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black and white portrait photographs of educators

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Nishimura Shigeki - Imperial Japan

Nishimura Shigeki - Imperial Japan

Portrait of Nishimura Shigeki (西村茂樹, 1828 – 1902) Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Nitobe Inazo - Imperial Japan. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Nitobe Inazo - Imperial Japan. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Portrait of Nitobe Inazo (新渡戸稲造, 1862 – 1933)

Ichiro Nakayama by Shigeru Tamura

Ichiro Nakayama by Shigeru Tamura

Dr. Ichirō Nakayama.日本語: 中山伊知郎。

Kyuichiro Nagai, acting principal of the Kyoritsu Women's Vocational School

Kyuichiro Nagai, acting principal of the Kyoritsu Women's Vocational S...

Kyūichirō Nagai, acting principal of the Kyoritsu Women's Vocational School.日本語: 永井久一郎 共立女子職業学校2代校長代理。

Shigeru Nanbara by Shigeru Tamura

Shigeru Nanbara by Shigeru Tamura

Shigeru Nambara.日本語: 南原繁。

Aoyama Tanemichi. Japanese Empire.

Aoyama Tanemichi. Japanese Empire.

Portrait of Aoyama Tanemichi, a medical scientist, doctor and a member of the Imperial Japan Academy. 日本語: 青山胤通(1859-1917)

Kato Totsudo 05. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Kato Totsudo 05. Japanese empire during World War Two.

日本語: 加藤咄堂(作家) Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kawai Teiichi. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Kawai Teiichi. Japanese empire during World War Two.

日本語: 川合貞一(1870-1955) Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kitokuro Ichiki 01. 1920s Japan, public domain image.

Kitokuro Ichiki 01. 1920s Japan, public domain image.

Kitokuro Ichiki日本語: 一木喜徳郎 Public domain image of Japan during Meiji period, Japanese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Mr. Gendo Tsuboi, lecturer of the Tokyo Academy of Music

Mr. Gendo Tsuboi, lecturer of the Tokyo Academy of Music

Mr. Gendō Tsuboi, lecturer of the Tokyo Academy of Music. 日本語: 東京音楽学校講師 坪井玄道氏。

Mr. Goro Oka, inspector of the Department of Education

Mr. Goro Oka, inspector of the Department of Education

Mr. Gorō Oka, inspector of the Department of Education. 日本語: 文部省視学官岡五郎君。

Mr. Kanjiro Higuchi, manager of the Japanese Education Association

Mr. Kanjiro Higuchi, manager of the Japanese Education Association

Mr. Kanjirō Higuchi, manager of the Japanese Education Association. 日本語: 帝国教育会主事 樋口勘治郎氏。

Mr. Kazutoshi Ueda, chief of the Bureau of Special School Affairs of the Department of Education

Mr. Kazutoshi Ueda, chief of the Bureau of Special School Affairs of t...

Mr. Kazutoshi Ueda, chief of the Bureau of Special School Affairs of the Department of Education. 日本語: 文部省専門学務局長上田万年君。

Mr. Kichisaburo Sasaki, ex-superintendent

Mr. Kichisaburo Sasaki, ex-superintendent

Mr. Kichisaburō Sasaki, ex-superintendent. 日本語: 前主事佐佐木吉三郎氏。

Mr. Masao Uchida - Public domain portrait print

Mr. Masao Uchida - Public domain portrait print

Mr. Masao Uchida. 日本語: 内田正雄氏。

Mr. Nobuyoshi Akama, Director of the Japan-China Educational Association and Vice Principal of the Toa School

Mr. Nobuyoshi Akama, Director of the Japan-China Educational Associati...

Mr. Nobuyoshi Akama, Director of the Japan-China Educational Association and Vice Principal of the Tōa School. 日本語: 日華学会理事兼東亜学校学監 赤間信義氏。

Mr. Ryusei Watanabe. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Mr. Ryusei Watanabe. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Mr. Ryūsei Watanabe. 日本語: 渡辺竜聖氏。

Mr. Shuji Isawa, president of the League for Establishing Free Education

Mr. Shuji Isawa, president of the League for Establishing Free Educati...

