Johannes Wierix - Afscheid van de drie bedienden
De uitgekozen bruid (Sponsa) neemt afscheid van de drie bedienden van Christus. Ze geven haar nog een laatste advies. Rechts op de achtergrond de bekering van Paulus. In de marge een vierregelig onderschrift, i... More
Christoph Krieger - Turkse bruid te paard, onder baldakijn
Een (onzichtbare) Turkse vrouw rijdt op een paard. Om haar heen lopen vier Turkse mannen die een baldakijn ophouden zodat ze onzichtbaar is voor mannenblikken.
Armeense geestelijken en een Armeense bruid en bruidegom
Blad met vier voorstellingen van Armeense geestelijken en gebruiken voorafgaande aan een Armeens huwelijk. Linksboven: Een priester van de Armeens-apostolische kerk. Achter hem staat links een subdiaken en rech... More
Bernard Picart - Huwelijksplechtigheid bij Asjkenazische Joden
Huwelijksplechtigheid bij Asjkenazische Joden. In de buitenlucht staat een Joods bruidpaar samen onder een gebedskleed, de talliet. De bruidegom geeft zijn bruid de ring. Tegenover het bruidspaar staat de rabbijn.
Vuile bruid of de bruiloft van Mopsus en Nisa
Mopsus, de bruidegom met veren op zijn hoed, haalt zijn slonzige bruid Nisa al dansend op bij een haveloze tent. Een kleine jongen loopt naast de tent met een spaarpot in zijn hand. Rechts een muzikant met een ... More
Adriaen Matham - Interieur met een huwelijksbanket
Charmant geklede figuren aan een tafel waar wordt gegeten en gedronken. In het midden de bruid met een krans boven haar hoofd, bevestigt aan een baldakijn.
Geestelijke boomgaard, ca. 1650
De geestelijke boomgaard, ca. 1650. Allegorie waarin een vrouw (de ziel), de bruid van Christus, door een engel door een omheinde tuin wordt geleid die verdeeld is in zeven compartimenten die overeen komen met ... More
Reinier Vinkeles I - Scipio en de bruid van Numantia
De Romeinse generaal Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus maior geeft na de verovering van Carthago een schone krijgsgevangene terug aan haar verloofde.
Henri Lehmann - The Figure of Sarah, Bride of Tobias
Henri Lehmann (French, Kiel 1814–1882 Paris) Public domain scan of drawing, naked figure, anatomy etude, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Study for 'The Bride at Her Toilet on the Day of Her Wedding'
Sir David Wilkie (British, Cults, Scotland 1785–1841 off Gibraltar) Public domain scan of 19th century British drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bruid wordt gekapt - Early photography, Public domain image
Public domain photograph of 19th-century stereoscopic card, flowers, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Journal des Demoiselles, 1854, No. 56 (?), 22e année
Vrouw en een bruid in een interieur. Links: geruite japon in groen en rood. Om de schouders een sjaal afgezet met franjes. Rechts: bruidsjapon met hooggesloten lijfje middenvoor en op de mouwen versierd met str... More
Bruid voor de huwelijksnacht - stereoscopic view, public domain photor...
Public domain image of a male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Les Modes Parisiennes, 1879, No. 1762 : Spécialité de Costumes (...)
Bruid in een bruidsjapon met sleep. Naast haar staat een vrouw in een japon met vierkante hals en middenvoor een rij knopen. Accessoires: diadeem, collier met hanger, oorbel, armbanden, korte handschoenen. Onde... More
Public domain studio portrait, NFB.24192, Gustav Borgen
NFB.24192 Public domain historical portrait photograph, Scandinavian, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Florida Senator and bride on way to opening session. Washington, D.C.,...
A couple of people that are waving. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bridesmaid and Best Man, Johnston Wedding / James Walter Chapman-Taylo...
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Caruso & bride - Public domain image related to music prformance, phot...
