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139,709 media by topicpage 1 of 1398
Wahre Abbildung der Herrlichen Victoria so von den Christen wider den Erbfeind vor Gran erhalten worden den 16. August. Ao. 1685 M. Wening sculp

Wahre Abbildung der Herrlichen Victoria so von den Christen wider den ...

Print shows a birdseye view of a battlefield outside of Gran (Esztergom, Hungary) in 1685.Includes locations of troops, troop formations and a listing of the regiments fighting in the battle. Includes a listing... More

Der von Gott gestürtzte und gedemütigte Türkische Pharao, oder stoltz-müthige Sanherib

Der von Gott gestürtzte und gedemütigte Türkische Pharao, oder stoltz-...

Print shows birds-eye view of the events of the Battle of Senta fought on 11 September 1697 (near Zenta in present day Serbia) The battle was a major defeat of the Ottoman forces by Hapsburg imperial forces in ... More

Eigentliche Vorstellung der herrlichen Seeschlacht und grossen Victorie so am 24sten Augusti dieses 1704ten Jahres auff der Höhe vor Mallaga, von der Combinirten English-Holländischen Flotte gegen die Französische durch des gerechten Gottes Seegen und Beystand ist erfochten u. erhalten worden

Eigentliche Vorstellung der herrlichen Seeschlacht und grossen Victori...

Engraving shows many ships in battle on choppy seas with smoke and flames coming from many damaged ships. Many sailors in open boats. In the distance, the city of Mallaga. Above the battle is an angel holding t... More

The New Zealand Medal, granted by Queen Victoria, after 1866, to commemorate the campaigns of 1845–1847 and 1860–1866

The New Zealand Medal, granted by Queen Victoria, after 1866, to comme...

Public domain photo of bronze sculpture, 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

map from "Great Captains. A course of six lectures showing the influence on the art of war of the campaigns of Alexander, Hannibal, Cæsar, Gustavus Adolphus, Frederick and Napoleon"

map from "Great Captains. A course of six lectures showing the influen...

This image has been taken from scan 000205 from "Great Captains. A course of six lectures showing the influence on the art of war of the campaigns of Alexander, Hannibal, Cæsar, Gustavus Adolphus, Frederick and... More

map from "The Invasion of India by Alexander the Great as described by Arrian, Q. Curtius, Diodoros, Plutarch and Justin. Being translations of such portions of the works of these and other classical authors as describe Alexander's campaigns in Afghanistan, the Panjâb, Sindh, Gedrosia and Karmania. With an introduction containing a life of Alexander, copious notes, illustrations, maps and indices. By J. W. Mc Crindle"

map from "The Invasion of India by Alexander the Great as described by...

This image has been taken from scan 000084 from "The Invasion of India by Alexander the Great as described by Arrian, Q. Curtius, Diodoros, Plutarch and Justin. Being translations of such portions of the works ... More

Map of the main battlefields, routes, camps and head qrs., in the Gettysburg, Wilderness and Appomattox campaigns of the Civil War in U.S. /

Map of the main battlefields, routes, camps and head qrs., in the Gett...

Scale 1:506,880. LC Civil War Maps (2nd ed.), 512 From his Map and description of the main battlefields, routes, camps and headquarters in the Gettysburg, Wilderness and Appomattox campaigns of the Civil War in... More

American Library Association - Campaigns - A.L.A. Exhibit, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, D.C

American Library Association - Campaigns - A.L.A. Exhibit, Surgeon Gen...

Date Taken: 1918 Photographer: American Library Association American Library Association - Campaigns

American Library Association - Campaigns - A.L.A. Book Campaign. Scene in front of N.Y. Public Library, N.Y. City, N.Y

American Library Association - Campaigns - A.L.A. Book Campaign. Scene...

Date Taken: 1918 Photographer: American Library Association American Library Association - Campaigns

Sailors and civilians watching electronic sign in Times Square for news of D-Day invasion World Telegram photo by F. Palumbo

Sailors and civilians watching electronic sign in Times Square for new...