Mr. Shūji Isawa, president of the League for Establishing Free Education. 日本語: 国立教育期成同盟会長伊沢修二君。

Mr. Teizo Tamana. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Mr. Teizo Tamana. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Mr. Teizō Tamana. 日本語: 玉名程三先生。

Mr. Torasaburo Matsuura, director and professor of the Fifth Higher School

Mr. Torasaburo Matsuura, director and professor of the Fifth Higher Sc...

Mr. Torasaburō Matsuura, director and professor of the Fifth Higher School. 日本語: 第五高等学校長兼教授 正五位勲六等 松浦寅三郎氏。

Mr. Tsutae Matsumura, director of the Nara Prefectural Unebi Middle School

Mr. Tsutae Matsumura, director of the Nara Prefectural Unebi Middle Sc...

Mr. Tsutae Matsumura, director of the Nara Prefectural Unebi Middle School. 日本語: 奈良県立畝傍中学校長 正七位 松村伝氏。

Mr. Yukinori Sanada. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Mr. Yukinori Sanada. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Mr. Yukinori Sanada. 日本語: 真田幸憲氏。

Mr. Zensaku Sano, Councilor of the Japan-China Educational Association

Mr. Zensaku Sano, Councilor of the Japan-China Educational Association

Mr. Zensaku Sano, Councilor of the Japan-China Educational Association. 日本語: 日華学会評議員 法学博士 佐野善作氏。

Nobuhachi Konishi, 3rd Director of the Tokyo School for the Deaf and Dumb

Nobuhachi Konishi, 3rd Director of the Tokyo School for the Deaf and D...

Nobuhachi Konishi, 3rd Director of the Tokyo School for the Deaf and Dumb. 日本語: 第三代東京盲唖学校長 小西信八。

Rikizo Nakashima. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Rikizo Nakashima. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Rikizō Nakashima. 日本語: 中島力造。 Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ryuzo Torii 01. Public domain image of 1950s Japan.

Ryuzo Torii 01. Public domain image of 1950s Japan.

Ryuzo Torii日本語: 鳥居龍蔵 Public domain image of Japan during Meiji period, Japanese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Sadatoshi Yasugi. 1900s Japan, public domain image.

Sadatoshi Yasugi. 1900s Japan, public domain image.

日本語: 言語学者の八杉貞利。東京帝国大学文科大学言語学科の集合写真より。

Tetsuji Nishiyama. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Tetsuji Nishiyama. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Tetsuji Nishiyama. 日本語: 西山哲治。 Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Tojo Hidenori (restored). Japanese empire during World War Two.

Tojo Hidenori (restored). Japanese empire during World War Two.

Portrait of Tojo Hidenori (東条英教, 1855 – 1913) Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire, during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain... More

Tsunataro Hashimoto, 16th Head of Kurate District

Tsunataro Hashimoto, 16th Head of Kurate District

Tsunatarō Hashimoto, 16th Head of Kurate District. 日本語: 第16代鞍手郡長 橋本綱太郎。

Yasuji Akiho. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Yasuji Akiho. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Yasuji Akiho. 日本語: 秋保安治。 Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Teiichi Kawai

Teiichi Kawai

Teiichi Kawai.日本語: 川合貞一。

Aoyama Nao, February 1928

Aoyama Nao, February 1928

日本語: 教育者の青山なを。

FURUICHI Koi - Imperial Japan. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

FURUICHI Koi - Imperial Japan. 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Portrait of Furuichi Koi (古市公威, 1854 – 1934) Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Hiranuma Kiichiro. Japanese Empire. - Imperial Japan

Hiranuma Kiichiro. Japanese Empire. - Imperial Japan

Portrait of Hiranuma Kiichiro (平沼騏一郎, 1867 – 1952)

Shoyo Tsubouchi - Imperial Japan

Shoyo Tsubouchi - Imperial Japan

Portrait of Tsubouchi Shoyo (坪内逍遥, 1859 – 1935) Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Washino Yonetaro - Imperial Taiwan

Washino Yonetaro - Imperial Taiwan

日本語: 鷲野米太郎 Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Tetsuro Watsuji by Shigeru Tamura

Tetsuro Watsuji by Shigeru Tamura

Dr. Tetsurō Watsuji.日本語: 和辻哲郎。

Eiji Makiyama, former superintendent of the Girls' High School attached to the Tokyo Women's Higher Normal School

Eiji Makiyama, former superintendent of the Girls' High School attache...

