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architectural drawings from denmark

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Clausen's mansion, main facade - Drawing. Public domain image.

Clausen's mansion, main facade - Drawing. Public domain image.

Brick factory owner Johan Heinrich Clausen's mansion, 51 Helsingørsgade, Hillerød, built in 1910 to a design by Vilhelm Holck

Jardin Christiansborg Juliane-Maries-Atlas-Vol.-28-fol.-6-23

Jardin Christiansborg Juliane-Maries-Atlas-Vol.-28-fol.-6-23

 (  ) Artist Nicolas-Henri Jardin  (1720–1799)   Alternative names Nicolas Henri Jardin Description French architect Date of birth/death 22 March 1720  31 August 1799  Location of birth/death Bussy... More

Almindelig Hospital 1830 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Almindelig Hospital 1830 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Elevation of Almindelig Hospital, 1830. Public domain photograph of hospital building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Brumleby drawing - Public domain architectural drawing

Brumleby drawing - Public domain architectural drawing

Drawing of Brumleby in Copenhagen, Denmark Public domain photograph of French architecture design drawing, building plan, Paris, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Jardin section - Drawing. Public domain image.

Jardin section - Drawing. Public domain image.

Section of Nicolas-Henri Jardin's (1720-1799) proposal for Frederick's Church in Copenhagen.

Johannes Taklo - Perspektiv- og skyggeøvelse. Arkitekturtegning af en gård, husvæg med åben dør og vindue - 1878
Christian Frederik Hansen - Arkitekturtegning
Christiansborg - Public domain portrait drawing

Christiansborg - Public domain portrait drawing

Drawing for the main portal door at Christiansborg Palace, Copenhagen, by Nicolai Eigtved (1701-1754). The door, executed by carver Louis-Augustin Le Clerc, burned with the palace in 1794.

Tourist Attraction - Jardin elevation

Tourist Attraction - Jardin elevation

Elevation of Nicolas-Henri Jardin's (1720-1799) proposal for Frederick's Church in Copenhagen.

Sankt Annæ Plads drawing - Public domain portrait drawing

Sankt Annæ Plads drawing - Public domain portrait drawing

Picryl description: Public domain image, 19th century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions

Clausen's mansion, north elevation

Clausen's mansion, north elevation

Brick factory owner Johan Heinrich Clausen's mansion, 51 Helsingørsgade, Hillerød, built in 1910 to a design by Vilhelm Holck

2 banegaard facade 1863 - Drawing. Public domain image.

2 banegaard facade 1863 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Elevation of the facade of the 2nd central station of Copenhagen, built 1863-1864.

Johannes Taklo - Perspektiv- og skyggeøvelse. Arkitekturtegning af et hus og en gård - 1879
Høng Ting- og Arresthus by C.F. Hansen

Høng Ting- og Arresthus by C.F. Hansen

Courthouse in Høng, Denmark Public domain image of 17th-18th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kanc Bygn Grundplan 2 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Kanc Bygn Grundplan 2 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Kancellibygningen in Copenhagen. It was built in 1721 and now domicile of the Danish Ministry of Finance.

Architectural diagram - 2 banegaard plan 1855, public domain image

Architectural diagram - 2 banegaard plan 1855, public domain image

Plan of the 1st central station of Copenhagen from 1847. Design attributed to L.F. Meyer (Meier) or H.C. Stilling.

Johannes Taklo - Perspektivøvelse. Arkitekturtegning af et hus (2) - 1878

Johannes Taklo - Perspektivøvelse. Arkitekturtegning af et hus (2) - 1...

Academic drawing from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen

Amtmandsboligen i Hjørring by Hack Kampmann 02

Amtmandsboligen i Hjørring by Hack Kampmann 02

Amtmandsboligen i Hjørring (the former Prefect's Mansion in Hjørring). Danmarks Kunstbibliotek.

