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1907 black and white portrait photographs of men

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Rudolf Dührkoop - Adolf Slaby (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Joseph Brix (1907) (KTHzB)


A native of the south end of New BritainIn that district the sides of the head are compressed in infancy to elongate it.

Troeltsch 1907

Troeltsch 1907

Deutsch: Ernst Troeltsch, evangelischer Theologe

Navajo medicine man. Native Americans, Navajo people

Navajo medicine man. Native Americans, Navajo people

Navajo medicine man - Nesjaja Hatali American Memory from the Library of Congress Nesjaja Hatali - Navaho (The North American Indian; v.01) CREATOR Curtis, Edward S., 1868-1952. SUMMARY Description by Edward S... More

Rudolf Dührkoop - Alois Riedler (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Hermann Boost (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Friedrich Dolezalek (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Friedrich Romberg (1907) (KTHzB)
Miami University freshman indoor baseball team in 1907 (3191766101)

Miami University freshman indoor baseball team in 1907 (3191766101)

snyder, 2509 Subject (TGM): Softball players; Sports; Universities and colleges; Group portraits Location: Oxford, Ohio

Rudolf Dührkoop - Siegmund Müller (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Paul Krainer (1907) (KTHzB)

Rudolf Dührkoop - Paul Krainer (1907) (KTHzB)

Deutsch: Porträtfotografie des Ingenieurs und Hochschullehrers Paul Krainer

W.J. Corcoran (6788707913)

W.J. Corcoran (6788707913)

National Library of Ireland Collection

Rudolf Dührkoop - Heinrich Strack (1907) (KTHzB) (cropped)
Sarah Garbitt, arrested for stealing from shop doors (16021405964)

Sarah Garbitt, arrested for stealing from shop doors (16021405964)

Name: Sarah Garbitt Arrested for: not given Arrested at: North Shields Police Station Arrested on: 5 November 1907 Tyne and Wear Archives ref: DX1388-1-45-Sarah Garbitt The Shields Daily News for 6 November 19... More

Du Bois, W. E. B., Boston 1907 summer.

Du Bois, W. E. B., Boston 1907 summer.

W. E. B. Du Bois, photo taken in summer 1907 in connection with the annual Niagara Movement meeting.

Portrett av Gustaf Fröding (1860-1911) (11113999885)

Portrett av Gustaf Fröding (1860-1911) (11113999885)

Beskrivelse / Description: Kabinettkort / Cabinet card. Bildet stammer fra Gyldendals historiske portrettarkiv. Gustaf Fröding var svensk forfatter. For senere svensk poesi har han betydd mer enn noen tidligere... More

Rudolf Dührkoop - Emil Heyn (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Christoph Hehl (1907) (KTHzB)
Thomas Ward, arrested for stealing a sovereign (23114652176)

Thomas Ward, arrested for stealing a sovereign (23114652176)

Name: Thomas Ward Arrested for: not given Arrested at: North Shields Police Station Arrested on: 5 October 1907 Tyne and Wear Archives ref: DX1388-1-113-Thomas Ward For an image of his accomplice Patrick Murphy... More

Richard Jones in basketball uniform 1907 (3192686978)

Richard Jones in basketball uniform 1907 (3192686978)

snyder, 2803 Subject (TGM): Sports; Universities and colleges; Athletes; Basketball players; Basketball uniforms; Portrait photographs; Location: Oxford, Ohio

Rudolf Dührkoop - Julius Hirschwald (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Otto Kammerer (1907 (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Wilhelm Werner (1907) (KTHzB)
Modest Menzinsky in Ragnarök at Kungliga Operan 1907 - SMV - GM038 (cropped)

Modest Menzinsky in Ragnarök at Kungliga Operan 1907 - SMV - GM038 (cr...

Modest Menzinsky as Siegfried in Ragnarök at Kungliga Operan 1907. Scanned glass negative. Svenska: Modest Menzinsky som Siegfried i Ragnarök, Kungliga Operan 1907. Skannat glasnegativ.

Miami University track team 1907 (3192594864)

Miami University track team 1907 (3192594864)

snyder, 2438 Subject (TGM): Sports; Universities and colleges; Track athletics; Athletes; Runners; Uniforms; Group portraits; Location: Oxford, Ohio

Reunion of Mr. Lyman and his former assistants, 1907

Reunion of Mr. Lyman and his former assistants, 1907

Reunion of Mr. Lyman and his former assistants, 1907.日本語: 来曼先生と往年の助手との再会(明治40年)。

Rudolf Dührkoop - Ernst Kummer (1907) (KTHzB)
Portrait photograph of Stanley Emerson in basketball uniform 1907 (3194386610)

Portrait photograph of Stanley Emerson in basketball uniform 1907 (319...

snyder, 3222 Subject (TGM): Sports; Universities and colleges; Athletes; Basketball players; Basketball uniforms; Portrait photographs; Location: Oxford, Ohio

