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cave of the sixteen sword bearers

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Cave 8, backroom right lunette portion

Cave 8, backroom right lunette portion

Cave 8, backroom right lunette portion (Dahlem Museum)English: Cave 8, backroom ceiling

Left wall, Cave 8 - A black and white photo of a wall with a bunch of pictures on it
Kizil 16, sword-bearers

Kizil 16, sword-bearers

Kizil 16, sword-bearers

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, Vault design 2

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, Vault design 2

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, Vault design 2

Cave of the 16 Sword-Bearers, Buddha Group 1-2

Cave of the 16 Sword-Bearers, Buddha Group 1-2

Cave of the 16 Sword-Bearers, Buddha Group 1-2

Cave 8, ceiling - A black and white photo of a wall covered in pictures
Cave 8, left wall (composite)

Cave 8, left wall (composite)

Cave 8, left wall (composite)

Sixteen Sword-bearers

Sixteen Sword-bearers

Sixteen Sword-bearers

Kizil, Cave of the 16, colorized
Cave 8, backroom right lunette portion (Dahlem Museum)

Cave 8, backroom right lunette portion (Dahlem Museum)

In-situ, 1907English: Cave 8, backroom right lunette portion (Dahlem Museum)

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, designs

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, designs

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, designs. Figures on the ceiling of the rear corridor

Cave of the 16 Sword-Bearers, Buddha Group 2-3

Cave of the 16 Sword-Bearers, Buddha Group 2-3

Cave of the 16 Sword-Bearers, Buddha Group 2-3 Public domain photograph decorative panel, decor, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kizil cave 8 donor figures

Kizil cave 8 donor figures

Mural in Kizil cave 8, donor figures, 14C date: 432-538 AD, Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Berlin

Qizil Donors - A painting of a group of people on a wall

Qizil Donors - A painting of a group of people on a wall

English: Wall painting of "Tocharian Princes" from Cave of the Sixteen Sword-Bearers (no. 8), Qizil, Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, China. Carbon 14 date: 432–538 AD. Original in Museum für Indische Kunst, Berlin.... More

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, some designs

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, some designs

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, some designs

Swordbearer and servant

Swordbearer and servant

Cave 8, swordbearer detailEnglish: Swordbearer and servant Public domain photograph of medieval art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of early rena... More

Backroom ceiling, Cave 8

Backroom ceiling, Cave 8

Backroom ceiling, Cave 8

Cave of the sword bearers, Kizil

Cave of the sword bearers, Kizil

Cave of the sword bearers, Kizil

Cave of the Sixteen Swordbearers, Kizil

Cave of the Sixteen Swordbearers, Kizil

Cave of the Sixteen Swordbearers, Kizil Public domain reproduction of illuminated book or manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kizil swordsman portrait, carbon dated 432-538 CE

Kizil swordsman portrait, carbon dated 432-538 CE

Kizil swordsman portrait, carbon dated 432-538 CE Public domain photograph of medieval art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Backroom vault scene (colored panels), Cave 8

Backroom vault scene (colored panels), Cave 8

Backroom valt scene (colored panels), Cave 8

龜茲供养人 (Kizil, cave 8)

龜茲供养人 (Kizil, cave 8)

龜茲供养人 (Kizil, cave 8)

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, group 2

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, group 2

Cave of the Sixteen Sword-Bearers (mural)English: Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, group 2

Kizil War of the Relics

Kizil War of the Relics

Kizil War of the Relics

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers (plan)

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers (plan)

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers (plan) Public domain photograph of a chamber, vaults, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Cave of the Sixteen Sword-Bearers (mural)

Cave of the Sixteen Sword-Bearers (mural)

English: Cave of the Sixteen Sword-Bearers (mural)

Kizil swordsmen - A black and white photo of a group of people
Sixteen Sword Bearers of Kizil Caves (detail)

Sixteen Sword Bearers of Kizil Caves (detail)

Sixteen Sword Bearers of Kizil Caves (detail) Public domain photograph of medieval object / medieval style artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Cave 8, location - A black and white photo of a rock formation
Kizil Caves, two donors

Kizil Caves, two donors

Kizil Caves, two donors

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, group 1

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, group 1

Cave of the Swordbearers, Group 1 (for color reference)English: Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, group 1

Kizil Caves, donor and servant

Kizil Caves, donor and servant

Figure to the rightEnglish: Kizil Caves, donor and servant

Group of the lunette over the door. Cave of the 16 sword-bearers

Group of the lunette over the door. Cave of the 16 sword-bearers

Group of the lunette over the door. Cave of the 16 sword-bearers

Kyzyl Cave donors - A black and white photo of a group of people
Backroom vault scene (southern slope), Cave 8

Backroom vault scene (southern slope), Cave 8

Backroom vault scene (southern slope), Cave 8

Swordbearers backroom 3D

Swordbearers backroom 3D

Swordbearers backroom 3D. Reference: reconstitution at the Dahlem Museum [1]

Back room scene, Cave 8

Back room scene, Cave 8

Back room scene, Cave 8

Cave 8, backroom. Kizil. Nouette Charles (1869-1910)

Cave 8, backroom. Kizil. Nouette Charles (1869-1910)

Cave 8, backroom. Kizil. Nouette Charles (1869-1910) Public domain photograph of decorated panel, decor, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, Kizil

