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1918 photographs of taiwan

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Japanese police Taiwan 1918. 1910s Taiwan, public domain image.

Japanese police Taiwan 1918. 1910s Taiwan, public domain image.


Items at Exhibition of Public Health and Education of Taichu 1918

Items at Exhibition of Public Health and Education of Taichu 1918

as shown. Public domain image of Taiwan under Japanese rule, Republic of China history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

日治時期的臺南市西市場. 1910s Japan, public domain image.

日治時期的臺南市西市場. 1910s Japan, public domain image.

中文(繁體): 日治時期的臺南市西市場

Ernest Henry Wilson in Taiwan mountains

Ernest Henry Wilson in Taiwan mountains

中文:威爾森(Ernest Henry Wilson)、金平亮三及其助手佐佐木舜、以及數十名日本警察與原住民挑夫在臺灣山區採集植物標本

開山神社. 1910s Japan, public domain image.

開山神社. 1910s Japan, public domain image.

日本語: 開山神社 中文(繁體): 開山神社,今延平郡王祠

新竹潛園爽吟閣. 1910s Taiwan, public domain image.

新竹潛園爽吟閣. 1910s Taiwan, public domain image.

中文(繁體): 1918年遷建的潛園爽吟閣,北白川宮能久親王曾經入宿於此。今已被拆毀。

View at Exhibition of Public Health and Education of Taichu 1918

View at Exhibition of Public Health and Education of Taichu 1918

as shown. Public domain image of Taiwan under Japanese rule, Republic of China history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Aborigines in Taiwan mountains 1918

Aborigines in Taiwan mountains 1918

中文:臺灣山區之原住民 Public domain photograph - Chinese people, China history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Scene of the construction of Taihoku sewerage system

Scene of the construction of Taihoku sewerage system

中文: 臺北市下水道系統工程現場。

臺南公館. 1910s Japan, public domain image.

臺南公館. 1910s Japan, public domain image.

中文(繁體): 臺南公館,即臺南公會堂