Eiji Makiyama, former superintendent of the Girls' High School attached to the Tokyo Women's Higher Normal School. 日本語: 東京女子高等師範学校附属高等女学校前主事 槙山栄次。

Goro Takase. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Goro Takase. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Gorō Takase. 日本語: 高瀬五郎。 Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Isamu Dochoku, director of the Kumamoto Normal School

Isamu Dochoku, director of the Kumamoto Normal School

Isamu Dōchoku, director of the Kumamoto Normal School. 日本語: 熊本師範学校長 銅直勇。

Kinichi Takebe. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Kinichi Takebe. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Kinichi Takebe. 日本語: 武部欽一。 Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kiyonaga Tsuda, 3rd director of the Aoyama Normal School

Kiyonaga Tsuda, 3rd director of the Aoyama Normal School

Kiyonaga Tsuda, 3rd director of the Aoyama Normal School. 日本語: 青山師範学校3代校長 津田清長。

Kunio Yanagita. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Kunio Yanagita. Japanese empire during World War Two.

日本語: 柳田國男 English: Kunio Yanagita (1975–1962)

Late Taizo Masaki, former director of the Tokyo Higher Technical School

Late Taizo Masaki, former director of the Tokyo Higher Technical Schoo...

Late Taizō Masaki, former principal of the Tokyo Higher Technical School. 日本語: 東京高等工業学校前校長 故正木退蔵。

Mano Bunji. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Mano Bunji. Japanese empire during World War Two.

日本語: 真野文二(1861-1946) Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Masakazu Toyama in 1898 (51 years old)

Masakazu Toyama in 1898 (51 years old)

Masakazu Toyama in 1898 (51 years old). 日本語: 外山正一 明治31年、51歳。

Masatsugu Tsukahara (2). Japanese empire during World War Two.

Masatsugu Tsukahara (2). Japanese empire during World War Two.

Masatsugu Tsukahara. 日本語: 塚原政次。 Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Mr. Choichi Higuchi, ex-president

Mr. Choichi Higuchi, ex-president

Mr. Chōichi Higuchi, ex-president. 日本語: 前会長樋口長市先生。

Mr. Gentaro Tanahashi. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Mr. Gentaro Tanahashi. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Mr. Gentaro Tanahashi. 日本語: 棚橋源太郎。

Mr. Heizaburo Takashima in his study room

Mr. Heizaburo Takashima in his study room

Mr. Heizaburō Takashima in his study room. 日本語: 書斎に於ける高島平三郎先生。

Mr. Kanji Matsui, professor of the Tokyo Higher Normal School

Mr. Kanji Matsui, professor of the Tokyo Higher Normal School

Mr. Kanji Matsui, professor of the Tokyo Higher Normal School. 日本語: 東京高等師範学校教授 松井簡治氏。

Mr. Makita Goto, professor of the Tokyo Higher Normal School

Mr. Makita Goto, professor of the Tokyo Higher Normal School

Mr. Makita Gotō, professor of the Tokyo Higher Normal School. 日本語: 東京高等師範学校教授 従四位勲三等 後藤牧太氏。

Mr. Masayoshi Okuyama. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Mr. Masayoshi Okuyama. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Mr. Masayoshi Okuyama. 日本語: 資格審査委員長 奥山政敬氏。

Mr. Ryusei Watanabe, director of the Nagoya Higher Commercial School

Mr. Ryusei Watanabe, director of the Nagoya Higher Commercial School

Mr. Ryūsei Watanabe, president of Kitan Corporation and director of the Nagoya Higher Commercial School. 日本語: 其湛会長 母校々長 渡辺竜聖先生。

Mr. Taigan Matsunami. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Mr. Taigan Matsunami. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Mr. Taigan Matsunami. 日本語: 松濤泰巌氏。

Mr. Teisuke Fujishiro, professor of the College of Literature at Imperial University of Kyoto

Mr. Teisuke Fujishiro, professor of the College of Literature at Imper...

