Bericht der Oberhessischen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde (1879...
Title: Bericht der Oberhessischen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde Identifier: berichtderoberhe181879ober (find matches) Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Oberhessische Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde, G... More
Contributions à la flore de la Chine, comprenant les algues marines ré...
Title: Contributions à la flore de la Chine, comprenant les algues marines récoltées en Chine et les florules de Shang-hai, Tché-foû et Tien-tsin Identifier: contributionslaf00debe (find matches) Year: 1879 (... More
Four feet, wings, and fins (1879) (14594825839)
Identifier: fourfeetwingsfin00mask (find matches) Title: Four feet, wings, and fins Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Maskell, A. E. Anderson- Mrs Subjects: Zoology Publisher: Boston, D. Lothrop and Co Contribut... More
Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova (1879) (184124728...
Title: Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova Identifier: annalidelmuseoci15187980muse (find matches) Year: 1870 (1870s) Authors: Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova (Italy) Subjects: Natu... More
College Ste. Marie et Eglise du Gesu (1879) (14769343655)
Identifier: collegestemariee00coll (find matches) Title: College Ste. Marie et Eglise du Gesu Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Collège Sainte-Marie (Montréal, Québec) College de Quebec Subjects: Eglise du Gesu (... More
The art of grafting and budding (1879) (20328461512)
Title: The art of grafting and budding Identifier: artofgraftingbud00balt (find matches) Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Baltet, Charles, 1830-1908. (from old catalog) Subjects: Grafting Publisher: London, Macmil... More
The butterflies of North America (microform) (1879) (20431867509)
Title: The butterflies of North America (microform) Identifier: cihm_16552 (find matches) Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Edwards, William H. (William Henry), 1822-1909 Subjects: Butterflies; Butterflies; Lepidopte... More
A complete illustrated catalogue to the National Gallery (1879) (14597...
Identifier: completeillustra00blac (find matches) Title: A complete illustrated catalogue to the National Gallery Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Blackburn, Henry, 1830-1897 Subjects: Publisher: London : Chatt... More
Archives des missions scientifiques et littéraires (1879) (19565126038...
Title: Archives des missions scientifiques et littéraires Identifier: archivesdesmiss351879fran (find matches) Year: 1850 (1850s) Authors: France. Commission des missions scientifiques et littéraires Subjects... More
History of Vermilion County, together with historic notes on the North...
Identifier: historyofvermili00beck (find matches) Title: History of Vermilion County, together with historic notes on the Northwest, gleaned from early authors, old maps and manuscripts, private and official ... More
Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapal; zugleich ein Rep...
Identifier: mittheilungenausp10staz (find matches) Title: Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapal; zugleich ein Repertorium f©r Mittelmeerkunde Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Stazione zoologica di ... More
Post Office Edinburgh and Leith directory (1879) (14598331789)
Identifier: postofficeedinbu187980edin Title: Post Office Edinburgh and Leith directory Year: 1846 (1840s) Authors: Edinburgh & Leith Post Office Directory Limited Subjects: Publisher: Edinburgh : Postmaste... More
The Gardener's monthly and horticulturist (1879) (14597945258)
Identifier: gardenersmonthly211879phil (find matches) Title: The Gardener's monthly and horticulturist Year: 1876 (1870s) Authors: Subjects: Gardening Publisher: Philadelphia, Pa. : Charles H. Marot Contri... More
The illustrated atlas and history of Yolo County, Cal., containing a h...
Identifier: illustratedatlas00sanf (find matches) Title: The illustrated atlas and history of Yolo County, Cal., containing a history of California from 1513 to 1850, a history of Yolo County from 1825 to 188... More
Transactions of the Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeological So...
Identifier: transactionsofle514leic (find matches) Title: Transactions of the Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeological Society Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeologic... More
History of Steuben County, New York, with illustrations and biographic...
Title: History of Steuben County, New York, with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers Identifier: CUbiodiversity1484882 (find matches) Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: ... More
Correspondenz-blatt des Zoologisch-mineralogischen Vereins in Regensbu...
Title: Correspondenz-blatt des Zoologisch-mineralogischen Vereins in Regensburg Identifier: correspondenzbla331879zool (find matches) Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Zoologisch-mineralogischer Verein, Regensburg;... More
Itinera Hierosolymitana et descriptiones Terrae Sanctae - bellis sacri...
