[US Participation in World War I, French Battlefields]
[US Participation in World War I, French Battlefields] - [FRA-8342 through FRA-8379]
[US Participation in World War I, French Battlefields]
[US Participation in World War I, French Battlefields] - [FRA-8342 through FRA-8379]
[Donzere Mondragon] - [Flax Shipment]
[Donzere Mondragon] - [Flax Shipment] - [FRA-288 and FLA-323] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[French Worker] - [Day in the Life of a French Worker]
[French Worker] - [Day in the Life of a French Worker] - [FRA-1194 through FRA-1240]
[Cotton and the French Textile Industry]
[Cotton and the French Textile Industry] - [FRA-476 through FRA-501]
[Fulbright Students, Arrival in Le Havre]
[Fulbright Students, Arrival in Le Havre] - [FRA-7492 through FRA-7514]
[7th Army Orchestra, Concert in Versailles]
[7th Army Orchestra, Concert in Versailles] - [FRA-8308 through FRA-8311]
[St. Malo Conference, July 1950]
[St. Malo Conference, July 1950] - [FRA-1159 through FRA-1187 and FRA-1189]
[Fulbright Students at Royaumont and Chantilly]
[Fulbright Students at Royaumont and Chantilly] - [FRA-7586 through FRA-7604]
[Doris Hayes, Premier Prix du Concours International de Chant de Toulo...
[Doris Hayes, Premier Prix du Concours International de Chant de Toulouse] - [FRA-8446]
[Launching of Sub-Chaser P-5], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction ...
[Launching of Sub-Chaser P-5] - [FRA-7295 through FRA-7343]
[Societe Rhodiaceta Nylon Factory - Lyon]
[Societe Rhodiaceta Nylon Factory - Lyon] - [FRA-2210 through FRA-2238] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Aunay-Sur-Odon], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Aunay-Sur-Odon] - [FRA-1294 through FRA-1687] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[St. Malo Conference, July 1950]
[St. Malo Conference, July 1950] - [FRA-1159 through FRA-1187 and FRA-1189]
[Claude Robin Pix] - [Peasant Child, Hautes-Alpes]
[Claude Robin Pix] - [Tunisia] - [FRA-5234 through FRA-5245] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Atomic Accelerators], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europ...
[Atomic Accelerators] - [FRA-7468 through FRA-7470] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Navarre Paper Factory], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Eur...
[Navarre Paper Factory] - [FRA-1940 through FRA-1963] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Electrification of Railroad] - [Electrification of the Paris-Marseill...
[Electrification of Railroad] - [Electrification of the Paris-Marseille Railroad] - [FRA-104 through FRA-131 (See also FRA-64 and FRA-414)]
[Donzere Mondragon], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Donzere Mondragon] - [FRA-2448 through FRA-2477] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Magazine Unit - Logging in the Gabon]
[Magazine Unit - Logging in the Gabon] - [FRA-4984 through FRA-5019]
[Texture Shots - Milk, Rice, Wheat]
[Texture Shots - Milk, Rice, Wheat] - [FRA-1740 through FRA-1744] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Reconstruction of Aunay-Sur-Odon, France]
[Reconstruction of Aunay-Sur-Odon, France] - [FRA-1294 through FRA-1384]
[Festival de Jazz de Cannes], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction o...
[Festival de Jazz de Cannes] - [FRA-8449 through FRA-8479] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[SHAPE and General Eisenhower], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction...
[SHAPE and General Eisenhower] - [FRA-3536 through FRA-3542] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Algerian Desert Maneuvers], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of...
[Algerian Desert Maneuvers] - [FRA-5811 through FRA-5838] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Donzere-Mondragon], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Donzere-Mondragon] - [FRA-5775 through FRA-5803] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Claude Robin Pix] - [Tunisia], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction...
[Claude Robin Pix] - [Diamond Cutting] - [FRA-5232 and FRA-5233] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Ferromanganese To U. S.], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of E...
[Ferromanganese To U. S.] - [FRA-5099 through FRA-5106] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Mediterraneen Committee of the ITF Meeting in Marseille]
[Mediterraneen Committee of the ITF Meeting in Marseille] - [FRA-2151 through FRA-2165]
[Magazine Unit - Logging in the Gabon]
[Magazine Unit - Logging in the Gabon] - [FRA-4984 through FRA-5019]
[SHAPE Welds 12-National Staff into Compacct Headquarters]
[SHAPE Welds 12-National Staff into Compacct Headquarters] - [FRA-3185 through FRA-3195]
[Aunay-Sur-Odon], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Aunay-Sur-Odon] - [FRA-1294 through FRA-1687] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Vincent Auriol Fishing], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Eu...
[Vincent Auriol Fishing] - [FRA-6478 and FRA-6479] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Algerian Desert Maneuvers], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of...
[Algerian Desert Maneuvers] - [FRA-5811 through FRA-5838] Public domain photograph of a truck, military vehicle, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[NATO Airbase in France], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Eu...
[NATO Airbase in France] - [FRA-7971 through FRA-8007] Public domain photograph of jet aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[La Breviere Trade Union School (See Previous Series - Index Card "Trd...