Rudolf Dührkoop - Emil Josse (1907) (KTHzB)
Benno von Kaufmann

Benno von Kaufmann

Picture of Saxon General Benno von Kaufmann

Rudolf Dührkoop - Otto Krigar-Menzel (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Fritz Wolff (1907) (KTHzB) (cropped)
Rudolf von Hirsch

Rudolf von Hirsch

Picture of German colonial officer

Portrait photograph of Alice Tucker 1907 (3192754336)

Portrait photograph of Alice Tucker 1907 (3192754336)

snyder, 3072 Subject (TGM): Women; Portrait photographs; Location: Oxford, Ohio

Soldier, tableau, cannon, sword, men, uniform Fortepan 69875

Soldier, tableau, cannon, sword, men, uniform Fortepan 69875

Tags: soldier, tableau, cannon, sword, men, uniform

W.E.B. Du Bois by James E. Purdy, 1907

W.E.B. Du Bois by James E. Purdy, 1907

W.E.B. Du Bois by James E. Purdy, 1907, gelatin silver print, from the National Portrait Gallery which has explicitly released this digital image under the CC0 license. ( More

Rudolf Dührkoop - Ernst Reichel (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Heinrich Müller-Breslau (1907) (KTHzB)

Rudolf Dührkoop - Heinrich Müller-Breslau (1907) (KTHzB)

Deutsch: Heinrich Müller-Breslau. Foto.

Rudolf Dührkoop - Otto Kretschmer (1907) (KTHzB)
Avô Couceiro+principe 8x13

Avô Couceiro+principe 8x13

Português: Paiva Couceiro, Governador de Angola, recebe o Príncipe Real D. Luís Filipe. Luanda 1907

John Fletcher White Jnr.

John Fletcher White Jnr.

John Fletcher White Jnr. First Mayor of South Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida, USA

Franz Kafka and Max Brod on the beach

Franz Kafka and Max Brod on the beach

Franz Kafka and Max Brod on the beach. Date unknown.

Joseph McCory in basketball uniform 1907 (3191510093)

Joseph McCory in basketball uniform 1907 (3191510093)

snyder, 2311 Subject (TGM): Sports; Universities and colleges; Athletes; Basketball players; Basketball uniforms; Portrait photographs; Location: Oxford, Ohio

One of the welcome dinners given when Mr. Lyman revisitted Japan, 1907

One of the welcome dinners given when Mr. Lyman revisitted Japan, 1907

One of the welcome dinners given when Mr. Lyman revisitted Japan, 1907.日本語: 来曼先生歓迎宴の一(明治40年)。

Chr Barth - Drei Studenten in Coleur (Kabinett 1907)

Chr Barth - Drei Studenten in Coleur (Kabinett 1907)

Deutsch: Drei Studenten in Coleur, albumen print mounted on cardboard, Kabinettformat, ca. 11,0 × 17,0 cm.

Rudolf Dührkoop - Georg Hettner (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Hermann Rietschel (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Wilhelm Cauer (1907) (KTHzB)
Miami University Liberal Arts Club 1907 (3193520599)

Miami University Liberal Arts Club 1907 (3193520599)

snyder, 3165 Subject (TGM): Women's education; Student organizations; Group portraits; Clubs; Clubwomen; Location: Oxford, Ohio Group on Hepburn Hall steps.

Miami University Liberal Arts Club 1907 (3193520599)

Miami University Liberal Arts Club 1907 (3193520599)

snyder, 3165 Subject (TGM): Women's education; Student organizations; Group portraits; Clubs; Clubwomen; Location: Oxford, Ohio Group on Hepburn Hall steps.

Miami University freshman indoor baseball team in 1907 (3191766101)

Miami University freshman indoor baseball team in 1907 (3191766101)

snyder, 2509 Subject (TGM): Softball players; Sports; Universities and colleges; Group portraits Location: Oxford, Ohio

Phi Delta Theta group portrait 1907 (3194390834)

Phi Delta Theta group portrait 1907 (3194390834)

snyder, 3245 Subject (TGM): Student organizations; Fraternities and sororities; Group portraits; Location: Oxford, Ohio

Rudolf Dührkoop - Hermann Weihe (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Oswald Flamm (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Johannes Rudloff (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Karl von Buchka (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Otto Doeltz (1907) (KTHzB)


Русский: Архитектор Миловидов Николай Николаевич

Rudolf Dührkoop - Otto N. Witt (1907) (KTHzB)
Miami University junior baseball team in gymnasium 1907 (3191750433)

Miami University junior baseball team in gymnasium 1907 (3191750433)

snyder, 2444 Subject (TGM): Softball players; Sports; Universities and colleges; Group portraits; Baseball uniforms; Location: Oxford, Ohio

Happiness, priest, church Fortepan 22325

Happiness, priest, church Fortepan 22325

Tags: happiness, priest, church

Nádor utca 5. III. emelet. Fortepan 86308

Nádor utca 5. III. emelet. Fortepan 86308

Magyar: Nádor utca 5. III. emelet. Location: Hungary, Budapest V. Tags: Budapest Title: Nádor utca 5. III. emelet.