Identifier: p1itinerahierosoly1tobl (find matches) Title: Itinera Hierosolymitana et descriptiones Terrae Sanctae : bellis sacris anteriora (et) latina lingua exarata sumptibus Societatis Illustrandis Orienti... More
Meddelelser om Grønland (1879) (14783107015)
Identifier: meddelelseromgr2526denm (find matches) Title: Meddelelser om Grønland Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Denmark. Kommissionen for videnskabelige undersøgelser i Grønland Denmark. Kommissionen for ledel... More
Primienenie elektricheskago osvieshcheniia dlia voennykh tsielei - s c...
Identifier: primienenieelekt008800 (find matches) Title: Primienenie elektricheskago osvieshcheniia dlia voennykh tsielei : s chetyrmia listami chertezhei i politipazhami Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Chikolev... More
The image of the Cross and Lights on the Altar, in the Christian Churc...
Identifier: imageofcrossligh00dixouoft (find matches) Title: The image of the Cross and Lights on the Altar, in the Christian Church, and in heathen temples before the Christian era, especially in the British... More
The story of English literature for young readers (1879) (14803645263)
Identifier: storyofenglishli00lill (find matches) Title: The story of English literature for young readers Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Lillie, Lucy C. (Lucy Cecil), b. 1855 Subjects: English literature Publ... More
Botanisk tidsskrift (17871473681)
Bot. tuhslc 3 r. 3 hl. ( Journ. de hol. 3 s.3 vol.) Tab. III. 0,V. V2 3c Jl/r, ,/ .rorijeiiM'll JA VilUr.jh'Uth.lns,
Archiv des Vereins der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg.. (1...
Title: Archiv des Vereins der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg.. Identifier: archivdesvereins1879vere (find matches) Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Verein der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg... More
History of the Christian church from its origin to the present time (1...
Identifier: historyofchristi00blac (find matches) Title: History of the Christian church from its origin to the present time Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Blackburn, Wm. M. (William Maxwell), 1828-1898 Subject... More
Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapal; zugleich ein Rep...
Identifier: mittheilungenausp10staz (find matches) Title: Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapal; zugleich ein Repertorium f©r Mittelmeerkunde Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Stazione zoologica di ... More
Report and Transactions of the Glasgow Society of Field Naturalists (1...
Identifier: reporttransactio73glas (find matches) Title: Report and Transactions of the Glasgow Society of Field Naturalists Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Glasgow Society of Field Naturalists Subjects: Publis... More
The Congregational year-book (1909) (14580499429)
Identifier: congregational1909cong (find matches) Title: The Congregational year-book Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Congregational Churches in the United States. National council Subjects: Congregational Chur... More
The journal of Lieut. John L. Hardenbergh of the Second New York conti...
Identifier: journaloflieutjo00hard (find matches) Title: The journal of Lieut. John L. Hardenbergh of the Second New York continental regiment from May 1 to October 3, 1779, in General Sullivan's campaign aga... More
The story of English literature for young readers (1879) (14803650403)
Identifier: storyofenglishli00lill (find matches) Title: The story of English literature for young readers Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Lillie, Lucy C. (Lucy Cecil), b. 1855 Subjects: English literature Publ... More
A.G. Curtin vs. Seth H. Yocum. Contested election from the twentieth c...
Identifier: agcurtinvssethhy00kreb (find matches) Title: A.G. Curtin vs. Seth H. Yocum. Contested election from the twentieth congressional district of Pennsylvania. Contestant's brief Year: 1879 (1870s) Auth... More
Archives des missions scientifiques et littéraires (1879) (19757892281...
Title: Archives des missions scientifiques et littéraires Identifier: archivesdesmiss351879fran (find matches) Year: 1850 (1850s) Authors: France. Commission des missions scientifiques et littéraires Subjects... More
Catalogue des diatomées de l'île Ceylan (1879) (19956426953)
Title: Catalogue des diatomées de l'île Ceylan Identifier: cataloguedesdiat00leud (find matches) Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Leuduger-Fortmorel, Georges, 1803-1902 Subjects: Publisher: Saint-Brieuc, Librairi... More
Catalogue des diatomées de l'île Ceylan (1879) (19956414813)
Title: Catalogue des diatomées de l'île Ceylan Identifier: cataloguedesdiat00leud (find matches) Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Leuduger-Fortmorel, Georges, 1803-1902 Subjects: Publisher: Saint-Brieuc, Librairi... More
Contributions à la flore de la Chine, comprenant les algues marines ré...