Amtmandsboligen i Hjørring by Hack Kampmann 01

Amtmandsboligen i Hjørring by Hack Kampmann 01

Amtmandsboligen i Hjørring (the former Prefect's Mansion in Hjørring). Danmarks Kunstbibliotek. This is a photo of a listed building in Denmark, number 860-9938-1 in the Heritage Agency of Denmark databas... More

Häusser Christiansborg 1732 GK-7-02 2-thumb

Häusser Christiansborg 1732 GK-7-02 2-thumb

Artist Elias David Häusser (1687-1745), but attributed to various Austrian master architects Description Elevation of the first project for a new Christiansborg Palace Date 1732date QS:P571,+1732... More

Häusser Christiansborg 1732 GK-7-02-1

Häusser Christiansborg 1732 GK-7-02-1

|description=English: Artist Elias David Häusser (1687-1745), but attributed to various Austrian master architects Description Elevation of the first project for a new Christiansborg Palace Date ... More

Norup's plan of Christiansborg 1767, the King's Apartment - Håndskriftsamlingen 23

Norup's plan of Christiansborg 1767, the King's Apartment - Håndskrift...

Artist C. T. Norup (died 1794) Description Plan of the King's Apartment, Christiansborg Palace Date 1767date QS:P571,+1767-00-00T00:00:00Z/9 Medium Ink Collection Dronningens Håndbibliot... More

Rødding Frimenighedskirke Magdahl 1909 a

Rødding Frimenighedskirke Magdahl 1909 a

Dansk: A: Plan og opstalt fra sydArkitekttegning af Rødding Frimenighedskirke fra 1909 af arkitekt Johannes Magdahl Nielsen English: Architectural drawing of Rødding Frimenighedskirke from 1909 by architect J... More

Christian Hansen - Sesostris Grav. Abu Simbel

Christian Hansen - Sesostris Grav. Abu Simbel

Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lokaler til Industriforeningen 03

Lokaler til Industriforeningen 03

Dansk: "Locale for Industriforeningen i Udstillingsbygningen". Indretning af kontorer til Industriforeningen i den allerede eksisterende bygning.

Johannes Taklo - Perspektivøvelse. Arkitekturtegning af et hus (1) - 1878
Loftet - Udkast til dekoration af audienssalen

Loftet - Udkast til dekoration af audienssalen

Dansk: Nicolai Abildgaard (1743-1809), Loftet. Udkast til dekoration af audienssalen, 1790s

Østre gasværk martin nyrop 1883

Østre gasværk martin nyrop 1883

Dansk: Arkitektens tegning af Østre Gasværk, København

Clausen's mansion, drawings - Drawing. Public domain image.

Clausen's mansion, drawings - Drawing. Public domain image.

Brick factory owner Johan Heinrich Clausen's mansion, 51 Helsingørsgade, Hillerød, built in 1910 to a design by Vilhelm Holck

Anna Church - Jensen-Klint price list

Anna Church - Jensen-Klint price list

"Price list" from Jensen Klint regarding ornamentation of Anna Church in Copenhagen

Clausen's mansion, section - Drawing. Public domain image.

Clausen's mansion, section - Drawing. Public domain image.

Brick factory owner Johan Heinrich Clausen's mansion, 51 Helsingørsgade, Hillerød, built in 1910 to a design by Vilhelm Holck

20061004 Mønten Amager Boulevard 1920

20061004 Mønten Amager Boulevard 1920

Martin Borch's drawing of Mønten, Amager Boulevard 115, 1923 Public domain photo of architectural drawing, 20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Riddersal 2 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Riddersal 2 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Section of the central hall of Christiansborg Palace, designed by Nicolas-Henri Jardin (1720-1799). Burned in 1794.

Jardin Christiansborg Juliane-Maries-Atlas-Vol.-28-fol.-3-23

Jardin Christiansborg Juliane-Maries-Atlas-Vol.-28-fol.-3-23

 (  ) Artist Nicolas-Henri Jardin  (1720–1799)   Alternative names Nicolas Henri Jardin Description French architect Date of birth/death 22 March 1720  31 August 1799  Location of birth/death Bussy... More

Industribygningen, 3. etage - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Industribygningen, 3. etage - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Dansk: "Industribygningens 3die Etage". Public domain photograph of architecture design drawing, building plan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Anna Church - Jensen-Klint early draft