Mr. Teisuke Fujishiro, professor of the College of Literature at Imperial University of Kyoto. 日本語: 京都帝国大学文科大学教授 正五位勲五等 文学博士 藤代禎輔氏。

Mr. Yukijiro Shibasaki, director of the Nagasaki Higher Commercial School

Mr. Yukijiro Shibasaki, director of the Nagasaki Higher Commercial Sch...

Mr. Yukijirō Shibasaki, director of the Nagasaki Higher Commercial School. 日本語: 長崎高等商業学校長 従五位 柴崎雪次郎氏。

Ose Jintaro, 2nd president of the Tokyo University of Literature and Science

Ose Jintaro, 2nd president of the Tokyo University of Literature and S...

Ōse Jintarō, 2nd president of the Tokyo University of Literature and Science. 日本語: 東京文理科大学2代学長 大瀬甚太郎。

Ose Jintaro, president of the Tokyo University of Literature and Science (3)

Ose Jintaro, president of the Tokyo University of Literature and Scien...

Ōse Jintarō, president of the Tokyo University of Literature and Science. 日本語: 東京文理科大学長 大瀬甚太郎。

Portrait of late Mr. Kano. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Portrait of late Mr. Kano. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Portrait of late Mr. Kanō. 日本語: 嘉納先生の偲。

Portrait of Mr. Tsuboi (taken at the time of 70 years old)

Portrait of Mr. Tsuboi (taken at the time of 70 years old)

Portrait of Mr. Tsuboi (taken at the time of 70 years old). 日本語: 坪井先生肖像(七十歳の時の撮影)。

Risaku Mutai, 5th president of the Tokyo University of Literature and Science

Risaku Mutai, 5th president of the Tokyo University of Literature and ...

Risaku Mutai, 5th president of the Tokyo University of Literature and Science. 日本語: 東京文理科大学5代学長 務台理作。

Sakurai Fusaki, 5th director of the Fifth Higher School

Sakurai Fusaki, 5th director of the Fifth Higher School

Sakurai Fusaki, 5th director of the Fifth Higher School. 日本語: 第五高等学校第5代校長 桜井房記。

Seizo Morimoto, 9th director of the Fukuoka Normal School

Seizo Morimoto, 9th director of the Fukuoka Normal School

Seizō Morimoto, 9th director of the Fukuoka Normal School. 日本語: 福岡県福岡師範学校第9代校長 森本清蔵。

Shinshichi Miura (1936). 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Shinshichi Miura (1936). 1930s Japan, public domain image.

Shinshichi Miura (1936). 日本語: 三浦新七(昭和11年)。

Soju Irisawa (2). Japanese empire during World War Two.

Soju Irisawa (2). Japanese empire during World War Two.

Sōju Irisawa. 日本語: 入沢宗寿。 Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Takizawa Kikutaro who visited the Aoyama Normal School on one day after retirement

Takizawa Kikutaro who visited the Aoyama Normal School on one day afte...

Takizawa Kikutarō who visited the Aoyama Normal School on one day after retirement. 日本語: 滝沢菊太郎 退職後自適の一日青山師範を訪ひて。

Toraki Seto, 2nd director of the Nagasaki Higher Commercial School

Toraki Seto, 2nd director of the Nagasaki Higher Commercial School

Toraki Seto, 2nd director of the Nagasaki Higher Commercial School. 日本語: 長崎高等商業学校2代校長 瀬戸虎記。

Viscount Taneyuki Tachibana, chancellor of the Gakushuin school

Viscount Taneyuki Tachibana, chancellor of the Gakushuin school

Viscount Taneyuki Tachibana, chancellor of the Gakushuin school. 日本語: 学習院長 子爵 立花種恭。

Yasui Tetsu Reminiscences of TWCU

Yasui Tetsu Reminiscences of TWCU

ja:安井てつ(Tetsu Yasui, Japanese Educator) Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photog... More

Hermann Wagner Friderico-Francisceum 1881

Hermann Wagner Friderico-Francisceum 1881

Hermann Wagner Public domain photograph related to the history of Germany, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Mr. Kunihiko Yamada, chief inspector of Miyagi Prefecture

Mr. Kunihiko Yamada, chief inspector of Miyagi Prefecture

Mr. Kunihiko Yamada, chief inspector of Miyagi Prefecture.日本語: 宮城県視学官 山田邦彦君。

Nakae Chomin - Imperial Japan. 1900s Japan, public domain image.