Forms part of: New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection (Library of Congress). Exhibited as a digital copy in: "Not an Ostrich: And Other Images from America's Library" at the Annenb... More

Packing ammunition on mules, Cuba /

Packing ammunition on mules, Cuba /

From The Phonoscope, October 1898, p. 15: Dotting the horizon on the right of the picture is the great fleet of transports, while scattered all along the beach and piled high to the left are hundreds upon hundr... More

A statue of a woman standing next to a bell. Ruins church monastery, religion.

A statue of a woman standing next to a bell. Ruins church monastery, r...

A statue of a person standing in front of a stone building / A statue of a person standing next to a bell tower sculpture.

Razbitie marshala Davusta pri g. Krasnom 5 Noiabria 1812 goda

Razbitie marshala Davusta pri g. Krasnom 5 Noiabria 1812 goda

Public domain scan of Russian book, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Verzeichnus Der Fürnembsten Orter Als Städt. Schlösser und Marckflecken so Don Goncalo Ferdnandes de Cordva Vice General Herr Bayrischer General Tilli, im Namen Röm. Kays. auch Kön. Maÿ. in Hisp. Und der Catholischen Liga in der Undern Pfaltz sich bemächtigt im 1621 und 1622 Iahr nach abreisen Marq. Spinola, etc

Verzeichnus Der Fürnembsten Orter Als Städt. Schlösser und Marckflecke...

Print shows 34 small city views of Imperial conquests in the Palatinate under Gen. Gonzalo Ferandez de Cordoba, 1621-1622. Includes medallion vignette portraits of Cordoba and Count Johann Tserclaes Tilly. Engr... More

Kurtze vnd einfältige doch auss verträulichen Communication-Schreiben gründlicher Bericht wie es vom 1424 Augusti, biss off den 1727 ejusdem, diss lauffenden 1626. Jahrs mit den vnterschiedlich treffen zwischen der Tyllischen vnd Dennemärckischen Armeen hergangen, vnd die Victori endlich erfolget, etc

Kurtze vnd einfältige doch auss verträulichen Communication-Schreiben ...

Print shows a birds-eye view of the Battle of Lutter (Lutter am Barenberge) from August 1626 between the troops of Christian IV of Denmark against the troops led by Johan Tzerclaes, Count Tilly who won the batt... More

Verzeichnus Der Fürnembsten Orter Als Städt. Schlösser und Marckflecken so Don Goncalo Ferdnandes de Cordva Vice General Herr Bayrischer General Tilli, im Namen Röm. Kays. auch Kön. Maÿ. in Hisp. Und der Catholischen Liga in der Undern Pfaltz sich bemächtigt im 1621 und 1622 Iahr nach abreisen Marq. Spinola, etc

Verzeichnus Der Fürnembsten Orter Als Städt. Schlösser und Marckflecke...

Print shows 34 small city views of Imperial conquests in the Palatinate under Gen. Gonzalo Ferandez de Cordoba, 1621-1622. Includes medallion vignette portraits of Cordoba and Count Johann Tserclaes Tilly. Engr... More

Jedediah Hotchkiss Papers: Miscellany, circa 1846-1908; Newspaper clippings, circa 1855-1899; Lincoln, Abraham, assassination of

Jedediah Hotchkiss Papers: Miscellany, circa 1846-1908; Newspaper clip...

Public domain scan of newspaper clippings. Free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Last stand of the French. - Public domain dedication image

Last stand of the French. - Public domain dedication image

Public domain scan of American 19th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Sergei Prokudin Gorskiy: Views of the Napoleonic campaign area, Russian Empire, photographic print

Sergei Prokudin Gorskiy: Views of the Napoleonic campaign area, Russia...

Photographic survey of the Napoleonic campaign (also called Fatherland War) area. Includes views of historic sites, battlefields, monuments, and artifacts relating to the Franco-Russian war of 1812. Also includ... More

George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Annotated transcripts; 1918, July-Dec

George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Annotated transcripts; 19...