Anna Church - Jensen-Klint early draft

Early draft by Peder Vilhelm Jensen-Klint for the Anna Church in the Nørrebro district of Copenhagen, Denmark. It differs from the final design of the church - "Tidlig udskast; bemærk den enkle landsbykirke-s... More

Kongegaarden i Korsør 1901 project by Aage Langeland-Mathisen

Kongegaarden i Korsør 1901 project by Aage Langeland-Mathisen

Architect Aage Langeland-Mathiesens 1901 restoration project for Kongegården. Public domain scan of drawing related to architecture design, elements of decor, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Pi... More

Vor Frue Plads (Laurits Albert Winstrup)

Vor Frue Plads (Laurits Albert Winstrup)

Frue Plads in Copenhagen, Denmark. Drawing by Laurits Albert Winstrup Public domain image of 17th-18th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions i... More

Stokhuset Copenhagen SC Gedde 1754

Stokhuset Copenhagen SC Gedde 1754

Drawing of Stokhuset (military prison) in Copenhagen (now demolished) Public domain photograph of French architecture design drawing, building plan, Paris, France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image ... More

Expansion of Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 1906 by Hack Kampmann

Expansion of Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 1906 by Hack Kampmann

Project for expansion of Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 1906. Public domain scan of drawing related to architecture design, elements of decor, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Rødding Frimenighedskirke Magdahl 1909 b

Rødding Frimenighedskirke Magdahl 1909 b

Dansk: B: Tværsnit og opstalter fra øst og vestArkitekttegning af Rødding Frimenighedskirke fra 1909 af arkitekt Johannes Magdahl Nielsen English: Architectural drawing of Rødding Frimenighedskirke from 1909 ... More

1 banegaard facade 1855 - Drawing. Public domain image.

1 banegaard facade 1855 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Elevation of the facade of the 1st central station of Copenhagen from 1847. Design attributed to L.F. Meyer (Meier) or H.C. Stilling.

Anthon Christiansborg 1740s GK-7-03 3

Anthon Christiansborg 1740s GK-7-03 3

Artist Georg David Anthon (1714-1781) Description Plan for the partitioning of the Appartementssal, Christiansborg Palace Date 1740s date QS:P571,+1740-00-00T00:00:00Z/8 Medium Ink, watercolo... More

Clausen's mansion, plan of basement

Clausen's mansion, plan of basement

Brick factory owner Johan Heinrich Clausen's mansion, 51 Helsingørsgade, Hillerød, built in 1910 to a design by Vilhelm Holck

Station by MG Bindesboell 1853 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Station by MG Bindesboell 1853 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Proposal for a railway station, possible Klosterkrug, on the Flensburg-Tönning line in Southern Schleswig (1853-54).

Gate to Rysensteens Lynette 1778-79 1

Gate to Rysensteens Lynette 1778-79 1

Project for a new gate to Rysensteens Lynette, part of Fortress Copenhagen, erected 1778-79. Demolished 1877.

Kolding Cityhall . Denmark.b

Kolding Cityhall . Denmark.b

Cityhall.There have been town hall on the site since the 1500's. Kolding, Denmark.Dansk: Rådhus i Kolding.Der har været rådhus på pladsen siden 1500 tallet. Kolding, Danmark.

Kolding Cityhall. Denmark.c

Kolding Cityhall. Denmark.c

Cityhall.There have been town hall on the site since the 1500's. Kolding, Denmark.Dansk: Rådhus i Kolding.Der har været rådhus på pladsen siden 1500 tallet. Kolding, Danmark.

Clausen's mansion, plan of ground floor

Clausen's mansion, plan of ground floor

Brick factory owner Johan Heinrich Clausen's mansion, 51 Helsingørsgade, Hillerød, built in 1910 to a design by Vilhelm Holck

Architectural concept drawing 1 of Villa Birkeborg, designed by architect Carl Brummer

Architectural concept drawing 1 of Villa Birkeborg, designed by archit...

Dansk: Arkitektoniske koncepttegninger af Villa Birkeborg, udført af arkitekten Carl Brummer.

Gate to Rysensteens Lynette 1778-79 4

Gate to Rysensteens Lynette 1778-79 4

Detail of a project for a new gate to Rysensteens Lynette, part of Fortress Copenhagen, erected 1778-79. Demolished 1877.

