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angels wearing loros

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Moscou, galerie Tretiakov.- Rang de Vladimir

Moscou, galerie Tretiakov.- Rang de Vladimir

Français : Denys. Économisé en puissance. 1500. Bois, détrempe. GTG English: Dionysius. Saved in power. 1500. Wood, tempera. GTG Christ Pantocrator de Vasilyevskiy menton, l'archange Saint Michel et la Vierg... More

Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, north-northeast, archangel (12), detail of right hand - MSBZ004 BF S 1979 1968D - Dumbarton Oaks
Humor murals 2010 19

Humor murals 2010 19

Humor Monastery, Romania. The church is one of the Painted churches of northern Moldavia listed in UNESCO's list of World Heritage sites.

Ναός Παναγιάς Οδηγήτριας, Σπηλιές 0886

Ναός Παναγιάς Οδηγήτριας, Σπηλιές 0886

Ελληνικά: Ναός Παναγιάς Οδηγήτριας, Σπηλιές«Ναός Παναγιάς Οδηγήτριας (Σπηλιές)» This is a photo of a monument in Greece identified by the ID GR-H04-0021

AFCP on Location in the Republic of Georgia. Gelati Monastery 02

AFCP on Location in the Republic of Georgia. Gelati Monastery 02

Conservation efforts at the Church of Holy Virgin, Gelati Monastery, Georgia.

Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, southeast, archangel (4) - MSBZ004 BF T Lag E 03 1 - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, south-southwest, archangel (7) - MSBZ004 BF S 1979 1951D - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallions, southeast, archangels (4), (5), before cleaning - MSBZ004 BF S 1979 1941D - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, south-southwest, archangel (7), detail of left hand - MSBZ004 BF S 1979 1953D - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, south bay under dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - South wall, west side, Archangel Michael - MSBZ004 BF T Lag G 3 3 - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, southeast, archangel (4) - MSBZ004 BF S 1979 1943D - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, northeast, archangel (13), detail of right hand - MSBZ004 BF S 1979 1973D - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, north-northwest, archangel (10) - MSBZ004 BF S 1979 1960D - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, north-northwest, archangel (10), detail of right hand - MSBZ004 BF S 1979 1961D - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, north-northeast, archangel (12) - MSBZ004 BF T Lag E 11 1 - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, north-northwest, archangel (10) - MSBZ004 BF T Lag E 09 1 - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, south-southeast, archangel (5) - MSBZ004 BF S 1979 1944D - Dumbarton Oaks
Humor murals 2010 05

Humor murals 2010 05

Humor Monastery, Romania. The church is one of the Painted churches of northern Moldavia listed in UNESCO's list of World Heritage sites.

Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, south-southwest, archangel (7) - MSBZ004 BF S 1979 1950D - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, north-northeast, archangel (12), detail of right hand - MSBZ004 BF S 1979 1969D - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion; northeast, archangel (13) - MSBZ004 BF S 1979 1972D - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, exterior, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - North wall, center, above door, west side, Virgin Mary and Archangel - MSBZ004 BF S 1979 2218D - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, northeast, archangel (13) - MSBZ004 BF S 1979 1971D - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, northeast, archangel (13) - MSBZ004 BF T Lag E 12 1 - Dumbarton Oaks
11 szazadi altemplom fresko Pecsvarad

11 szazadi altemplom fresko Pecsvarad

Freskó a pécsváradi bencés apátság altemplomában (alapítás éve: 1015) – – photo taken by uploader User:Csanády in 2006. Fresco in the crypt of the Benedictine monastery of Pécsvárad (founded in 1015).

Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, southeast, archangel (5) - MSBZ004 BF T Lag E 04 1 - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, exterior, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - North wall, center, above door, east side, Virgin Mary and Archangel - MSBZ004 BF S 1979 2217D - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, southeast, archangel (4) - MSBZ004 BF S 1979 1942D - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, north-northeast, archangel (12) - MSBZ004 BF S 1979 1966D - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, south-southeast, archangel (5) - MSBZ004 BF S 1979 1945D - Dumbarton Oaks
Church of Panagia tou Arakos, nave, center bay, dome, wall paintings, Lagoudera, Cyprus - Dome medallion, south-southwest, archangel (7) - MSBZ004 BF T Lag E 06 1 - Dumbarton Oaks
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