Nakae Chomin - Imperial Japan. 1900s Japan, public domain image.

Portrait of Nakae Chomin (中江兆民, 1847 – 1901) Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

YAMAKAWA Kenjiro - Imperial Japan

YAMAKAWA Kenjiro - Imperial Japan

Portrait of Yamakawa Kenjiro (山川健次郎, 1854 – 1931)

Baron Naibu Kanda. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Baron Naibu Kanda. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Baron Naibu Kanda. 日本語: 神田乃武男爵。

Count Maresuke Nogi, chancellor of the Gakushuin school

Count Maresuke Nogi, chancellor of the Gakushuin school

Count Maresuke Nogi, chancellor of the Gakushuin school. 日本語: 学習院長 伯爵 乃木希典。

Eihiko Shirasaka. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Eihiko Shirasaka. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Eihiko Shirasaka. 日本語: 白坂栄彦。 Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kano Kokichi. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Kano Kokichi. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Kanō Kōkichi. 日本語: 狩野亨吉。 Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kanzo Uchimura in 1912. 1910s Japan, public domain image.

Kanzo Uchimura in 1912. 1910s Japan, public domain image.

日本語: 柏木の自宅の書斎での内村鑑三

Kenjiro Yamakawa, Director of the College of Science

Kenjiro Yamakawa, Director of the College of Science

K. Yamagawa, Director of the College of Science.jpg. 日本語: 山川健次郎 理科大学長。

Kenkichi Mori. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Kenkichi Mori. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Kenkichi Mori. 日本語: 森巻吉。 Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kinoshita Hiroji. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Kinoshita Hiroji. Japanese empire during World War Two.

日本語: 木下広次(1851-1910) Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Koichi Hoshina. 1900s Japan, public domain image.

Koichi Hoshina. 1900s Japan, public domain image.

日本語: 言語学者の保科孝一。東京帝国大学文科大学言語学科の集合写真より。

Late Mr. Yoshiro Hiranuma, Councilor of the Japan-China Educational Association

Late Mr. Yoshiro Hiranuma, Councilor of the Japan-China Educational As...

Late Mr. Yoshirō Hiranuma, Councilor of the Japan-China Educational Association. 日本語: 日華学会評議員 法学博士 故平沼淑郎氏。

Manjiro Hayama, 2nd director of the Yamagata Higher School

Manjiro Hayama, 2nd director of the Yamagata Higher School

Manjirō Hayama, 2nd director of the Yamagata Higher School. 日本語: 山形高等学校第2代校長 葉山万次郎。

Mr. Goroku Nakamura, professor of the Women's Higher Normal School and superintendent of the Kindergarten attached to the School

Mr. Goroku Nakamura, professor of the Women's Higher Normal School and...

Mr. Goroku Nakamura, professor of the Women's Higher Normal School and superintendent of the Kindergarten attached to the School. 日本語: 女子高等師範学校教授兼附属幼稚園主事中村五六君。

Mr. Hajime Nakagawa, director of the Sendai Higher Technical School

Mr. Hajime Nakagawa, director of the Sendai Higher Technical School

Mr. Hajime Nakagawa, director of the Sendai Higher Technical School. 日本語: 仙台高等工業学校長 正四位勲二等 中川元氏。

Mr. Kintaro Misonou, chief teacher of the Tokyo Prefectural Toshima Normal School

Mr. Kintaro Misonou, chief teacher of the Tokyo Prefectural Toshima No...

Mr. Kintarō Misonou, chief teacher of the Tokyo Prefectural Toshima Normal School. 日本語: 東京府豊島師範学校教頭 御園生金太郎氏。

Mr. Kiyoshi Kobayakawa, director of the Shiga Prefectural Hikone Middle School

Mr. Kiyoshi Kobayakawa, director of the Shiga Prefectural Hikone Middl...

