Brave old salt - or, Life on the quarter deck; a story of the Great Re...
Identifier: braveoldsaltorli1871opti (find matches) Title: Brave old salt : or, Life on the quarter deck ; a story of the Great Rebellion Year: 1871 (1870s) Authors: Optic, Oliver, 1822-1897 Champney, W. L L... More
Verzámeling van uitgekórene zin-spreuken, en zinnebeeldige print-verci...
Identifier: verzamelingvanui00burg (find matches) Title: Verzámeling van uitgekórene zin-spreuken, en zinnebeeldige print-vercieringen : eertyds, op bevel van den aller doorlugtigsten keizer der Russen, Peter... More
Gratitude, or, The juvenile writers (1808) (14594829490)
Identifier: McGillLibrary-PN970_H37_G73_1808-1949 (find matches) Title: Gratitude, or, The juvenile writers Year: 1808 (1800s) Authors: Printed for J. Harris, successor to E. Newbery, at the Original Juvenil... More
The talking leaves - an Indian story (1882) (14760204266)
Identifier: talkingleavesind00stod (find matches) Title: The talking leaves : an Indian story Year: 1882 (1880s) Authors: Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925 Subjects: Indians of North America Children Cond... More
Ein loblich Büchlin von der Gemahelschafft so sich zwischen Got vnd de...
Rosenwald 179 Goff B-1268 Hain-Copinger 4039 (variant) BM 15th cent., II, p. 370 (IA.6369) GW 5669 LC copy: provenance: Franciscans, Augsburg (t.p. inscription); Ulrich Miler (?) (t.p. inscription).
Every life a delight (1914) (14595383717)
Identifier: everylifedelight00pott (find matches) Title: Every life a delight Year: 1914 (1910s) Authors: Potts, James Henry, 1848-1942 Subjects: Conduct of life Publisher: New York, Cincinnati, The Abingd... More
The talking leaves - an Indian story (1882) (14780064131)
Identifier: talkingleavesind00stod (find matches) Title: The talking leaves : an Indian story Year: 1882 (1880s) Authors: Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925 Subjects: Indians of North America Children Cond... More
The Great Reaping Day. Hymn singing, Sunday afternoon. The woman had b...
Public domain photograph of Dorothea Lange, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Dorothea Lange was an American documentary photographer and photojournalist, widely recognized for ... More
Hieroglyphica, siue, De sacris Aegyptiorum literis commentarii, Ioanni...
Identifier: hieroglyphicasiu00vale (find matches) Title: Hieroglyphica, siue, De sacris Aegyptiorum literis commentarii, Ioannis Pierii Valeriani Bolzanii Bellunensis Year: 1556 (1550s) Authors: Valeriano, P... More
The talking leaves - an Indian story (1882) (14782865712)
Identifier: talkingleavesind00stod (find matches) Title: The talking leaves : an Indian story Year: 1882 (1880s) Authors: Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925 Subjects: Indians of North America Children Cond... More
The talking leaves - an Indian story (1882) (14782863572)
Identifier: talkingleavesind00stod (find matches) Title: The talking leaves : an Indian story Year: 1882 (1880s) Authors: Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925 Subjects: Indians of North America Children Cond... More
Theatrum vitae humanæ. (1596) (14746161454)
Identifier: theatrumvitaehum00bois (find matches) Title: Theatrum vitae humanæ. Year: 1596 (1590s) Authors: Boissard, Jean Jacques, 1528-1602 Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598 Faber, Abraham, fl. 1596, printer Bry,... More
Bible of Horatio Gates Spafford (facsimile edition, English Version of...
Scans include handwritten notes in front and back sections of the Bible, plus samples of Spafford notations on selected passages from scripture (from Genesis, Exodus, 1 Kings, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Matthew, Joh... More
The talking leaves - an Indian story (1882) (14596491030)
Identifier: talkingleavesind00stod (find matches) Title: The talking leaves : an Indian story Year: 1882 (1880s) Authors: Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925 Subjects: Indians of North America Children Cond... More
The talking leaves - an Indian story (1882) (14596485710)
Identifier: talkingleavesind00stod (find matches) Title: The talking leaves : an Indian story Year: 1882 (1880s) Authors: Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925 Subjects: Indians of North America Children Cond... More
Verzámeling van uitgekórene zin-spreuken, en zinnebeeldige print-verci...
