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b c

249 media by topicpage 1 of 3
Alexandre-Auguste Ledru-Rollin (1807-1874) membre du Gouvernement provisoire, 1848

Alexandre-Auguste Ledru-Rollin (1807-1874) membre du Gouvernement prov...

Relief, droit et revers Légende - Au droit, circulaire : "LEDRU ROLLIN NE EN 1808." ; au revers dans le champ : "GOUVERNEMENT / PROVISOIRE / [trait] / PROCLAMATION / DU SUFFRAGE / UNIVERSEL / 1848". Signature -... More

Alexandre-Auguste Ledru-Rollin (1807-1874) membre du Gouvernement provisoire, 1848

Alexandre-Auguste Ledru-Rollin (1807-1874) membre du Gouvernement prov...

Relief, droit et revers Légende - Au droit, circulaire : "LEDRU ROLLIN NE EN 1808." ; au revers dans le champ : "GOUVERNEMENT / PROVISOIRE / [trait] / PROCLAMATION / DU SUFFRAGE / UNIVERSEL / 1848". Signature -... More

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Cover title. In illustrated paper cover; all ill. are chromolithographs. Guide to baseball literature, edited by A. Grobani, lists this title, clothbound, p. 185, 15-2. Also available in digital form on the Lib... More

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Cover title. In illustrated paper cover; all ill. are chromolithographs. Guide to baseball literature, edited by A. Grobani, lists this title, clothbound, p. 185, 15-2. Also available in digital form on the Lib... More

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Cover title. In illustrated paper cover; all ill. are chromolithographs. Guide to baseball literature, edited by A. Grobani, lists this title, clothbound, p. 185, 15-2. Also available in digital form on the Lib... More

[Title p. of the first new Virginia A B C and name book, printed in 1808; illus. with woodcut of 2 children reading to mother]

[Title p. of the first new Virginia A B C and name book, printed in 18...

Illus. in: Das Erste ganz neue virginische A B C und Namebüchlein für Kinder, Neumarket [i.e. Newmarket, Va.], Ambrosius Heukel, 1808. Reference copy may be in LOT 7003. This record contains unverified, old dat... More

Vermakelijk A B C - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image

Vermakelijk A B C - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image

Blad met 24 voorstellingen van de letters van het alfabet geïllustreerd met voorwerpen, dieren en figuren waarvan de woorden met de betreffende letter beginnen. Onder elke voorstelling een onderschrift in boekd... More

Some of Joe Brown's New Mexico Cattle, B-C District Shows Good Care

Some of Joe Brown's New Mexico Cattle, B-C District Shows Good Care

Public domain photograph related to native Americans, Reservations, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ansicht von St. Helena mit den benachbarten Ritterschlössern bey Baaden. Vue de St. Helene et de ses anciens Chateaux près de Baaden

Ansicht von St. Helena mit den benachbarten Ritterschlössern bey Baade...

Public domain scan - 18th-century landscape print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

#5859 16" B C Cutting Teeth in Traversing Rack

#5859 16" B C Cutting Teeth in Traversing Rack

Photographs Public domain photograph of manufacturing workers, factory building, assembly line, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Neues Reich. Dynastie XXVI.  Pyramiden von Saqâra [Saqqârah]. Grab 24: Südseite des Eingangs nach Raum C;  b-c. Raum C, Ostwand.

Neues Reich. Dynastie XXVI. Pyramiden von Saqâra [Saqqârah]. Grab 24:...

Public domain illustrated book page scan, related to Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Cover title. In illustrated paper cover; all ill. are chromolithographs. Guide to baseball literature, edited by A. Grobani, lists this title, clothbound, p. 185, 15-2. Also available in digital form on the Lib... More

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Cover title. In illustrated paper cover; all ill. are chromolithographs. Guide to baseball literature, edited by A. Grobani, lists this title, clothbound, p. 185, 15-2. Also available in digital form on the Lib... More

Adoration of the Shepherds from BL Add 18197, ff. B-C, f. C

Adoration of the Shepherds from BL Add 18197, ff. B-C, f. C

Historiated initial 'P' with foliage and trompe l'oeil jewels, of the Adoration of the Shepherds. Image taken from f. C of Cuttings from a choir book. Written in Latin.

