Kvinna med sitt barn. Lokal, Rio Itiyuro, v. Argentina. Stam, Chané. G...
Note: For documentary purposes the original description provided by the National Museums of World Culture has been retained. These historical descriptions may be factually incorrect, outdated or offensive. Alt... More
1977 Máxima Zorreguieta
Máxima Zorreguieta in 1977
Primera comunion ninos - A man and a woman sitting on a bench
Two children of Argentina at their first communion.
Alumnos Escuela Valle 16 de Octubre ca.1910
Español: Alumnos Escuela Valle 16 de Octubre ca.1910
Chicos loteria bolillas 1899
The group of children that extracted the winning number of Argentine Lottery.
Juan Manuel de niño - A painting of a man with a cane
Español: Retrato de Juan Manuel de Rosas, cuando éste era un niño
US Navy 070427-N-7029R-163 Electrician's Mate Fireman Jessy Gappa give...
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (April 27, 2007) - Electrician's Mate Fireman Jessy Gappa gives a tour to a youth group from Stella Maris in Buenos Aires aboard USS Pearl Harbor (LSD 52) for a tour during Partnership ... More
Welsh child with aboriginal child, Patagonia
Español: Niño galés con niño patagónico (¿tehuelche?), Chubut
Niño galeria witcomb - A black and white photo of a group of children
A little boy during a photo session at Galerías Witcomb of Buenos Aires.
Archivo General de la Nación Argentina 1890 aprox Buenos Aires, famili...
Families at the port of Buenos Aires. Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait, child, children, infant, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Plaza Rubén Darío (AGN), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Español: Escolares de primaria lanzan veleros a escala en la fuente de Plaza Urquiza, hoy llamada Plaza Rubén Darío. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Nini 1904 - people of Argentina
Español: Niní Marshall cerca de los 3 años de edad, c. 1904-06.
Plaza alvear recoleta - A black and white photo of a group of people i...
Plaza Torcuato de Alvear, a public park in Recoleta, Buenos Aires, with several children playing. At the background, the retirement home "Gral. Viamonte", then refurbished and opened as "Centro Cultural Recoleta".
Alumnos areco - A black and white photo of a group of children
Group of students of a school in San Antonio de Areco posing with their teacher. The use of white coats was not established as mandatory until 1919.
cañon Español: cañon
Jardin ninos pque independencia
The "Jardín de los Niños (Children's Garden)" of Independencia Park, sited in Rosario, Argentina. On the front, the gigant slide, one of its main attractions.
Maradona 1970 - Egypt - A young boy holding a baseball glove and a bal...
Español: Diego Maradona en Los Cebollitas
Ninos plaza lopez rosario 1902
Children playing in the López Park ("Plaza López") in Rosario, Argentina.
Shunko-1960 - A black and white photo of two people sitting on the gro...
Foto dutante una escena de "Shunko", película dirigida por Lautaro Murúa (1960)
Lecciones lectura niños
A group of children during their reading lesson, Argentina. Public domain scan - children, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ninas jugando maestra - Two little girls sitting on a bench reading a ...
Two Argentine girls playing to be teachers
Kelito cards album cover
Cover to the Kelito trading cards
Descansando orilla - A group of people sitting next to a river
A group of children resting on the banks of Matanza River ("Riachuelo"), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Ninos jugando 1920 - A group of men standing next to each other
Children playing in Argentina. Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Open Air Theater for Children Buenos Aires (4725355542)
Original Collection: Visual Instruction Department Lantern Slides Item Number: P217:set 012 010 You can find this image by searching for the item number by clicking http://oregondigital.org/digcol. Want more?... More
Adrianita y el Presidente - people of Argentina
Español: Adrianita es saludada por el Presidente de la Nación Argentina Arturo Illa.
Archivo General de la Nación Argentina 1912 hotel de inmigrantes
Children at the Immigrants' Hotel of Buenos Aires. Public domain scan - children, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Juan Domingo Perón en su niñez
Former President of Argentina and political leader Juan Domingo Perón when a child.
Nen exercit argenti - An old photo of a young boy in uniform
Picryl description: Public domain image of a uniform, military personnel, armed forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Eva Perón y sus hermanos -carnaval-1921
Eva Perón (derecha) y sus hermanos. Carnaval. Los Toldos
Ninos jugando subeybaja 1902
A group of children playing with a homemade seesaw in Argentina.
Ninos patronato infancia 1910, Buenos Aires, Argentina
A group of children at the Patronato de la Infancia of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Niños junto a una calabaza gigante, 1919
Español: Niños posando junto a una calabaza gigante (60 kilos). San Rafael, Mendoza 1919. Documento Fotográfico. Inventario 161750.
Perón hermano y madre-1899 - people of Argentina
From left to right: Juan D. Perón, Mario Avelino Perón (brother) and Juana Sosa (mother). Español: De derecha a izquierda: Juan D. Perón, Mario Avelino Perón (hermano mayor) y Juana Sosa (madre).