Identifier: verzamelingvanui00burg (find matches) Title: Verzámeling van uitgekórene zin-spreuken, en zinnebeeldige print-vercieringen : eertyds, op bevel van den aller doorlugtigsten keizer der Russen, Peter... More
Brave old salt - or, Life on the quarter deck; a story of the Great Re...
Identifier: braveoldsaltorli1871opti (find matches) Title: Brave old salt : or, Life on the quarter deck ; a story of the Great Rebellion Year: 1871 (1870s) Authors: Optic, Oliver, 1822-1897 Champney, W. L L... More
Dialogo pio et specvlativo, con diuerse sentenze latine and volgari (1...
Identifier: dialogopioetspec00sime (find matches) Title: Dialogo pio et specvlativo, con diuerse sentenze latine & volgari Year: 1560 (1560s) Authors: Simeoni, Gabriele, 1509-1575 Eskrich, Pierre, ca. 1530-c... More
The talking leaves - an Indian story (1882) (14780841934)
Identifier: talkingleavesind00stod (find matches) Title: The talking leaves : an Indian story Year: 1882 (1880s) Authors: Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925 Subjects: Indians of North America Children Cond... More
The talking leaves - an Indian story (1882) (14783190015)
Identifier: talkingleavesind00stod (find matches) Title: The talking leaves : an Indian story Year: 1882 (1880s) Authors: Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925 Subjects: Indians of North America Children Cond... More
Bible of Horatio Gates Spafford (facsimile edition, English Version of...
Public domain history book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The gentleman's calling. (1673) (14755004686)
Identifier: gentlemanscallin1673alle (find matches) Title: The gentleman's calling. Year: 1673 (1670s) Authors: Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681, supposed author Dolle, William, fl. 1670-1680, engraver Subjects... More
The good shepherd (1845) (14597458450)
Identifier: McGillLibrary-PN970_N45_G66_1845-1653 (find matches) Title: The good shepherd Year: 1845 (1840s) Authors: Thomas Nelson & Sons,publisher Subjects: Christian literature. Conduct of life -- Juveni... More
The school of the heart - or, The heart of itself gone away from God, ...
Identifier: schoolofheartorh00har (find matches) Title: The school of the heart : or, The heart of itself gone away from God, brought back again to Him; and instructed by Him. With The learning of the heart; ... More
Verzámeling van uitgekórene zin-spreuken, en zinnebeeldige print-verci...
Identifier: verzamelingvanui00burg (find matches) Title: Verzámeling van uitgekórene zin-spreuken, en zinnebeeldige print-vercieringen : eertyds, op bevel van den aller doorlugtigsten keizer der Russen, Peter... More
Gedancken Muster und Anleitungen - worinen eine grosse Zahl nicht alle...
Identifier: gedanckenmusteru00weig (find matches) Title: Gedancken Muster und Anleitungen : worinen eine grosse Zahl nicht allein Sumarischer sondern auch Moral: emblematischen Figuren in vier Sprachen als La... More
Bible of Horatio Gates Spafford (facsimile edition, English Version of...
Scans include handwritten notes in front and back sections of the Bible, plus samples of Spafford notations on selected passages from scripture (from Genesis, Exodus, 1 Kings, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Matthew, Joh... More
Bible of Horatio Gates Spafford (facsimile edition, English Version of...
Scans include handwritten notes in front and back sections of the Bible, plus samples of Spafford notations on selected passages from scripture (from Genesis, Exodus, 1 Kings, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Matthew, Joh... More
Choice emblems, natural, historical, fabulous, moral, and divine - for...
Identifier: choiceemblemsnat00wynne (find matches) Title: Choice emblems, natural, historical, fabulous, moral, and divine : for the improvement and pastime of youth : displaying the beauties and morals of th... More
Evenings at home, or, The juvenile budget opened - consisting of a var...
Identifier: eveningsathomeor00inaiki (find matches) Title: Evenings at home, or, The juvenile budget opened : consisting of a variety of miscellaneous pieces for the instruction and amusement of young persons... More
Every life a delight (1914) (14595409707)
Identifier: everylifedelight00pott (find matches) Title: Every life a delight Year: 1914 (1910s) Authors: Potts, James Henry, 1848-1942 Subjects: Conduct of life Publisher: New York, Cincinnati, The Abingd... More
Gedancken Muster und Anleitungen - worinen eine grosse Zahl nicht alle...