Public domain scan of manuscript related to German history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

John J. Pershing Papers: Diaries, Notebooks, and Address Books, 1882-1925; Notebooks; circa 1908
Jedediah Hotchkiss Papers: Miscellany, circa 1846-1908; Financial papers, Sara Anne Comfort Hotchkiss; Account books; 1902-1903, undated
The South African Medal, Issued for the Campaigns of 1877–79

The South African Medal, Issued for the Campaigns of 1877–79

A bronze coin with a lion on the back, United Kingdom, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jedediah Hotchkiss Papers: Miscellany, circa 1846-1908; Financial papers, Sara Anne Comfort Hotchkiss; Account books; 1902-1903, undated
Jedediah Hotchkiss Papers: Miscellany, circa 1846-1908; Financial papers, Sara Anne Comfort Hotchkiss; Receipts and bills; 1904
Military maps. Historic map, Library of Congress
Report of the camps, marches & engagements, of the Second Corps, A.N.V., and of the Army of the Valley Dist. of the Department of Northern VA., during the campaign of 1864 : [Virginia] /

Report of the camps, marches & engagements, of the Second Corps, A.N.V...

Relief shown by hachures. A number of the maps from this report are reproduced in the Atlas to accompany the official records of the Union and Confederate Armies, 1891-95. Pen-and-ink and pencil (some col.) wit... More

Kr. Rushchuk.  Kruppovskoe stal'noe orudie na vysok. kr. lafeta s povorot. ramoiu i kampressorami na beregovoi iamoobraznoi lozhement-batarei (protiv Slobodzei)

Kr. Rushchuk. Kruppovskoe stal'noe orudie na vysok. kr. lafeta s povo...

Picryl description: Public domain photograph of Russo-Turkish war 1877-1878, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Pamiat voiny 1877-1878 g.  Dvorets E. I. V. G. Vl. Kn. Naslednika Tsesarevicha v s. Brestovets (Kv. Sht. R. Otr.)

Pamiat voiny 1877-1878 g. Dvorets E. I. V. G. Vl. Kn. Naslednika Tses...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a castle, view, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

The American Civil War--maps. - Public domain map

The American Civil War--maps. - Public domain map

Title from cover. Issued to accompany Formby, John. The American Civil War, a concise history of its causes, progress, and results (London, John Murray, 1910). Listed in C.E. Le Gear's A List of Geographical At... More

Atlas of the war of the Rebellion giving Union and Confederate armies by actual surveys by the Union and Confederate engineers, and approved by the officers in command, of all the maps herein published /

Atlas of the war of the Rebellion giving Union and Confederate armies ...

Public domain scan of a page from geographical atlas, geography, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

American campaigns,

American campaigns,

On verso of t.-p.: War Department. Document no. 324. Office of the Chief of Staff. "These volumes represent a part of my three years' work as lecturer in military history at the Army Service Schools at Fort Lea... More

American campaigns,

American campaigns,

On verso of t.-p.: War Department. Document no. 324. Office of the Chief of Staff. "These volumes represent a part of my three years' work as lecturer in military history at the Army Service Schools at Fort Lea... More

American campaigns,

American campaigns,

On verso of t.-p.: War Department. Document no. 324. Office of the Chief of Staff. "These volumes represent a part of my three years' work as lecturer in military history at the Army Service Schools at Fort Lea... More

American campaigns,

American campaigns,

On verso of t.-p.: War Department. Document no. 324. Office of the Chief of Staff. "These volumes represent a part of my three years' work as lecturer in military history at the Army Service Schools at Fort Lea... More

Wahrhaffte Relation desz von Gott verlihenen Sigs welche die Königl. Majest. in Schweden etc. Von der Fridlendisch, vnd Bairischen Armee zu Freystatt erhalten 1632

Wahrhaffte Relation desz von Gott verlihenen Sigs welche die Königl. M...