Hetsch - Toldboden, Forslag til butiksbygning

Hetsch - Toldboden, Forslag til butiksbygning

Proposal for a commercial building at Nordre Toldbod in Copenhagen, Denmark

Hetsch - Toldboden, forslag til hovedbygning

Hetsch - Toldboden, forslag til hovedbygning

Proposal for a new custom house at Nordre Toldbod in Copenhagen, Denmark

Udkast til Thorvaldsens museum med anvendelse af Marmorkirkens fundamente (G. F. Hetsch)

Udkast til Thorvaldsens museum med anvendelse af Marmorkirkens fundame...

Proposal for a Thorvaldsen Museum in Copenhagen that would use the unfinished Marble Church.

Sneum skibets nordside, drawing

Sneum skibets nordside, drawing

Drawing of the northern side of the nave of Sneum Kirke, recordrd during a restoration in 1891/1892

Anthon Christiansborg 1740s GK-7-03 2

Anthon Christiansborg 1740s GK-7-03 2

Artist Georg David Anthon (1714-1781) Description Plan for the partitioning of the Appartementssal, Christiansborg Palace Date 1740s date QS:P571,+1740-00-00T00:00:00Z/8 Medium Ink, watercolo... More

Clausen's mansion, south elevation

Clausen's mansion, south elevation

Brick factory owner Johan Heinrich Clausen's mansion, 51 Helsingørsgade, Hillerød, built in 1910 to a design by Vilhelm Holck

Architectural concept drawing 2 of Villa Birkeborg, designed by architect Carl Brummer

Architectural concept drawing 2 of Villa Birkeborg, designed by archit...

Dansk: Arkitektoniske koncepttegninger af Villa Birkeborg, udført af arkitekten Carl Brummer.

2 banegaard plan 1887 - Architectural drawing, public domain image

2 banegaard plan 1887 - Architectural drawing, public domain image

Plan of the 2nd central station of Copenhagen. The plan dates from 1887 when the station was extended.

Jesuskirken rendering - Drawing. Public domain image.

Jesuskirken rendering - Drawing. Public domain image.

Tendering of the Jesus Church in Valby, Copenhagen, Denmark. Public domain photograph of cathedral architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Riddersal - Drawing. Public domain image.

Riddersal - Drawing. Public domain image.

Section of the central hall of Christiansborg Palace, designed by Nicolas-Henri Jardin (1720-1799). Burned in 1794.

Vilhelm Klein tegning til Kunstindustimuseet

Vilhelm Klein tegning til Kunstindustimuseet

H. C. Andersen slottet, Copenhagen, in its original state as the Danish Museum of Art and Design. Drawing by architect Vilhelm Klein, 1890s.

Anton Rosen - Konkurrenceforslag til Fredspaladset i Haag - 1905

Anton Rosen - Konkurrenceforslag til Fredspaladset i Haag - 1905

Public domain image of watercolor painting from British-related collections, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Lokaler til Industriforeningen 01

Lokaler til Industriforeningen 01

Dansk: "Locale for Industriforeningen". Indretning af kontorer til Industriforeningen i den allerede eksisterende bygning.

Gate to Rysensteens Lynette 1778-79 2

Gate to Rysensteens Lynette 1778-79 2

Project for a new gate to Rysensteens Lynette, part of Fortress Copenhagen, erected 1778-79. Demolished 1877.

Johannes Taklo - Perspektiv- og skyggeøvelse. Arkitekturtegning af en port og en gård - 1878
Jardin Voliere Rosenberg - Drawing. Public domain image.

Jardin Voliere Rosenberg - Drawing. Public domain image.