Identifier: gedanckenmusteru00weig (find matches) Title: Gedancken Muster und Anleitungen : worinen eine grosse Zahl nicht allein Sumarischer sondern auch Moral: emblematischen Figuren in vier Sprachen als La... More
Gedancken Muster und Anleitungen - worinen eine grosse Zahl nicht alle...
Identifier: gedanckenmusteru00weig (find matches) Title: Gedancken Muster und Anleitungen : worinen eine grosse Zahl nicht allein Sumarischer sondern auch Moral: emblematischen Figuren in vier Sprachen als La... More
Newspaper clipping, Olga Owens' review of Paul D. Moody's biography of...
Newspaper clipping, 1 p. Olga Owens' review of My Father: An Intimate Portrait of Dwight Moody (Boston: Little, Brown & Co.) by Paul D. Moody. Headline: "A Great Evangelist Seen in the Eyes of His Son." Includ... More
Bible of Horatio Gates Spafford (facsimile edition, English Version of...
Scans include handwritten notes in front and back sections of the Bible, plus samples of Spafford notations on selected passages from scripture (from Genesis, Exodus, 1 Kings, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Matthew, Joh... More
Evenings at home, or, The juvenile budget opened - consisting of a var...
Identifier: eveningsathomeor00inaiki (find matches) Title: Evenings at home, or, The juvenile budget opened : consisting of a variety of miscellaneous pieces for the instruction and amusement of young persons... More
The talking leaves - an Indian story (1882) (14782851852)
Identifier: talkingleavesind00stod (find matches) Title: The talking leaves : an Indian story Year: 1882 (1880s) Authors: Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925 Subjects: Indians of North America Children Cond... More
The talking leaves - an Indian story (1882) (14803052973)
Identifier: talkingleavesind00stod (find matches) Title: The talking leaves : an Indian story Year: 1882 (1880s) Authors: Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925 Subjects: Indians of North America Children Cond... More
Theatrum vitae humanæ. (1596) (14725526906)
Identifier: theatrumvitaehum00bois (find matches) Title: Theatrum vitae humanæ. Year: 1596 (1590s) Authors: Boissard, Jean Jacques, 1528-1602 Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598 Faber, Abraham, fl. 1596, printer Bry,... More
Verzámeling van uitgekórene zin-spreuken, en zinnebeeldige print-verci...
Identifier: verzamelingvanui00burg (find matches) Title: Verzámeling van uitgekórene zin-spreuken, en zinnebeeldige print-vercieringen : eertyds, op bevel van den aller doorlugtigsten keizer der Russen, Peter... More
A serious call to a devout and holy life
Also available in digital form.
Epicteti Enchiridium una cum Cebetis Thebani tabula Graec. and Lat. - ...
Identifier: enchiridiumunacum00epic (find matches) Title: Epicteti Enchiridium una cum Cebetis Thebani tabula Graec. & Lat. : cum notis Wolfii, Casauboni, Caselii & aliorum : quibus accedit Graeca Enchiridii ... More
Hieroglyphica, siue, De sacris Aegyptiorum literis commentarii, Ioanni...
Identifier: hieroglyphicasiu00vale (find matches) Title: Hieroglyphica, siue, De sacris Aegyptiorum literis commentarii, Ioannis Pierii Valeriani Bolzanii Bellunensis Year: 1556 (1550s) Authors: Valeriano, P... More
Simboli predicabili - estratti da sacri evangeli che corrono nella qua...
Identifier: simbolipredicabi02labi (find matches) Title: Simboli predicabili : estratti da sacri evangeli che corrono nella quadragesima : delineati con morali, & eruditi discorsi Year: 1692 (1690s) Authors: ... More
The imperial highway - or, the road to fortune and happiness; with bio...
Identifier: imperialhighwayo00bate (find matches) Title: The imperial highway : or, the road to fortune and happiness ; with biographies of self-made men, their business traits, qualities and habits Year: 188... More
The talking leaves - an Indian story (1882) (14596548848)
Identifier: talkingleavesind00stod (find matches) Title: The talking leaves : an Indian story Year: 1882 (1880s) Authors: Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925 Subjects: Indians of North America Children Cond... More
Newspaper clipping, Olga Owens' review of Paul D. Moody's biography of...
Newspaper clipping, 1 p. Olga Owens' review of My Father: An Intimate Portrait of Dwight Moody (Boston: Little, Brown & Co.) by Paul D. Moody. Headline: "A Great Evangelist Seen in the Eyes of His Son." Includ... More
A serious call to a devout and holy life
Also available in digital form.