Mr. Kiyoshi Kobayakawa, director of the Shiga Prefectural Hikone Middle School. 日本語: 滋賀県立彦根中学校長 従五位 小早川潔氏。

Mr. Minoru Okubo, chief inspector of Hokkaido (2)

Mr. Minoru Okubo, chief inspector of Hokkaido (2)

Mr. Minoru Ōkubo, chief inspector of Hokkaido. 日本語: 北海道教育会副会長 北海道庁視学官 従六位 大窪実君。

Mr. Nobuhachi Konishi, director of the Tokyo Blind and Dumb School

Mr. Nobuhachi Konishi, director of the Tokyo Blind and Dumb School

Mr. Nobuhachi Konishi, director of the Tokyo Blind and Dumb School. 日本語: 東京盲唖学校長小西信八君。

Mr. Otohiko Hasegawa, professor of the Hiroshima Higher Normal School

Mr. Otohiko Hasegawa, professor of the Hiroshima Higher Normal School

Mr. Otohiko Hasegawa, professor of the Hiroshima Higher Normal School. 日本語: 広島高等師範学校教授 正六位 長谷川乙彦氏。

Mr. Seicho Kawada, director of the Tokyo Prefectural First Middle School

Mr. Seicho Kawada, director of the Tokyo Prefectural First Middle Scho...

Mr. Seichō Kawada, director of the Tokyo Prefectural First Middle School. 日本語: 東京府立第一中学校長 従六位 川田正澂氏。

Mr. Seiichi Tsuchida, Councilor of the Japan-China Educational Association

Mr. Seiichi Tsuchida, Councilor of the Japan-China Educational Associa...

Mr. Seiichi Tsuchida, Councilor of the Japan-China Educational Association.日本語: 日華学会評議員 土田誠一氏。

Mr. Shokichi Shihota. Taiwan, Japanese empire during World War Two.

Mr. Shokichi Shihota. Taiwan, Japanese empire during World War Two.

Mr. Shōkichi Shihota. 日本語: 志保田鉎吉先生。

Mr. Soju Irisawa. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Mr. Soju Irisawa. Japanese empire during World War Two.

Mr. Sōju Irisawa. 日本語: 入沢宗寿氏。

Mr. Suteji Kumaki, Manager of the Education Association of Kyoto Prefecture

Mr. Suteji Kumaki, Manager of the Education Association of Kyoto Prefe...

Mr. Suteji Kumaki, Manager of the Education Association of Kyoto Prefecture. 日本語: 京都府教育会幹事 熊木捨治氏。

Mr. Takeo Takaura, professor of the Women's Higher Normal School and superintendent of the Elementary School attached to the School

Mr. Takeo Takaura, professor of the Women's Higher Normal School and s...

Mr. Takeo Takaura, professor of the Women's Higher Normal School and superintendent of the Elementary School attached to the School. 日本語: 女子高等師範学校教授兼附属小学校主事高浦丈雄君。

Mr. Teinosuke Hatano, professor of the Tokyo Higher Normal School

Mr. Teinosuke Hatano, professor of the Tokyo Higher Normal School

Mr. Teinosuke Hatano, professor of the Tokyo Higher Normal School. 日本語: 東京高等師範学校教授 正五位勲五等 波多野貞之助氏。


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PICRYL is the largest media source for public domain images, scans, and documents. PICRYL is an AI-driven search & similarity engine. PICRYL makes the world's public domain media fun to find and easy to use.

Get Archive LLC, creator of PICRYL, endeavors to provide information that it possesses on the copyright status of the content and to identify any other terms and conditions that may apply to the use of the content, however, Get Archive LLC offers no guarantee or assurance that all pertinent information is provided, or that the information is correct in each circumstance.

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Get Archive LLC is the owner of the compilation of content that is posted on the PICRYL website and applications, which consists of text, images, audio, video, databases, tags, design, codes, and software ("Content"). However, Get Archive LLC does not own each component of the compilation displayed and accessible on the PICRYL website and applications. If you have specific questions or information about content, the website, and applications, please contact us.

Developed by GetArchive, 2015-2025