News Photo 040821-F-4884R-012
U.S. Army soldiers remain alert in the courtyard as other members of their unit search a house during Operation Grizzly Forced Entry on Aug. 21, 2004. Operation Grizzly Forced Entry is a battalion-sized cordon... More
Flickr - The U.S. Army - (77)
Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire greets Sgt. Richard Hall from Headquarters Company, 81st Brigade Combat Team, Washington Army National Guard, Jan. 7, at Camp Ramadi, Iraq. Gregoire traveled to Baghdad, Ramad... More
M1A1, US Air Force Photo
040906-F-2034C-005.A U.S. Army M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank from Bravo Company of the 185th Armor conducts an area reconnaissance around Balad, Iraq, on Sept. 6, 2004. The 81st Armor Brigade is operating in th... More
Flickr - The U.S. Army - 81st Brigade Combat Team commander visits tro...
Command Sgt. Maj. Robert Sweeney, the command sergeant major for 81st Brigade Combat Team, Washington Army National Guard, speaks to Soldiers from the 81st Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 81st BCT, during tra... More News Photo 040716-F-4884R-024
Iraqi National Guardsmen (right) patrol alongside their coalition counterparts in the village of Albu Hassan, Iraq, on July 16, 2004. Coalition troops have entered into a training and assistance role now that ... More News Photo 040906-F-2034C-005
A U.S. Army M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank from Bravo Company of the 185th Armor conducts an area reconnaissance around Balad, Iraq, on Sept. 6, 2004. The 81st Armor Brigade is operating in the area to deny anti... More
Flickr - The U.S. Army - Citizen-Soldiers
Army Command Sgt. Maj. David Windham of the Washington National Guard’s 81st Brigade stands with his fellow citizen-Soldiers at a motor pool on Balad Air Base, Iraq, March 1 during a visit by Air Force Gen. Cra... More
Flickr - The U.S. Army - California National Guardsmen keep vehicles w...
Spc. Soledad Siordia, a driver with Bravo Company, 1-185th Armor (Combined Arms Battalion), 81st Brigade Combat Team, California Army National Guard, conducts maintenance on a vehicle Feb. 5 at Contingency Oper... More