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assassination of ito hirobumi

3 media by topicpage 1 of 1
Ito before death - A black and white photo of a group of people

Ito before death - A black and white photo of a group of people

Ито Хиробуми и Владимир Коковцов на Харбинском вокзале Українська: Іто Хіробумі і Володимир Коковцев на Харбінському вокзалі. English: Ito Hirobumi and Vladimir Kokovtsov at the Harbin [Railway] Station. [I... More

Ito assassination

Ito assassination

日本語: 伊藤公遭難当時の見取図(報知新聞:明治42年11月4日付)

Caricature, Ito's death, public domain cartoon image

Caricature, Ito's death, public domain cartoon image

A cartoon about Ito Hirobumi's death. It says, "The end of the guy who was greedy for carnal pleasures"