Title: Contributions à la flore de la Chine, comprenant les algues marines récoltées en Chine et les florules de Shang-hai, Tché-foû et Tien-tsin Identifier: contributionslaf00debe (find matches) Year: 1879 (... More
The story of English literature for young readers (1879) (14803644673)
Identifier: storyofenglishli00lill (find matches) Title: The story of English literature for young readers Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Lillie, Lucy C. (Lucy Cecil), b. 1855 Subjects: English literature Publ... More
Town of Saugus Almshouse - March 1879 - December 1890 (1879) (14579077...
Identifier: townofsaugusalms00saug (find matches) Title: Town of Saugus Almshouse : March 1879 - December 1890 Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Saugus (Mass.) Subjects: Publisher: Saugus, Mass Contributing Libr... More
SHAW, Flora L. (1879) Castle Blair. A story of youthful days
Page 8 of Castle Blair. A story of youthful days Public domain scan - 19th-century botanical illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image
Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the co...
LEP. HET. PI. LIU. 3. V / I 10. 12. RlJintai-nS. A.H.Searle ded. Mintern Bi^os iinp. 1. Abraxa.s placida. 2.AlDra."xas plunlineata. 3.Lomaspilis opis. 4.Dei"oca pKasma. 5. Pachyligia dolosa. 6. Pa... More
Archiv des Vereins der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg.. (1...
Title: Archiv des Vereins der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg.. Identifier: archivdesvereins1879vere (find matches) Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Verein der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg... More
Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario 1879 (...
Identifier: journalslegis1879ontauoft (find matches) Title: Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario 1879 Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Ontario. Legislative Assembly Subjects: Ontario -... More
Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapal; zugleich ein Rep...
Identifier: mittheilungenausp10staz (find matches) Title: Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapal; zugleich ein Repertorium f©r Mittelmeerkunde Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Stazione zoologica di ... More
Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapal; zugleich ein Rep...
Identifier: mittheilungenausp10staz (find matches) Title: Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapal; zugleich ein Repertorium f©r Mittelmeerkunde Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Stazione zoologica di ... More
Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathema...
Identifier: sitzungsberichte78kais (find matches) Title: Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Kaiserl. Akademi... More
Studies on fermentation - the diseases of beer, their causes, and the ...
Identifier: studiesonferment00past (find matches) Title: Studies on fermentation : the diseases of beer, their causes, and the means of preventing them Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Pasteur, Louis, 1822-1895 F... More
The history of Clinton County, Iowa, containing a history of the count...
Identifier: historyofclinton00west (find matches) Title: The history of Clinton County, Iowa, containing a history of the county, its cities, towns &c., biographical sketches of citizens Year: 1879 (1870s) Au... More
The journal of Lieut. John L. Hardenbergh of the Second New York conti...
Identifier: journaloflieutjo00hard (find matches) Title: The journal of Lieut. John L. Hardenbergh of the Second New York continental regiment from May 1 to October 3, 1779, in General Sullivan's campaign aga... More
Bericht des Naturhistorischen Vereins in Augsburg (1879) (20357388302)
Title: Bericht des Naturhistorischen Vereins in Augsburg Identifier: berichtdesnaturh251879natu (find matches) Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Naturhistorischer Verein in Augsburg Subjects: genealogy Publisher: A... More
Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapal; zugleich ein Rep...
Identifier: mittheilungenausp10staz (find matches) Title: Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapal; zugleich ein Repertorium f©r Mittelmeerkunde Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Stazione zoologica di ... More
Nature's revelations of character; or, physiognomy illustrated. A desc...
Identifier: naturesrevelatio00simm (find matches) Title: Nature's revelations of character; or, physiognomy illustrated. A description of the mental, moral and volitive dispositions of mankind, as manifested ... More
The illustrated atlas and history of Yolo County, Cal., containing a h...
