Herodas - 3rd century - Public domain dedication image
old greek papyrus
Homer - 4th century - Public domain dedication image
old greek papyrus
P.Fay 1 - Public domain dedication image
A 2nd or 3rd c. papyrus of Chariton's Callirhoe.
P.Sapph.Obbink, Illuminated medieval manuscript
Fragment of Papyrus preserving parts of two poems by Sappho. The papyrus measures 176 x 111mm. The top 20 lines are the final five stanzas of the Brothers Poem; the final 9 lines are the beginning of the Kypr... More
Archilochos fragment PK7511r - Public domain dedication image
Fragment des Archilochos, Papyrussammlung Köln 7511 recto (verso unbeschrieben
Letter of a steward - 3rd century B.C.
old greek papyrus
000 P.Lit.Lond. 96 col. i - Public domain dedication image
P.Lit.Lond. 96 col. i: Herodas, Mimiamb 1. 1–15.
Philodemus - about A.D. 1 - Public domain dedication image
old greek papyrus
Empedokles fragment Physika I 262–300
Papyrus of Empedocles, Physika I 262–300. P. Strasb. gr. Inv. 1665−1666. Deutsch: Straßburger Empedokles-Papyrus, Physika I 262–300. P. Strasb. gr. Inv. 1665−1666.
Mathematical Treatise - 7th century
old greek papyrus
Codex Alexandrinus - 5th century
old greek papyrus
P.Berol. inv. 9739 col. iv-v - Public domain dedication image
A second century papyrus of the Catalogue of Women (P.Berol. inv. 9739 col. iv-v = frr. 199–200 M-W)
P.Strasb. inv. 55 - Public domain dedication image
P.Strasb. inv. 55: Hes. Cat. fr. 211 M-W
EB1911 Palaeography - Petition
Petition, 163-162 B.C. See transcription below.
Official correspondence to the Strategus of Panopolis from Procurator ...
One of eleven lengths of papyrus from a scroll containing official copies of correspondence to the Strategus of the Panopolite nome (Egypt), Apolinarius, from the Procurator of the Lower Thebaid, Aurelius Isid... More
P.Berol. inv. 9771 - Public domain dedication image
P.Berol. inv. 9771: a fragment of Euripides' Phaethon
P.Lit.Lond. 134 col. ix - Public domain dedication image
Detail of P.Lit.Lond. 134, with the final column of Hyperides' In Philippidem, the end of which is marked in the left margin by a coronis and a forked paragraphos (or diple obelismene).
Manumission - A.D. 355 - Public domain dedication image
old greek papyrus
Bankes Homer - 2nd Century. - Public domain dedication image
old greek papyrus
old greek papyrus
P.Ryl. I 13 - Public domain dedication image
P.Ryl. I 13: Call. Aet. fr. 26 Pf.
Enoch 106.8-18; Melito's Homily 1-4 (CBL BP XII, f.13v)
Enoch 106.8-18; Melito's Homily 1-4. Papyrus, Greek. A decorative flourish marks the end of 'The Epistle of Enoch' and the beginning of the Passion homily of 'Melito', Bishop of Sardis (d.c. 180). This simple ... More
P.Berol. inv. 9810 - Public domain dedication image
P.Berol. inv. 1810: Alcaeus Public domain image - related to German history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Deed of sale - A.D. 616 - Public domain dedication image
old greek papyrus
Treasury circular - 170 B.C. - Public domain dedication image
old greek papyrus
Will of Demetrious - Public domain dedication image
old greek papyrus
Letter of egyptian contracts - 146 B.C.
old greek papyrus
P.Lit.Lond. 32 - Public domain dedication image
P.Lit.Lond.. 32: a 3rd c. BCE papyrus of the Catalogue of Women (fr. 73.1–7)
P.Sapph.Obbink (Brothers Poem crop)
Fragment of Papyrus preserving parts of two poems by Sappho, cropped to show the final five stanzas of the Brothers Poem. The text was written sometime between the first and third centuries AD. The papyrus wa... More
Pokwitowania podatkowe. (9731852) (cropped)
Polski: Tytuł: Pokwitowania podatkowe.Adres wydawniczy: [S.l.], 208Gatunek: rękopisy greckieForma i typ: rękopisyOpis fizyczny: 1 k. ; 11,5x22,5 (15x27,5) cmDwa pokwitowania wpłat dokonanych przez Abousa syna ... More
Official deed - A.D. 233 - Public domain dedication image
old greek papyrus
Official correspondence of the Strategus of Panopolis concerning the p...
One of fifteen lengths of papyrus from a scroll containing official copies of the correspondence of the Strategus of the Panopolite nome (Egypt) written in 298 AD, primarily concerning the preparations for the... More
Official correspondence to the Strategus of Panopolis from Procurator ...
One of eleven lengths of papyrus from a scroll containing official copies of correspondence to the Strategus of the Panopolite nome (Egypt), Apolinarius, from the Procurator of the Lower Thebaid, Aurelius Isid... More
Methodius of Olympus - P.Monts. Roca 4.57 - Oratio 8 (16.72-73), 3 (14...