Empresas morales (1581) (14745552845)
Identifier: empresasmorales00borj (find matches) Title: Empresas morales Year: 1581 (1580s) Authors: Borja, Juan de, b. 1533 Hornick, Erasmus, d. 1583 Subjects: Emblems Conduct of life Publisher: Praga : P... More
Every life a delight (1914) (14779520324)
Identifier: everylifedelight00pott (find matches) Title: Every life a delight Year: 1914 (1910s) Authors: Potts, James Henry, 1848-1942 Subjects: Conduct of life Publisher: New York, Cincinnati, The Abingd... More
The imperial highway - or, the road to fortune and happiness; with bio...
Identifier: imperialhighwayo00bate (find matches) Title: The imperial highway : or, the road to fortune and happiness ; with biographies of self-made men, their business traits, qualities and habits Year: 188... More
The mirrour which flatters not. (1639) (14777333714)
Identifier: mirrourwhichflat00lase (find matches) Title: The mirrour which flatters not. Year: 1639 (1630s) Authors: La Serre, M. de (Jean-Puget), ca. 1600-1665 Cary, T. (Thomas), b. 1605 or 6 Subjects: Eth... More
The talking leaves - an Indian story (1882) (14783210445)
Identifier: talkingleavesind00stod (find matches) Title: The talking leaves : an Indian story Year: 1882 (1880s) Authors: Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835-1925 Subjects: Indians of North America Children Cond... More
Verzámeling van uitgekórene zin-spreuken, en zinnebeeldige print-verci...
Identifier: verzamelingvanui00burg (find matches) Title: Verzámeling van uitgekórene zin-spreuken, en zinnebeeldige print-vercieringen : eertyds, op bevel van den aller doorlugtigsten keizer der Russen, Peter... More
The two ways - African American Perspectives Materials
A sermon about the way of sin and the way to heaven. Mayes was a pastor in the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church. "Sunday, February 23, 1896, 7:30 P.M." -- P. [3]. Also available in digital form on the Library... More
Bivouac and battle, or, The struggles of a soldier
Added title page, engraved. Publisher's advertisements follows text and on endpapers. Also available in digital form.
Des Christen geheimnis eines verborgenen lebens
Also available in digital form.
The two ways - African American Perspectives Materials
A sermon about the way of sin and the way to heaven. Mayes was a pastor in the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church. "Sunday, February 23, 1896, 7:30 P.M." -- P. [3]. Also available in digital form on the Library... More
Precept and practice, by Benjamin Bausman ... with an introduction by ...
The R. Theodore Bixlers' Collection of Lancaster Authors. Also available in digital form.
Christian work and consolation : the problem of an effective and happy...
Also available in digital form.
The two fold life ; or, Christ's work for us and Christ's work in us
Also available in digital form.
Learning of Christ : the anniversary sermon of the First Bryan Baptist...
Emanuel K. Love, a prominent Baptist cleric, was at this time a minister at Thomasville, GA. Here, he preaches about Christ as a leader and example for all to emulate. Cover title. LC copy has publication date ... More
Helps to a better Christian life; new readings for Lent
Also available in digital form.
God's better thing; essays of concern and conviction,
Also available in digital form.
Our ambiguous life
Printed in England. Also available in digital form.
Iesu-sama no ohanashi : Jidō torakuto 91-gō yori 118-gō ni itaru gappo...
Cover title. "MOJ 75-A 257": intended for microfilm. LC copy from Naimushō Keihokyoku censorship collection; classified as "annei" and banned. LC copy brittle; placed in an acid-free envelope.
Thoughts on personal religion, being a treatise on the Christian life ...
Also available in digital form.
Bivouac and battle, or, The struggles of a soldier
Added title page, engraved. Publisher's advertisements follows text and on endpapers. Also available in digital form.
The true church, the real sacrifice, the genuine worshiper
A baccalaureate address based on the Book of Revelation. Hood was a missionary and a minister in the A.M.E. Zion Church and a graduate of Livingstone College (organized in 1882). Caption title. Also available i... More
"Wait on the Lord" - African American Perspectives Materials
Emanuel K. Love, a prominent Baptist cleric, was at this time a minister at Thomasville, Ga. Here, he preaches a religious message with political overtones: his theme is the "elevation" of the black race in the... More
The solution of problems, the duty and the destiny of man
Crummell, pastor of St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C., from 1879 to 1898, spoke out for black liberation and founded the Negro Academy. He discusses moral and spiritual concerns that he says const... More
Christian work and consolation : the problem of an effective and happy...