Print shows birds-eye view of the map of the battlefield outside of Freystadt, Germany in 1632. Also indicated on the map are different towns and villages including Fürth, Nuremberg, Lauff, Schwabach, Rott and ... More

T'Sas van Gendt Belegert den 28. Iuly 1644 door syn Dr. Hoocheyt Fredrick Hendrick van Nassou Pr. van Orangien etc. ende by hem verovert den 6 September des selven jaers

T'Sas van Gendt Belegert den 28. Iuly 1644 door syn Dr. Hoocheyt Fredr...

Birds-eye view engraving shows map of the area around Sas van Gent in the Netherlands during the siege of 1644. Includes views of the fortress of Ravenburgh at Sas van Gent and surrounding smaller fortification... More

Der K:M: von Schweden und dero armee wǔnderbarer zǔg zwölff Meilen über das gefrorne Meer nemlich aǔβJüttland in Fühnen und Seeland

Der K:M: von Schweden und dero armee wǔnderbarer zǔg zwölff Meilen übe...

Print of map showing surprise attack of the March across the Belts when Swedish troops were able to cross the frozen water between the islands in Denmark. The winter of 1658 was one of the coldest winters on re... More

Eigentlicher Abriss und umständlicher Bericht des hitzigen Treffens der Christen wider die Türcken zwischen Salankamena und Semblin unweit des Sau-Flusses den 19. August. st. n. dieses 1691. Jahrs A. J

Eigentlicher Abriss und umständlicher Bericht des hitzigen Treffens de...

Birds-eye view print shows scene of battle between forces on horseback with some riders carrying standards of the crescent moon, fallen horses and fallen riders in the foreground. Behind are troops of soldiers ... More

Manuscript planning map for the Allied landing near Licata, Sicily, on July 10, 1943

Manuscript planning map for the Allied landing near Licata, Sicily, on...

Title provided by cataloger. Pencil and colored pencil on paper. All edges torn. Accompanied by documents concerning the life and service of Capt. Alfred J. Reid. Available also through the Library of Congress ... More

[June 12, 1944], HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map.

[June 12, 1944], HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map.

Available also through the Library of Congress web site as a raster image.

[December 28, 1944], HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map.

[December 28, 1944], HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map.

Picryl description: Public domain image of a World War II Military Situation Maps, free to use, no copyright restrictions. The maps in the World War II Military Situation Maps were published by the United State... More

[August 3, 1944], HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map.

[August 3, 1944], HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map.

Available also through the Library of Congress web site as a raster image.

Flag streamers, representing a history of US military campaigns from the battle at Yorktown (1781) to the invasion of Grenda (1983), are flared across the official US Army flag

Flag streamers, representing a history of US military campaigns from t...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Country: Unknown Scene Camera Operator: Russell Roederer Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

Canadian Forces Corporal Jay Warren (right) assigned to Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Task Force Orion offers notebooks to Kandahar's bazaar vendors as a gesture of gratitude for the help in proving comments and opinions on potential images to be used for upcoming PSYOPS campaigns, Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, May 6, 2006. (U.S. Army PHOTO by Leslie Angulo)(Released)

Canadian Forces Corporal Jay Warren (right) assigned to Psychological ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: ENDURING FREEDOM Base: Kandahar Army Air Field Country: Afghanistan (AFG) Scene Camera Operator: PFC Leslie Angulo, USA Rele... More

Razbitie marshala Neia pri g. Krasnom 6 Noiabria 1812 goda

Razbitie marshala Neia pri g. Krasnom 6 Noiabria 1812 goda

Public domain scan of Russian book, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Belägerung vnd Eroberung der Festung Benfeld so durch den Schwedischen Herrn Feldmarschalck Gustaff Horn geschehen 1632

Belägerung vnd Eroberung der Festung Benfeld so durch den Schwedischen...

Print shows two images. Upper image shows the a birds-eye view of the fortress of Benfeld in Alsace, the cloister Ehl and the headquarters of field marshall Gustav Horn during the siege of that town in 1632. Th... More

Triumph of the Assyrian king. (Kouyunjik) [Quyunjik].

Triumph of the Assyrian king. (Kouyunjik) [Quyunjik].

Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A field of battle (continued.) (Kouyunjik) [Quyunjik].