Identifier: illustratedatlas00sanf (find matches) Title: The illustrated atlas and history of Yolo County, Cal., containing a history of California from 1513 to 1850, a history of Yolo County from 1825 to 188... More
The story of English literature for young readers (1879) (14783455212)
Identifier: storyofenglishli00lill (find matches) Title: The story of English literature for young readers Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Lillie, Lucy C. (Lucy Cecil), b. 1855 Subjects: English literature Publ... More
Botanisk tidsskrift (17871467401)
Dansk: Botanisk tidsskrift / utgivet af den Botaniske forening i København.
College Ste. Marie et Eglise du Gesu (1879) (14769342795)
Identifier: collegestemariee00coll (find matches) Title: College Ste. Marie et Eglise du Gesu Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Collège Sainte-Marie (Montréal, Québec) College de Quebec Subjects: Eglise du Gesu (... More
Geology of the provinces of Canterbury and Westland, New Zealand, a re...
Identifier: geologyofprovinc00haas (find matches) Title: Geology of the provinces of Canterbury and Westland, New Zealand, a report comprising the results of official explorations Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: ... More
Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario 1879 (...
Identifier: journalslegis1879ontauoft (find matches) Title: Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario 1879 Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Ontario. Legislative Assembly Subjects: Ontario -... More
The Gardener's monthly and horticulturist (1879) (14804434533)
Identifier: gardenersmonthly211879phil (find matches) Title: The Gardener's monthly and horticulturist Year: 1876 (1870s) Authors: Subjects: Gardening Publisher: Philadelphia, Pa. : Charles H. Marot Contri... More
Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the co...
LEE HET. PI. LIX. 2. 3. 5. 6. 9. ./ .0. 12. 13. 14. 15. R.Mintern 4. A.H. Searle del. Mintem Bros 1. Samea butyrosa. 6. Hymenia tr-;color. 2. Samea magna. 7. O.igostigma corculina. 3. Samea usit... More
Primienenie elektricheskago osvieshcheniia dlia voennykh tsielei - s c...
Identifier: primienenieelekt008800 (find matches) Title: Primienenie elektricheskago osvieshcheniia dlia voennykh tsielei : s chetyrmia listami chertezhei i politipazhami Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Chikolev... More
The history of Warner, New Hampshire, for one hundred and forty-four y...
Identifier: historyofwarnern00har (find matches) Title: The history of Warner, New Hampshire, for one hundred and forty-four years, from 1735 to 1879 Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Harriman, Walter, 1817-1884 S... More
Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the co...
I,EP. HET. PI. LV. to. 12. f V# 4. 13. RMintai-nJ. A.HSeNi-le del. i. Anliclea. consangumea. 2. Coreinia livida. 3. Coremia frigida. 4-. Gidaria. con-iplicata. 5. Cidaria obscura. 6. Cidaria melancliol... More
Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the co...
LEP. HBT. PI. LVII. ^w 4. v../ 12. 10. R.Mint.«m\ A.H. Seaiie del. 1. Ble.ptina aegrota. 2. Bocana. tristis. 3. Mesopleclra lilacina. 4. Liocastra marganta. Minlem Bros imp . 5. Egnasia simplex. 9. ... More
Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the co...
LEP. HET. PI. XLI. H.Mmt«rT\,& A.Searle.del. 1. Cheerocampa suffusa. 4. Triptogon complacens. 2 . Cheerocampa. pallicosta-. 5. Acherontia medusa,. 3. Ti-iptogon roseipennis. 6. DiKidia discistriga. . 7. Di... More
Malakozoologische Blätter (1879) (14586480648)
Identifier: malakozoologi12187980menk (find matches) Title: Malakozoologische Blätter Year: 1854 (1850s) Authors: Menke, Karl Theodor, 1791-1861 Pfeiffer, Ludwig Georg Karl, 1805-1877 Subjects: Mollusks Pub... More
Wanderbuch - Handschriftliche Aufzeichnungen aus dem Reisetagebuch (18...
Identifier: wanderbuchhandsc00moltuoft (find matches) Title: Wanderbuch : Handschriftliche Aufzeichnungen aus dem Reisetagebuch Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Moltke, Helmuth, Graf von, 1800-1891 Bunsen, Georg ... More
Archives des missions scientifiques et littéraires (1879) (19745974912...
