and a number of other demons. This image is from Dictionnaire infernal ou... More
Teufelspakt Faust-Mephisto, Julius Nisle
Faust's pact with Mephisto after Goethe's “Faust”, engraving Public domain photograph of medieval art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of early rena... More
WW007 - A page from a comic book with a comic strip
"The Weird Wager" from Out Of The Night number 9 (AGC, June 1953. After the superhero genre went into decline during the late 40s, publishers began experimenting with new genres, most notably crime and horror.
Teufelspakt lipsius - Public domain illuminated manuscript
Devil's pact of David Lipsius at Tübingen
Urbain Grandier Soldan Heppe - Public domain dedication image
teufelspakt des Urbain Grandier