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, Kizil

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, Kizil

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, Vault design 1

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, Vault design 1

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, Vault design 1

Backroom scene 2, Cave 8

Backroom scene 2, Cave 8

Backroom vault scene 2, Cave 8

Location of the Cave of the Sixteen Swordbearers (Cave 8)

Location of the Cave of the Sixteen Swordbearers (Cave 8)

Location of the Cave of the Sixteen Swordbearers (Cave 8) Public domain scan of a plan of settlement buildings, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kizil 16, ceiling

Kizil 16, ceiling

Kizil 16, ceiling

Swordbearers (Kizil Museum reproduction)

Swordbearers (Kizil Museum reproduction)

Swordbearers (Kizil Museum reproduction)

Kizil donors - A line drawing of a group of men
Swordbearers in-situ,left corridor, external wall, Cave 8, Kizil

Swordbearers in-situ,left corridor, external wall, Cave 8, Kizil

Swordbearers in-situ, Cave 8, Kizil Public domain photograph related to middle ages, medieval art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Four of the swordsmen, Cave 8, Kizil

Four of the swordsmen, Cave 8, Kizil

Four of the swordsmen, Cave 8, Kizil

Cave of the 16 Sword-Bearers, Buddha Group, with swordbearer (left)

Cave of the 16 Sword-Bearers, Buddha Group, with swordbearer (left)

Cave of the 16 Sword-Bearers, Buddha Group, with swordbearer (left)

Floating- and music playing Gods from the cave of the sword carriers, Qyzyl, over the Parinirvâṇa painting in the rear corridor

Floating- and music playing Gods from the cave of the sword carriers, ...

Floating- and music playing Gods from the cave of the sword carriers, Qyzyl, over the Parinirvâṇa painting in the rear corridor

Kizil, War of the Relics

Kizil, War of the Relics

Kizil, War of the Relics Public domain photograph decorative panel, decor, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Backroom vault scene (in situ, and colored panels), Cave 8

Backroom vault scene (in situ, and colored panels), Cave 8

Backroom vault scene (in situ, and colored panels), Cave 8

War of the Relics scene, Cave 8

War of the Relics scene, Cave 8

File:War of the Relics, Cave 8, Kizil.jpg

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, mural on the inside wall of the rear corridor

Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, mural on the inside wall of the rear cor...

War of the Relics, Cave 8, KizilEnglish: Cave of the 16 Sword Bearers, mural on the inside wall of the rear corridor

Cave 8, Parinirvana - A black and white photo of a mural
Caves 1-17, Kizil - A black and white photo of a mountain side
Four more swordsmen, Cave 8, Kizil

Four more swordsmen, Cave 8, Kizil

Four more swordsmen, Cave 8, Kizil

Caves 1-38, Kizil - A black and white photo of a mountain
Cave 8, vault of back corridor

Cave 8, vault of back corridor

Cave 8, vault of back corridor

Cave 8, swordbearer detail

Cave 8, swordbearer detail

Cave 8, swordbearer detail

Cave of the sword bearers, Kizil (slight cleanup)

Cave of the sword bearers, Kizil (slight cleanup)

Cave of the sword bearers, Kizil (slight cleanup)

Kizil 16, Asparas

Kizil 16, Asparas

Kizil 16, Asparas

Cave of the Sixteen Sword-Bearers (soldiers in the back corridor)

Cave of the Sixteen Sword-Bearers (soldiers in the back corridor)

Cave of the Sixteen Sword-Bearers (soldiers in the back corridor)

Cave of the Sixteen Swordbearers, right corridor

Cave of the Sixteen Swordbearers, right corridor

Cave of the Sixteen Swordbearers, right corridor Public domain photograph of 13th-14th-century medieval illuminated manuscript, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Cave 8, lunette of the backroom

Cave 8, lunette of the backroom

Cave 8, lunette of the backroom

Cave of the Sword-bearers 3D

Cave of the Sword-bearers 3D

Cave of the Sword-bearers 3D

Sixteen Sword-Bearers (detail)

Sixteen Sword-Bearers (detail)

Sixteen Sword-Bearers (detail)

War of the Relics, Detail of horse riders, Cave 8, Kizil

War of the Relics, Detail of horse riders, Cave 8, Kizil

War of the Relics, Detail of horse riders, Cave 8, Kizil

War of the Relics, Cave 8, Kizil

War of the Relics, Cave 8, Kizil

War of the Relics, Cave 8, Kizil

Cave of the Sixteen Swordbearers, left corridor

Cave of the Sixteen Swordbearers, left corridor

Cave of the Sixteen Swordbearers, left corridor Public domain photograph of 13th-14th-century medieval illuminated manuscript, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Entrance, cave 8 - A man riding a skateboard up the side of a ramp
Cave 8, lunette over the entrance of the cave

Cave 8, lunette over the entrance of the cave

Cave 8, lunette over the Buddha

Cave 8, right wall of the main cella

Cave 8, right wall of the main cella

Cave 8, right wall of the main cella

Kizil 16, Buddha group (next to the right corridor)

Kizil 16, Buddha group (next to the right corridor)

Kizil 16, Buddha group (next to the right corridor)

War of the Relics, Detail of the Elephant rider, Cave 8, Kizil

War of the Relics, Detail of the Elephant rider, Cave 8, Kizil

War of the Relics, Detail of the Elephant rider, Cave 8, Kizil

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