[La Breviere Trade Union School (See Previous Series - Index Card "Trde Union, France"] - [FRA-4940 through FRA-4943]
[St. Lo's New Hospital], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Eur...
[St. Lo's New Hospital] - [FRA-7798 through FRA-7825] Public domain photograph of hospital building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of hospital buil... More
[New SHAPE Headquarters in France]
[New SHAPE Headquarters in France] - [FRA-3109 through FRA-3145] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Aunay-Sur-Odon], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Aunay-Sur-Odon] - [FRA-1294 through FRA-1687] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[France's Rhine Port of Strasbourg]
[France's Rhine Port of Strasbourg] - [FRA-939 through FRA-951] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[St. Lo's New Hospital, Inaugural Ceremonies]
[St. Lo's New Hospital, Inaugural Ceremonies] - [FRA-7930 through FRA-7967]
[Versaille Palace, Sy Americains des Amis de Versailles Gives Recovere...
[Versaille Palace, Sy Americains des Amis de Versailles Gives Recovered Piece of Furniture] - [FRA-8275 through FRA-8290]
[Destruction Shots], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Destruction Shots] - [FRA-2771 through FRA-2776] Public domain photograph of a post office building, postal service, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Dunkirk] - [Barges], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Dunkirk] - [Barges] - [FRA-440 through FRA-474] Public domain image of bicyclist, bicycle, cyclist, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Strasbourg Assemblies], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Eur...
[Strasbourg Assemblies] - [FRA-6109 through FRA-6148] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[La Chapelle Paper Plant], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of E...
[La Chapelle Paper Plant] - [FRA-1964 through FRA-2000] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Lessing's Pictures on Coal] - [Housing]
[Lessing's Pictures on Coal] - [Housing] - [FRA-2051 through FRA-2061] Public domain photograph of shipyard, ship dock, harbor, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Machine Tool Plant G.S.P.], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of...
[Machine Tool Plant G.S.P.] - [FRA-3845 through FRA-3869] Public domain photograph of industrial workers, factory building, work, assembly line, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Tourism], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Tourism] - [FRA-1120 through FRA-1135] Public domain image of 19th-century France, historical building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[SAAR Story] - [Iron & Steel Industry Reaches Postwar High]
[SAAR Story] - [Iron & Steel Industry Reaches Postwar High] - [FRA-5413 through FRA-5462 and FRA-5512 and FRA-5513]
[Tourism] - [Restaurants de Tourisme]
[Tourism] - [Restaurants de Tourisme] - [FRA-555 through FRA-562] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[SHAPE Handover Ceremony (Handover of SHAPE Command)]
[SHAPE Handover Ceremony (Handover of SHAPE Command)] - [FRA-6558 through FRA-6586]
[Gabon Road (West Africa - Magazine Unit Story)]
[Gabon Road (West Africa - Magazine Unit Story)] - [FRA-4854 through FRA-4903]
[French Cavalry Officers School]
[French Cavalry Officers School] - [FRA-2652 through FRA-2740] Public domain photograph of a tank, military vehicle, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[SAAR Story] - [Development of the SAAR State - Political Leaders, Tra...
[SAAR Story] - [Development of the SAAR State - Political Leaders, Trade Unionleaders, etc.] - [FRA-5560 through FRA-5592]
[French American Student Seminar, Blerancourt]
[French American Student Seminar, Blerancourt] - [FRA-8313 through FRA-8341] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Challes Les Eaux, Air Cadets Center]
[Challes Les Eaux, Air Cadets Center] - [FRA-7571 through FRA-7585]
[French Rubber Industry], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Eu...
[French Rubber Industry] - [FRA-2892 through FRA-2905] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
Train station [Argenteuil Textile Industry] - Public domain photograph...
[Argenteuil Textile Industry] - [FRA-1724 through FRA-1738] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[SAAR Story] - [Social Work - Kindergarten/Hospital]
[SAAR Story] - [Social Work - Kindergarten/Hospital] - [FRA-5527 through FRA-5546]
[Aix en Profence Drama Festival: Teresa Stich Randall]
[Aix en Profence Drama Festival: Teresa Stich Randall] - [FRA-8080 through FRA-8099]
[New SHAPE Headquarters in France]
[New SHAPE Headquarters in France] - [FRA-3109 through FRA-3145] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Launching of "E-9" Destroyer Escort]
[Launching of "E-9" Destroyer Escort] - [FRA-7382 through FRA-7385]
[Miners Homes] - [New Homes for Miners in France]
[Miners Homes] - [New Homes for Miners in France] - [FRA-886 through FRA-892]
[Aunay-Sur-Odon], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Aunay-Sur-Odon] - [FRA-1294 through FRA-1687] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[English Week - Luchon Shopkeeper]
[English Week - Luchon Shopkeeper] - [FRA-6553] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Robertson Factory at Le Havre]
[Robertson Factory at Le Havre] - [FRA-2320 through FRA-2395] Public domain photograph of dock building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[NATO Tank Training Center Gives Instruction on Latest Tanks (NATO Tan...