Marines with SPMAGTF Crisis Response-Africa remove

Marines with SPMAGTF Crisis Response-Africa remove

Marines with SPMAGTF Crisis Response-Africa remove rocks from the inside of the ancient burial site in Parco Forestale Di Calaforno (Park Forestry of Calaforno) in Ragusa, Sicily, Dec. 12, 2014. After a request... More

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Cover title. In illustrated paper cover; all ill. are chromolithographs. Guide to baseball literature, edited by A. Grobani, lists this title, clothbound, p. 185, 15-2. Also available in digital form on the Lib... More

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Cover title. In illustrated paper cover; all ill. are chromolithographs. Guide to baseball literature, edited by A. Grobani, lists this title, clothbound, p. 185, 15-2. Also available in digital form on the Lib... More

François-Vincent Raspail (1794-1878), chimiste, médecin et homme politique, vers 1848

François-Vincent Raspail (1794-1878), chimiste, médecin et homme polit...

Relief, droit et revers Inscription - Au droit circulaire, inscription : "Fcois Vcent RASPAIL" ; au revers dans le champ : "NE / A CARPENTRAS / EN 1794 / ELU REPRESENTANT / DU PEUPLE / 1848." Signature de l'exé... More

Corporal Anthony Solano pushes a wheelbarrow full of

Corporal Anthony Solano pushes a wheelbarrow full of

Corporal Anthony Solano pushes a wheelbarrow full of rocks to a collection point at the ancient burial site Parco Forestale Di Calaforno (Park Forestry of Calaforno) in Ragusa, Sicily, Dec. 12, 2014. After a re... More

Marines with SPMAGTF Crisis Response-Africa pose for

Marines with SPMAGTF Crisis Response-Africa pose for

Marines with SPMAGTF Crisis Response-Africa pose for a photo with Sicilian locals at Parco Forestale Di Calaforno (Park Forestry of Calaforno), an ancient burial site in Ragusa, Sicily, Dec. 12, 2014 After a re... More

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Cover title. In illustrated paper cover; all ill. are chromolithographs. Guide to baseball literature, edited by A. Grobani, lists this title, clothbound, p. 185, 15-2. Also available in digital form on the Lib... More

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Cover title. In illustrated paper cover; all ill. are chromolithographs. Guide to baseball literature, edited by A. Grobani, lists this title, clothbound, p. 185, 15-2. Also available in digital form on the Lib... More

#5858 16" B C Cutting Teeth in Traversing Rack

#5858 16" B C Cutting Teeth in Traversing Rack

Photographs Public domain photograph of the US industrial development, work of U.S. government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Cover title. In illustrated paper cover; all ill. are chromolithographs. Guide to baseball literature, edited by A. Grobani, lists this title, clothbound, p. 185, 15-2. Also available in digital form on the Lib... More

Vermakelijk A B C - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image

Vermakelijk A B C - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image

Blad met 24 voorstellingen van de letters van het alfabet geïllustreerd met voorwerpen, dieren en figuren waarvan de woorden met de betreffende letter beginnen. Onder elke voorstelling een onderschrift in boekd... More

Herdenking oorlogsgraven Nieuwe Oosterbegraafplaats

Herdenking oorlogsgraven Nieuwe Oosterbegraafplaats

Herdenking oorlogsgraven Nieuwe Oosterbegraafplaats Public domain photograph - monument, cemetery, graves, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph - cemetery... More

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Cover title. In illustrated paper cover; all ill. are chromolithographs. Guide to baseball literature, edited by A. Grobani, lists this title, clothbound, p. 185, 15-2. Also available in digital form on the Lib... More

Glenisson Zonen - A B C 2e deel / Alphabet 2e partie

Glenisson Zonen - A B C 2e deel / Alphabet 2e partie

Blad met 12 voorstellingen van de letters van het alfabet (N-Z) geïllustreerd met goden, dieren en figuren waarvan de woorden met de betreffende letter beginnen. Onder elke afbeelding een tweeregelig vers in he... More

Nederlandse mijnenvegers. Nederlandse marine tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog

Nederlandse mijnenvegers. Nederlandse marine tijdens de Tweede Wereldo...