An old black and white photo of a man and a woman. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Wedding, Mr. Paton & Sister Sloan, June 23, '43
Public domain photo of wedding, wedding photography, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Portrait photograph of Moore, E.S, C.M.Bell Studio
Title is unverified name of sitter or person who ordered the photograph, from handwritten label on negative sleeve or negative. Date from photographer's logbook. Gift; American Genetic Association, 1975. Temp ... More
"With this ring I thee wed" - stereoscopic view, public domain photorp...
Wedding scene with members of wedding party in foreground; groom placing ring on bride's hand. Stereo copyrighted by H.C. White Co. No. 5514. This record contains unverified, old data from caption card. Caption... More
Frances Benjamin Johnston - White House wedding decorations [Flowers]
Frances Benjamin Johnston Collection (Library of Congress). Public domain photograph of 20th century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Portrait of a couple at their wedding
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Simmonds, portrait, Photo Studio Berry & Co, Wellington NZ
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Harold Bride, surviving wireless operator of the TITANIC, with feet b...
J169614 U.S. Copyright Office. No copyright renewal. This record contains unverified data from caption card, with subsequent revisions. Caption card tracings: BI; Ships Disasters; Ships TITANIC.
Ernst August of Brunswick & bride
Photo shows Ernst August, Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg (1887-1953) and his bride Princess Victoria Louise of Prussia who were married May 24, 1913. (Source: Flickr Commons project, 2009)
Helen Gould, George Grantham Bain Collection
Photo shows Helen Miller Gould (1868-1938) at her wedding to Finley Johnson Shepard, Jan. 22, 1913. (Source: Flickr Commons project, 2008) Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress). T... More
Wedding portait, Photo Studio Berry & Co, Wellington NZ
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Brudpar, Östhammar, Uppland Sverige. Public domain image.
Brudpar, Östhammar, Uppland Public domain photograph, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ateljéporträtt - brudpar från Motorp, Uppland
Ateljéporträtt - brudpar från Motorp, Uppland Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1920s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Brudpar, Östhammar, Uppland Sverige. Public domain image.
Brudpar, Östhammar, Uppland Public domain photograph, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Brudebilde - Arne og Konstanse Amalie Lorentsen.
Brudebilde - Arne og Konstanse Amalie Lorentsen.
Brudpar, Östhammar, Uppland Sverige. Public domain image.
Brudpar, Östhammar, Uppland Public domain photograph, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bröllopsporträtt, Östhammar, Uppland
Bröllopsporträtt, Östhammar, Uppland Public domain photograph, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Brudpar, Östhammar, Uppland Sverige. Public domain image.
Brudpar, Östhammar, Uppland Public domain photograph, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Osman Wedding group - Glass negative photogrpah. Public domain.
Public domain photo of wedding, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Brudpar med tärnor och marskalkar, Östhammar, Uppland
Brudpar med tärnor och marskalkar, Östhammar, Uppland Public domain photograph - group portrait, 20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Brudpar, Östhammar, Uppland Sverige. Public domain image.
Brudpar, Östhammar, Uppland Public domain photograph, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Brudpar, Östhammar, Uppland Sverige. Public domain image.
Brudpar, Östhammar, Uppland Public domain photograph, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Maj. & Mrs. George Oakley Totten wedding, 8/22/21
A black and white photo of a bride and groom. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Mårtenssons brudpar 1922, 4271.
Mårtenssons brudpar 1922, 4271. Public domain photograph, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Brudpar, Östhammar, Uppland Sverige. Public domain image.
Brudpar, Östhammar, Uppland Public domain photograph, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Wedding - Glass negative photogrpah. Public domain.
A man and a woman walking down a stage, Library of Congress Harris and Ewing collection Date based on date of negatives in same range. Gift; Harris & Ewing, Inc. 1955. General information about the Harris & Ew... More
Mr. and Mrs. Sommerville Pinckney Tuck, leaving St. Thomas' Church, Wa...
A black and white photo of a bride and groom, Library of Congress Harris and Ewing collection Title from unverified caption data on negative or negative sleeve. Gift; Harris & Ewing, Inc. 1955. General informa... More
Bröllop, Aspö, Börstils socken, Uppland 1920-tal
Bröllop, Aspö, Börstils socken, Uppland 1920-tal Public domain photograph - group portrait, Sweden, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Este Bruce just after their wedding at the Nationa...