Methodius of Olympus - P.Monts. Roca 4.57 - Oratio 8 (16.72-73), 3 (14.35-40, 8.60-61, 9.18-19)
Oration of Hyperides for Lycophoros
old greek papyrus
Deklaracja cenzusowa. (9731216)
Polski: Tytuł: Deklaracja cenzusowa.Adres wydawniczy: [S.l.], 161Gatunek: rękopisy greckieForma i typ: rękopisyOpis fizyczny: 1 k. ; 21,5x8,5 (28x13,5)Zeznanie majątkowe Hatresa syna Satabousa z 28 lipca 161 r... More
Agoge - A.D. 88 - Public domain dedication image
old greek papyrus
Receipt - A.D. 20 - Public domain dedication image
old greek papyrus
P. Berol. 13284 - Egypt
P. Berol. 13284, col. iii. Papyrus preserving fragments of the "Contest of Helicon and Cithaeron" and "Daughters of Asopus" poems (PMG 654) by the ancient Greek poet Corinna, from Tanagra in Boeotia. Papyrus ... More
P.Lit.Lond. 134 - Public domain dedication image
P.Lit.Lond. 134, cols. VIII-IX, containing the end of Hyperides' In Philippidem.
Deklaracja cenzusowa. (9731216) (cropped)
Polski: Tytuł: Deklaracja cenzusowa.Adres wydawniczy: [S.l.], 161Gatunek: rękopisy greckieForma i typ: rękopisyOpis fizyczny: 1 k. ; 21,5x8,5 (28x13,5)Zeznanie majątkowe Hatresa syna Satabousa z 28 lipca 161 r... More
Imperial Letter - A.D. 756 - Public domain dedication image
old greek papyrus
Acts of Phileas and a Greek Psalter (CBL BP XV. f.4r)
Acts of Phileas, Bishop of Thmuis, and a Greek Psalter. Papyrus. Greek. Egypt, 300-350 A.D. Chester Beatty Library BP XV. f.4r
P.Ryl. I 61
A bilingual papyrus of Cicero, In Catilinam 2.15 (P.Ryl. I 61 "recto", 5th c.)
Casati contract - 114 B.C.
old greek papyrus
DIALECTICAL TREATISE - Public domain dedication image
old greek papyrus
Farm account - A.D. 78-79 - Public domain dedication image
old greek papyrus
Platonos Phaedon - Public domain dedication image
Herculaneum papyrus 1425 - Public domain dedication image
De poem. 5 col. 24N, drawn by Giuseppe Casanova, ca. 1807
Codex Vaticanus, 4th Century - Public domain dedication image
old greek papyrus
Old Testament - 8th or 9th century
old greek papyrus
P.Berol. inv. 10567 - Public domain dedication image
P.Berol. inv. 10567: a six or seventh c. papyrus of Nonnus' Dionysiaca
Amherst Greek Papyrus 1, verso
Amherst papyri, Greek 1.1, verso.
Deed of sale - A.D. 154 - Public domain dedication image
old greek papyrus
Fluch der Artemisia - A black and white drawing of a roman alphabet
Papiro Artemidoro
Papiro di Artemidoro (Artemidorus papyrus)
Pokwitowania podatkowe. (9731852)
Polski: Tytuł: Pokwitowania podatkowe.Adres wydawniczy: [S.l.], 208Gatunek: rękopisy greckieForma i typ: rękopisyOpis fizyczny: 1 k. ; 11,5x22,5 (15x27,5) cmDwa pokwitowania wpłat dokonanych przez Abousa syna ... More
Orestes 338-44 WDL4309 - Public domain medieval manuscript
Русский: Этот греческий текст на папирусе, написанный примерно в 200 г. до н.э. в Гермополисе в Египте, состоит из семи письменных строк, содержащих части строф 338–344 из первого хора трагедии "Орест". В этой... More
Deed of sale - A.D. 599 - Public domain dedication image
old greek papyrus
Dioscorides - early 6th century
old greek papyrus
Herculanean Rolls - Papyrus 157-152
Copy of Herculanean Rolls, Papyrus 157-152
Tax-receipt - 211 or 210 B.C. - Public domain dedication image
old greek papyrus
Berlin papyrus 7497 - Hesiod, Catalogue of Women - Fr. 43(a), 76–91 M....
Berlin papyrus 7497 - Hesiod, Catalogue of Women - Fr. 43(a), 76–91 M.-W. (Mestra and Eurynome, Bellerophon)
Hypo ten sen eusplanchnian (papyros)
P.Lit.Lond. 96 col. xiii detail
Column xiii of the London Herodas showing the end of Mimiamb 2 and the beginning of 3
Leiden Papyrus
Alchemical manuscript.
Gaius Musonius Rufus - Public domain dedication image
Deutsch: Papyrusfragment P.Harr. I 1, Kol. 2, Z. 25–50; Ausschnitt aus der Diatribe 15 von Gaius Musonius Rufus über die Vorzüge von Kinderreichtum und die Pflicht, alle Nachkommen aufzuziehen.English: Papyru... More
Greek manuscript cursive 6th century
Greek manuscript in ancient cursive script, papyrus, dated 545 A.D., Brit. Mus. Pap. 1319 (now British Library Pap. 1319) Text: Debenture Transcription: ΧΡ μετα την υπατειαν Φλαυιου Βασιλειου του πανευφημου Π... More