Commandant van een Nederlandse mijnenveger [B.C. Mahieu] Public domain photograph of Netherlands and Dutch people during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Chief Petty Officer Aaron Rich (left) digs out the

Chief Petty Officer Aaron Rich (left) digs out the

Chief Petty Officer Aaron Rich (left) digs out the opening to the ancient burial site in Parco Forestale Di Calaforno (Park Forestry of Calaforno) in Ragusa, Sicily, Dec. 12, 2014. After a request from the lead... More

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Cover title. In illustrated paper cover; all ill. are chromolithographs. Guide to baseball literature, edited by A. Grobani, lists this title, clothbound, p. 185, 15-2. Also available in digital form on the Lib... More

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Cover title. In illustrated paper cover; all ill. are chromolithographs. Guide to baseball literature, edited by A. Grobani, lists this title, clothbound, p. 185, 15-2. Also available in digital form on the Lib... More

Portretten: Wethouders gemeenteraad Amsterdam

Portretten: Wethouders gemeenteraad Amsterdam

Wethouder Bernard Franken (Arbeidszaken) Public domain photograph - The liberation of the Netherlands in 1945 by Allied forces: Canadian, British, and Soviets. By April 1945, the Allies had pushed the Germans ... More

Baseball A B C. - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Baseball A B C. - Public domain illuminated manuscript

Cover title. In illustrated paper cover; all ill. are chromolithographs. Guide to baseball literature, edited by A. Grobani, lists this title, clothbound, p. 185, 15-2. Also available in digital form on the Lib... More

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Cover title. In illustrated paper cover; all ill. are chromolithographs. Guide to baseball literature, edited by A. Grobani, lists this title, clothbound, p. 185, 15-2. Also available in digital form on the Lib... More

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Baseball A B C. - Public domain book illustration

Cover title. In illustrated paper cover; all ill. are chromolithographs. Guide to baseball literature, edited by A. Grobani, lists this title, clothbound, p. 185, 15-2. Also available in digital form on the Lib... More

Alexandre Ledru-Rollin, membre du gouvernement provisoire, 1848

Alexandre Ledru-Rollin, membre du gouvernement provisoire, 1848

Relief, droit et revers. Public domain photograph of archaeological object, coin, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Alexandre-Auguste Ledru-Rollin (1807-1874) membre du Gouvernement provisoire, 1848

Alexandre-Auguste Ledru-Rollin (1807-1874) membre du Gouvernement prov...

Relief, droit et revers Légende - Au droit, circulaire : "LEDRU ROLLIN NE A PARIS EN 1808." ; au revers dans le champ : "GOUVERNEMENT / PROVISOIRE / [trait] / PROCLAMATION / DU SUFFRAGE / UNIVERSEL / 1848". Sig... More

Het Fransch A B C - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image

Het Fransch A B C - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication image

Blad met 25 voorstellingen van de letters van het alfabet geïllustreerd met beroepen waarvan de woorden met de betreffende letter beginnen. Onder elke afbeelding een onderschrift in het frans en in het Nederlan... More

Napper, B C - Age: [Blank], Year: [BLANK] - South Carolina First Cavalry M-N

Napper, B C - Age: [Blank], Year: [BLANK] - South Carolina First Caval...

Carded Records Showing Military Service of Soldiers Who Fought in Confederate Organizations

Owen, B C - Age [Blank], Year: [Blank] - Third Confederate Cavalry, O-S - Raised Directly by the Confederate Government

Owen, B C - Age [Blank], Year: [Blank] - Third Confederate Cavalry, O-...

Carded Records Showing Military Service of Soldiers Who Fought in Confederate Organizations

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

Cushman, B C - Age [Blank], Year: [Blank] - Sixteenth Infantry, Ch - D - Louisiana

Cushman, B C - Age [Blank], Year: [Blank] - Sixteenth Infantry, Ch - D...