Also available in digital form.
Diary of Horatio Gates Spafford
Personal and religious introspection and notes on events in the first year of residence in Jerusalem of the American Colony founder. Sporadic handwritten entries in printed day-by-day diary, in ink and pencil. ... More
Bible talks on the new life in Christ,
Also available in digital form.
Learning of Christ : the anniversary sermon of the First Bryan Baptist...
Emanuel K. Love, a prominent Baptist cleric, was at this time a minister at Thomasville, GA. Here, he preaches about Christ as a leader and example for all to emulate. Cover title. LC copy has publication date ... More
The solution of problems, the duty and the destiny of man
Crummell, pastor of St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C., from 1879 to 1898, spoke out for black liberation and founded the Negro Academy. He discusses moral and spiritual concerns that he says const... More
Iesu-sama no ohanashi : Jidō torakuto 91-gō yori 118-gō ni itaru gappo...
Cover title. "MOJ 75-A 257": intended for microfilm. LC copy from Naimushō Keihokyoku censorship collection; classified as "annei" and banned. LC copy brittle; placed in an acid-free envelope.
Bible of Horatio Gates Spafford (facsimile edition, English Version of...
Scans include handwritten notes in front and back sections of the Bible, plus samples of Spafford notations on selected passages from scripture (from Genesis, Exodus, 1 Kings, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Matthew, Joh... More
Atarashii kokoro : Jidō torakuto 1-gō yori 26-gō ni itaru gappon
Cover title. "MOJ 75-A 256": intended for microfilm. LC copy from Naimushō Keihokyoku censorship collection; classified as "annei" and banned. LC copy brittle; placed in an acid-free envelope. unbound
Hemmeligheden af et lykkeligt liv
Also available in digital form.
Helps to a better Christian life; new readings for Lent
Also available in digital form.
God's better thing; essays of concern and conviction,
Also available in digital form.
Iesu-sama no ohanashi : Jidō torakuto 91-gō yori 118-gō ni itaru gappo...
Cover title. "MOJ 75-A 257": intended for microfilm. LC copy from Naimushō Keihokyoku censorship collection; classified as "annei" and banned. LC copy brittle; placed in an acid-free envelope.
The true church, the real sacrifice, the genuine worshiper
A baccalaureate address based on the Book of Revelation. Hood was a missionary and a minister in the A.M.E. Zion Church and a graduate of Livingstone College (organized in 1882). Caption title. Also available i... More
Thoughts on personal religion, being a treatise on the Christian life ...
Also available in digital form.
Precept and practice, by Benjamin Bausman ... with an introduction by ...
The R. Theodore Bixlers' Collection of Lancaster Authors. Also available in digital form.
Which temple ye are
Also available in digital form.
Our ambiguous life
Printed in England. Also available in digital form.
Iesu-sama no ohanashi : Jidō torakuto 91-gō yori 118-gō ni itaru gappo...
Cover title. "MOJ 75-A 257": intended for microfilm. LC copy from Naimushō Keihokyoku censorship collection; classified as "annei" and banned. LC copy brittle; placed in an acid-free envelope.
Thoughts on personal religion, being a treatise on the Christian life ...
Also available in digital form.
The two ways - African American Perspectives Materials
A sermon about the way of sin and the way to heaven. Mayes was a pastor in the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church. "Sunday, February 23, 1896, 7:30 P.M." -- P. [3]. Also available in digital form on the Library... More
Striving after perfection. A treatise addressed especially to religiou...
Also available in digital form.
Learning of Christ : the anniversary sermon of the First Bryan Baptist...
Emanuel K. Love, a prominent Baptist cleric, was at this time a minister at Thomasville, GA. Here, he preaches about Christ as a leader and example for all to emulate. Cover title. LC copy has publication date ... More
"The ought to be's."
Also available in digital form.
Striving after perfection. A treatise addressed especially to religiou...
Also available in digital form.
Our ambiguous life
Printed in England. Also available in digital form.
Christian work and consolation : the problem of an effective and happy...
Also available in digital form.
Des Christen geheimnis eines verborgenen lebens
Also available in digital form.
The solution of problems, the duty and the destiny of man
Crummell, pastor of St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C., from 1879 to 1898, spoke out for black liberation and founded the Negro Academy. He discusses moral and spiritual concerns that he says const... More