Title: Archives des missions scientifiques et littéraires Identifier: archivesdesmiss351879fran (find matches) Year: 1850 (1850s) Authors: France. Commission des missions scientifiques et littéraires Subjec... More
The Congregational year-book (1909) (14580508579)
Identifier: congregational1909cong (find matches) Title: The Congregational year-book Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Congregational Churches in the United States. National council Subjects: Congregational Chur... More
The Gardener's monthly and horticulturist (1879) (14784589085)
Identifier: gardenersmonthly211879phil (find matches) Title: The Gardener's monthly and horticulturist Year: 1876 (1870s) Authors: Subjects: Gardening Publisher: Philadelphia, Pa. : Charles H. Marot Contri... More
The journal of Lieut. John L. Hardenbergh of the Second New York conti...
Identifier: journaloflieutjo00hard (find matches) Title: The journal of Lieut. John L. Hardenbergh of the Second New York continental regiment from May 1 to October 3, 1779, in General Sullivan's campaign aga... More
Transactions of the Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeological So...
Identifier: transactionsofle514leic (find matches) Title: Transactions of the Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeological Society Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeologic... More
Das näturliche System der Elasmobranchier auf Grundlage des Baues und ...
Das näturliche System der Elasmobranchier auf Grundlage des Baues und der Entwicklung ihrer Wirbelsäule : eine morphologische und paläontologische Studie / von C. Hasse ; unter Mitwirkung der Herrn G. Born, H. ... More
Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the co...
LEE HF.T, PI XLVni. Mmtermdel A.\^ SeEirielith. V^ ^ "^ \^. ^^^^^§ ^ 6. n m f^ \ 9. 12. MintemB'roo imp. 1. Urapteryx veneris. 5. Bizia aexaria. 8. Boarmia agitata. 2. Thiopsyche pryeri. 6. Coryph... More
Annual report of the insurance commissioner (1879) (14595279850)
Identifier: annualreportofin2511mass (find matches) Title: Annual report of the insurance commissioner Year: 1855 (1850s) Authors: Massachusetts. Division of Insurance Subjects: Insurance Publisher: Boston... More
Budapest és környéke természetrajzi, orvosi és közmivelődési leirása -...
Title: Budapest és környéke természetrajzi, orvosi és közmivelődési leirása : Budapest főváros : a magyar orvosok és természetvizsgálók XX. nagy-gyülésére emlékül Identifier: budapesteskornye01gerl (find matc... More
Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of th...
Title: Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories Identifier: bulletinofunited5187980geol (find matches) Year: 1874 (1870s) Authors: Geological and Geographical Survey... More
Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapal; zugleich ein Rep...
Identifier: mittheilungenausp10staz (find matches) Title: Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapal; zugleich ein Repertorium f©r Mittelmeerkunde Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Stazione zoologica di ... More
Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapal; zugleich ein Rep...
Identifier: mittheilungenausp10staz (find matches) Title: Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapal; zugleich ein Repertorium f©r Mittelmeerkunde Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Stazione zoologica di ... More
The Gardener's monthly and horticulturist (1879) (14782226044)
Identifier: gardenersmonthly211879phil (find matches) Title: The Gardener's monthly and horticulturist Year: 1876 (1870s) Authors: Subjects: Gardening Publisher: Philadelphia, Pa. : Charles H. Marot Contri... More
The history of Warner, New Hampshire, for one hundred and forty-four y...
Identifier: historyofwarnern00har (find matches) Title: The history of Warner, New Hampshire, for one hundred and forty-four years, from 1735 to 1879 Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Harriman, Walter, 1817-1884 S... More
The illustrated atlas and history of Yolo County, Cal., containing a h...
Identifier: illustratedatlas00sanf (find matches) Title: The illustrated atlas and history of Yolo County, Cal., containing a history of California from 1513 to 1850, a history of Yolo County from 1825 to 188... More
The journal of Lieut. John L. Hardenbergh of the Second New York conti...
Identifier: journaloflieutjo00hard (find matches) Title: The journal of Lieut. John L. Hardenbergh of the Second New York continental regiment from May 1 to October 3, 1779, in General Sullivan's campaign aga... More
Transactions of the Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeological So...