Carded Records Showing Military Service of Soldiers Who Fought in Confederate Organizations

Homes, B C - Age: [Blank], Year: [BLANK] - Mississippi First (Percy's) Infantry (Army of 10,000) AND First Battalion, Infantry (Army of 10,000)

Homes, B C - Age: [Blank], Year: [BLANK] - Mississippi First (Percy's)...

Carded Records Showing Military Service of Soldiers Who Fought in Confederate Organizations

Portretten: Wethouders gemeenteraad Amsterdam

Portretten: Wethouders gemeenteraad Amsterdam

Wethouder Bernard Franken (Arbeidszaken) Public domain photograph - The liberation of the Netherlands in 1945 by Allied forces: Canadian, British, and Soviets. By April 1945, the Allies had pushed the Germans ... More

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

François-Vincent Raspail (1794-1878), chimiste, médecin et homme politique, vers 1848

François-Vincent Raspail (1794-1878), chimiste, médecin et homme polit...

Relief, droit et revers Inscription - Au droit circulaire, inscription : "Fcois Vcent RASPAIL" ; au revers dans le champ : "NE / A CARPENTRAS / EN 1794 / ELU REPRESENTANT / DU PEUPLE / 1848." Signature de l'exé... More

Devell, B C - State: [Blank] - Year: [Blank]
House, B C - State: [Blank] - Year: [Blank]
Clements, B C - Age [Blank], Year: [Blank] - Seventh Confederate Cavalry, C-F - Raised Directly by the Confederate Government

Clements, B C - Age [Blank], Year: [Blank] - Seventh Confederate Caval...

Carded Records Showing Military Service of Soldiers Who Fought in Confederate Organizations

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

Chief Petty Officer Aaron Rich (left) passes a rock

Chief Petty Officer Aaron Rich (left) passes a rock

Chief Petty Officer Aaron Rich (left) passes a rock to Major Sean Mellon during a community relations event at the ancient burial site in Parco Forestale Di Calaforno (Park Forestry of Calaforno) in Ragusa, Sic... More

Petty Officer Third Class Derek Nappi empties a bucket

Petty Officer Third Class Derek Nappi empties a bucket

Petty Officer Third Class Derek Nappi empties a bucket full of dirt into the back of a trailer so it can be sifted through for artifacts at the ancient burial site Parco Forestale Di Calaforno (Park Forestry of... More

Alexandre-Auguste Ledru-Rollin (1807-1874) membre du Gouvernement provisoire, 1848

Alexandre-Auguste Ledru-Rollin (1807-1874) membre du Gouvernement prov...

Relief, droit et revers Légende - Au droit, circulaire : "LEDRU ROLLIN NE A PARIS EN 1808." ; au revers dans le champ : "GOUVERNEMENT / PROVISOIRE / [trait] / PROCLAMATION / DU SUFFRAGE / UNIVERSEL / 1848". Sig... More

Porter, B C - State: [Blank] - Year: [Blank]
Barber, B C - State: Washington - Year: 1866
Landry, B C - Age [Blank], Year: [Blank] - Infantry, D - L - Louisiana

Landry, B C - Age [Blank], Year: [Blank] - Infantry, D - L - Louisiana

Carded Records Showing Military Service of Soldiers Who Fought in Confederate Organizations

Confederate Army Carded Records - Waddail, B C - 12th Cavalry

Confederate Army Carded Records - Waddail, B C - 12th Cavalry

Age is [Blank]. Year listed as [BLANK]. Carded Records Showing Military Service of Soldiers Who Fought in Confederate Organizations

Dickenson, B C - Age [Blank], Year: [Blank] - Signal Corps, CSA, C-F - Raised Directly by the Confederate Government

Dickenson, B C - Age [Blank], Year: [Blank] - Signal Corps, CSA, C-F -...

Carded Records Showing Military Service of Soldiers Who Fought in Confederate Organizations

Portretten: Wethouders gemeenteraad Amsterdam

Portretten: Wethouders gemeenteraad Amsterdam

Wethouder Bernard Franken (Arbeidszaken) Public domain photograph - The liberation of the Netherlands in 1945 by Allied forces: Canadian, British, and Soviets. By April 1945, the Allies had pushed the Germans ... More

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.

A B C of parliamentary law

A B C of parliamentary law

Also available in digital form.


of 3

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