Title and other information transcribed from caption card and item. In album: Washington, D.C., 1926, v. 2, Herbert E. French, National Photo Company. National Photo Company Collection (Library of Congress). No... More
[Wedding] - Glass negative photogrpah. Public domain.
Public domain historical photo, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Electric Institute of Washington, Potomac Electric Power Co. Building....
Public domain photograph of midcentury American industry, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Texas senator's daughter weds. Capital society was out enmasse Saturda...
A black and white photo of a bride and groom, Library of Congress Harris and Ewing collection Title from unverified caption data on negative or negative sleeve. Harris & Ewing photos. Gift; Harris & Ewing, Inc... More
Wedding - Glass negative photogrpah. Public domain.
A man and a woman standing next to each other, Library of Congress Harris and Ewing collection Date based on date of negatives in same range. Gift; Harris & Ewing, Inc. 1955. General information about the Harr... More
[Copy of photographs showing: a wedding party leaving a building (top)...
Public domain photograph - Portrait, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Mr. Atallah's wedding at Beit Jala
Caption on negative sleeve: Mr. Atallah's wedding films. On box label: Weddings, various wedding groups. Gift; Episcopal Home; 1978. Title and date from: photographer's logbook: Matson Registers, v. 2, [1940-1946].
Wedding of Beryl Olwen Smith to Harry Evans
Teitl Cymraeg/Welsh title:Priodas Beryl Olwen Smith i Harry Evans..Ffotograffydd/Photographer: Geoff Charles (1909-2002).Dyddiad/Date: July 1, 1952. .Cyfrwng/Medium: Negydd ffilm / Film negative.Cyfeiriad/Refe... More
Notes of 'Megkötötték nékem a koszorút - Wreathing the bride'- Bartók ...
Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Huwelijk M.A.J. Romme met mejuffrouw E.F. Brambergers
Huwelijk M.A.J. Romme met mejuffrouw E.F. Brambergers Public domain photograph of the Netherlands in 1962 by The Algemeen Nederlandsch Fotobureau (ANeFo), also known as the General Dutch Photo Bureau, a Dutch ... More
Photograph of a Bride and Her Attendants in New Ulm, Minnesota
DOCUMERICA: The Environmental Protection Agency's Program to Photographically Document Subjects of Environmental Concern
A woman in a wedding dress stands near Rear Adm. John F. Shaw, chief o...
The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: DESERT SHIELDDESERT STORM Base: Naval Amphib Base, Little Creek State: Virginia (VA) Country: United States Of America (USA) ... More
US COAST GUARD Portsmouth event
Photo of events near Portsmouth, Va., Wed., June 13, 2013.U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Annie R. B. Elis.
An old photo of a bride and groom surrounded by flowers. Vintage weddi...
A vintage photo of a couple in their wedding dress / An old photo of a bride and groom surrounded by flowers / Public domain stock illustration.
A woman in a wedding dress holding a bouquet. Bride marriage wedding.
A woman in a white dress holding a bouquet of flowers / A woman in a white dress holding a bouquet of flowers / Public domain photo of a park, nature.
A bride and groom are sitting on a bench. Wedding kiss bride.
A man and woman sitting on a bench / A bride and groom kissing on a bench / Public domain stock photo of a ship.
A bride and groom kissing in front of a church. Church bride groom, re...
A bride and groom pose in front of a church / A bride and groom pose in front of a church public domain stock photo.
A woman in a wedding dress standing next to a car. Wedding dress dress...
Stock photo: Bride leaning on a vintage car / A woman in a wedding dress standing next to a car.
A woman in a wedding dress holding her hands together. Wedding dresses...
The wedding of and by / A bride in a wedding dress with a veil / Public domain stock photo.
Marriage rings wedding.
Free images of hands. Public domain stock photo of hands. Royalty free photos.