A field of battle (continued.) (Kouyunjik) [Quyunjik].

Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Serii︠a︡ plakatov "Grazhdanskai︠a︡" voĭna v 10 listov : Sovetskiĭ Soi︠u︡z i Vostochnai︠a︡ Evropa

Serii︠a︡ plakatov "Grazhdanskai︠a︡" voĭna v 10 listov : Sovetskiĭ Soi︠...

Series of 10 pictorial wall maps issued as posters to illustrate the military successes of the Red Army in the Russian Civil War of 1917-1922. Some maps cover the entire Soviet Union, some cover only the Europe... More

Mounted officers listening to suffering villagers.

Mounted officers listening to suffering villagers.

Public domain scan of American 19th-century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jedediah Hotchkiss Papers: Miscellany, circa 1846-1908; Newspaper clippings, circa 1855-1899; Hotchkiss, Jedediah; Lectures (1 of 2)

Jedediah Hotchkiss Papers: Miscellany, circa 1846-1908; Newspaper clip...

Public domain scan of newspaper clippings. Free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Salmon P. Chase Papers: Financial Papers, 1774-1873; 1862-1863
Jedediah Hotchkiss Papers: Miscellany, circa 1846-1908; Financial papers, 1846-1908; Receipts and bills; 1883-1885
Salmon P. Chase Papers: Special Indexes; Maryland, Baltimore (Police Commissioners)-Sparrow, William
Union and Confederate campaigns in the lower Shenandoah Valley illustrated : twenty years after : at the first reunion of Sheridan's veterans on the fields and in the camps of the valley /

Union and Confederate campaigns in the lower Shenandoah Valley illustr...

Shows positions of Federal and Confederate armies. Relief shown by hachures. Part blueprints and part blue-line prints. "The maps are copies of those published in 1880 in Col. Allan's 'Campaigns of Stonewall Ja... More

General Grant's grand march - American Civil War sheet music
Report of the camps, marches & engagements, of the Second Corps, A.N.V., and of the Army of the Valley Dist. of the Department of Northern VA., during the campaign of 1864 : [Virginia] /

Report of the camps, marches & engagements, of the Second Corps, A.N.V...

Relief shown by hachures. A number of the maps from this report are reproduced in the Atlas to accompany the official records of the Union and Confederate Armies, 1891-95. Pen-and-ink and pencil (some col.) wit... More

Pamiat voiny 1877-1878 g.  Prervannaia pereprava u Rushchuka chrez r. Dunai.

Pamiat voiny 1877-1878 g. Prervannaia pereprava u Rushchuka chrez r. ...

Picryl description: Public domain photograph of Russo-Turkish war 1877-1878, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Russian officers in Brestovets, Russian Empire, 19th century

Russian officers in Brestovets, Russian Empire, 19th century

Picryl description: Public domain photograph of Russo-Turkish war 1877-1878, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Russian officers, Russian Empire, 19th century

Russian officers, Russian Empire, 19th century

Public domain photograph of Russo-Turkish war 1877-1878, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Voina 1877-1878 g.  Raketnaia i skorostrel'naia Morskaia batareia, sostoiavshaia pri Sht. Rushch. Otriada v s. Brestovets.

Voina 1877-1878 g. Raketnaia i skorostrel'naia Morskaia batareia, sos...

Picryl description: Public domain photograph of Russo-Turkish war 1877-1878, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Taxis to hell - and back - A black and white photo of a group of men on a boat

Taxis to hell - and back - A black and white photo of a group of men o...

Photograph shows American soldiers wading from Coast Guard landing barge toward the beach at Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944. From the collections of Encyclopedia Britannica. Official Coast Guard photograph. O... More

Taxis to hell - and back - A black and white photo of a group of people on a boat

Taxis to hell - and back - A black and white photo of a group of peopl...

Photograph shows American soldiers wading from Coast Guard landing barge toward the beach at Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944. From the collections of Encyclopedia Britannica. Official Coast Guard photograph. O... More

Spot where General Wadsworth, USA, fell. Shattered tree struck by same shell that killed his horse

Spot where General Wadsworth, USA, fell. Shattered tree struck by same...

