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1845 maps

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1845 Chambers Map of Ancient Italy - Geographicus - ItalyAncient-chambers-1845

1845 Chambers Map of Ancient Italy - Geographicus - ItalyAncient-chamb...

This is an 1845 Map of Italy in the days of the Roman Empire. Political divisions are defined in outline hand color.

Newport Tithe c2 - Public domain vintage map
Land adjoining the Rideau Canal - Public domain old map

Land adjoining the Rideau Canal - Public domain old map

Sketch of land adjoining a portion of the Rideau Canal, shewing the extent of the basin and reservoir proposed to be formed … Français : Esquisse d’un terrain adjacent à un tronçon du canal Rideau en 1845.

Zürich um 1845 - Public domain vintage map

Zürich um 1845 - Public domain vintage map

Zürich um 1845. Aquatinta. Druck: Zürich, H. F. Leuthold, um 1922. 34 x 46 cm

Newport Tithe b1 - Public domain vintage map
Newport Tithe c1 - Public domain vintage map
Newport Tithe c3 - Public domain vintage map
BECHSTEIN(1845) p624 Plan von Prag - Public domain map

BECHSTEIN(1845) p624 Plan von Prag - Public domain map

Picryl description: Public domain image of a plan, map, park, birds' eye view, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Newport Tithe b2 - Public domain vintage map
1845 Chambers Map of Palestine - Israel - Holy Land - Geographicus - Palestine-chambers-1845

1845 Chambers Map of Palestine - Israel - Holy Land - Geographicus - P...

This is an 1845 Map of Palestine or Israel or the Holy Land. Depicts from the Dead Sea in the south to Tyre and Sidon on the north. Full of wonderful details referring to Biblical narrative. Published by Will... More

BECHSTEIN(1845) p562 Plan von Frankfurt a. Main

BECHSTEIN(1845) p562 Plan von Frankfurt a. Main

Public domain scan of a vintage map, plan, atlas, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Mapa com os projectos dos caminhos de ferro em 1845

Mapa com os projectos dos caminhos de ferro em 1845

Português: Mapa com várias linhas férreas em Portugal propostas por uma empresa britânica, em 1845. Estes planos não chegaram a ser concretizados devido a uma guerra civil nos anos seguintes, tendo a construção... More

Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou (1845) (14800086033)

Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou (1845) (14...

Identifier: bulletindelasoci181845m (find matches) Title: Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou Year: 1845 (1840s) Authors: Moskovskoe obshchestvo liubitelei prirody Subjects: Publishe... More

Louisiana 1845 - Public domain vintage map
The Forest Lodge Allotments on the Parramatta Road adjoining the Archdeaconry and near the City Boundary (Sketch book 4 folio 193) (14590116163)

The Forest Lodge Allotments on the Parramatta Road adjoining the Archd...

Series: Surveyor General's Sketch books. Title: The Forest Lodge Allotments on the Parramatta Road adjoining the Archdeaconry and near the City Boundary [Sketch bo... More

A map of the city of frankfurt, germany. Frankfurt Am Main-Freie Stadt Frankfurt-Plan-1845
Newport Tithe b3 - Public domain vintage map
Victor Jules Levasseur, Algérie, Colonie Française (FL13726098 2496097)

Victor Jules Levasseur, Algérie, Colonie Française (FL13726098 2496097...

Algérie, Colonie Française. Géographie... par V.Levasseur ; Illustré par Perrot et t Raimond Bonheur ; Gravé par Laguillermie et Rainaud.

Victor Jules Levasseur, Afrique (FL35469820 2370151)

Victor Jules Levasseur, Afrique (FL35469820 2370151)

Afrique. Geographie et Statistique de V. Levasseur, Ingenieur Geographe; Grave par Laguillermie; Illustre par Raimond Bonheur,Peintre.

10 of 'Dictionnaire géographique et statistique du Royaume de Belgique, etc' (11023647436)

10 of 'Dictionnaire géographique et statistique du Royaume de Belgique...

View this map on the BL Georeferencer service. Image taken from: Title: "Dictionnaire géographique et statistique du Royaume de Belgique, etc" Author: MEERTS, Charles. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 10271.g.... More

Hicks Island, Napeague Harbor -c

Hicks Island, Napeague Harbor -c

This is a historic map that is part of a comprehensive coastal survey, undertaken by NOAA (US Federal Government) from 1834-1845, focusing on the Long Island Sound area. This map is referred to as a 'T-sheet' ... More

New Physical, Political, Industrial and Commercial Map of Central America and the Antilles

New Physical, Political, Industrial and Commercial Map of Central Amer...