Rudolf Dührkoop - Johannes Obergethmann (1907) (KTHzB)

Rudolf Dührkoop - Johannes Obergethmann (1907) (KTHzB)

Deutsch: Johannes Obergethmann. Foto.

Rudolf Dührkoop - Philipp Schuberg (1907) (KTHzB)
Phi Delta Theta group portrait 1907 (3194390834)

Phi Delta Theta group portrait 1907 (3194390834)

snyder, 3245 Subject (TGM): Student organizations; Fraternities and sororities; Group portraits; Location: Oxford, Ohio

Rudolf Dührkoop - Fritz Laske (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Heinrich Herkner (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Hugo Koch (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Walter Laas (1907) (KTHzB)
Herbert ( in basketball uniform 1907 (3192697780)

Herbert ( in basketball uniform 1907 (3192697780)

snyder, 2847 Subject (TGM): Sports; Universities and colleges; Athletes; Basketball players; Basketball uniforms; Portrait photographs; Location: Oxford, Ohio

Sven Hedin Tibet

Sven Hedin Tibet

Sven Hedin i Tibet

Rudolf Dührkoop - Adolf Miethe (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Georg Scheffers (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Fritz Kötter (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Leo Grunmach (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Emil Lampe (1907) (KTHzB)
Portrait photograph of Stanley Emerson in basketball uniform 1907 (3194386610)

Portrait photograph of Stanley Emerson in basketball uniform 1907 (319...

snyder, 3222 Subject (TGM): Sports; Universities and colleges; Athletes; Basketball players; Basketball uniforms; Portrait photographs; Location: Oxford, Ohio

Soldier, officer, tableau, Japanese soldier, Hungarian soldier, Austrian soldier Fortepan 76739

Soldier, officer, tableau, Japanese soldier, Hungarian soldier, Austri...

Tags: soldier, officer, tableau, Japanese soldier, Hungarian soldier, Austrian soldier

Rudof Dührkoop - Maximilian Georg Zimmermann (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Carl Liebermann (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Eugen Meyer (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Heinrich Strack (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Max Grantz (1907) (KTHzB)
Wolf Voice - Cheyenne Chief

Wolf Voice - Cheyenne Chief

Original caption: "Wolf Voice, a Cheyenne Chief."

"Harry & H.M.R. at C.N.R. Elevator" (3805788670)

"Harry & H.M.R. at C.N.R. Elevator" (3805788670)

"Harry & H.M.R. at C.N.R. Elevator" Photograph of Harry Jones and Harold McMurrich Rathbun at a Canadian Northern Railway elevator. The photograph is one of a set taken on a trip across the prairies, immediate... More

Max Weber 1907

Max Weber 1907

Deutsch: w:de:Max Weber, Volkswirt

Herbert ( in basketball uniform 1907 (3192697780)

Herbert ( in basketball uniform 1907 (3192697780)

snyder, 2847 Subject (TGM): Sports; Universities and colleges; Athletes; Basketball players; Basketball uniforms; Portrait photographs; Location: Oxford, Ohio

Dog Fortepan 95317
Paul Fischer - Paul Komin, junger Herr mit Stehkragen und Krawatte (CdV 1907)

Paul Fischer - Paul Komin, junger Herr mit Stehkragen und Krawatte (Cd...

Deutsch: Paul Komin, junger Herr mit Stehkragen und Krawatte. Carte de visite. albumen printmedium QS:P186,Q580807, 6,5 × 11,0 cm.

Rudolf Dührkoop - Adolf Martens (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Johannes Stumpf (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Heinrich Ludewig (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Walther Mathesius (1907) (KTHzB)
Rudolf Dührkoop - Max Grantz (1907) (KTHzB) (cropped)
Johannes Trojan by Wilhelm Fechner, c. 1907

Johannes Trojan by Wilhelm Fechner, c. 1907

Portrait des deutschen Schriftstellers Johannes Trojan, ca. 1907

Edvard Munch - Self-Portrait at 53 Am Strom in Warnemünde - Google Art Project (cropped)
Fritz Matthies-Masuren
Miami University track team 1907 (3192594864)

Miami University track team 1907 (3192594864)

snyder, 2438 Subject (TGM): Sports; Universities and colleges; Track athletics; Athletes; Runners; Uniforms; Group portraits; Location: Oxford, Ohio

Richard Jones in basketball uniform 1907 (3192686978)

Richard Jones in basketball uniform 1907 (3192686978)

snyder, 2803 Subject (TGM): Sports; Universities and colleges; Athletes; Basketball players; Basketball uniforms; Portrait photographs; Location: Oxford, Ohio


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