Volière in the garden of the Moltke Palace, or King Christian VIII's Palace, Amalienborg, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Jardin Christiansborg Juliane-Maries-Atlas-Vol.-28-fol.-2-23

Jardin Christiansborg Juliane-Maries-Atlas-Vol.-28-fol.-2-23

 (  ) Artist Nicolas-Henri Jardin  (1720–1799)   Alternative names Nicolas Henri Jardin Description French architect Date of birth/death 22 March 1720  31 August 1799  Location of birth/death Bussy... More

Industribygningen, 2. etage - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Industribygningen, 2. etage - Public domain architectural plan drawing

Dansk: "Industribygningens 2den Etage". Public domain photograph of architecture design drawing, building plan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lokaler til Industriforeningen 02

Lokaler til Industriforeningen 02

Dansk: "Locale for Industriforeningen i Udstillingsbygningen". Indretning af kontorer til Industriforeningen i den allerede eksisterende bygning.

Niels Simonsens villa - Architectural drawing, public domain image

Niels Simonsens villa - Architectural drawing, public domain image

One of two proposals from 1852, one neoclassicist, the other neo-gothic, for painter Niels Simonsen's villa at 117 Gammel Kongevej, Frederiksberg. This was not executed, the neo-gothic one was. The villa was la... More

Gate to Rysensteens Lynette 1778-79 3

Gate to Rysensteens Lynette 1778-79 3

Project for a new gate to Rysensteens Lynette, part of Fortress Copenhagen, erected 1778-79. Demolished 1877.

Harsdorff Amaliegade - Drawing. Public domain image.

Harsdorff Amaliegade - Drawing. Public domain image.

Unbuilt project for housing in Amaliegade to the corner of Toldbodvej (now Esplanaden)

Jardin Christiansborg Juliane-Maries-Atlas-Vol.-28-fol.-5-23

Jardin Christiansborg Juliane-Maries-Atlas-Vol.-28-fol.-5-23

 (  ) Artist Nicolas-Henri Jardin  (1720–1799)   Alternative names Nicolas Henri Jardin Description French architect Date of birth/death 22 March 1720  31 August 1799  Location of birth/death Bussy... More

Jardin Voliere Rosenberg 2 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Jardin Voliere Rosenberg 2 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Volière in the garden of the Moltke Palace, or King Christian VIII's Palace, Amalienborg, Copenhagen, Denmark.

3 banegaard 1905 - Drawing. Public domain image.

3 banegaard 1905 - Drawing. Public domain image.

Elevation of the main facade of Copenhagen Central Station.

Østerlars Kirke, 1878 - Public domain architectural drawing

Østerlars Kirke, 1878 - Public domain architectural drawing

Drawing of Østerlars Kirke on Bornholm, Denmark from "Bornholms Kirker", 1878

Johannes Taklo - Kirkeruin - 1879

Johannes Taklo - Kirkeruin - 1879

Public domain image related to 13th-14th-century architecture, medieval castle, cathedral, historic building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Johannes Taklo - Perspektivøvelse. Arkitekturtegning af et hus og grundplan - 1876

Johannes Taklo - Perspektivøvelse. Arkitekturtegning af et hus og grun...

Academic drawing from "Det tekniske Selskabs Skole" in Copenhagen

Jesuskirken - alternative design proposal

Jesuskirken - alternative design proposal

Non-final design proposal for the Hesus Church in Valby, Copenhagen, Denmark

Rødding Frimenighedskirke Magdahl 1909 c

Rødding Frimenighedskirke Magdahl 1909 c

Dansk: C: Længdesnit og opstalt fra nordArkitekttegning af Rødding Frimenighedskirke fra 1909 af arkitekt Johannes Magdahl Nielsen English: Architectural drawing of Rødding Frimenighedskirke from 1909 by arch... More

Den Kongelige Skydebane by G.F. Hetsch

Den Kongelige Skydebane by G.F. Hetsch

Project for a building for The Royal Shooting Association in Vesterbro, Copenhagen.

Johannes Taklo, tilskrevet - Søjlehal - ca. 1879
Vilhelm Dahlerup - silopakhus - Drawing. Public domain image.

Vilhelm Dahlerup - silopakhus - Drawing. Public domain image.

Vilhelm Dahlerup rendering for the Silopakhus warehouse at Midtermolen in the Freeport of Copenhagen

Amtmandsboligen i Hjørring by Hack Kampmann 03

Amtmandsboligen i Hjørring by Hack Kampmann 03

Amtmandsboligen i Hjørring (the former Prefect's Mansion in Hjørring). Danmarks Kunstbibliotek.

