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artists from japan

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Araki Kanpo. 1910s Japan, public domain image.

Araki Kanpo. 1910s Japan, public domain image.

Araki Kanpo. 日本語: 荒木寛畝。 Public domain image of Japan during Meiji period, Japanese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description



日本語: 芥川(間所) 紗織(あくたがわ〈まどころ〉さおり

Tadaomi Yamamoto, owner of art gallery "yamahon"

Tadaomi Yamamoto, owner of art gallery "yamahon"

Afrikaans: at Roppongi Hills MAM talk session

Katori Hotsuma. Public domain, Post-war Japan.. Public domain image of 1950s Japan.

Katori Hotsuma. Public domain, Post-war Japan.. Public domain image of...

日本語: 香取秀真 Public domain photograph of Imperial Japan, Japanese empire during World War Two, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Keitaro Kitayama Taisho 8

Keitaro Kitayama Taisho 8

Seitarō Kitayama (北山清太郎)

Folies-Bergère. Tous les soirs Awata, le célèbre jongleur japonais 1895

Folies-Bergère. Tous les soirs Awata, le célèbre jongleur japonais 189...

日本語: 日本の大道芸一座の公演を伝えるフォリー・ベルジェールのポスター。パリ、1895年。AWATAとあることから粟田勝之進の一座と見られる。粟田は明治5年に英国渡航記録があり、オーストラリアへも渡航したことがわかっていることから幾度か出国して世界各地で興行していたものと思われる

Fujikawa Tomoharu. 1910s Japan, public domain image.

Fujikawa Tomoharu. 1910s Japan, public domain image.

日本語: 藤川友春 浪曲師 Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description



Akamatsu Toshiko (Maruki Toshi)

Akutagawa Saori(the geijutsu shincho 1955.9)

Akutagawa Saori(the geijutsu shincho 1955.9)

日本語: 染色画を制作中の芥川紗織。底本では「型紙を切つて顔料で染色をする」とキャプションがある。写真は『藝術新潮 第六卷 第九號』新潮社、1955年9月1日より。

Samurai Masa - A man wearing a red helmet and armor

Samurai Masa - A man wearing a red helmet and armor

日本語: パンツアーティスト サムライ・マサ氏

Painting on Silk of the American Ship Cornell, attributed to Otirfai Man Jaimdopi, Nagasaki, Japan

Painting on Silk of the American Ship Cornell, attributed to Otirfai M...

Painting on Silk of the American Ship Cornell, (Attributed to Otirfai Man Jaimdopi) 19th century artist. American clipper Cornell at full sail off an unknown headland. Plaque reads: "Port Painting Circa 1870, ... More

Tōkō Shinoda. Public domain image of 1950s Japan.

Tōkō Shinoda. Public domain image of 1950s Japan.

日本語: 新潮社『芸術新潮』第6巻第9号(1955年)より篠田桃紅

Rokkaku Shisui - Public domain portrait print

Rokkaku Shisui - Public domain portrait print

日本語: 六角紫水 Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Josetsu Fächer ganz

Josetsu Fächer ganz

Deutsch: Josetsu Fächer ganz English: Josetsu Fan with text

Teshigahara Sofu. Public domain, Post-war Japan.

Teshigahara Sofu. Public domain, Post-war Japan.

日本語: 勅使河原蒼風 Public domain photograph, 20th-century male portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Japanese actors. Before 1902

Japanese actors. Before 1902

Русский: Японские артисты. Изображение из книги "Япония и японцы", 1902 год English: Japanese actors. Image from the book "Japan And Japanese" (1902)

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