"New Physical, Political, Industrial and Commercial Map of Central America and the Antilles: With a Special Map of the Possessions of the Belgian Colonization Company of Central America, the State of Guatemala... More

1845 Michigan

1845 Michigan

  Flickr data on 2011-08-29: Tags: 1845 Michigan, historical map, Maps I have found from various university, government and sharing locales on the internet. License: CC BY 2.0 User: Marty Hogan

The Rhine; its scenery and historical and legendary associations (1845) (14784286312)

The Rhine; its scenery and historical and legendary associations (1845...

Identifier: rhineitssceneryh00hunt (find matches) Title: The Rhine; its scenery and historical and legendary associations Year: 1845 (1840s) Authors: Hunt, Frederick Knight, 1814-1854. (from old catalog) Sub... More

Newport Tithe a2 - Public domain vintage map
BECHSTEIN(1845) p514 Plan von Bremen

BECHSTEIN(1845) p514 Plan von Bremen

Public domain scan of settlement or building architecture plan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Nouveau plan de Paris ou guide des étrangers - Norman B. Leventhal Map Center, original
Karl Richard Lepsius, Generalkarte der Halbinsel des Sinai (FL35468080 2367113)

Karl Richard Lepsius, Generalkarte der Halbinsel des Sinai (FL35468080...

Generalkarte der Halbinsel des Sinai. Zur Erlaeuterung des Zuges der Israeeliten von Etham nach Horeb.

Chart of the coast of Brazil from Maranham to the River Plate RMG F0134

Chart of the coast of Brazil from Maranham to the River Plate RMG F013...

Chart of the coast of Brazil from Maranham to the River Plate Single sheet. Hand col. engr. Medium: 2 leaves joined. Scale: [ca.1:5 000 000 (lat)]. Contents Note: Slave trading centres are marked in red, Inset... More

Antoine Philippe Houze, Carte de la Terre Sainte depuis la deuxième croisade de 1149 a 1291 (FL37128212 3903579)

Antoine Philippe Houze, Carte de la Terre Sainte depuis la deuxième cr...

Carte de la Terre Sainte depuis la deuxième croisade de 1149 a 1291. Dressée sous la direction de A. Houzé.

John Rapkin, Asia minor (FL35868138 2714767)

John Rapkin, Asia minor (FL35868138 2714767)

Asia minor. Drawn and engraved by J. Rapkin.

Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou (1845) (14593586619)

Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou (1845) (14...

Identifier: bulletindelasoci181845m (find matches) Title: Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou Year: 1845 (1840s) Authors: Moskovskoe obshchestvo liubitelei prirody Subjects: Publishe... More

Carte des routes et des travaux du département des Basses-Alpes - 1845

Carte des routes et des travaux du département des Basses-Alpes - 1845

Français : Carte des routes et des travaux du département des Basses-Alpes

Victor Jules Levasseur, Amérique Méridionale (FL155317515 2511729)

Victor Jules Levasseur, Amérique Méridionale (FL155317515 2511729)

Amérique Méridionale. géographie et statistique par V. Levasseur ; Gravé par Laguillermie ; Illustré par Raimond Bonheur Peintre.

Carte géométrique et topographique du département du Puy-de-Dôme - 1845

Carte géométrique et topographique du département du Puy-de-Dôme - 184...

Français : Carte géométrique et topographique du département du Puy-de-Dôme

C. Copley, Jerusalem (FL6879500 2369780)
Johann Friedrich Röhr, Palaestina zur Zeit Jesu (FL200067078 2368999)
Victor Jules Levasseur, Amérique Septentrionale (FL13728059 2510384)

Victor Jules Levasseur, Amérique Septentrionale (FL13728059 2510384)

Amérique Septentrionale. Geographie et statistique de V.Levaseur. Gravé par Laguillermei ; Illustré par Raimond Bonheur Peintre.

1845 Williamsburg Map - Public domain vintage map

1845 Williamsburg Map - Public domain vintage map

A Map of the Village of Williamsburg, Kings County, NY, showing each lot of ground in said village, as laid on the assessment maps of the village, together with the new assessment number of each lot. The villa... More

Plan of the places in Edo destroyed by the fire that took place on Twenty-Fourth Day, First Month, Year of the Snake (15185916686)

Plan of the places in Edo destroyed by the fire that took place on Twe...