Purchase; Robin Stanford; 2015; (DLC/PP-2015:022). American Scenery (Stereoscopic) label on verso, no. 65. Forms part of: The Robin G. Stanford Collection. Digitized 2015 Funding from Center for Civil War Photography.

Complete map of the march of the 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Divn., Dept. of Cumberland on the Stoneman expedition through Tenn., Va., N.C., S.C., Geo., & Ala., March to June 1865 /

Complete map of the march of the 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Divn., Dept....

Ms. (pencil drawings). Title from front end paper. Includes select landowners. Label mounted on cover: Treasurer of the Confederate States in account with Wm. Thomas Hardy, Capt. & Asst. Qr M., C.S.P.A. Stateme... More

Military maps of the United States. - Public domain map
HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map : [Battle of the Bulge--France, Belgium, Netherlands, and Germany] /

HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map : [Battle of the Bulge--France, Be...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a World War II Military Situation Maps, free to use, no copyright restrictions. The maps in the World War II Military Situation Maps were published by the United State... More

HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map : [Battle of the Bulge--France, Belgium, Netherlands, and Germany] /

HQ Twelfth Army Group situation map : [Battle of the Bulge--France, Be...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a World War II Military Situation Maps, free to use, no copyright restrictions. The maps in the World War II Military Situation Maps were published by the United State... More

American campaigns,

American campaigns,

On verso of t.-p.: War Department. Document no. 324. Office of the Chief of Staff. "These volumes represent a part of my three years' work as lecturer in military history at the Army Service Schools at Fort Lea... More

Atlas of the battles of the American Revolution, together with maps shewing the routes of the British and American Armies, plans of cities, surveys of harbors, &c.,

Atlas of the battles of the American Revolution, together with maps sh...

LC Maps of North America, 1750-1789, 609, 910, 1003, 1013, 1183, 1184, 1185, 1186, 1200, 1291, 1321, 1327, 1337, 1342, 1346, 1356, 1375, 1465, 1474, 1476, 1516, 1543, 1561, 1564, 1566, 1576, 1630, 2075 Availabl... More

Warhafftige Abbildung vnd Beschreibung dess grossen vnd gewaltigen Treffens welches vor der Chur-Sächsischen Statt Leipzig zwischen der Catholischen Liga Generaln Graf Johann von Tilly an einem; vnd der Königl. Mayst. in Schweden auch Churfürstl. Durchl. zu Sachsen andern teils den 6. (16.) September 1631 vnd hernacher vorgangen

Warhafftige Abbildung vnd Beschreibung dess grossen vnd gewaltigen Tre...

Birds-eye view engraving shows the battlefield outside of Leipzig, Germany between Swedish and Saxon troops in September 1631. Includes views of troop formations and the location of the city of Leipzig. Troop g... More

Kurtze und eigentliche Entwerffung der schweren Belägerung so die Stadt Leipzig und Vestung Bleissenburg vom 14. Octobr. biss 26. Novemb. dess 1642. Jahrs aussgestanden neben einem ausführlichen Bericht was sich von Tag zu Tag denckwirdiges dabey zugetragen vnd mit angehengter Erklärung der Ziffer-Zahlen so in dem Kupffer zu befinden

Kurtze und eigentliche Entwerffung der schweren Belägerung so die Stad...

Birds-eye view engraving shows the walled city of Leipzig, Germany under siege by Swedish forces in 1642. Includes inset pictures of the castle fortress of Pleissenburg before and during the shelling and inset ... More

Seeschlacht bei den Dardanellen Ao. 1656

Seeschlacht bei den Dardanellen Ao. 1656

Print shows a birds eye view of ships in a harbor and additional ships in the foreground. The Venetians alligned with the Knights Hospitalier from Malta were victorious over Ottoman forces in a two-day battle o... More

Warhaffte Beschreibung der jüngsten gloriosen Victori wider den Erbfeind in Ungarn an der Theysz bey Zenta wie auch die Verzeichnus der hohen Generalität wie selbige in dem Treffen gestanden und commandirt hat : Alles aus warhafftem Abriss, wie er Ih. Kayserl. Majest. übergeben worden genommen und entworfen

Warhaffte Beschreibung der jüngsten gloriosen Victori wider den Erbfei...