Anthon Christiansborg 1740s GK-7-03 1

Anthon Christiansborg 1740s GK-7-03 1

Artist Georg David Anthon (1714-1781) Description Plan for the partitioning of the Appartementssal, Christiansborg Palace Date 1740s date QS:P571,+1740-00-00T00:00:00Z/8 Medium Ink, watercolo... More

Eigtved Christiansborg 1748 GK-7-04

Eigtved Christiansborg 1748 GK-7-04

Artist Nicolai Eigtved (1701-1754), perhaps with pencil drawings of imaginary paintings by Carl Gustaf Pilo Description Elevation of one of the walls in the Appartementssal, Christiansborg Palace ... More

Brumleby floor plan - Public domain architectural drawing

Brumleby floor plan - Public domain architectural drawing

Plan drawing of the Brumleby development which was designed by Bindesbøll as on of the first examples of social housing in Copenhagen, Denmark

Industribygningen, 1. etage - Public domain architectural drawing

Industribygningen, 1. etage - Public domain architectural drawing

Dansk: "Industribygningens 1ste Etage". Public domain photograph of building plan, architecture design drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Svanestok Kastellet SC Gedde 1754

Svanestok Kastellet SC Gedde 1754

Drawing from the garrison of Kastellet in Copenhagen (Svanestok row) Public domain photograph of architecture design drawing, building plan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Clausen's mansion, garden facade

Clausen's mansion, garden facade

Brick factory owner Johan Heinrich Clausen's mansion, 51 Helsingørsgade, Hillerød, built in 1910 to a design by Vilhelm Holck

Palace Hotel Copenhagen - floor plan

Palace Hotel Copenhagen - floor plan

The floor plan of Anton Rosen's Palace Hotel in Copenhagen, Denmark

Villa Sollie by MG Bindesboell 1855

Villa Sollie by MG Bindesboell 1855

Drawings for Villa Sollie (1855-56), a house outside Flensburg commissioned by railway director Christian M. Poulsen.

Officin i Kgl. Hof Apothek 1791 by Andreas Kirkerup

Officin i Kgl. Hof Apothek 1791 by Andreas Kirkerup

Elevation of a wall in the Royal Pharmacy, 1791 by Andreas Kirkerup

3 banegaard plan 1904 - Public domain architectural drawing

3 banegaard plan 1904 - Public domain architectural drawing

Plan of Copenhagen Central Station. Public domain photograph of building plan, architecture design drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lilletårn (Cucheron= - Architectural drawing, public domain image

Lilletårn (Cucheron= - Architectural drawing, public domain image

Rendering by Cucheron of Lilletårn on Frederiksholm (Ertholmene), Denmark. It is a tower of the martello type and has a canon deck.

Marienlyst 1763 by Jardin - Public domain architectural drawing

Marienlyst 1763 by Jardin - Public domain architectural drawing

Sketch for Marienlyst ("Maison de plaisance de son Exellence M. le comte de Moltke à coté d'Elseneur"). The Architectural Drawing Collection of the The Royal Danish Academy of Arts.

Clausen's mansion, plan of first floor

Clausen's mansion, plan of first floor

Brick factory owner Johan Heinrich Clausen's mansion, 51 Helsingørsgade, Hillerød, built in 1910 to a design by Vilhelm Holck

Häusser Christiansborg 1732 GK-7-02 3a

Häusser Christiansborg 1732 GK-7-02 3a

Artist Elias David Häusser (1687-1745) Description Elevation of the first project for a new Christiansborg Palace, window examples Date 1732date QS:P571,+1732-00-00T00:00:00Z/9 Medium Drawin... More

Jardin Christiansborg Juliane-Maries-Atlas-Vol.-28-fol.-4-23

Jardin Christiansborg Juliane-Maries-Atlas-Vol.-28-fol.-4-23

 (  ) Artist Nicolas-Henri Jardin  (1720–1799)   Alternative names Nicolas Henri Jardin Description French architect Date of birth/death 22 March 1720  31 August 1799  Location of birth/death Bussy... More

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