Haji Ali, Somali priest, Abyssinia [Ethiopia]
Public domain photograph related to music, performing arts, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Crown Prince of Abyssinia?. Palestine under British mandate. 1930s.
Public domain photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Booloo, chief camel man, Abyssinia [Ethiopia]
Public domain photograph, 1910s-1920s portrait, American, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
ETH-BIB-Abessinier-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0748
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Abessinisches Dorf-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0506
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Dankali-Mädchen in einer Tanzpause-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH0...
Picryl description: Public domain erotic or nude photograph, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions. Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the firs... More
ETH-BIB-Dankali-Mädchen in einer Tanzpause-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH0...
Publiziert in: Mittelholzer, W.: Abessinienflug, 1934, Abb. 147, Bildlegende: Dankali-Mädchen in einer Tanzpause. Wild flattert ihr schwarzes Kraushaar im Winde Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer... More
ETH-BIB-Die zwei Töchter des Kaisers im Palastpark-Abessinienflug 1934...
Kaiser Haile Selassies Töchter Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photog... More
ETH-BIB-Gaza-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0016
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Geschworene während Gerichtsverhandlung-Abessinienflug 1934-LB...
Publiziert in: Mittelholzer, W.: Abessinienflug, 1934, Abb. 120, Bildlegende: Mit gespanntester Aufmerksamkeit verfolgen die Geschworenen die Gerichtsverhandlungen Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pion... More
ETH-BIB-Getreideverkäuferin mit origineller Haartracht-Abessinienflug ...
Publiziert in: Mittelholzer, W.: Abessinienflug, 1934, Abb. 106, Bildlegende: Getreideverkäuferin mit origineller Haartracht, die aus Hunderten von kleinen Zöpfchen kunstvoll geflochen ist Walter Mittelholzer ... More
ETH-BIB-Gruppe Abessinier-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0976
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Hingerichteter Schwerverbrecher, zur Abschreckung in Baum aufg...
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-In der Nähe der Küste-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-40-0035
Wahrscheinlich Fotos von der Heimreise vom Abessinienflug; Möwen Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights... More
ETH-BIB-Kaiser Haile Selassie I. zu Pferd-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02...
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Küste aus Passagierschiff fotografiert-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS...
Wahrscheinlich Fotos von der Heimreise vom Abessinienflug Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over t... More
ETH-BIB-Luftbild von Piräus-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0010
Public domain aerial photograph, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps ... More
ETH-BIB-Markt in Abessinien-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0439
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Militärparade-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0709
Picryl description: Public domain image of a military uniform, officer portrait, general, armed forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions. Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer... More
ETH-BIB-Reiseführer vor Felsengräber, Petra-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH...
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Reiter auf Strasse-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0948
Picryl description: Public domain image of a park, trees, outdoors, free to use, no copyright restrictions. Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to ... More
ETH-BIB-Religiöse Wandmalereien in Kirche-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02...
Publiziert in: Mittelholzer, W.: Abessinienflug, 1934, Abb. 137, Bildlegende: Die prunkvollen Messgewänder der Geistlichen und die Wandmalereien in den Kirchen stammen aus der byzantinischen Kultur. Vom 4. Jahr... More
ETH-BIB-Strassenszene in Addis Abeba-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0...
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Sträfling vor Kamera, Addis Abeba-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02...
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Tal im Hochplateau der Shewa-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0...
Provinz Schoa Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped... More
ETH-BIB-Triumphbogen in Addis Abeba-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-03...
Publiziert in: Mittelholzer, W.: Abessinienflug, 1934, Abb. 84, Bildlegende: Triumphbogen in der Hauptstrasse Addis Abebas, der zu Ehren der Krönung des Kaisers Hailé Selassié I, errichtet wurde Walter Mittelh... More
ETH-BIB-Volksstamm der Fasi-Wadi in Kassala, im Hintergrund Granitberg...
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Volksstamm der Fasi-Wadi neben Fokker in Kassala, im Hindergru...
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Öffentlicher Gerichtsstand-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-051...
Hier werden die alltäglichen Händel geschlichtet Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mounta... More
SIMON(1885) p419 Plate 9 - Arc de Biet-Mariam
Public domain photograph of statue, sculpture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig (Taf. 32 Fig.1,2...
File from the Biodiversity Library. The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is the world’s largest open-access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives.
Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig (Taf. 5) BHL3714...
Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig / Public domain scan of 19th-century zoological illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image
Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig (Taf. 6) BHL3714...
Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig / Public domain scan of 19th-century zoological illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image
Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig BHL37140271
Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig / Public domain scan - Bird, 19th-century zoological illustration print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
1899-1900. Expedition to Abyssinia Captain Davydov and Captain Dragomi...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова. Район Уоламо - Боррода
1899-1900. Expedition to Abyssinia Captain Davydov and Captain Dragomi...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова. Район Уоламо - Боррода
1899-1900. Expedition to Abyssinia of Captain Davydov and Staff Captai...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова.
1899-1900. Expedition to Abyssinia of Captain Davydov and Staff Captai...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова.
1913. Expedition N.S. Gumilev in Abyssinia
1913. Экспедиция Н.С. Гумилева в Абиссинию
1913. Expedition N.S. Gumilev in Abyssinia
1913. Экспедиция Н.С. Гумилева в Абиссинию
1913. Expedition N.S. Gumilev in Abyssinia
1913. Экспедиция Н.С. Гумилева в Абиссинию
1899-1900. Expedition to Abyssinia of Captain Davydov and Staff Captai...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова. Черчер.
1899-1900. Expedition to Abyssinia of Captain Davydov and Staff Captai...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова. Черчер.
1899-1900. Expedition to Abyssinia of Captain Davydov and Staff Captai...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова. Черчер.
1913. Expedition N.S. Gumilev in Abyssinia
1913. Экспедиция Н.С. Гумилева в Абиссинию
1913. Expedition N.S. Gumilev in Abyssinia
1913. Экспедиция Н.С. Гумилева в Абиссинию
1899-1900. Expedition to Abyssinia of Captain Davydov and Staff Captai...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова. Аддис-Абеба
1899-1900. Expedition to Abyssinia of Captain Davydov and Staff Captai...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова. Аддис-Абеба
1899-1900. Expedition to Abyssinia of Captain Davydov and Staff Captai...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова. Аддис-Абеба
Expedition to Abyssinia of Captain Davydov and Staff Captain Dragomiro...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова. Часть 21. Боррода
Expedition to Abyssinia of Captain Davydov and Staff Captain Dragomiro...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова. Часть 21. Боррода
Expedition to Abyssinia of Captain Davydov and Staff Captain Dragomiro...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова. Часть 21. Боррода
Abyssinia, from the Types of All Nations series (N24) for Allen & Gint...
Trade cards from the "Types of All Nations" series (N24), issued in 1889 in a set of 50 cards to promote Allen & Ginter brand cigarettes. Allen & Ginter (American, Richmond, Virginia)
Street scene: Harar-High St. leading to market, Abyssinia [Ethiopia]
Public domain historical photo, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Crown Prince of Abyssinia?. Palestine under British mandate. 1930s.
Public domain photograph of water reservoir, lake, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Queen of Abyssinia, Sept. 26, 1933
Picryl description: Public domain image of a tower, historic building, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Queen of Abyssinia, Sept. 26, 1933
Public domain photograph of an automobile, 1920s car, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
ETH-BIB-Abessinier neben einem Auto-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-02...
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Abessinierin-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0982
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Abessinische Kinder-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0678
Ausflug in den Urwald von Djem-Djem Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking p... More
ETH-BIB-Abessinische Männer und Kinder-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22...
Picryl description: Public domain image of ethnic group, people gathering, anthropology, colonies, exotic, indigenous people, free to use, no copyright restrictions. Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pi... More
ETH-BIB-Abessinisches Haus-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0989
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Alter Krater (Zukwala), Abessinien aus 6000 m Höhe-Abessinienf...
Public domain aerial photograph, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps ... More
ETH-BIB-Alter Krater (Zukwala), Abessinien aus 6000 m Höhe-Abessinienf...
Public domain aerial photograph, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps ... More
ETH-BIB-Bank of Ethiopia, Addis Abeba-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-...
Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first p... More
ETH-BIB-Blick vom Ölberg auf Jerusalem-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22...
Picryl description: Public domain image of an old ancient city, historic place, stone building architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions. Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photogr... More
ETH-BIB-Dankali-Mädchen in einer Tanzpause-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH0...
Picryl description: Public domain erotic or nude photograph, 19th-20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions. Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the firs... More
ETH-BIB-Feigenkaktus-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-1042
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Felsengräber, Petra-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0125
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Gläubiger und Schuldner zusammengekettet-Abessinienflug 1934-L...