No known copyright restrictions. Please credit UBC Library as the image source. For more information, see Alternative Title: [Mi no toshi shōgatsu nijūyokka Edo tai... More

Palestine (FL36566193 3912998)

Palestine (FL36566193 3912998)

Palestine. By A:K: Johnston.

Araucania i sus habtantes - 143 - Public domain old map

Araucania i sus habtantes - 143 - Public domain old map

Español: Mapa de Ignacio Domeyko de la Araucania (1845)

Hicks Island, Napeague Harbor -b

Hicks Island, Napeague Harbor -b

This is a historic map that is part of a comprehensive coastal survey, undertaken by NOAA (US Federal Government) from 1834-1845, focusing on the Long Island Sound area. This map is referred to as a 'T-sheet' ... More

Route to India by John Rapkin 1845 G NS 018

Route to India by John Rapkin 1845 G NS 018

This file of Map of the rute to India by John Rapkin was donated to Wikimedia Commons by the National Library of Israelas part of a collaboration project with Wikimedia Israel. To view all images donated as ... More

Albrecht Platt, Karte von Syrien (FL49973380 4073120)

Albrecht Platt, Karte von Syrien (FL49973380 4073120)

Karte von Syrien. Lith. u. gedr. im geogr. lith. Institut v. Albr. Platt.

US Ex. Ex. route through Tuamotu Archipelago

US Ex. Ex. route through Tuamotu Archipelago

Русский: Карта движения кораблей экспедиции Уилкса через архипелаг Туамоту.

Stadtplan frankfurt am main 1845 - Public domain map

Stadtplan frankfurt am main 1845 - Public domain map

Crop of historical drawing of 1845, city of Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany, focus on old Jewish cemetery from 1180, Judengasse, Judenmarkt

Admiralty Chart No 1076. Part of the NE Coast of Australia by Phillip P. King Commander RN 1819 20-21 Sheet 2. Additions and corrections by Lieut. Roe RN to 1829 and by Captain Blackwood 1845. RMG F9080, Published 1824

Admiralty Chart No 1076. Part of the NE Coast of Australia by Phillip ...

Chart of part of the NE Coast of Australia by Phillip P. King Commander RN 1819 20-21 Sheet 2. Additions and corrections by Lieut. Roe RN to 1829 and by Captain Blackwood 1845. Scale: circa 1:700,000. Claremon... More

Newport Tithe a3 - Public domain vintage map
Map of Bhurtpoor - Public domain vintage map

Map of Bhurtpoor - Public domain vintage map

Public domain scan of a vintage map, city plan, atlas, cartoghraphy, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

John Rapkin, Overland route to India (FL6881718 2513715)

John Rapkin, Overland route to India (FL6881718 2513715)

Overland route to India. The Illustrations by H. Warren & Engraved by J. H. Kernot ; The map drawn & engraved by J. Rapkin.



This is a historic map that is part of a comprehensive coastal survey, undertaken by NOAA (US Federal Government) from 1834-1845, focusing on the Long Island Sound area. This map is referred to as a 'T-sheet' ... More

William Home Lizars - Caithness Shire 1845 parish map

William Home Lizars - Caithness Shire 1845 parish map

Caithness Shire map with parish boundaries, also published in the The New Statistical Account of Scotland, Vol. XV, William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh and London 1845

Chart of the cruising of Her Majesty's Sloop Bittern of 16 guns between latitude 14 degrees 00 ' and 24 degrees 10' S. Longitude 34 degrees 00' and 42 degrees 30' E. RMG F0184

Chart of the cruising of Her Majesty's Sloop Bittern of 16 guns betwee...

Chart of the cruising of Her Majesty's Sloop Bittern of 16 guns between latitude 14 degrees 00 ' & 24 degrees 10' S. Longitude 34 degrees 00' & 42 degrees 30' E.Single sheet. Col. ms. Medium: Linen-backed pape... More

Newport Tithe a1 - Public domain vintage map
Plan von Jerusalem nach den Untersuchungen. 1845

Plan von Jerusalem nach den Untersuchungen. 1845

Deutsch: Plan von Jerusalem nach den Untersuchungen / von Dr. Ernst Gustav Schultz, ... mit Benutzung der Pläne von Sieber und Catherwood und der Berichtigungen von Robinson und Smith. Gezeichn ; von Heinrich Kiepert

Karte und Höhenprofil Ludwig Kanal - Public domain map

Karte und Höhenprofil Ludwig Kanal - Public domain map

Deutsch: Karte und Höhenprofil des Ludwig-Donau-Main-Kanals. Scan aus dem Buch „Der alte Kanal – damals und heute“ wobei die Karte nur eine Reproduktion aus dem Buch „Pittoreske Ansichten des Ludwig Kanales“ v... More

Frédéric-Guillaume Laguillermie, Colonies Françaises (en Afrique) (FL6882871 2493605)

Frédéric-Guillaume Laguillermie, Colonies Françaises (en Afrique) (FL6...