Birds-eye view print shows layout and plan of the battlefield outside of Senta. In the foreground are generals on horseback above Turkish troops identified by a long spear with a crescent moon at the top. Also ... More

Die Siegreiche Schwedische Waffen werden bey einem blutigen Treffen wider die Moscowitische Polnische Völcker bey Riga glücklich geführet, und mit einer herrlichen Victoria von der Fama ausgeruffen. Aus Memel berichtet vom 27. Julii, 1701

Die Siegreiche Schwedische Waffen werden bey einem blutigen Treffen wi...

Print depicts the Battle of Riga that took place in July 1701 between Swedish troops under Charles XII against the forces of August the Strong of Saxony allied with the commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania. Bat... More

Die von denen Kayserlichen Hohen Alliirten belagerte und Heldenmütig eroberte Residenz-Stadt Bonn

Die von denen Kayserlichen Hohen Alliirten belagerte und Heldenmütig e...

Birds eye view print shows the walled city of Bonn on the bank of the Rhine River under attack by cannons on the opposite side of the river. In the foreground are troops, cannons, generals on horseback and sold... More

La battaille de Hoechstedt remporte par le hauté Alliez sur les Francois et Bavarois le 13 Aout 1704

La battaille de Hoechstedt remporte par le hauté Alliez sur les Franco...

Hand colored birds-eye view print shows view of the battlefield near the city of Höchstädt, Germany on August 13, 1704 when troops from the Austrian imperial army and its allies fought and won against combined ... More

Eigentlicher Abbildung der denckwürdiger Action so bey forcirung der feindlichen Linien in Braband bey Hillesheim durch tapfferen und klügen Angriff dess Herzogs von Marlborough den 18 Julii, Anno 1705 glücklich aussgeführet worden ist

Eigentlicher Abbildung der denckwürdiger Action so bey forcirung der f...

Birds-eye view print shows a battle with many infantry and cavalry. In the foreground are fallen soldiers and horses. Allegorical elements in the print include an angel carrying a flaming sword, a cherub blowin... More

map from "[A treatise on the defence of Portugal, with a military map ... and principal events of the campaigns under Lord Wellington, etc.]"

map from "[A treatise on the defence of Portugal, with a military map ...

This image has been taken from scan 000327 from "[A treatise on the defence of Portugal, with a military map ... and principal events of the campaigns under Lord Wellington, etc.]". The title and subject terms ... More

From the Etowah to Burnt-Hickory, Ga.

From the Etowah to Burnt-Hickory, Ga.

Scale ca. 1:27,600. LC Civil War Maps (2nd ed.), 121.4 Pen and ink sketch map showing "route of Harrison's Brigade," engagements, routes of the 20th and 23rd Army Corps, roads, railroads, drainage, relief by ha... More

Cuban ambush / motion picture. 19th century, Library of Congress collection

Cuban ambush / motion picture. 19th century, Library of Congress colle...

"From the upper windows of a ruined mill the Cubans fire at a scouting party of Spaniards, who return the volley. Fine smoke effects. 50 feet"--Edison films catalog. 46695 U.S. Copyright Office Copyright: Thoma... More

Captured German dugout, Flanders

Captured German dugout, Flanders

Four soldiers in a captured German dugout. Inside there is a lantern, table and chairs, and a few pictures on the wall. One soldier holds a record, whilst another cleans or fixes a gramophone...A dugout was a s... More

American Library Association - Campaigns - They signal "Send Books." Sending the signal for books from outside the New York Public Library building New York. The wireless apparatus was on the job sending the signal, illustrating the call for literature for our soldiers and sailors. March 19, 1918

American Library Association - Campaigns - They signal "Send Books." S...