Identifier: transactionsofle514leic (find matches) Title: Transactions of the Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeological Society Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeologic... More
Cuentos escogidos de los Hermanos Grimm (page 11 crop)
Cuentos escogidos de los Hermanos Grimm. Traducidos del alemán por José S. Viedma. Madrid, Gaspar, 1879.
Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the co...
LEP. HET. PL LVI. 5. 7. IM^ 6. WfW 2. y ~. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. R.Mintem?* A.H. Searle del. MinteniBros imp 1. Hypena zilla. 6. Hormisa cramboides. 11. Herminia piyeri. 2. Hypena. sc.,ualida. 7. ... More
Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the co...
LE.P HET. PI XLV. 'XiiSSii-- l.Miiiter-n del. A H. Sea,r-lr.itK. I Gerbatl-ia .psilori. 5. Pliisidia abrostoloides. 9. Nyctipacj Isetitia. 2. Gsrbatha angviaL-=i.. 6. Sdenis inira . lO.Poaphila mollis. 3. ... More
A complete illustrated catalogue to the National Gallery (1879) (14597...
Identifier: completeillustra00blac (find matches) Title: A complete illustrated catalogue to the National Gallery Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Blackburn, Henry, 1830-1897 Subjects: Publisher: London : Chatt... More
Bericht des Naturhistorischen Vereins in Augsburg (1879) (19743229574)
Title: Bericht des Naturhistorischen Vereins in Augsburg Identifier: berichtdesnaturh251879natu (find matches) Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Naturhistorischer Verein in Augsburg Subjects: genealogy Publisher: A... More
Contributions à la flore de la Chine, comprenant les algues marines ré...
Title: Contributions à la flore de la Chine, comprenant les algues marines récoltées en Chine et les florules de Shang-hai, Tché-foû et Tien-tsin Identifier: contributionslaf00debe (find matches) Year: 1879 (... More
History of Vermilion County, together with historic notes on the North...
Identifier: historyofvermili01beck (find matches) Title: History of Vermilion County, together with historic notes on the Northwest, gleaned from early authors, old maps and manuscripts, private and official ... More
Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario 1879 (...
Identifier: journalslegis1879ontauoft (find matches) Title: Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario 1879 Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Ontario. Legislative Assembly Subjects: Ontario -... More
Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapal; zugleich ein Rep...
Identifier: mittheilungenausp10staz (find matches) Title: Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapal; zugleich ein Repertorium f©r Mittelmeerkunde Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Stazione zoologica di ... More
Nature's revelations of character; or, physiognomy illustrated. A desc...
Identifier: naturesrevelatio00simm (find matches) Title: Nature's revelations of character; or, physiognomy illustrated. A description of the mental, moral and volitive dispositions of mankind, as manifested ... More
The illustrated atlas and history of Yolo County, Cal., containing a h...
Identifier: illustratedatlas00sanf (find matches) Title: The illustrated atlas and history of Yolo County, Cal., containing a history of California from 1513 to 1850, a history of Yolo County from 1825 to 188... More
The illustrated atlas and history of Yolo County, Cal., containing a h...
Identifier: illustratedatlas00sanf (find matches) Title: The illustrated atlas and history of Yolo County, Cal., containing a history of California from 1513 to 1850, a history of Yolo County from 1825 to 188... More
The netting book for guipure d'art, &c.. (1879) (14578597189)
Identifier: nettingbookforgu00rieg (find matches) Title: The netting book for guipure d'art, &c.. Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Riego de la Branchardière, Eléonore Subjects: Lace and lace making Netting Publi... More
The story of English literature for young readers (1879) (14597282437)
Identifier: storyofenglishli00lill (find matches) Title: The story of English literature for young readers Year: 1879 (1870s) Authors: Lillie, Lucy C. (Lucy Cecil), b. 1855 Subjects: English literature Publ... More
Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the co...
LEP.HET.Pl.XLVI. li^ ^^^1 4. 11. 1. H.Mmtej-n&AHSearle del. 1. Acontia maculosa. 5. Scedopla regalis. 2. Erastria stygia. 6. Pliisia Jessica. 3. Callopistria obscura. 7. Plusia mikadina. 4. Callopistr... More