[NATO Tank Training Center Gives Instruction on Latest Tanks (NATO Tank School, Mailly)] - [FRA-5020 through FRA-5042]
[Reconstruction of Aunay-Sur-Odon, France]
[Reconstruction of Aunay-Sur-Odon, France] - [FRA-1294 through FRA-1384]
[Hybrid Corn] - [Visit to Mr. Norbert Peymiron at Lyss]
[Hybrid Corn] - [Visit to Mr. Norbert Peymiron at Lyss] - [FRA-1894 through FRA-1918]
[American Equipment Srengthens French Defense]
[American Equipment Srengthens French Defense] - [FRA-3373 through FRA-3378] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Experiments in Agricultural Productivity in Sologne]
[Experiments in Agricultural Productivity in Sologne] - [FRA-7520 through FRA-7544]
[Quand un Militaire Americain Rencontre un Agriculteur Francais a Sain...
[Quand un Militaire Americain Rencontre un Agriculteur Francais a Saint Andre de L'Eure] - [FRA-8540 through FRA-8543]
[Charles Rosen, US Pianist Concert, USIS]
[Charles Rosen, US Pianist Concert, USIS] - [PAR-8490 through PAR-8492]
[The Opening Up of a Continent (West Africa - Magazine Unit Story)]
[The Opening Up of a Continent (West Africa - Magazine Unit Story)] - [FRA-4796 through FRA-4853]
[SHAPE Handover Ceremony (Handover of SHAPE Command)]
[SHAPE Handover Ceremony (Handover of SHAPE Command)] - [FRA-6558 through FRA-6586]
[SAAR Story] - [Coal Resources]
[SAAR Story] - [Coal Resources] - [FRA-5487 through FRA-5503 and FRA-5514]
[Clerget Shoe Factory (Productivity Story)]
[Clerget Shoe Factory (Productivity Story)] - [FRA-3485 through FRA-3524] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[The Cameroon (Magazine Unit)], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction...
[The Cameroon (Magazine Unit)] - [FRA-4686 through FRA-4785] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Air France Receives Six New Constallation Aircraft]
[Air France Receives Six New Constallation Aircraft] - [FRA-3528 through FRA-3533]
[North Africa Series--Kirk Burns]
[North Africa Series--Kirk Burns] - [FRA-3240 through FRA-3284] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Banat Refugees Rejuvenates French Village]
[Banat Refugees Rejuvenates French Village] - [FRA-8236 and FRA-8237] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Marseille Docker - nicholas Derybolsky (Magazine Unit Negs)]
[Marseille Docker - nicholas Derybolsky (Magazine Unit Negs)] - [FRA-3958 through FRA-4019]
[French Army - Training Recruits]
[French Army - Training Recruits] - [FRA-2777 through FRA-2880] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Dunkirk] - [Barges], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Dunkirk] - [Barges] - [FRA-440 through FRA-474] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
A black and white photo of a large building. Marshall plan, post-war ...
[Uncaptioned] - [FRA-8626 through FRA-8683] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Farm pix (Cows, Sheep)], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Eu...
[Farm pix (Cows, Sheep)] - [FRA-2298 through FRA-2304] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[U. S. Army in France], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Euro...
[U. S. Army in France] - [FRA-6676 through FRA-6691] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Le Havre Arrival on "America" S. S. Orangerie Exhibit (Salut a la Fra...
[Le Havre Arrival on "America" S. S. Orangerie Exhibit (Salut a la France)] - [FRA-7387 through FRA-7408]
[Communist and Anti-Communist Posters]
[Communist and Anti-Communist Posters] - [PAR-2097 through PAR-2100] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Rouen - View of the Town (Destructions)]
[Rouen - View of the Town (Destructions)] - [FRA-2124] Public domain photograph of a post office building, postal service, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Le Havre, New US Consulate Buildings]
[Le Havre, New US Consulate Buildings] - [FRA-7563 through FRA-7566]
[NATO Airbase in France], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Eu...
[NATO Airbase in France] - [FRA-7971 through FRA-8007] Public domain photograph of a bomber aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Communist and Anti-Communist Posters]
[Communist and Anti-Communist Posters] - [PAR-2097 through PAR-2100] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Admiral Sala/SHAPE], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europe
[Admiral Sala/SHAPE] - [FRA-6607] Public domain photograph - military portrait, armed forces officer, leader, commander, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Bort-les-Orgues Dam], Marshall plan, post-war reconstruction of Europ...
[Bort-les-Orgues Dam] - [FRA-2478 through FRA-2518] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[Agricultural Show - Versailles]
[Agricultural Show - Versailles] - [FRA-3817 through FRA-3844 & FRA-3870 through FRA-3881]
[Modern Equipment Helps Increase France's Steel Output] - [USINOR]
[Modern Equipment Helps Increase France's Steel Output] - [USINOR] - [FRA-1241 through FRA-1248]
[French Cavalry Officers School]
[French Cavalry Officers School] - [FRA-2652 through FRA-2740] Public domain photograph of post-war reconstruction of Europe, work of US government
[French Army - Training Recruits]
[French Army - Training Recruits] - [FRA-2777 through FRA-2880] Public domain photograph of tank, military vehicle, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description