Victor Segalen Lamaling 1909
Français : Lamaling, novembre 1909. À gauche, Victor Segalen
Lanzhou iron bridge postcard - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體
Français : Le pont de Lanzhou (Gansu - Chine) sur le Fleuve Jaune, dans sa forme primitive
Hankow The Bund 1909 postcard - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體
Hankow The Bund Public domain image of 19th century China, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ito before death - A black and white photo of a group of people
Ито Хиробуми и Владимир Коковцов на Харбинском вокзале Українська: Іто Хіробумі і Володимир Коковцев на Харбінському вокзалі. English: Ito Hirobumi and Vladimir Kokovtsov at the Harbin [Railway] Station. [I... More
China Ponies A typical Qli pony (7454196906)
Creator: Sowerby, Arthur de Carle 1885-1954 Subject: China National Aviation Corporation Type: Black-and-white photographs Date: 1909 Topic: Horses Local number: SIA RU007263 [SIA2008-2872] Summary: On verso: "... More
鲁迅回国后留影 1909年摄于杭州
中文:回国后留影,1909年摄于杭州。 鲁迅本来打算到欧洲留学,学习德文,因为那时德国介绍外国文学广泛而迅捷,鲁迅所看的东欧、俄国文学作品,很多是德文译本。但现实已不允许他实现这个梦想。1925年,鲁迅在应《阿Q正传》俄译者王希礼之请所写《著者自叙传略》中说:“因为我的母亲和几个别的人很希望我有经济上的帮助,我便回到中国来;这时我是二十九岁。”“几个别的人”包括二弟周作人及其日籍妻子。 鲁迅回国后,任杭州浙江两级师... More
Qinglongqiao Railway Station in 1909
中文: 1909年时的青龙桥车站
Gate-Pillars, or Que, at the Wu Family Shrine
A pair of que, or "pillar gates", small monumental gate towers standing in front of the Wu Family Shrines built in Shandong province, China, during the 2nd century AD. This photo was taken at the turn of the 20... More
JordanInChina1909 - A group of men in uniforms standing next to each o...
Rt. Hon. Sir John Jordan, British Minister to China, in the Forbidden City to present letters of credence to the new Prince Regent. Hon. W.L. Mackenzie King is fourth from left. Sir John Jordan is sixth from ... More
Juyongguan Tunnel - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體
中文: 京张铁路居庸关隧道
Victoria Park Tientsin 1909 postcard
Victoria Park, Tientsin, China. Public domain image of 19th century China, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
KCRC banquet 1909 - A large group of people sitting around a table
Chinese and British officials at a banquet in 1909 to celebrate the laying of the foundation stone for the Chinese Section at the Canton Terminus (Tai Sha Tou) of the Canton-Kowloon Railway. From Hong Kong Pub... More
Train station Kalgan Station - Public domain photograph.