A woman in a wedding dress and veil posing for a picture. Bride weddin...
Stock photography: A bride with long black hair and a white veil / A woman in a wedding dress and veil posing for a picture.
A woman is looking at her reflection in a mirror. Marriage bride mirro...
A woman looking in a mirror while looking at her face / A woman looking in a mirror at her reflection - public domain stock photo.
A woman in a white tank top holding a tennis racquet. Bride girl origi...
A woman with blonde hair smiling and looking at the camera / A woman with blonde hair and a white tank top / Public domain stock photo.
A woman in a wedding dress standing in a hotel room. Woman beautiy wed...
The bride poses in her wedding dress / A woman in a white dress standing in a room / Public domain stock photo.
A woman laying on a bed of gold dust. Bride dress gold, beauty fashion...
A woman in a dress covered in glitter / A woman in a dress with gold glitter / Public domain stock photo.
A woman in a white dress and a veil. Woman wedding bride, beauty fashi...
A woman in a white dress with a veil on her head / A woman in a wedding dress is standing outside - public domain stock photo.
A woman holding a bunch of pink roses in front of her face. Bride bouq...
A bride holding a bouquet of pink roses / A bride holding a bouquet of pink roses public domain stock photo.
A figurine of a woman holding a frog. Bride kiss the frog love, emotio...
A figurine of a woman kissing a frog / A figurine of a bride holding a green frog - public domain macro photography.
A bride and groom holding hands under an umbrella. Wedding love marria...
The bride and groom hold hands as they hold their wedding dress / A close up of a bride and groom holding hands / Public domain stock photo of a ship.
A woman in a wedding dress holding a bouquet. Wedding kiss the groom, ...
A bride in a white wedding dress with a red bouquet / A woman in a white dress and red bouquet / Public domain stock photo.
A man and a woman standing next to a wedding cake. Sponge cake wedding...
Find the best copyright-free images of beautiful women. Download all photos, art posters, and prints: images you can use without copyright restrictions, even for commercial purpose.
Glove suit hand, emotions.
Free images of hands. Public domain stock photo of hands. Royalty free photos.
A figurine of a bride holding a bottle of beer. Bride kiss the frog lo...
A figurine of a bride holding a bottle of water / A woman holding a bottle of beer and a frog public domain stock photo.
A man and a woman in a wedding dress. Sponge cake wedding kiss, people...
Find the best copyright-free images of beautiful women. Download all photos, art posters, and prints: images you can use without copyright restrictions, even for commercial purpose.
A wedding cake topper with a bride and groom figurine. Bride and groom...
A couple of figurines dressed in wedding attire / A couple dressed as a bride and groom are standing on a white chair / Public domain stock photo of a ship.
Wedding marriage love, emotions.
Free images of hands. Public domain stock photo of hands. Royalty free photos.
A figurine of a bride and a love sign. Bride kiss the frog love, emoti...
A figurine of a bride drinking a beer next to a love letter / A bride and groom figurine standing next to a love letter public domain stock photo.
A bride and groom sitting on a wooden bridge. Couple marriage bride, e...
A bride and groom in a field / A bride and groom sit on a wooden bench in a field public domain stock photo.
A man and a woman standing next to each other. Beach wedding happy cou...
A couple hold hands on the beach / A bride and groom hold hands during their wedding ceremony / Public domain stock photo.
A picture of a woman in a wedding dress on the beach. Bride beach wedd...
A woman in a white dress and red sunglasses on the beach / A picture of a woman in a wedding dress on the beach / Public domain stock illustration.
A blurry photo of a bride and groom. Flower bride bridal bouquet, emot...
Beautiful Red Roses Flowers: Free images of red roses, available for commercial use and free download. Copyright-free, no attribution required.
A bride and groom standing in the grass. Wedding dress pants, beauty f...
The bride and groom stand in the grass / The bride and groom stand in the grass / Public domain stock photo.
Public domain stock image. Wedding married honeymoon, emotions.
Free inspirational quotes images. Download inspirational images. Use free inspirational pictures without any copyright restrictions.