Publiziert in: Mittelholzer, W.: Abessinienflug, 1934, Abb. 112, Bildlegende: Kann ein Gläubiger seine Forderung nicht eintreiben, so lässt er sich mit dem Schuldner zusammenketten. So sieht man sie durch die S... More
ETH-BIB-Hauptzollamt von Addis Abeba-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0...
Publiziert in: Mittelholzer, W.: Abessinienflug, 1934, Abb. 91, Bildlegende: Im Hauptzollamt von Addis Abeba sind die Verkaufspreise der Nahrungsmittel öffentlich angeschlagen. Draussen lagern die Karawanen, be... More
ETH-BIB-In der Nähe der Küste-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-40-0031
Wahrscheinlich Fotos von der Heimreise vom Abessinienflug; Möwen Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights... More
ETH-BIB-Junge abessinische Frau vor Hütte-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02...
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Kaiser Haile Selassie I. bei einer Diashow Mittelholzers-Abess...
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Kassala-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0925
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Kinder in Petra-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0098
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Militärparade-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0531
Picryl description: Public domain image of an 18th-19th century military conflict, armed forces, infantry, militia, free to use, no copyright restrictions. Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and ... More
ETH-BIB-Militärparade-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0617
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Petra-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0117
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Port Said, Ägypten-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0842
Public domain scan of print depicting a sailboat or small ship, seascape, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He... More
ETH-BIB-Religiöse Wandmalereien in Kirche-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02...
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Schiffe auf Mittelmeer vor Küste Ägyptens-Abessinienflug 1934-...
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Schweizer Kameramann vor Gruppe Abessinier-Abessinienflug 1934...
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Schwerverbrecher warten vor dem Gerichtsgebäude auf ihre Aburt...
Publiziert in: Mittelholzer, W.: Abessinienflug, 1934, Abb. 115, Bildlegende: Schwerverbrecher warten vor dem Gerichtsgebäude auf ihre Aburteilung Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photograp... More
ETH-BIB-Strassenszene in Addis Abeba-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-22-0...
Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps and made many flights over the mountains, taking photographs that helped to map and sur... More
ETH-BIB-Vorhalle des Handelsministeriums-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH02-...
Publiziert in: Mittelholzer, W.: Abessinienflug, 1934, Abb. 92, Bildlegende: In der Vorhalle des Handelsministeriums Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first p... More
ETH-BIB-Wallfahrtskirche von Debre Libanos-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS MH0...
Public domain photograph of mosque building, Islam, Islamic architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He... More
ETH-BIB-Zentrum von Addis Abeba aus der Luft-Abessinienflug 1934-LBS M...
Public domain aerial photograph, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Walter Mittelholzer was a Swiss aviation pioneer and photographer. He was one of the first pilots to fly in the Swiss Alps ... More
STERN(1862) p234 Gondar, the desolate castle of the King
Public domain photograph of 19th-century landscape print, engraving, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig (Taf. 18 Fig.1-4...
File from the Biodiversity Library. The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is the world’s largest open-access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives.
Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig (Taf. 37 Fig.1,2...
.~/7/, y'fy. / (y^/y//^ .j fs/-04ad&, 4?raj. /.^7«/yi.;.x^ y //".■.■ rc ;m e SV/.j , 7.Z%y^//J
Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig (Taf. 8 Fig.1,2)...
Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig / Public domain scan of 19th-century zoological illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image
1899-1900. Expedition to Abyssinia Captain Davydov and Captain Dragomi...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова. Район Уоламо - Боррода
1899-1900. Expedition to Abyssinia Captain Davydov and Captain Dragomi...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова. Район Уоламо - Боррода
1899-1900. Expedition to Abyssinia Captain Davydov and Captain Dragomi...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова. Район Уоламо - Боррода
1913. Expedition N.S. Gumilev in Abyssinia
1913. Экспедиция Н.С. Гумилева в Абиссинию
1899-1900. Expedition to Abyssinia of Captain Davydov and Staff Captai...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова. Черчер.
1899-1900. Expedition to Abyssinia of Captain Davydov and Staff Captai...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова. Черчер.
1913. Expedition N.S. Gumilev in Abyssinia
1913. Экспедиция Н.С. Гумилева в Абиссинию
1899-1900. Expedition to Abyssinia of Captain Davydov and Staff Captai...
1899-1900. Экспедиция в Абиссинию капитана Давыдова и штабс-капитан Драгомирова. Аддис-Абеба