Colonies Françaises (en Afrique). géographie et statistique par V. Levasseur ; gravé par Laguillermie ; illustré par Raimond Bonheur.

Karl Richard Lepsius, Spezialkarte der Kloster-und Stadt-Ruinen von Faran im Palmengrunde am Fuss des Serbael (FL35468052 2367114)

Karl Richard Lepsius, Spezialkarte der Kloster-und Stadt-Ruinen von Fa...

Spezialkarte der Kloster-und Stadt-Ruinen von Faran im Palmengrunde am Fuss des Serbael. Zur Erlaeuterung der wahren Lage des Sinai und Horeb..

Carl Ferdinand Weiland, Juda und Israel (FL45582285 3918398)
Araucania i sus habitantes - 147 - Public domain old map

Araucania i sus habitantes - 147 - Public domain old map

Español: Geografía Física de las provincias de Chile (1845).

Newport Tithe Map - Public domain vintage map
Carte du département de la Gironde dressée pour la statistique de ce département - 1845

Carte du département de la Gironde dressée pour la statistique de ce d...

Français : Carte du département de la Gironde dressée pour la statistique de ce département

Map of the country copied from Hale's map of N. E. with railroad route from Boston to Lake Champlain - through Keene, N. H. (10144267463)

Map of the country copied from Hale's map of N. E. with railroad route...

Zoom into at Publisher: Sharp, William Comely Date: 1845 Location: Massachusetts, New England, New Hampshire, Vermont Dimensions: 33 x 62 cm. Scale: [ca. 1:500... More

Robert Seaton, Seaton's Map of Palestine or the holy Land with part of Egypt (FL199985995 2369035)

Robert Seaton, Seaton's Map of Palestine or the holy Land with part of...

Seaton's Map of Palestine or the holy Land with part of Egypt. Engraved on Steel by Josiah Neele.

Victor Jules Levasseur, Asie (FL32702695 2485792)

Victor Jules Levasseur, Asie (FL32702695 2485792)

Asie. Géographie... par V.Levasseur; Gravé par Laguillermie; Illustré par Raimond Bonheur.

Antoine Philippe Houze, Carte de la terre Sainte jusqu nos jours (FL37128218 3903583)

Antoine Philippe Houze, Carte de la terre Sainte jusqu nos jours (FL37...

Carte de la terre Sainte jusqu nos jours. Dressée sous la direction de A. Houzé.

Bytown - 1845 - Public domain vintage map

Bytown - 1845 - Public domain vintage map

Sketch of Bytown to accompany the clerk of works letter dated May 19, 1845. Bytown (now Ottawa), sketch map showing land lots purchased by the government Français : Esquisse de Bytown accompagnant la lettre d... More

Land Belonging to Nicholas Sparks - Public domain map

Land Belonging to Nicholas Sparks - Public domain map

Map of land belonging to Nicholas Sparks Français : Carte d’un terrain appartenant à Nicholas Sparks

Nouveau plan de Paris ou guide des étrangers - Norman B. Leventhal Map Center
SantoTomasdeCastilla - Public domain vintage map

SantoTomasdeCastilla - Public domain vintage map

Fragment of "New Physical, Political, Industrial and Commercial Map of Central America and the Antilles: With a Special Map of the Possessions of the Belgian Colonization Company of Central America, the State ... More

Carl Christian Franz Radefeld, Neueste Karte von Arabien (FL35865367 2491682)

Carl Christian Franz Radefeld, Neueste Karte von Arabien (FL35865367 2...

Neueste Karte von Arabien. Entworf. u. gezeich. v. Radefeld.

Palestine (FL42861663 3923123)

Palestine (FL42861663 3923123)

Palestine. Drawn & Engraved by J. Gellatly.

Raymond Bonheur, Europe (FL33132630 2521891)

Raymond Bonheur, Europe (FL33132630 2521891)

Europe. géographie et statistique par V. Levasseur, Gravé par Laguillermie ; Illustré par Raimond Bonheur peintre.

J. & C. Walker, Grecian Archipelago (FL35071873 2531761)

J. & C. Walker, Grecian Archipelago (FL35071873 2531761)

Grecian Archipelago. (Ancient) . by William Smith ; Engraved by J. & C. Walker.

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