Date Taken: 3/19/1918 Photographer: Underwood & Underwood American Library Association - Campaigns

American Library Association - Campaigns - Library, Univeristy of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, N.C

American Library Association - Campaigns - Library, Univeristy of Nort...

Photographer: American Library Association American Library Association - Campaigns

D-day Normandy : the invasion and the first 48 days of action with the 743rd tank battalion in France /

D-day Normandy : the invasion and the first 48 days of action with the...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a World War II Military Situation Maps, free to use, no copyright restrictions. The maps in the World War II Military Situation Maps were published by the United State... More

Minneapolis, Minnesota. At a meeting of the Swedish Club, a businessmen's social organization. The club has been in existence for many years and in addition to having lectures and programs, it participates in various public campaigns. The meeting was held at the Saint Anthony Club and the speaker was Elmer Peterson, a radio commentator who spoke on "Sweden's position in the present world crisis"

Minneapolis, Minnesota. At a meeting of the Swedish Club, a businessme...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a political campaign, politician, meeting, 1930s, mid-20th-century United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Robert List Campaigns for Governor. Paradise Valley, Nevada Folklife Collection

Robert List Campaigns for Governor. Paradise Valley, Nevada Folklife C...

June 18, 1978; Robert List was elected governor, Fall, 1978 People in photograph: Cassinelli, Bob; Humphrey, Bob; Unidentified; List, Robert; Unidentified The Paradise Valley Folklife Project was a cultural do... More

A row of bells hanging from a metal pole. Asia thailand travel

A row of bells hanging from a metal pole. Asia thailand travel

Tourism: Buddhist bells in a temple in thailand. Bells at the wat phra kaew temple in bangkok, thailand. Public domain stock photo.

Public domain stock image. Tractor yellow campaigns.
Kurtzer Bericht wie es mit Bela. vnd Eroberung der Stadt Eger vom 10 (20) Jun. biss 7 (17) Jul. An. 1647 hergangen

Kurtzer Bericht wie es mit Bela. vnd Eroberung der Stadt Eger vom 10 (...

Birds-eye view print shows plan of the fortified city of Eger (now Cheb, located in the Czech Republic) during the siege in 1647. Text identifies locations of troops under General Wittenberg and troops gathered... More

The siege of the city of Lachish by Sennacherib.
Jedediah Hotchkiss Papers: Diaries, 1845-1899; 1861, June 15-1862, May 16 (extracts)
Charles-Émile Jacque - Chouans au bivouac.

Charles-Émile Jacque - Chouans au bivouac.

Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Charles-Émile Jacque - Dernier combat de Charette.

Charles-Émile Jacque - Dernier combat de Charette.

Public domain illustrated book page scan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Salmon P. Chase Papers: General Correspondence, 1810-1898; 1863; Sept. 1-16
Serii︠a︡ plakatov "Grazhdanskai︠a︡" voĭna v 10 listov : Sovetskiĭ Soi︠u︡z i Vostochnai︠a︡ Evropa

Serii︠a︡ plakatov "Grazhdanskai︠a︡" voĭna v 10 listov : Sovetskiĭ Soi︠...

Series of 10 pictorial wall maps issued as posters to illustrate the military successes of the Red Army in the Russian Civil War of 1917-1922. Some maps cover the entire Soviet Union, some cover only the Europe... More

George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Annotated transcripts; 1942, Aug.-1943, Jan. 25

George S. Patton Papers: Diaries, 1910-1945; Annotated transcripts; 19...

Public domain scan of manuscript related to German history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Jedediah Hotchkiss Papers: Miscellany, circa 1846-1908; Printed matter; Notices of meetings and lectures
Field note book of William Luce, Eng. of Capt. J.W. Abert's party of U.S. Top. Engs., with pass from General Banks of Oct. 1861 : Maryland

Field note book of William Luce, Eng. of Capt. J.W. Abert's party of U...

Shows roads and general maps in Frederick and Montgomery counties, Maryland, and names of some residents. Relief shown by hachures. Pen-and-ink and pencil on lined paper. Folded pass pasted to p. [1]. Bound in ... More


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